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MARCH 2010



3 ……………………………………………………….. What’s the Meaning in Your Message

4 ………………………………………………………………………… Spiritually Segregated

5 …………………………………………………………………………….. Seize the Moment

6 …………………………………………………………………...…….. Love Someone Today

7 …………………………………………………………………….… Idealogical Moratorium

8 ……………………………………………………………...…… A Perversion of the Gospel

11 ………………………………………………….…………………………………. Fail Better

12 ……………………………………………………………………...…. How We See Others

13 …………………………………………………………………..... Terror By Another Name

16 ……………………………………………………………………………… Keep Dreaming


What’s the Meaning in Your


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

Too many of us try to give sermons to others We all have something to give, something
rather than be a sermon. We’re more take from the sermons of life. But too often
concerned with perception than practice. we’re too busy thinking about ourselves and
what we need to do than listen to the
The sermon I have tried to preach is one meaning of the message.
where you leave knowing that you are
accepted, respected and appreciated. Even if What’s the meaning of your message?
we disagree, this is my mission. One reason
is due to my own experiences of not being
accepted, respected or appreciated. It’s a
lonely feeling that can leave you desperate
and anxious. No longer should you allow
yourself to feel this way.

Now before I continue allow me to say that I

can only come at this through my own
experiences. As a son of a preacher, great-
grandson and great-nephew of preachers I
can only say that I’ve been blessed to have
been born into such a tradition, although I’m
not seeking to be in the pulpit.

Your sermon should be one that leaves a

person with so much self-respect,
introspection and confidence that motivates
you to go out and do the same for others.
Your sermon should motivate you when you
motivate others. No matter what they believe
spiritually, politically, emotionally or socially,
you can easily see them for who they are
beyond what they are and know that they too
have a sermon to deliver.

What is the meaning of your message?

Is it the example you give by the way you

speak to someone?

Is it the way you avoid the opportunity to

serve someone with the proxy of “It’s none
of my business”, knowing they’re hurting?

Spiritually Segregated

Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

I'd like to pose a question to everyone and The Questions

hope you can provide an honest and
respectable response to this question. 1) Why isn’t there more diversity in our
churches, synagogues, mosques or
I ask it to first survey your thoughts, ideas temples?
and suggestions on what I believe is one of
the contributing factors in what is ruining 2) Should churches, synagogues, mosques
the world. I don't want to be and temples begin instituting cultural
misunderstood, because I know it isn't the diversity ministries and sensitivities
only factor, but it has absolutely training?
contributed to the various declines in
human decency and moral sensibilities in 3) What will you do to answer these
history until today. question?

Now I personally know that there are

various instances of diversity in worship, so
I'm not referring to all churches,
synagogues, mosques or temples. But the
words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. remain
true when he said that "11 o'clock on
Sunday morning is the most segregated
hour in America".

When you consider how we worship

today, regardless of the day, time, place or
method of worship it's often segregated or
sparsely integrated. This is not exclusively
to any one race, religious belief or

So I say all of this to ask three questions

that I hope doesn't get me stoned or
vanished to a virtual Isle of Patmos.
Perhaps I need to just look towards the
ground and write these questions in the

Seize The Moment


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

Be present where you are. Don’t miss the

moment. The point is to appreciate where you are
today over where you’re trying to be
How many times have you found yourself tomorrow. There's so much I want to
occupied with something or someone only accomplish in life and sometimes feel I
to later realize how much you’re missed? may never get there, but you have to
sometimes encourage yourself. Regardless
For those who are parents. How often have of your belief or disbelief, tomorrow is not
we found ourselves caught in the routines promised to you. Today could be your last.
of our lives before we discover our child
now don’t have time for you? You can’t be Finally, seize the moment to forgive. Oh
mad at them, because they’re only giving the things I could say on this, but won't at
you what you gave to them. this time.

When something reminds you of that lost Forgive beginning with yourself.The
love one, whether it is a parent, sibling, countless mistakes I've made... quit putting
family member, neighbor, co-worker, yourself through Hell for the hellish things
church member or friend, but you were too you've done. The things people know and
busy with your life to consider the lives of those no one or one or two may know. Ask
those around you? for forgiveness, be sincere about it. Then
go and do good.
Take the time to talk to people; think about
others, even when they don’t think about I know it's more to that and it's not that
you. Seize the moment, because it may be simple, but you get my point. Before I
your last. conclude I ask that you seize the moment
to forgive others and ask others for
Offer a sincere love, a genuine friendship. forgiveness. Don't allow the opportunity to
Let people know you’re thinking of them pass you by because it may never come
now, not later. again. Then what could you say when or if
you did not forgive.
Contact someone who has inspired you
and encourage them. Thank the person(s) I can keep going, but I just wanted to share
who made a difference in your life and let this thought with you today. Share it with
them know that you appreciate them. Have others.
a conversation with someone you haven’t
spoken to for awhile about whatever Don't let news of financial recession be the
comes to mind. Give your child a gift of recession of your mind. Stimulate your life
your time, attention, acknowledgment and by investing in the moment.
Love is Free. Spend it Today.
Love someone for no reason.

The same goes for your spouse, girlfriend/

boyfriend, parents, siblings, family, friends
and anyone who offers you their time.

Love Someone Today


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

One of the things my father taught me by

example is just that, to be the example. Far
too often we get caught up in our daily
routines that we forget to enjoy the

When everyone around you, whether it is

in your own house, job, school or
somewhere else is projecting some
measure of negativity, counter it with
positivity. I know it's not always easy, but
become the leader.

You don't have to be upset, moody or

depressed because someone else chooses
to. Just like a bad attitude can be
contagious, so is a good one. So spread it
to everyone you come in contact with
today. If you want to be the leader, then
lead by example.

Love is free, so be generous when you give


Ideological Moratorium

Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

What would happen if there was an proclaim are so wrong, so unjust is when
ideological moratorium? you can begin to see their humanity.

Republicans & Democrats had no issues, I continue to find the truth in this one
Religious & Non-Religious had no issues or statement by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that
the Religious & Religious had no issues, I will quote again.
You easily could embrace someone
regardless of they were straight, gay, “We are all caught in an inescapable
lesbian, bi-sexual or transgendered. network of mutuality; I can not be what I
Racism were no more, bigotry was just ought to be until you are what you ought
apart of yesterdays history and to be.”
discrimination was nothing more than a
fascinating mystery. Once we concern ourselves with what’s
right instead of just being right, then
I'm not asking you to give up what you change will begin.
believe, but allow a period of time where
you step back from your own ideology, We all are guilt of what Dr. King
beliefs, affiliations, in fact your own called ,"The Drum Major Instinct". This is
thoughts, ideas and suggestions about a the need we have to be right, recognized,
particular subject and sincerely allow the noted, admired or aligns ourselves with
ideas of your opposition to flow into your what’s popular or socially expedient. I too
realm of consideration. What do you think am fearful of failure and rejection,
would happen? although I’m comfortable and well
acquainted with it now I still find myself
Once we begin to stop trying to convert wanting to take the easy route.
people to your views and take a moment
to recognize everyone’s humanity and The final point I want to leave with you is
honestly appreciate their ideals, perhaps one that I continue to work to perfect.
we can move towards where we want to When you’re willing to give someone a
be as an individual, a community, a nation chance, more often they’re willing to give
and world civilization. Then we can begin you a chance. Disagree with my positions,
to end the age old conversations, debates beliefs or ideology, but when you unclench
and contentions that have remained your ‘fist’ that’s when we can walk hand-
between us. Racism, religion, class, in-hand towards change and a better day
economics, education, politics and together and not divided.
relationships will not an issue. Without
taking an ideological moratorium, this is So ask yourself and others, what would
just an allusion of a liberal utopian happen if there was an ideological
dreamer. moratorium?

When we stop trying to slice and dice the Give me your ideas. If you can.
facts in a way that we appear on the side of
truth and justice and how the people you

A Perversion of the Gospel


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

Quick Note: An interesting link to an article because that’s what so many are doing
was sent to me with a message that asked me these days and have done yesterday and
for my thoughts about it. They knew I would sure will continue doing tomorrow.
have something to say about it, so here it is. I
apologize for its length, but I had to say what I Glenn Beck has been urging those who
felt should be said. You can add your own two
listen to his radio show to leave churches
cents, but this is at no charge.
that use the words “social justice”. How he
associated social justice and economic
justice to communism and Nazism is
beyond me, but this is Glenn Beck we’re
talking about. So the ridiculous is logic.

The absurdity of it all would be laughable

if he wasn’t serious. The implications of his
absurdity and absolute ignorance would
not be a factor if it wasn’t for the silence of
his employer FOX News. This is not even
political, so those who are prone to
disagree with me for political reasons must
check that at the door. This is not even
about race, so those who are prone to
I know some of the friends of friends who
argue with me on grounds of something
may see this may choose to get upset, but I
you don’t truly understand must leave that
personally for once don’t care because
at the door as well. This is essentially what
Glenn Beck is an idiot. Now this is not
is wrong with politics, religion and race
really news, but let me tell you why before
relations; people misleading others, a
those who choose to get upset start
strong history of mistrust, apprehension to
emailing and commenting on what I’ve
conversation and the perversion of truth.
said to see if you really want to align
yourself up with Glenn Beck of the other
When you consider that the Catholic
individuals I mention.
Church and our predominately racially
segregated churches that includes Mainline
Glenn Beck said either out of pure
Protestant Churches, Conservative
ignorance of the gospel or deliberately in
Evangelical, Black Pentecostal Churches
the perverted version of it he has been
and many others ALL consider social
taught to be true is that “Social Justice was
justice central to Biblical faith you must
a Perversion of the Gospel.”
have the courage to ask the real question,
“What is he really promoting?”
Now you should always be leery when
Glenn Beck is quoting anything, but this is
Regardless of your political ideology, those
the problem that has corrupted politics and
who claim to be Christian, Catholic and
the church long before Glenn Beck, today
others beliefs that I have not the time to list
and unfortunately long after this fool is
generally agree with the biblical teachings
gone for good. It’s the reason why I’m
and examples that span from Moses to
writing “Stop God Damning People”,

A Perversion of the Gospel


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

Jesus Christ himself. Social justice is an I would have to say Dr. Martin Luther King,
integral part of humanity. Jr. would have to be among those who
would considered guilty and posthumously
Unless you are condoning inhumane acts convicted, because what better drum
such as slavery, torture and hatred towards major for justice in our recent memory can
others to name a few then how can you you consider. Rabbi Abraham J. Herschel
possibly agree with Glenn Beck? would absolutely be in that line-up. Rev.
James Reeb would be considered guilty as
I can put aside my disagreement with him charged.
long enough to objectively consider what
he’s advocating and what he’s advocating These men were all of different faiths with
is what he’s suggesting to naïve Christians, the same objective, social justice. But let
that social justice is a perversion of the me move on before the verbal stones are
gospel. He’s doing what he’s saying. tossed. Oh, this one should hit home for
those who may not know the history of
This fool said that if his church were about social justice well enough to have
social justice he would report the church recognize the previously mentioned.
to the Church Authorities.
You would have to sentence Billy Graham
Now this brings up some questions you and Oral Roberts for their roles in
should ask yourself. The first being, what promoting social justice as well. The so-
church does Glenn Beck attend and what called “Church Authorities” that Glenn
in Hell are they teaching? Beck interestingly speaks about would
have to pick up T.D. Jakes and Dr.
(Note the keyword in that question, Frederick K.C. Price for being accessories
because that’s the answer to the question) to the imaginary spiritual crime of social
justice according to Glenn Beck.
The second being, what church authorities?
If the church as a whole paid more Let me not forget the women who would
attention to its authority, Jesus Christ and have to be hauled in front of the so-called
what he instructed us to do, then we “Church Authorities” that Glenn Beck
wouldn’t have a fraction of the issues, refers to because Bishop Vashti McKenzie
division, cultural and spiritual mayhem we & Pastor Paula White are just two who
have today. must be charged in the crime of social
Social Justice is a perversion of the gospel?
I taunt him because it’s ridiculous. None of
If we were to continue down this path of these people, regardless of their political
McCarthy-style Spirituality that Glenn Beck ideology or racial or spiritual composition
is proposing, then who all would we have are guilty of anything Glenn Beck is
to turn it to the so-called ‘church advocating, but I can think of some who
authorities’ he speaks of? are.

A Perversion of the Gospel


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

There was another group of people in study to show yourself approved. I’m not a
history who was prone to a similar mindset Bible Scholar by any stretch of the
that we see in Glenn Beck today against imagination. I have upset the saints with
someone who they said was "perverting the challenging questions in the past and
gospel". They eventually unjustly convicted surely will do so again in the future. But
him to death, even as the governor of the my intentions are never to pervert, but
day expressed his doubts the people were perfect a person’s practice of faith. My
so stirred up by those who mislead them willingness to openly accept someone who
and those who remained silent that this may not believe in God or the same
man was killed for his works for social spiritual belief as I do does not pervert my
justice. relationship with Christ. It is the teachings
and examples of Christ and his campaign
for social justice that interests me to seek a
relationship and a more acute knowledge
of him.

Glenn Beck is a fool. But the bigger fool

are those who believe what he says is true
or worthy of practice.

Stop God damning people with lies about

the gospel of Jesus Christ. Quit God
damning people by feeding them a
distorted self-serving doctrine of the Bible
that advocates one leaving a church that
doesn’t teach what you believe it should
teach. Stop God damning people in the
practice of perverting the gospel with a
faulty ideology for your own gains. Just
stop God damning people.

But I'm not here to verbally crucify Glenn

Beck for his lack of understanding,
because he knows not what he does. But
to warn those who listen to him or made
aware of him of the hypocrisy and
perversion of the gospel he's advocating.

The point of it all is that you must

recognize perversion when you see it. You
want know it is perversion if you don’t

Fail Better

Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

If you strive to be a Rocket Scientist and

fail, you can still be a scientist. If you strive
to be a surgeon and fall short, you can still
be a doctor. If you want to be a Judge and
fail it's alright, because you can still
practice law as an attorney.

Dare I say it?

Even if you're wanting to earn a PhD in

Psychology or whatever it is you may
choose and it seems impossible or like
you'll never realize it, don't fret. Because
you can still be a Psychologist, Counselor,
Therapist or even Professor.

Don't give up because you fail, just try

again and fail better the next time.
Eventually you'll reach your goal.

Keep trying. Set your dreams high, because

if you miss your anticipated or desired
target goal you're still better off than you
were if you gave up or didn't try at all.

How We See Others


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

I ask that you embrace this challenge with

sincere truthfulness and without any
concerns of the perceptions others may or
may not have.

I ask that you privately survey your

immediate social environments. This could
be your workplace, business, church,
school, store, café or market. Without
looking obvious or suspicious, I want you
to give a general description of who you
see. Whether on paper or electronically,
give your initial description of who you

This may be a good indicator of how

eclectic your social environments and/or
the places where you choose to frequent
are. You may discover something
fascinating about the local society you live

Do not focus on how beautiful, artistic or

even coherent your observations may be in
comparison to any one else, because
comparison is not the point of this
exercise, but honesty is.

After you’ve done this, list all of the

common observations, characteristics or
attributes of your list. Of that list I want you
to share the commonalities, whether it is
race, gender, age, class, weight/size,
culture or style.

Feel free to share your results or just

provide a summary of your thoughts about
what you discovered about the way you
live. I will do my best to respond to each
comment, if possible.

How we see others, may provide a clear

picture of ourselves and help determine
what we can do to improve.

Terror By Another Name


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

In February we witnessed two senseless, According to The Christian Science

but high-profile acts of criminal violence Monitor, (Note: not me or Liberals,
that would have been labeled terrorism if President Obama or any other group some
the victimizer were an Arab Muslim with a like to issue unfitting names towards) said
foreign-sounding name. Mr. Bedell appeared “to have been a right-
wing extremist with virulent anti-
But the people who committed these acts government feelings” and also battled
of violence, however, were White. Isn’t it mental illness before his shooting rampage.
interesting that our political and certain
members of the media never used the Now I’m not suggesting you have to be
word “terrorism” in its discussions? crazy to hold right-wing views, because I
know some intelligent and level headed
John Patrick Bedell, a 36-year-old man conservatives do exist. But this is what I’ve
from California, walked up to two security been warning you about for so long that
guards outside the Pentagon Metro station some accused me of “using the race card”
in suburban Washington D.C. and started or the most ridiculous harboring “racial
shooting. I guess he had a death wish, resentment”.
because you don’t come to the Pentagon
with a gun-in-hand shooting and expect to I’m just pointing out the unconscious
live long. As expected he was shot and racism, bias, prejudice or discrimination
killed. out to you so you can do something to
correct it. My hand is extended, but you

Terror By Another Name (Continued)


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

must psychologically unclench your fist in this sort of activity, the number of these
order to receive it. groups that are domestic extremist
paramilitary militias grew from 42 in 2008
But something else happen in February, to 127 in 2009.
because another anti-government extremist
named Joseph Stack who happen to be But race has nothing to do with it. It’s the
White flew a plane into an IRS building in ploys of a liberal big government socialist
Austin, Texas that killing two people and take over.
injuring 13 others.
Now imagine the response if this was
According to media reports, Mr. Stack had committed by someone with a ‘funny-
left behind a disjointed suicide letter in sounding name’ (which is also an
which he expressed his hatred of our insensitive phrase) or Heaven forbid they’re
American government and outlined Black, Latino or Asian. The world as you
grievances with the IRS, chillingly stating know it would end.
that “violence not only is the answer; it is
the only answer.” Seriously, this is what I’ve tried to convey
to you. It’s not just Democrats who get it,
Now these attacks come at a time of an because there are some Republicans who
increasingly alarming growth in domestic has gave the same type of warning, but
extremist-group activism across the United they’re cast as being too moderate for the
States or should I say those who call party and essentially ran out of the party or
themselves patriots. demonized by the same media who fails to
call it as it is.
A recently released law center report
showed these so-called patriot groups were I don’t mind the political discourse, but for
steeped in anti-government conspiracy far too long both sides have harbored such
theories and grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 a distain for the other that discourse is
in 2009. That’s a 244% increase that the virtually impossible and replaced with
Southern Poverty Law Center report judged political talking points.
to be an “astonishing” rise in the one-year
period. Others have chosen to simply call anyone
who disagrees or even challenges their
What is interesting is the timing. What ideology with warnings of discrimination
significant socio-cultural psychological as being the racist. An absolutely
shift occurred in the U.S. in 2008 that ridiculous and telling statement of how
would encourage this sort of activity? uncomfortable and unprepared they truly
are. You get defensive when you have no
I’ll let you ponder that one for a minute as defense.
I continue.
So you ask what proof I have for my
January 20, 2009 President Obama took accusations and social analysis.
the oath of office. Now according to the
SPLC Report in addition to other reports Although I anticipate the response some
from various organizations that monitor individuals may choose in response to this,

Terror By Another Name (Continued)


Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

I doubt many if any will have the ethical Latino, Arab or Asian harbor any level of
courage to address the bigger issue of not animosity towards Whites how could I or
only unconscious racism, but overt they function in American society?
discrimination, political extremism, white
privilege, religious bias in addition to areas If you just shadowed a non-white person
of self-hatred and a support of unpatriotic for a month, you’ll discover many of them
activities and calling yourself patriots. You fluidly interact with Whites without issue.
prove me right ever single time. Some are Yes, there are racist among these groups
too ignorant of history, inconsiderate and too, but I speak of the majority. In fact I
culturally unaware to sincerely grasp what would be willing to suggest that many
is really going on for the feeling of Whites may not harbor diliberate racial
acceptance and a false sense of social animosity towards other groups. But the
maturity. problem is the silence.

Because Theodore Kaczynski (Una bomber), Who is willing to speak up?

Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber),
Eric Rudolph (1996 Olympic Park bomber in Who is willing to say what must be said?
Atlanta), James von Brunn (National Holocaust
Museum Shooter), Joseph Stack (IRS Attacker), Who is willing?
John Patrick Bedell (Pentagon shooter), and
shall I not include so many other instances So I will conclude by asking you this
that dates back each year for decades, question. Why does terrorist not apply to
including certain hooded and steel booted other white extremists?

Should I dare say that all were white men

motivated by their respective ideologies Work Cited & Additional References
that drove them to violent attacks? But
Iftikhar, Arsalan (March 10, 2010). “Extremist of any
surprisingly, the term “terrorism” has never color can commit terrorism” from CNN International
seemed to have been applied to any of Edition
them. I wonder why.
Hanna, Jason (June 11, 2009). “Hate groups riled up,
How persuasive is hate + fear + ignorance researchers say” from CNN
+ a lack of socialization?
Chen, Stephanie (February 26, 2009). “Growing hate
groups blame Obama, economy” from CNN
Apparently very for some. But I’m the
racist because I have no fear of talking Preston, Mark (January 16, 2009). “White supremacist
candidly about race. But I harbor racial watched in lead up to Obama administration” from CNN
resentment towards Whites, because I
point out unconscious racism amongst Adams, Jonathan (March 10, 2010). “Jihad Jane and 7
Whites. But you fail to consider all of my others held in plot to kill Swedish cartoonist” from The
arguments that counter those accusations. Christian Science Monitor

Just lay your misconceptions aside for a

moment if you can. If I or any other Black,

Keep Dreaming

Written By: Timothy A. Valentine

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the
strength, the patience, and the passion to
reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman freed approximately a
thousand slaves and she said that she
could have freed a thousand more if only
they knew they were slaves.

You can see the entire universe if you can

just get beyond the stars. When you are
willing to go beyond yourself, despite
those who may put you down,despite
those who may laugh, despite those who
may oppose it and despite those who may
misunderstand you; keep dreaming. Never
allow the words of someone who has no
vision be your guide. Keep dreaming of
things not as they are, but for what they
can become.

Be where you're going and enjoy the

journey on your way there.

Never Ever Give Up.

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