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The material health care is comprised of the service on outpatient, inpatient

(hospitalization) and antenatal diagnostic. Obstetrician-gynecologists midwife and
the maternal nurses provide the service. Maternity clinic provides outpatient
service to public on every working day.
One-day care rooms are available for treatment, which do not require
hospitalization like curettages, biopsies, etc, and the patient may leave on the
same day. Outpatient clinic also provides services for gynecologic, family
planning and menopause and lactation problem.
Beside that, private services are available in the afternoon except on Sunday and
public holidays the maternal health cares have low and high-risk maternity clinics
for mother with normal or complicated pregnancies. Obstetric diagnosis with
ultrasonography is part of antenatal diagnostics, which performed as a routine
diagnostics procedure, carried out at the gestational age of 16-20 and 30-34, and
toward certain fetal abnormalities.
Using ultrasonography, we can gather much information like twins, sex type,
congenital defect, plasenta position, amount of niobic fluid positionand other
relevant information, which san be beneficial for the management of the
pregnancy. Also available is other diagnosis equipment that includes one with
color USG using Doppler Method. Every problem encountered during pregnancy
managed together with a related supporting team. Parent education program
suggested to be following by every parent to be.


Materi pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri dari pelayanan pasien rawat jalan, pasien
rawat inap, dan diagnose sebelum melahirkan. Dokter ahli kandungan, Bidan dan
Perawat menyediakan klinik yang menyediakan layanan publik untuk pasien
rawat jalan pada setiap hari kerja.
Tersedia satu ruangan khusus untuk perawatan yang tidak memerlukan rawat inap
seperti curretase, biopsy, dll, dan pasien boleh meninggalkan ruang perawatan
dihari yang sama. Klinik juga menyediakan pelayanan pasien rawat jalan untuk
gynecology, keluarga berencana, dan menopause dan masalah menyusu pada
Disamping itu, pelayanan khusus juga tersedia pada sore hari kecuali pada hari
minggu dan hari raya umum. Klinik juga menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan ibu
dengan resiko rendah dan tinggi pada ibu normalatau komplikasi pada kehamilan.
Hasil diagnose dengan Ultrasonography pada pemeriksaan kandungan sebelum
melahirkan sangat penting dilakukan sebagai prosedur diagnosa rutin, yang
dilakukan pada usia kehamilan dari 16-20 dan 30-34, dan khusus pada kelainan
Menggunakan Ultrasonography, kita dapat mengumpulkan banyak informasi
seperti kembar, jenis kelamin, cacat/kelainan bawaan, posisi plasenta, jumlah
cairan ketuban dan informasi yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan. Yang mana
sangat bermanfaat untuk mengendalikan kehamilan. Juga tersedia peralatan
diagnosis lain yang meliputi satu dengan warna USG menggunakan Metode
Doppler. Tiap-tiap masalah yang ditemui selama kehamilan berhasil diatasi
bersama-sama dengan tim. Orang tua disarankan untuk mengikuti program
pendidikan calon ibu.

1. What is your name ?
Answer : Ny. A.P. Harianah Zaidah, S.Pd., M.Pd
2. When were your born ?
Answer : Watampone, January 28th 1981
3. Whats is your nationality ?
Answer : Indonesia
4. Whats is your religion ?
Answer : Islam
5. Are you married ?
Answer : Married
6. What is your occupation ?
Answer : Civil Servant
7. What there any problems of your pregnancy ?
Answer : Hipertension and Bleeding in pregnancy over 7 month
8. What type of contraception did you use before ?
Answer: IUD Copper T
9. Were there any side effects ?
Answer : A whitish desease ( Flour albus ), feel pain in the hips, sometimes
volume of menstruation is very much ( Menoragia )
10. How long did you use this method of contraceptive ?
Answer : 5 years

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