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ENG 010 - Prof. Gatti

Persuasive Essay
12 May 2015
Adopting A Society
What can make a gay or lesbian couple unfit to adopt a child? Is there a way to foresee
good parents? Is sexual preference a way to tell a good parent from a bad parent?
With so many children up for adoption in America, society should push for more gays
and lesbians to adopt, and not turn them away because of their sexual preferences. Children up
for adoption eventually age out of the system without ever learning how to be a part of a family.
The negative and destructive paths they take afterwards are now society's problem. These
children have been from home to home, through the system, and then finally dumped or aged out
into our streets. A loving family could have adopted this child and given them a chance to be
constructive in our society. Should it matter if they are gay?
Dr. Naccarato, a professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Albany's School of
Social Welfare argues, "Each year approximately 20,000 teenagers leave the child welfare
system." She continues, "Young people who grow up in foster care are at higher risk of
homelessness, incarceration and dropping out of high school, and in need of treatment for
substance abuse and mental health issues" (5). Dr. Naccarato explains the challenges that kids in
foster care are confronted with when aging out of the system. The age they are legally discharged
from foster care varies from state to state, but ranges from 18-21 years -old.
Given the facts of a child aging out of the foster care, it is absurd to say a couple that is
gay would not be fit parents because of their sexual preference. Brian Powell, an Indiana
University sociologist and author, says it best: "If same -sex marriage does disadvantage kids in

any way, it has nothing to do with their parents' gender and everything to do with society's
reaction toward the families" (Pappas 5). The issue is not adoption that bothers society, but their
views on gay and lesbians. If society can exclude their opinions and views about gays and
lesbians and focus on the children, it is then we can start fixing a broken system and help these
kids. This is a societal issue because these troubled youths are aging out into our communities;
we are dealing with the aftermath of a broken system with these kids.
We should be campaigning for more gay and lesbian couples to adopt suggests David
Brodzinsky, Ph.D. a psychologist and author who has focused on psychological issues in
adoption and foster care: "When you think about the 114,000 children who are freed for adoption
who continue to live in foster care and who are not being readily adopted, the goal is to increase
the pool of available, interested and well -trained individuals to parent these children" (Pappas
4). Brodzinsky is right in stating there are countless numbers of children placed for adoption
daily and there must be a broader range of people allowed to adopt children. Several times we
watch the news and cringe when this system has failed and children are harmed by the hands of
the people that were chosen to be fit to care for them. "Gay parents 'tend to be more motivated,
more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents, '"
explains Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University (qtd in Pappas 5). The gay
community wants the same things out of life and one of the things is a family and because they
cannot have a child of their own they are more likely to adopt to make their family complete.
Our country leaders have set negative tone about the gay community adopting children.
In the article, Same-Sex Parenting Is Beneficial, it quotes Republican Rick Santorum telling a
New Hampshire audience that "Children are better off with a father in prison than being raised in
a home with lesbian parents and no father at all." And Pope Benedict called gay marriage a threat

"to the future of humanity itself" stating the need for children to have a mom and a dad (qtd. in
Pappas 5). The ignorance is clearly seen. Society can pass laws and challenge these men and
women, but it will not stop them from being gay, for they are only seeking rights to have a
family. Many argue that a gay and lesbian family setting will hurt children psychiatrically and/or
developmentally. Expert, Michael Lamb, Ph.D. a professor and Head of the Department of Social
and Developmental Psychology at the University of Cambridge notes that "research shows
children raised by a gay or lesbian parent are just as likely to grow up well-adjusted adults as
children raised by heterosexual parents" (qtd in Hunt 5). The University of Virginia also found
that children adopted by lesbian and gay couples develop no differently than children adopted by
heterosexual couples. A person will be who they are destined to be if they are in a accepting
loving family.
Another argument society uses is the religion aspect stating that couples of the same-sex
are committing a sin. Logically speaking, if a couple is gay then the "sin" is between them and
not in adopting a child. Some say that it will "turn" the child gay, but then how does one explain
straight parents having gay and lesbian children. Australia University of Melbourne recently
conducted a study on the health and wellbeing of children raised by same same-sex partners with
great findings. "The study provides significant evidence against the pervasive myth that children
will be somehow warped if they grow up in a household without both a male and female parent,
or that same-sex partners are somehow not fit to raise children" (Corregan 5).
To conclude, should it matter on sexual preference whether someone can care for a child?
NO! The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay
discrimination than child welfare. Myths that gay adoption poses an unsafe environment for

children, will turn a child gay, or religiously speaking bringing a child into "sin", are unfounded
and stand on no factual evidence.
The kids in the foster care system are society's problem and although we are quick to say
no to gay and lesbians to adopt, we are also quick to ignore the kids that are aged out of the
system with no support to help them to transition into our society as adults. If there is an
opportunity to save a life and give life then why would it matter: the race, the sex, the religion, or
the sexual preference.
Corregan says it best "... it is the stigma of the thing - not the thing itself - that is
harmful." (5).

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