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Dustin Bell

Dec. 10, 2016

This I Believe
1. Patient autonomy should stop when the patient is no longer
oriented to the situation enough to understand the
consequences of their actions, choices or impulsivity. This I
believe because Medical staff are trained to ask specific
questions to gauge patient orientation to place, self, date,
situation, etc. If the patient is deemed unfit to make decisions, a
psychiatric consult is then required by law. While this is not
perfect I believe that patient autonomy should be evaluated on a
case by case basis by a diverse and qualified ethics board which
of coarse would ethically defer to the next of kin.
2. Medical research should belong to no individual or entity and
should be considered public domain. I still believe this because
when it comes to solving the great problems of our time more
perspectives means more opportunity to solve these problems. I
especially believe this regarding medical research because within
medicine we are ethically bound to help people. Which would in
turn mean that any helpful information is by ethical standards
belonging to humanity.
3. Genetic testing for the future should be readily available to
better inform people of possible problems they may be more
likely to face whether it be hereditary illnesses or the possibility
of passing such illnesses on to their offspring as a result of the
parents genetic combination. I believe this because as our
population grows we will be burdened with more and more
healthcare related expenses as a society. If we can lessen that
burden based on prevention we have an ethical obligation to do
4. Egg and sperm donation should be no more regulated (other
than testing for STIs, or other health-related concerns) than
natural procreation. I believe this because any two people of the
opposite sex can procreate without any outside involvement at
any time. Ive added to this in that I now believe that once any
egg or sperm is donated the donor relinquishes any rights to that
reproductive donation preventing any ethical dilemma pertaining
to custody.
5. Abortion should be a choice. I believe this because I believe that
science and science alone should govern how we govern.
Religion is diverse and people of religion should follow their
particular religions view on such things if they so choose. But
that should not limit those who choose to see a fetus as another

biological entity that is going to require vast amounts of

nurturing, time, money, goods and services, an education, etc.
6. Treating or terminating fetuses that are sure to live lives of
severe difficulty should be decided on a case-by-case basis. The
decision to treat should be examined by the parents, medical
professionals, mental health professionals and financial
professionals who can help the parents reach a fully rounded
decision based on all of the facts at hand. I believe there is no
rule that can ethically cover this type of situation.
7. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should only be
considered as an alternative to hospice or palliative care. I
believe this because once deemed as appropriate to receive
comfort measures with death being the plan of care, a comfort
measure more suitable to some may be a planned death.
8. Payments to organ donors to their families should be strictly
forbidden. I believe this because I firmly believe it is healthcares
mission to heal and help first and foremost. The commodification
of organs is ethically wrong and leads to mistreatment of less
fortunate peoples.
9. Allocation of healthcare should not be considered on a persons
ability to pay. But I do believe it should be considered regarding
age and quality of life. This issue goes back to assisted
euthanasia in the healthcare setting. Many elderly would prefer
this to continuing treatment because they themselves dont feel
that their quality of life is worth the trouble. I believe this
because I see it all the time working in a hospital.
Medical research for women should be no different from
that of men with exception of anatomical differences. No social
factor should be considered and all financial details should be
considered on the basis of fair and equal consideration. Ive
added to this belief in that I feel special interest needs to be paid
to the differing chemical makeups between the genders. I believe
this because of obvious fluctuations that differ. I also believe that
separation of the sexes during research should be considered as
part of many variables. I believe this because one drug may
affect a man differently than a woman and vice versa.
Healthcare for minorities should be no different with
exception of genetic group specific illness. Sickle cell in African
American men for example. I believe this because I feel race is
irrelevant mostly.
Those with AIDS/HIV should be aware of the risk they pose
to others and be accountable for those risks. They should not be
preyed on by pharmaceutical companies and should be allowed
to live the fullest lives possible through whatever medical means
will allow. I believe this because many people have much more

deliberate self-induced illnesses that arent viewed with as much

stigma as HIV/AIDS.

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