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Digital Weighted Autocorrelation Receiver Using

Channel Characteristic Sequences for Transmitted

Reference UWB Communication Systems
Zhonghua Liang1,2 , Xiaodai Dong2, Xiaojun Yang1,and Huansheng Song1

School of Information Engineering, Changan University, Xian 710064, P. R. China

Email: lzhxjd@hotmail.com, {xjyang,hshsong}@chd.edu.cn)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 3P6, Canada
Email: {xdong}@ece.uvic.ca

AbstractWeighted autocorrelation receivers have been proposed in the literature to suppress noise or interference for transmitted reference ultra-wideband communication systems. Usually
weight optimization are performed for partitioned integration
bins. To improve the optimization effect, this paper proposes a
digital weighted autocorrelation receiver, in which the sampled
auto-correlated signal is first rearranged following a channel
characteristic vector that sorts the strengths of the received
channel samples, and then it is divided into multiple partitions.
Finally, the integration bins corresponding to these partitions are
weighted according to the minimum mean square error principle.
Results show that compared to the digital versions of existing
weighted autocorrelation receivers, the proposed digital scheme
can achieve significantly better bit error rate performance with
limited penalty in terms of implementation complexity.
Index Termsautocorrelation receiver, transmitted reference,
ultra-wideband, weight optimization, bit error rate.


RANSMITTED reference (TR) signaling in conjunction

with autocorrelation receiver (AcR) has become one of
the two popular noncoherent ultra-wideband (UWB) systems
due to its simplicity and robust performance [1]. For the
original AcR, because of the nature of clustered and dispersive energy distribution in dense multipath propagation
environments, considerable noise-dominated portions of the
received signal are involved in the autocorrelation operation
even though the integration interval has been optimized, and
that inevitably results in a significant performance loss.
To mitigate the noise effect, the concept of weighted
AcR (W-AcR) was first proposed in [2], where the original
autocorrelation operation was replaced by a linear optimal
combination of specific parts of the auto-correlated signal.
Accordingly, two methods were presented in [2] to divide
the auto-correlated signal within the integration interval into
This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant 261524-2003, in part
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant
61271262, 61473047, 61572083, and 61201233, in part by Shaanxi provincial
natural science foundation under Grant 2015JM6310, and in part by the
Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research of Central Colleges, Changan
University (310824152010 and 0009-2014G1241043).

specific subsections for linear combining. The first method

splits the auto-correlated signal based on its amplitude distribution and forms multiple subsections labeled with equallyspaced amplitude levels (ESAL). The other scheme divides
the auto-correlated signal along with the integration interval
and generates different portions corresponding to uniformly
partitioned integration bins (UPIB). The results reported in
[2] show that the UPIB-W-AcR significantly outperforms the
ESAL-W-AcR. Moreover, the ESAL-W-AcR requires an ideal
channel-dependent parameter as an indication of the maximum
amplitude, and hence this makes it infeasible.
The UPIB-W-AcR has been furthered developed to suppress
noise or interference [3][6]. Meanwhile, in another popular
noncoherent UWB system using binary on-off keying (OOK)
modulation or pulse position modulation (PPM), UPIB-based
weighted energy detectors (WEDs) were also widely investigated to address similar issues [7][10].
However, even with the popular UPIB-based schemes, it is
still possible that both signal-dominated and noise-dominated
components are inside in the same integration bin, due to the
limited time resolution of integration bins and the dispersive
energy distribution in multipath channels. In this case, for
those bins that contain significant signal components as well
as considerable portions of noise, the same weights will be
applied to both the signal and the noise components, and
therefore the overall optimization will be intractable.
On the other hand, recent works on digital architectures for
UWB systems [11][18] show that reduced complexity digital
receivers, such as monobit or finite-resolution digital receivers,
can achieve satisfactory bit error rate (BER) performances
approaching that of the full-resolution digital implementations.
These achievements pave the way to develop feasible digital
receivers for UWB applications with low cost, low power
consumption and low complexity, as well as making full use
of the flexibility of digital signal processing (DSP).
In this paper, we propose a digital W-AcR design, where
the sampled auto-correlated signal is first rearranged into
channel characteristic sequences (CCS) which can guarantee
that in the resulting partitions, those components with similar

Fig. 1. Block diagram for the proposed digital CCS-W-AcR.

channel energy levels are grouped into the same integration

bins as much as possible. In other words, compared with the
digital versions of existing W-AcR schemes, the partitioning
process in the proposed method is performed upon these
CCS sequences instead of the original sampled auto-correlated
signal. By this means, the overall optimization can be more
Notation: Boldface letters stand for vectors. RN refers to a
N -dimensional vector space over the field of the real numbers.
and () denote convolution and conjugation respectively.
x is the nearest integer less than or equal to x, {x} means
the real part of x, and sgn{x} represents the sign of a real
number x. CN (0, 2 ) means the circularly-symmetric complex
Gaussian distribution with zero-mean and with variance per
real dimension 2 .
We consider a single-user TR-UWB system, where for each
bipolar symbol bi {1}+
i=0 , a pulse pair composed of a
reference pulse and a data pulse with delay Td is repeated
uniformly every Tf seconds, and the transmitted signal within
one symbol duration Ts can be expressed as

Nf 1
wtx (t mTf )
s(t) =
2Nf m=0

+bi wtx (t mTf Td ) ,
where Eb is the average energy per symbol, Nf represents
the number of repeated pulse pairs (called frames) per symbol,
wtx (t) is the normalized UWB pulse with duration Tp and with
bandwidth B0 = 500 MHz. To avoid inter-pulse interference
(IPI) or inter-symbol interference (ISI), we assume that Td
max + Tp , Tf 2Td and Ts Nf Tf , where max denotes
the maximum channel delay spread.
After the transmitted signal s(t) passes through the UWB
multipath channel h(t) and the low-pass filter (LPF) at the
receive antenna, the received signal is given by

Nf 1
wrx (t mTf )
r(t) =
2Nf m=0

+bi wrx (t mTf Td ) + z(t),
where wrx (t) = wtx (t) h(t) denotes the received UWB
waveform, z(t) is the LPF-filtered complex additive white

Gaussian noise (AWGN) with a two-sided power spectral

density (PSD) of N0 /2.
In the original AcR, the following autocorrelation operation
is performed to obtain the decision variable:

Nf 1  mT +T2


mTf +T1

r(t)r (t Td )dt,


where T1 and T2 are the start and end points of the integration
interval, respectively.
As mentioned in Section I, even if the integration interval
[T1 , T2 ] has been optimized, there is still a significant performance loss due to the noise involved. W-AcR schemes were
proposed to suppress the noise as well as relaxing the need
for the complicated optimization of the integration interval.
However, even the popular UPIB-W-AcR is still not optimal
if observed in a smaller scale. In this paper, we try to address
this problem and develop a new digital implementation for
W-AcR to improve the BER performance.
The block diagram for the proposed digital CCS-W-AcR is
illustrated in Fig. 1. For the sake of analysis, we assume a
full-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is employed.
However, a monobit or finite-resolution ADC can also be
considered for a practical system with similar performance and
the relevant design, and its analysis and implementation can
be found in detail in [11][18]. As shown in Fig. 1, with the
sampling frequency fsa , the received signal r(t) is converted
to the discrete time sequence r[n], which can be written as

Nf 1
r[n] =
wrx [n mNsr ]
2Nf m=0

+bi wrx [n mNsr Nd ]
+z[n], for n = 0, 1, , Nsa 1,


where r[l]  r(lTsa ), wrx [l]  wrx (lTsa ), z[l]  z(lTsa ),

Tsa  1/fsa denotes the sampling interval of the ADC, Nd 
Td /Tsa , and Nsa  Ts /Tsa  and Nsr  Tf /Tsa  are the
total number of samples within one symbol duration and the
number of samples per frame, respectively. It is easy to see
that z[l] CN (0, z2 ) where z2 = (N0 /2)fsa . The block D1 ,
which consists of a conjugate operation unit followed by a Nd element shift register, is used to obtain the delayed conjugate
sequence r [n Nd ].

Without loss of generality, we assume the start and end

points of the integration interval are T1 = Td and T2 = 2Td,
respectively (this is a relaxed assumption on the integration interval for W-AcR). Accordingly, the auto-correlated sequence
c[n] = r[n]r [n Nd ] is truncated from N1,m = mNsr +
T1 /Ts  = mNsr + Nd to N2,m = mNsr + T2 /Ts  1 =
mNsr +2Nd 1, for m = 0, 1, , Nf 1. Switch K1 is used
to perform the truncating operation. The resulting sequence
c [n] can be expressed as

c [n] =

Nf 1 

bi w
rx [n mNd ] + z0,m [n mNd ]

or |w
rx [qn ]| |w
rx [qm ]| always holds for n < m and
n, m {0, 1, , Nd 1}, v[n] can be regarded as a
characteristic sequence in which those samples corresponding
to similar channel energy levels can be placed as close as
possible. By this means, most similar samples in v[n] will
be involved in the same bin.
Then, the characteristic sequence v[n] is equally divided into
Np bins. Adding up all samples in each bin, the corresponding
sequence u[n] can be obtained by
(n+1)Nb 1

u[n] =

[n mNd ] + z1,m
[n mNd ] ,

for n = 0, 1, , Nf Nd 1,
where w
rx [l] is defined as

Eb /(2Nf )wrx [l], l = 0, 1, , Nd 1

rx [l] =



Observing (5)(7), we see c [n] consists of Nf Nd -length

segments, each of which contains four parts: the useful signal
component, the two signal-noise cross-terms, and the noisenoise cross-term. Moreover, the useful signal component in
each segment is simply the repetition of the Nd -length serx [l]|2 . Overlaying all Nf segments in (5) and a
quence bi |w
Nd -length sequence can be obtained by
Nf 1

Zm [n], for n = 0, 1, , Nd 1,


where Zm [n] denotes the overall effect of the three cross-terms
within each segment. Similar to the derivations in Subsection
II-B in [12], Zm [n] can be modeled as a zero-mean complex
Gaussian distribution and therefore a noise reduction can
also be achieved using (8). The overlaying operation can be
implemented by another Nd -element shift register D2 whose
contents are reset to all-zero state every Tclk = Nf Td seconds.
The CCS-RAG block rearranges the input sequence x[n]
into a characteristic sequence v[n], in accordance with a
predeterminate characteristic vector whose elements indicate
the locations in v[n] for all samples of x[n]. The characteristic
vector can be represented as
q = [q0 , q1 , , qNd 1 ],


where qn = qm and ql {0, 1, , Nd 1} for n = m and

n, m, l {0, 1, , Nd 1}. Accordingly, v[n] is given by
v[n] = x[qn ], for n = 0, 1, , Nd 1.


where Nb  Nd /Np  denotes the number of samples in each

bin. u[n] will be fed to a finite impulse filter (FIR) with Np -tap
and the output decision variable can be given by
= wT {u},

v[m], for n = 0, 1, , Np 1,


and zk,m [l]|k=0,1 are independent and identically distributed

(i.i.d) complex AWGN sequences given by

CN (0, z2 ), l = 0, 1, , Nd 1
zk,m [l]
= 0,

x[n] = bi Nf |w
rx [n]|2 +


We see that as long as q characterizes a monotone energy disrx [qm ]|

tribution of the received waveform, i.e., |w
rx [qn ]| |w


where w  [w0 w1 wNP 1 ]T denotes the real-valued

tap-weight vector, u = u[0] u[1] u[Np 1] . w can
be optimized using minimum mean-square error (MMSE)
criterion given by [19], [20]

wopt = arg min E |bi |2 .

In practice, wopt can be approached via adaptive iteration.

Using wopt , a symbol decision can be made as follows:
b = sgn{}.


Since the input vector u results from the characteristic vector

q, the overall effect of optimization is expected to be improved
significantly. However, the ideal q is unavailable in practice
because the channel information is unknown at the receiver. In
order to estimate q and optimize w as well as performing data
detection, a 3-stage adaptive implementation for the digital
CCS-W-AcR is presented as follows:
Stage 1: Estimation of q. First, a training sequence that
consists of Nc consecutive +1 symbols is transmitted at
the transmitter. At the receiver, the corresponding noisereduced vectors x(i) = [x[0](i) , x[1](i) , , x[Nd 1](i) ] for
i = 0, , Nc 1 are averaged to further remove the noise
and a cleaner vector can be obtained as


Nc 1
x(i) = [
x[0], x
[1], , x[Nd 1]],
Nc i=0


Nc 1
x[n](i) for n = 0, 1, , Nd 1.
where x
[n] = N1c i=0
By sorting the amplitude of
x in accordance with ascending
or descending order, the estimated q can be obtained by

= q0 , q1 , , qNd 1 ,
where |
qn ]| |
qm ]| or |
qn ]| |
qm ]| always holds for
n < m and n, m {0, 1, , Nd 1}. During this stage,
the switch K2 keeps connecting to the point 1.
Stage 2: Optimization of w. A Nt -length bipolar pseudo(t)
random sequence bi {1}i=0
is used as the training






103 ns


250 ns


3952 MHz


2.02 ns



2, 4, 8, 16




1, 2, , 210

125 ns

sequence to iteratively estimate the optimal w based on the

MMSE criterion. The iteration process can be described as
Initialization: w = 0
FOR i = 0 : Nt 1, DO
(1) Get r[n], c [n] and x[n];
(2) Rearrange x[n] into v[n] in accordance with q
(3) Calculate u[n] using (11) and obtain u;
(4) Compute the filter output = wT {u};
(5) Calculate the residual error e = bi ;
(6) Update w with normalized least mean square (NLMS)
or recursive least square (RLS) algorithm [19], [20];
Stage 3: Transmission and Detection. We assume that the
maximum number of transmitted symbols is Nm . The adaptive
detection can be presented as follows:








Nc (bits)

Fig. 2. Impact of Nc on the BER performance for CCS-W-AcR with Np =

16 and Eb /N0 = 16 dB in CM1 and CM2 channels.

CM1 (Residential LOS) channels



Bit Error Rate (BER)


Bit Error Rate (BER)

CCSWAcR with ideal q, CM2
CCSWAcR with ideal q, CM1



CM1 (Residential LOS) channels and CM2 (Residential NLOS) channels




Original AcR
CCSWAcR with ideal q, Np=2

FOR i = 0 : Nm 1, DO
(1) Repeat the steps 14 in Stage 2;
(2) Estimate the i-th symbol by bi = sgn{};
(3) Calculate the residual error e = bi ;
(4) Update w with NLMS or RLS algorithm [19], [20];
It is noted that during stages 2 and 3, the switch K2 keeps
switching on the point 2. Additionally, the decision directed
adaption in stage 3 is more significant for slowly time varying
channels and it can avoid performance loss due to the use
of a short training sequence in stage 2. However, such a
decision directed adaption can be skipped if the channel does
not change with time.
In this section, some simulation results are presented to
evaluate the BER performance of the proposed digital CCS-WAcR. The IEEE 802.15.4a CM1 and CM2 channels are considered, which correspond to residential line-of-sight (LOS)
and non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios, respectively [21]. Some
important parameters for the simulation are listed in Table I.
A root-raised-cosine pulse with a roll-off factor of 0.25 is
used for the transmitter pulse shape filter and the receiver filter.
We assume the channel does not vary during data transmission.
All simulation results were obtained by averaging the output
BER for 100 random channel realizations of a given channel
model. The integration interval is coarsely determined as
[T1 , T2 ] = [Td + T , Td + T + Tp ],


CCSWAcR with ideal q, N =4




CCSWAcR with ideal q, Np=8

CCSWAcR, Np=16
CCSWAcR with ideal q, N =16







Eb/N0 (dB)






Fig. 3. BER performances of CCS-W-AcR with different numbers of bins in

CM1 channels.

where T and T denote the delays corresponding to the first

and the last major multipath components whose amplitudes
exceed 30 percent of the maximum fading amplitude.
In the simulation, we considered both the NLMS and RLS
algorithms and found that the RLS outperforms the NLMS
significantly. Hence, only the results for the RLS with the
forgetting factor = 0.999, are presented in this section.
Fig. 2 presents the impact of Nc on the BER for digital
CCS-W-AcR with Np = 16 and Eb /N0 = 16 dB in CM1 and
CM2 channels, respectively. We see that after Nc 29 , the
is comparable to that of
BER of digital CCS-W-AcR with q
CCS-W-AcR with ideal (or noiseless) q. Similar results were
also obtained for other Np and/or Eb /N0 values. Therefore,
only the results with Nc = 29 are presented for digital CCSW-AcR in the following.
Fig. 3 shows the BER performances of digital CCS-W-AcR
with different Np values in CM1 channels. We see that with
Np = 2, the digital CCS-W-AcR obtains a significant power
gain of about 1.5 dB over the original AcR at BER = 1106.

CM1 (Residential LOS) channels

CM2 (Residential NLOS) channels



Original AcR

Original AcR



Bit Error Rate (BER)

Bit Error Rate (BER)











E /N (dB)






E /N (dB)



Fig. 4. BER comparison of ESAL-W-AcR, UPIB-W-AcR, and CCS-W-AcR,

all with Np = 16, and in CM1 and CM2 channels, respectively.

However, the performance improvement increases by about 0.1

dB when Np changes from 8 to 16. Therefore, a trade-off between the complexity and the performance can be considered
in the practical system design. Moreover, the effectiveness of
with Nc = 29 is demonstrated once again.
the estimated q
Fig. 4 provides the BER comparison of digital ESAL-WAcR, UPIB-W-AcR and CCS-W-AcR, all with Np = 16, and
in CM1 and CM2 channels, respectively. We see that the CCSW-AcR outperforms the UPIB-W-AcR significantly by about
1.2 dB both at BER = 1 106 in CM1 channels and at
BER = 1 105 in CM2 channels. From Fig. 1 we also see
that compared with the UPIB-W-AcR, the unique nature of the
CCS-W-AcR lies in the introduction of the CCS-RAG block.
However, the additional complexity is limited thanks to the
flexibility of DSP.
In this paper, a digital weighted autocorrelation receiver
using channel characteristic sequences is proposed for TRUWB communication systems. Both theoretical analysis and
simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme
significantly outperforms the existing weighted autocorrelation
receivers with limited penalty in terms of implementation
complexity. The proposed CCS-based concept can also be
considered for the digital implementation of other noncoherent
UWB communication systems.
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