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Briana Calloway

Women Lawyers Continue to Lag Behind Male Colleagues
In this article, Rikleen focuses on women in the legal field. She describes different
reasons for the gap in pay between men and women within law such as failed womens
initiatives, continued loss of females wanting to go into law, and how women are working harder
for less money. In comparison to other fields, equality in law still remains to be achieved and has
stagnated for multiple reasons. Rikleen describes how women still lag behind men in
compensation and presence within leadership roles in which she termed it a gender gulf rather
than a gap. She also notes where womens initiates have failed, and therefore do not inspire
women to enter the field or stay in it. In addition, womens initiatives within law practices focus
primarily focus on relationships and networking rather than fixing the barriers for women within
the institution. The failed initiates blame women for their own shortcomings. Statistics in
compensation still remain to be different and women continue to receive less credit. The overall
data suggests that women work harder but with less opportunity and reward.
This article gives the reader basic information on why there is a gap between men and women in
law. It also gives the reader insight into the specific reasons behind the gulf. Since the author is
a woman in law, I believe this validates her argument in some respects because she likely
experienced it herself. However, I do not think that this text was biased in any way due to the
large amount of statistics that were used throughout the points.
Overall, I enjoyed reading this article because it was so specific to my area of interest. I thought
it gave an interesting perspective to the problem of misrepresentation of females within law. In
addition, it invokes thought about how this gender gap has persisted and what keeps women from
pursuing those higher positions. This article also offers valid statistics on this subject which I
will likely use later on.
Stiller Rikleen, Lauren. "Women Lawyers Continue To Lag Behind Male Colleagues." Women
Lawyers Journal 100.4 (2015): 23-40. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.

Briana Calloway

"Women in Law: Where Are They." The American Lawyer Daily. The American Lawyer. ALM
Media Properties, LLC, 1 Aug. 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

Briana Calloway
Biology at Work: Rethinking Sexual Equality
This text focuses on the differences between men and women in all fields of work.
Browne adds a biological perspective to the ongoing debate on sexual equality. Instead of merely
focusing on the problems in the workplace, Browne inserts an evolutionary perspective on the
different discriminatory problems that persist in the workplace. Browne argues that a
conversation about gender equality in the workplace is not complete without taking into account
the biological differences as well. In chapter six specifically, the chapter about gender gap in
compensation, Browne outlines the differences in pay between men and women as well as this
can translate into its own type of discrimination. The author also talks about the different
contributors to this issue as well as the future predictions on the subject.
This specific chapter ties in a scientific viewpoint and results from multiple studies into
the argument for gender equality. Therefore, I think this is a reliable, non- biased source of
information. The author validities the points with multiple studies and information as well as
opinion under every subheading. This chapter is also very thorough when explaining the
subheadings and explains some possible reasons why gender gap exists and persists.
In the beginning of this chapter, there were multiple statistics on the difference between
compensation for men and women that can be very useful in the future. This source also helped
me define exactly what gender gap in compensation was and gave me statistical evidence to
validate that term. This source will allow me to give some scientific reasons for the gap between
men and women when it comes to wage discrimination. Overall, this source was heavier on the
statistics and scientific evidence than the other sources, which will prove useful in the future.
Browne, Kingsley. Biology at Work: Rethinking Sexual Equality. Piscataway: Rutgers
University Press, 2002. Web. 3 Oct. 2016

Duckworth, Tammy. "Closing the Gender Pay Gap." The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 12 Apr. 2016. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Briana Calloway
A Double-Edged Sword: Twenty-First Century Workplace Trends and Gender Equality
In this article, Eikhof describes the reasons behind the gender pay gap between men and
women although womens salaries have improved, so have mens. Therefore, the difference
between the two persists into the 21st century. She describes how women are misrepresented in
high level jobs and are well represented in lower paying jobs that involve menial work. This text
also explores the common held beliefs as to why this gap exists. In addition, the author adds the
current trends in recent years concerning the issue and how they may be able to achieve equality.
For example, a shift towards independent knowledge-based work, modern technology allowing
employees to work from home, and debates as well as support for a better work- life balance.
The authors criticism of 21st century trends, that are similar to trends of the past is evident
in this article. Overall, this article is mainly objective, but there is also an obvious element of
opinion. Its also important to note that this article is not written about the United States, but
rather the UK, and surrounding countries. Although it does not give the reader statistics about the
U.S., it can give a global perspective on the issue. It is also important to note that this article is
based on modern and recent information while some other studies are based on information from
more than a decade ago. This article also discussed modern trends that may fix the issue, while
others simply define and describe the compensation gap.
I thought that this article was very interesting when it talked about the solutions to the
gender gap in compensation. Specifically, I thought it was interesting that the gender gap is being
impacted by a new trend of employers hiring people that focuses on their specific talents, and
how well they use their intellect rather than how much physical strength they possess. Although
there are also downsides to the new, gender equal methods of employment, like the struggle to
network and sell oneself, it is still and interesting topic of research. I think that this will prove
useful to me in the future in my research report.
Eikhof, Doris R. "A Double-Edged Sword: Twenty-First Century Workplace Trends and Gender
Equality." Gender in Management: an International Journal. 27.1 (2012): 7-22. Print.

Briana Calloway
Morrow, William. "10 Tips to Improve That Boring Business Blog." The
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 28 June 2016. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Huffington Post.

Briana Calloway
Accounting for the Gap: A Firm Study Manipulating Organizational Accountability and
Transparency in Pay Decisions
This text takes an organizational approach to the wage gap in compensation between
different groups of people. Specifically, this journal was about a study conducted to show
whether accountability and transparency within businesses can be a way to reduce or eliminate
the compensation gap between men, women, and minorities. The study showed that the
accountability did prove to increase pay for women and minorities within the surveyed business.
Also, transparency in how people were payed after the new policies were introduced also had an
impact on accountability.
This article is about a study done on a set of 9,000 employees within a large private
company. Therefore, I think that my ability to personally apply this to my research will be
limited though the application of transparency in businesses could be a possible solution in the
research report. Also, this text offers a wide perspective on the topic of wage discrimination. My
primary highlight of this text is the idea of have accountability within a business concerning their
employee compensation as a means of equalizing wage.
Overall, I thought that this article was very informative on a researched way to solve the
compensation gap, and offers a possible solution to the issue: making businesses accountable. I
also thought that the idea that making businesses accountable for how they compensate their
employees based on their gender or nationality was very interesting and easily achieved.
However, it is somewhat discouraging to know that businesses can get away with discrimination
if they are not accountable, and will only fix the problem when there is a possibility of getting in
legal trouble for it. I do think that the premise behind this study was a good idea. Through
accountability and transparency in businesses we can become more aware of these issues.
Castilla, Emilio J. "Accounting for the Gap: a Firm Study Manipulating Organizational
Accountability and Transparency in Pay Decisions." Organization Science. Print.

Briana Calloway

Berardelli, Gene. "The New York Law Blog." The New York Law Blog. Sean C. Hayes, 22 Aug.
2016. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

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