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ENGL 2116

Chapter 5 Exercise 2
Original Headings

CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds on Chlamydia

The GYT: Get Yourself Tested Campaign
National HIV and STD Testing Resources
STD Awareness Resource Site

Questions Headings

What are CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds on Chlamydia?

Have you gotten yourself tested?
Do you need some resources on HIV and STD testing?
Are you aware of STD's?

Short Sentence Headings

Here Are the CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds on Chlamydia.

It Is Time To Get Yourself Tested.
The CDC Has Resources on the National HIV and STD Testing.
Check Out This STD Awareness Resource Site for More Information.

Which is better?
I think the question headings is the more appropriate for the intended audience because they will
be more receptive to the question headings. If they read the question and think it pertains to
them, then they can continue to read and gain more information on the question they answered.
The purpose of the letter is to provide information on STD's and other resources. The question
headings help to get this information across to the intended audience by grabbing their attention
with the question.

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