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Table of Contents
1 On the methods of my craft
1 On the methods of my craft
Programming has art, science and craftmanship in it. It is really hard
to capture exactly what it is about, for the various practitioners
think about it in assorted ways. In essence, the whole craft is like
the huge elephant placed before blind men who all perceive it
differently. From my point of view, the core of programming is about
In trying to extend and augement our ability to perform the
calculuations that emerge from daily life, we slowly invented the
computer. However, a computer system is a set of components that work
together to do what computers do. In the end, some of these components
tend to be extensions of others. We arrive at a somewhat hierarchical
system, but each layer serves as a simple extension of the that which
is below. How is that?
Let's begin with hardware. The computer hardware comes with the CPU,
RAM, bus systems, I/O devices etc,. but they are static. They can only
do what they were built to do. This set of all the innate functions
that the computer hardware in general and the computer's CPU in
particular can do is called its instruction set. At the point of
manufacturing these hardware componnents, the creators know little
about all the possible uses of the equipment. It is impossible to
enumerate all the kinds of operations that will be performed on the
hardware. Needless to imagine the details of the operations. Will be
hardware be used to run snapChat, or build photoshop? These are all
questions that the manufacturers of computers can't answer or even
However, the very basic nature of computing operations can be captured
and implemented in hardware. Some of such operations are:

Load: load information from some location

Store: save information to some location
Add: perform addition on operands
Jump: move to some particular operation or instruction

The short list above is very far away from the complete list of
essential hardware operations.
It gets interesting. If hardware is limited, how did we get to this
point where all sorts of amazing applications are built on computer
The next extension to the hardware is the sytem software, often called
the operating system. However, there are many other system software
that are not necessarily operating systems. Since the language spoken
by the CPU is limited, a new extension is needed to interface between
a wider universe of problems and solutions and the limited universe of

the CPU. The system software is crafted to extend the hardware we

started with. Like the hardware that the system software is trying to
extend, the system software itself is limited. System software
designers and builders do not know the details of all the applications
that will be run on computers via their software. But they need to get
the system software working, so they again do what was done at the
layer of the hardware, although at this point it becomes higher level.
At this level of extension, the most essential aspects of the system
software are captured, implemented and exposed to the users of system
via an interface called the "system calls." In essence, the system
calls are higher level relative to the hardware, but are lowever level
relative to the kinds of problems and solutions in the upcoming
universes of problems and solutions. What then can be done to resolve
this issue?
Like the old good solution of extending hardware, we need to extend
the system software. The components that are used to extend the system
software are called application programs. Application programs tend to
be more dynamic than the relatively static system software and the
layers below it. However, it turns out that even application software
can be limited. At the point of inception and implememtation, the
programmers might not have an idea of the exact information that the
applications will be dealing with. They solve this problem in the old
school way we have described above; they extend the programs with
Application programs are often built for a set of permissible data
called its input. Most application programs also return results called
output. In the same way that application programs extend system
software, data or input sets extend static application programs. Such
extensions neatly fit together and today we can see how changed our
world is. What is the next kind of extension we need?
Our world is made of an infinitude of problems and may be
solutions. Resources are scarce. We are constantly faced with the
issue of targeting this infinitude with a finite set of tools, ideas
and solutions. By extending our relatively finite systems, we achieve
wider systems that can tackle the infinitde set of probems we began
with. Inherently, we try to capture the infite with the finite.

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