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1. Many children, youth, and adults are innocently exposed to pornography,

but a growing number of both men and women are choosing to view it and
are drawn back repeatedly until it becomes an addiction. These individuals
may desire with all of their hearts to get out of this trap but often cannot
overcome it on their own. How grateful we are when these loved ones choose
to confide in us as parents or a Church leader. We would be wise not to react
with shock, anger, or rejection, which may cause them to be silent again.
Linda S. Reeves April 2014 General Conference Protection from
Pornography A Christ-Focused Home https://www.lds.org/generalconference/2014/04/protection-from-pornography-a-christ-focused-home?

2. We as leaders are also greatly concerned about the spouses and families of
those suffering from pornography addiction. Elder Richard G. Scott has
pleaded: If you are free of serious sin yourself, dont suffer needlessly the
consequences of anothers sins. You can feel compassion. Yet you should
not take upon yourself a feeling of responsibility for those acts. Know that
you are not alone. There is help. Addiction recovery meetings for spouses are
available, including phone-in meetings, which allow spouses to call in to a
meeting and participate from their own homes.
Linda S. Reeves April 2014 General Conference Protection from
Pornography A Christ-Focused Home https://www.lds.org/generalconference/2014/04/protection-from-pornography-a-christ-focused-home?

3. Addictions often begin subtly. Addictions are thin threads of repeated action
that weave themselves into thick bonds of habit. Negative habits have the
potential to become consuming addictions.
These binding chains of addiction can have many forms, like pornography,
alcohol, sex, drugs, tobacco, gambling, food, work, the Internet, or virtual
reality. Satan, our common enemy, has many favorite tools he uses to rob us
of our divine potential to accomplish our mission in the Lords kingdom.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf April 2014 General Conference Are You Sleeping Through
the Restoration? https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/are-yousleeping-through-the-restoration?lang=eng

4. I know that you can escape the controlling influence of the evil one, and the
repressive chains that bind your life. That relief will require you to accept a
solution that is likely foreign to your current personal experience. It will

require you to exercise faith in a Father in Heaven who loves you. While you
may not understand why now, you must trust that the Savior has given His
life so that you can make the required changes in your life, changes that will
bring peace and the illusive success that always seem beyond your reach.
Believe that you can overcome the depressing environment in which you live
by trusting that there is a better way. You must seek the help of others who
understand and live that better way, even though you cannot see it now. This
will require you to learn and obey the teachings of the Lord. Once you have
fully committed yourself to that change, you will find that it is not as difficult
as it now may seem.
Richard G. Scott - October 2002 General Conference To Be Free of Heavy
Burdens https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2002/10/to-be-free-ofheavy-burdens?lang=eng

5. If you have felt impressions to be free of burdens caused by yourself or

others, those promptings are an invitation from the Redeemer. Act upon them
now. He loves you. He gave His life that you may be free of needless burdens.
He will help you do it. I know that He has the power to heal you. Begin now.
Richard G. Scott - October 2002 General Conference To Be Free of Heavy
Burdens https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2002/10/to-be-free-ofheavy-burdens?lang=eng

6. If you are trapped and there seems to be no way out, remember what Robert
Frost taught, The best way out is always through. (From A Servant to
Servants.) You must face the challenge and conquer it. The way through is
based on faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His commandments. It is the
only way to permanently cure damage to mind and spirit caused by
unrighteous acts. It also provides healing, within the bounds of eternal law, to
a body devastated by the effects of transgression.
Richard G. Scott October 1992 General Conference Healing Your Damaged
Life https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1992/10/healing-your-damagedlife?lang=eng

7. You may have found that change is hard. But know you can do it. You may
wonder why you are not believed when you decide to change from a life of
disobedience to one of integrity and compliance to truth. Recognize that it
takes time to build a reputation that overcomes the effects of past deliberate
decisions to deceive and to take advantage of othersbut it is worth it.
Richard G. Scott October 1992 General Conference Healing Your Damaged
Life https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1992/10/healing-your-damagedlife?lang=eng

8. Pornographic or erotic stories and pictures are worse than filthy or polluted
food. The body has defenses to rid itself of unwholesome food. With a few
fatal exceptions, bad food will only make you sick but do no permanent harm.
In contrast, a person who feasts upon filthy stories or pornographic or erotic
pictures and literature records them in this marvelous retrieval system we
call a brain. The brain wont vomit back filth. Once recorded, it will always
remain subject to recall, flashing its perverted images across your mind and
drawing you away from the wholesome things in life.
Dallin H Oaks - April 2005 General Conference Pornography"

9. Some have suggested that pornography should be a separate question in

the temple recommend interview. It is already. At least five different
questions should elicit a confession and discussion on this subject if the
person being interviewed has the spiritual sensitivity and honesty we expect
of those who worship in the house of the Lord.
Dallin H Oaks - April 2005 General Conference Pornography"

10.Children are exploited, and their lives are severely damaged. The minds of
youth become warped with false concepts. Continued exposure leads to
addiction that is almost impossible to break. Men, so very many, find they
cannot leave it alone. Their energies and their interests are consumed in their
dead-end pursuit of this raw and sleazy fare.
Gordon B. Hinckley October 2004 General Conference A Tragic Evil Among
Us https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2004/10/a-tragic-evil-among-us?

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