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Jayon Woodard

LBST 2102-338
December 14, 2016

Final Reflection Piece

Various contributions, both positive and negative, intermingle amongst each other to
develop many of the societies we see today. Ideally, the contributions and blend of societies
would develop a powerful sense of knowledge within society, promoting a unity that thrives
through the accumulation of culture. But this is not necessarily always the cause. The mixture of
beliefs often ends in a violent encounter, resulting in a significant loss of culture. Indigenous
societies are a prime example of this centuries long occurrence, particularly those societies in
Africa. Interactions between African indigenous societies and French colonialism represents a
success of societal merge, but an incredible amount culture loss.
Dating back to the late 18th Century, French Colonialism could be seen starting to emerge
in Africa. These interactions were greatly mixed; whether being violent from tribal resistance or
guided with a sense of force and necessity from religious tensions, they were in no way an equal
relationship. Many events came along with the attempts of religious conversion, events such as
kidnapping and destroying villages all under the jurisdiction of a higher power.
The forceful impediment of the French onto the indigenous people of Africa resulted in a
nation mixed with an underlying French decent within the 21st century. Many people within
Africa now speak French fluently, and the Catholic Religion is far more prominent. The
integration of French culture is obviously evident within the continent, but at the cost of
indigenous culture. Before the foreign encounter many indigenous tribes had incredible
relationships with their ancestors, enormous appreciation for the land, and more sense of unity.
Because of the variety of cultural influences brought in from the French (besides religious), the
country has been distinctively changed. Old rituals and concepts have been lost; medicines, tools,

Jayon Woodard
LBST 2102-338
December 14, 2016

and possible significant topics that could be benefit current society all have been impacted due to
One cannot say whether or not the impediment of another culture would have been
beneficial or detrimental to the development of a culture. War and violence is bound to reach a
culture regardless of foreign intervention, but the loss of culture cannot be determined.
Globalization has been an important factor in the development of many nations, considerably for
the United States. Perhaps globalization is essential for the progression of the nations, regardless
of the positive or negative influences that comes with it. In order to preserve the past and
diminish the destruction of culture, countries have to be cognizant of the outcomes of war and
violent. War is not simply defeating another enemy, but defeating the enemy also ties to the
ancestors of the past. Intelligence, religion, and ways of life are all harshly wiped out as a result
of war. Globalization needs to be equal exchanges of culture between multiple societies in order
to preserve the past and promote a successful culture, more powerful than the individual parts.

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