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Student: Example

Date Implemented:
Date for Plan Review:

To be implemented by: General Education Teacher

Preferred Reinforcers: Attention (from both peers and teachers).
Student will cry/scream in the form of a tantrum when not given an item or activity he/she
is seeking. He/she will do the same to escape a demand or difficult task.
Student will enter peers personal space (either their body or personal items) until they
give him a reaction.
Student will give verbal or physical threats when angry with a peer or teacher.
Function of Behavior:
To attain item, activity
To gain attention
Escape from demand - To avoid difficult tasks
Student will categorize behaviors into different levels and differentiate between
accidents, intentional behaviors, and verbal/physical threats.
Student will learn to gain attention using only positive behavior.
Antecedent Intervention:
Three levels of behavior:
Level 1 - Anything that is an accident is categorized here (including lack of impulse control such
as blurting, but able to correct behavior after a warning). Student should apologize for any
accidents that affect others. Student should correct behavior. If he/she choses to continue,
this can become a level 2."
Level 2 - Anything intentional (ie. showing disrespect or noncompliance). Student should correct
behavior after teacher says, Thats a two."
Level 3 - A level 3 behavior includes either not being able to correct behavior from level 2,
physical aggression, or verbal and physical threats
If student gets 3 points, he/she should be immediately sent to the office. The teacher should call
to the office to indicate that the student is on his way down for 10 minutes. When he/she is in
the office, a timer should be set when the student is in the time-out room with a closed door. If

the timer goes off and the student is still not calm, the office administrator should reset the timer
to 5 minutes and repeat until the student has sat calmly for a minimum of 3 minutes. While the
student is in isolation for negative behavior, no adult should enter the room to engage with the
student. If the student refuses to go to the office, the ESS coordinator or principal can be called
to escort the student to the office without engaging with the student in conversation. If the
student is sent to the office three times in one day, he/she should spend the rest of his day in
the office.
All commands or numbers should be given without emotion or engaging in conversation. If the
student would like to discuss further about why a three was given, the teacher can engage
after the timeout in the office was enforced.
All points will carry between specials, class, and recess. If he is on a 1 or 2, the teacher will
indicate this to teachers when dropping the students off to specials class. The teacher will radio
to any teachers on recess duty if Hayward begins a recess with a number.
Reinforcement Procedure:
Teaching Procedure for Replacement Behavior:
Social Skill Instruction: The student will meet with the E.S.S.
coordinator 1x/week for social skill instruction based off of classroom
Sensory-input: The student gets 1, 15 minute sensory break each day
with the E.S.S. coordinator. The stuent has also been given a wiggle chair
and a band at the bottom of his desk to push against with his feet.
Positive behavior sticker chart: With each subject where the student
successfully shows respect, compliance, and impulse control, he/she gets
a sticker on the sticker chart. When he/she finishes a row, positive
attention is given (with either the E.S.S. coordinator or the principal). The
student should not lose any stickers for negative behavior.
Positive attention: The student should be given lots of positive attention
from teachers when displaying appropriate behavior. When the student is
doing well in class, the teacher can call the E.S.S. coordinator or the
principal to congratulate and give positive attention to the student while
he/she is in class. This student enjoys when adults see him/her being
Data Collection: Number of times sent to the office each day.

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