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You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. Albert Einstein

Part 1 - Keep in Mind - Guidelines of Answer Writing: Sociology (Mains) 2013

~ Team Vision IAS


Answer Writing

Answer Formatting

Word Limit

Time Management

Important Points

Answer Writing:
a) While writing an answer, refrain from reproducing all that you know on a given topic (question). Read
the question properly, organize the points you have in mind with reference to the question .
Expression should be clear, and write in short paragraphs.


Current examples can be given to substantiate a point/argument, but one should not burden oneself
in remembering facts, data, statistics. A broad general idea would suffice:
ex: Pro-democracy movements against authoritarian regimes in Middle-east;
Tokenism in dalit consciousness and identity in the state of U.P.
Increasing rate of crime against women in the affluent green-revolution belt of India;
Skewed sex - ratio in north western India.

c) Diagrammatic representation of a point/idea helps in making your answer appear more structured
and organized. They can be made use of mainly at 2 places:


In writing an answer dealing with forms, types:


In writing answers where you are required to compare, contrast:




Theories of Power

Constant Sum

Variable Sum View

Weberian Analysis

- Functionalist
- Pluralist

E Durkheim


Max Weber

Protestant Ethic &


Spirit of Capitalism

Elementary Form of Religion (Primitive)

- Study of Religion in Modern Western Society

Positivistic Study

- Interpretive Study / Comparative Study

Source of Social Order/Solidarity (Collective Conscience)

- Source of Social Change



d) You may write less, but do not write irrelevant points, just to increase the length of your answer.
In a long paragraph underline the important -word/concepts.

e) In the answers ,do not elaborate on an example ,taken from general-studies. Write the example in
a line or two, to substantiate a point mentioned by you.
e.g. The Land Acquisition and R &R Bill 2011, is an attempt to reconcile development with livelihood
issues of tribals/small-marginal farmers.

f) In the section on social change avoid writing judgemental or value-loaded conclusions. The
conclusion should be a balanced one, highlighting the problems inherent in a transitional society (traditional
modernity; developing -developed) and at the same time focusing on the positives like, expanding middle-class,
heterogeneity of elites, increasing participation of women in education and employment, proliferation of
voluntary organizations and NGOs as signs of depending democracy, laws reflecting changing value-systems.

g) Your answers in both the papers should reflect theoretical understanding as well as the ability to
mention (apply ) a current example either as validation or rejection of the theory/point given by you. However,
do not give a detailed description of the example.

Answer Formatting:
The trend has been to break up a 60 mark long question into 30 / 15 marks question.

30 Marks:
a) The answer can be divided into 3 broad parts:
In the introduction, you can very briefly define/describe the theme of the question.{ (3-4) sentences}.
In the following (successive) paragraphs, you need to focus on what has been asked in the question (whether
to critically examine, comment, discuss, distinguish).
Keep each paragraph short and specific. Do not make a paragraph very descriptive in its content. It may
adversely impact the quality of the answer as it may lead to over-emphasis on one aspect to the neglect of
others. You can also run out of time, and not be able to give a proper conclusion to your answer. In each
paragraph, you can underline the key-word, emphasizing the theme of the paragraph.
As social reality is too complex to be viewed through the lens of one theory solely, therefore in the
concluding paragraph make sure that you highlight that any theory though of great huerestic impact can
only partially explain social reality around us.



15 Marks:
a)Make a distinction between a sub-part of a long question (15/20marks) and a short note. Short notes
are open ended questions which do not explicitly ask for evaluate; analyze; distinguish; list; examine; which
would otherwise be stated explicitly in these questions.
The pattern of answering therefore remains the same as a 30 mark question; (3 broad parts).
However, one needs to be more economical with the words used in each paragraph, without impacting the
content .

Short Note:
a)In a short note, one can begin with an introduction of 2 sentences. The introduction should not be vauge,
and must be direct and specific.
e.g. Gender as a form of stratification : Do not begin with what is stratification , directly define the concept of
In a short note , you can discuss the source, types, examples (studies/current)and criticism. In the criticism,
include one or two critical views.


Words (approximately)






300-350 (framing the answers in 400-500

Words or more words may lead to marks penalty)

The word-limit is simply an indication of the length of an answer, according to the marks allotted to it. If one
far exceeds the word-limit one may face a problem with managing ones time .



There a limit to which you can score in one particular answer, but if you attempt all the question (5 divided into
approximately 15 sub-parts) the sum total adds up to a lot more.




9 min





Short Notes



a) As one has to write around 14-15 answers in 3 hours, time-management is the key to writing a good paper.
If you dont stick to the time frame, completion plus maintaining quality in all the answers would be a
b) One tends to spend a lot of time on the first question. This would mean a complete mismanagement of
time, stick to the time-frame from the first question itself.
c) The time allotted for each answer should be judiciously used. You can always give 2-3 minutes within the
allotted time to organizing your points before attempting an answer. This should be especially done in
questions which require you to compare/contrast or critically examine.

Important Points:
a) On the day of the examination, give 5 minutes to choosing the three questions you need to attempt apart
from the compulsory questions. (1, 5). The selection could be done on the basis of:

How well and clearly you understand the question.

ii) Your own level of preparation and level of comfort in writing on a particular topic.
b) Most importantly do not be in a rush, while attempting the paper. Those 3 hours are yours, express yourself
on a question chosen by you in the most coherent/logical manner.

c) Do not try to load your answers with too much of facts, data, recent surveys and statistics. Write what
you known in an organized manner within the time-limit. The answers written by you, should make for
pleasurable reading for the examiner. It should not come across as a jumble of ideas.



d) There is always a possibility of there being shifts or variation in the pattern of the paper as compared to last
year. In that case, you must not panic. You must begin with questions that you know well. It will help you in
maintaining your confidence, as you write the paper.

e) Questions that you are not very sure of, do not write a lot to justify that you known enough.

Just stay focused on the task at hand in those 6 yours. The best focus and flow comes when
one is only moderately anxious (a natural corollary of an examination day) If you are highly anxious or if you
enter the hall with any baggage of previous years performance (either a very high score or below ones
expectations), it may just wash away your months of hard-work done in Sociology. Invest all your energies in
analyzing the questions well and not your performance.


"You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed
is, so is your destiny."~Brihadaranyaka Upanishad



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