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The Army Dress Uniform: Dressing for Success

Posted on February 25, 2016 (https://www.lowvarates.com/va-loan-blog/the-army-dress-uniform-dressing-forsuccess/) by Sarah Keenan (https://www.lowvarates.com/va-loan-blog/author/sarah-keenan/)

It was 1778. The colonists living in America had just entered a war against Great Britain and were amassing
an army to battle their sovereign nation. At first, the ragtag group of soldiers did not resemble an army in the
slightest. They were not only untrained and unorganized, but each was wearing a medley of clothes from his
previous occupation as a farmer, preacher, or tradesman. George Washington, general of the Continental
Army, was asked by Congress to create a uniform for the soldiers. A year later, after consulting Thomas
Webbs A Military Treatise on the Appointments of the Army for ideas, Washington directed his soldiers to
wear blue coats with various coverings for the different state troops. The blue Continental Army uniform
became the first Army Service Uniform. Find out how it formed the basis for the Class A Dress Uniform
used by the army today.

Origins of the Dress Uniforms Style and

(http://www.lowvarates.com/va-loan-blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/The-Evolution-of-the-United-StatesArmy-Uniform-Timeline.jpg)The early uniforms were heavily influenced by the British and French militaries.
They consisted of a simple dark blue coat with cuffs. However, a shortage in blue cloth in 1812 forced the
army to start experimenting with white, tan, and green uniforms as well as the traditional blue. Trousers were
also added to the uniform in the 1820s. They were made of a wool cloth called kersey, which was coarser and
cheaper than the cloth used in the uniform coats. Therefore, when the uniforms were dyed, the trousers were
always a lighter shade than the jacket.

From Combat to Ceremony

During Washingtons lifetime, the Army Service Uniform was used as both a dress uniform and a combat
uniform. However, as new specialized field uniforms were created that were better suited for combat, the
uniform became more ornate. Various patches and badges acquired during service were added to the uniform
jacket, and other accessories like gold cuff links and white dress gloves were used. Eventually, the Army
Dress Uniform (http://www.army.mil/asu/) was restricted to formal use and nowadays is worn primarily at
public and official functions.

Back to Blue
In 1950, the military wore green service uniforms in order to differentiate themselves from the civilians using
surplus Army uniforms from World War I. These dress uniforms were criticized as looking un-military and
suit-like in appearance. The army responded to the input and in 2015, brought back the blue dress uniform,
reminiscent of Washingtons original design. For men, the modern dress uniform consists of a blue coat,
trousers, a long-sleeved white shirt, and a black tie. Women in the military wear a blue coat, a long- or shortsleeved shirt, a neck tab, and a skirt or slacks. Like the original blue uniforms used by the Continental Army,
the new uniform jacket (http://www.stripes.com/news/dress-greens-out-dress-blues-in-for-army-1.82189) is a
deeper blue than the trousers, or slacks.

The Army Dress Uniforms Legacy

The Army Dress Uniform is not an inconsequential set of
embellished clothing; it is a symbol of the determination,
bravery, and sacrifice of the active military members and
veterans who have served our country. It is a reminder of
the cause great enough to prompt impoverished colonists
to join together and fight against a seemingly insurmountable force. Furthermore, it is a call for citizens and
military alike to return to our national roots and band together despite differences in race, religion, or political
opinion. The next time you see a soldier wearing the Army Dress Uniform, remember the uniforms legacy
and make an increased effort to exemplify the qualities it represents.
Low VA Rates is a company dedicated to honoring veterans and active military members who wear the Army
uniform by helping them save money by getting the lowest possible rates on home loans. For more
information, visit our website (http://www.lowvarates.com/) or give us a call to talk to a representative today.
Posted in Featured (https://www.lowvarates.com/va-loan-blog/category/featured/), Military History
(https://www.lowvarates.com/va-loan-blog/category/military-history/)Tagged History of War
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