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Assessment of Project #2 Shelbey Devine and Grayson Collins

The strengths in this project were that we had a significant amount of prior knowledge and
understanding of the time period, since WWII is so heavily studied and we had recently had to
cover the time period in a few other projects in this and other classes. We were diligent as a team
in our attempts our verify sources, as well as finding new information (or at least new to us).
In completing this project, we faced similar issues as in the first project, because the posters we
are studying were from the same time period as The Kiss picture we studied in project 1.
These posters were almost as iconic as the picture, so we faced issues of mass reproduction of
the images which made it difficult to find the locations and further information on the originals.
Principles & Technology Skills we have Learned and Improved Upon
We added experience to our technology and research skills. As far as principles learned, we
deepened our understanding of citing web resources, as we had to dig for further information
on how to properly cite these websites and online articles that we used.
Group Members Contributions to this Project
Our group worked on everything together. Throughout the project, I would research and she
would type or vice-versa, sometimes on difficult to find pieces, we would both research
simultaneously for the information we were looking for. We both contributed writing pieces
within each document for this project and research for specific aspects of the project. For this
last part of the project, Shelbey worked this assessment with verbal inputs from Grayson, and

Grayson did most of the initial editing on the final paper through Shelbey looked over it after
she finished as well.

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