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Layering with Sketchbook express

Grade 3

National Visual standards and Nets

VA:Cr1.1.3a - elaborate on an imaginative idea
VA:Cr1.2.3a - Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate
personal ideas through the art-making process.
VA:Cr3.1.3a- Elaborate visual information by adding details in an artwork to enhance
emerging meaning.
VA:Cn10.1.3a - Develop a work of art based on observations of surroundings.
Iste Standards1c

local standards
I can use foreground, background, and middle ground in art
I can use geometric and organic shapes in art.
Rational and Goals for this Unit:
After learning about Yin Xiuzhen and Lin JinJing students will create a digital layered piece of art
using organic and geometric shapes and foreground, middle ground, and background.
Big Idea- Memory- is what we remember from the past. Students will look at works of art
created by Yin Xiuzhen and Lin JinJing and talk about how these artists created pieces that
represent memory. Students will then think back to their favorite memories. I will ask What
makes us remember some things but not others? Why are some memories clearer than
others? Students then will share some of their favorite memories with each other. They will then
be asked to create a landscape of one of their favorite memories. I will share with them my
landscape of the Lake of the Ozarks and why I chose it. Digital thinking and new media is
connected to the big idea by the student will be placing themselfs back in the memory from long
Essential questionsWhat is a Memory?
What is your most cherished Memory?
How can we recreate our Memories?
In what ways would you change the memory and why?
Knowledge base and Key conceptsI can use foreground, background and middle ground in art.

I can use organic and geometric shapes in art.

I can create a layered art piece
Yin Xiuzhen - A contemporary Chinese artist born 1963 in Beijing, China. She works with
recycled materials to create works of art that deal with Memory.
Portablie City - https://www.artsy.net/artwork/yin-xiuzhen-yin-xiu-zhen-portable-city-melbourne
Thoughtt - http://www.pacegallery.com/artists/520/yin-xiuzhen
Project 92- https://www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/1031?locale=en
Suitcases http://en.cafa.com.cn/yin-xiuzhen.html
Lin JingJing- Born in 1970 in Fuzhou, China.
Public memory numer 2 https://www.artsy.net/show/de-sarthe-gallery-you-i-among-us-1
GlossaryForeground - In a piece of art, the object that is closest to the viewer, it is typically located
towards the bottom of the page.
Middle ground- The object in a piece of art that is in the middle of the piece.
Background- The image that is usually located towards the top of the paper, and is behind the
main subject in a piece of art.
Layering- - When images are digitally stacked upon one another.
Memory- What is remembered from the past.
I can create a layered piece using organic and geometric shapes
I can create a layered piece about memory using foreground, background, and middle ground
Unit and Lesson Vignette
Day 1Introduce the big idea of memory. As students enter the room they will be asked what is a
memory? They will answer this question using google classroom. After all students, have
responded, we will discuss what a memory is. Students will ponder the following questions and
respond in a variety of ways using think pair share, and teacher led question and answer. Why
do some memories stand out more than others? Why do we not remember everything? What
are some of your favorite memories? Do you have anything that reminds you of something. For
example: (Share personal memory that is sparked by a personal item. I will show students a
stuffed animal dinosaur) This reminds me of the day my dad and I spent together before I went
to college. We went to build a bear and made this dinosaur. ) Students will then turn to their
table partner and share a memory.
Closure- As you line up, and walk back to your classroom. I want you to think about why you
chose to share the memory that you shared. Next time you come to Art, I would like you to bring
with you a item that sparks a special memory for you.
Day 2 (This might possibly run into day 3) Students will start off sharing with their table groups the item that they brought in and what
memory it sparks for them. I will choose three to four students to share with the class.

Next students will participate in a VTS discussion of Portable cities.

Introduce both artist Yin Xiuzhen and Lin JingJing. Yin Xiuahen is a contemporary Chinese
artist born 1963 in Beijing, China. She works with recycled materials to create works of art that
deal with Memory. Students will view the below art works and discuss how the artist is using the
idea of memory through the Kagan strategy of number heads. (Students work in table groups;
each table spot is assigned a number. All students will discuss the question being posed. I will
call on a number 1-4 to stand up. If the number two is called, then each table group will have the
student sitting in the table spot number two stand up. Then each person standing will share their
groups responses.)
Thoughtt - http://www.pacegallery.com/artists/520/yin-xiuzhen
Project 92- https://www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/1031?locale=en
Suitcases http://en.cafa.com.cn/yin-xiuzhen.html
We will then look at the artist Lin JingJing- Born in 1970 in Fuzhou, China and his piece of art
know as Public Memory Number 2 https://www.artsy.net/show/de-sarthe-gallery-you-i-amongus-1
(We are not spending as much time discussing this artist. But I want students to see how his
piece Public Memory Number 2 is a different medium then what Yin Xiuzhen is using. This piece
was then combined with other artworks from other artist to form a collective artwork. ) Ask
students to use the numbered heads strategy to answer the following How does Lin JingJing
use the big idea of memory? How are the two-artist similar? How are they different?
Day 3Share with students art assignment video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cARuUPWsPfw
(Students have already learned about foreground, background and middle ground.) Using white
computer paper students will plan one of their own personal memories. Students will need to
use foreground, background, and middle ground in their art. It will also be important to review
organic and geometric shapes with students.
Today you will plan out a landscape of one of your favorite memories. (Check to make sure
students remember what the word landscape means.) Demo how to create landscape out of
construction paper, along with making a plan. You will be creating this landscape out of paper.
You will need to plan what your background paper color will be. Think about what you are going
to use paper for, and what you are going to use construction paper crayons for. Students will
make plan, select paper, and share with teacher to check for understanding.
Day 4 & 5Review standards, and create background piece. Pass back planning sheets to students. Each
student will be given their background color paper. Then a stack of construction paper will be
placed on each table. Review with students to first draw then to cut out of the construction
paper. Remind students to cut from the sides of the paper, and not the center. Students will also
have access to construction paper crayons. (If a student would like to use a different material,
they may. They will just need to get approval from the teacher first.)
Day 6-

Photo day- Students will be recreating their memory. Students may dress and bring props in for
their photo. Working in pairs students will use the IPad to take a photo of one another, in the
pose that was similar to when the memory happened. Students will need to take a still photo. If
they are moving in the photo, then it will cause the photo to be blurry. After taking the photos, as
a class we will watch the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=lZW31cO8nPk&t=1s I will then ask if the students have any questions. Students will then
open sketchbook express on the IPad and layer themselves into their art. The how-to video will
be placed on google classroom. At any point in time, students can revisit google classroom to
help them with the layering piece.
Day 7 & 8
Review netiquette, show students how to sue SeeSaw and upload art to SeeSaw. After
uploading art students will write an artist statement. Students view each others artwork and
artist statements. Students will then respond to each others work and give feedback in the form
of wowies and what ifs. Students will also be asked to respond to the memory that their
classmate has created. When giving feedback, I want you to look to see if the artist statement
does a good job of explaining the artwork and the memory. When giving your wowies and what
ifs I want you to think about any questions that you might personally have about the memory
they are talking about. Or any suggestions that you can give them to help them with the creation
of their memory. For example- share with students my example of jumping into the lake with the
artist statement that I wrote. Next ask students What things did I do well, what things could I do
better, what questions do you have for me? Tell students Now that you have completed your
memory, I want you to go home and share what you created with a family member, or friend
who was there with you on the day the memory happened. Make sure you share not only the
artwork but also your artist statement. Ask them to tell you what they remember from that day
that the memory took place. They may also have questions for you about what you remember. It
would be helpful to write down questions that they have for you, and any differences in what you
both remember.
Day 9 & 10
Prior to, today students should have talked to the person that they shared the memory with. Ask
students How was the way you remembered the memory different then how someone else
remembered the memory? Students will then be given time to share their response to this
question with their table partner. Next the students will be asked In what ways would you
change this memory and why? Students will also use think pair share to answer this question.
You have been given feedback from peers on things you did well and things you could change,
you have also talked to a person that you shared the memory with to see if you both
remembered it the same way. You now have the opportunity to change your memory and
transform it. It could be transformed to include something you left out. For example, in my
picture there was always boats driving past our lake house. I would like to include boats in the
lake. Or maybe when you think back to that memory there is something that you wish you would
have done differently. You will have today and next art class to transform your artwork, and re
layer yourself into the piece. (Often a student will say that they dont need to make any
changes. I could also see a student feeling like the mastered the project. If this happens I have

a alternative assignment. For these students, they will select a image of a person out of the
magazine and cut them out. They will then create a new background for the person using fore
ground, background, and middle ground. For example; a picture of a person walking down the
beach in shorts and a t shirt could be transformed to a person walking down the street in a snow
Day 11
Students will upload their new creation to SeeSaw. Students will then write an artist statement
about what they created and what changes they made to their piece. Students will then give
each other feedback.
Formative- Google docs and forms will be used throughout the assignment to check for
understanding. While students are creating, I will talk to students to see what they are thinking
and to give feedback throughout the assignment.
Local proficiency scales will be used to assess foreground, background, and middle ground.
Along with organic and geometric shapes. Students will be assessed on days 7 and 8 while they
are uploading their art to SeeSaw. I will leave them feedback in the form of wowies and what ifs
on SeeSaw. In private we will talk about the grade they received.
Local Proficiency scales

I use
level 2
I can
1.1 I can create art using Demonstrat and
with support
geometric and organic
create art
understandi in art.
ng with

1.3 I can use

or organic

background in art.

I can use
I create art

I can explore
different kinds of
I can
create 3D
shapes in drawing
or painting.

Example of art work and artist statement

Example of art piece using construction paper, and sketchbook x layering.

Example of artist statementOne of my favorite memories was going to the Lake of the Ozarks. Every weekend we would
travel to the lake and stay at our lake house, that was on the main channel. Growing up we had a
giant concrete dock that included a swim dock. Across from our house there were only trees. My
brother and I loved jumping off the dock, and we usually took our first plunge Easter Weekend.
The dock is in the foreground, I am in the middle ground, and the trees are in the background.
Being that our lake house was located on the main channel there was always a ton of boats going
up and down the lake in front of our house. Going forward I would like to add boats into the
background portion of my artwork.
Example of alternative project
The below example was created by a student. She chose the photo of the three women. She then
cut the image out and created a new background, telling a new story.

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