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Christ Our Life


Advent Retreat
for Children
Emphasizing Catholic Identity
and Discipleship

2015 Loyola Press

Leader Background
Advent is the perfect time to remind children of their Catholic Identity and their call to the
New Evangelization as heralds of Christs coming and his saving grace. Follow the directions in
this packet to engage children in a one-hour retreat.

Retreat Timeline
Total time: 1 hour

1. Gather: Four Sundays of Advent: 10 minutes

2. Prayer Service: Sharing the Good News of Jesus: 10 minutes
3. John the Baptist Skit: 10 minutes
4. Evangelization Thank-You Cards: 15 minutes
5. Blessing of the Advent Wreath: 10 minutes
6. Go Forth and Dismissal: 5 minutes

Materials and Preparation

Step 1


Leader Script (page 23)

Step 2

Prayer Service

Prayer Service Handouts, 1 for each child (pages 58)

Prayer table enthroned with Bible and Advent symbols
6 battery-operated candles
Advanced Preparation
Designate six readers and a leader.
Processional banner made by a group of children in advance
Volunteer musician to accompany group in singing O Come, O Come,
Sheet music (page 8)

Step 3

John the Baptist


Skit script, 1 per child (page 10)

Advanced Preparation
Designate children to portray narrator, John the Baptist, tax collector,
and soldier.
Prop for each character in the skit

Step 4

Thank-You Cards

Thank-You Card template, 1 per child (page 12)

Crayons or markers

Step 5

Blessing of the
Advent Wreath

Advent wreath with battery-operated candles

Blessing handout, 1 per child (pages 1415)
Advanced Preparation
Designate five readers and a leader.

Step 6

Go Forth

Family Advent calendar, 1 per child (page 17)

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Gather: Four Sundays of Advent

Preparing, Repenting, Evangelizing, and
Saying Yes to Discipleship

Gather children together in a chapel or large meeting space. Introduce the four Sundays of Advent
using the following script. This opening can be used in any Church year (Cycle A, B, or C).

Share the following information with children:
During Advent we are waiting. But what are we waiting for? We are waiting for Christ to come.
Who has a birthday coming soon? (Answers will vary.)
How do you feel when youre waiting for your birthday? (Answers will vary.)
When we wait for our birthdays, we get excited when we think about the wonderful things that might
happen. In our Bible readings during Advent, we see people who are waiting too. In particular, we see
Jesus mother, Mary, waiting for the birth of Gods wonderful gift to us. We see John the Baptist, who
was sent to get people ready for the day when Jesus would begin teaching them.
In the Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent, we hear that Jesus will come again at the end of the
world. We can rejoice and not be afraid of the end times because Jesus showed us how to live our lives
in a way that is pleasing to God.
Throughout history, there have been and continue to be many people whom God has chosen to help
us follow Jesus. John the Baptist was one of them. He lived at the time of Jesus. He told people to
think about the way they are living and to change their way of life for the better so that they could be
prepared for Jesus coming. John lived in the desert and dedicated his life to God. He ate simple things
that were found in nature and wore clothes made from animal skins. We will learn more about him and
his life in a little while.
Just as John the Baptist asked people long ago to prepare for Jesus coming, we too are asked to prepare
during this special season of Advent. As Catholics, we prepare our minds and hearts at home, at church
and in the community.
What is one way that Catholics might prepare at home?
(Possible response: by setting up a Nativity scene or crche)
What is one way that Catholics might prepare at church?
(Possible response: by participating in the Mass and listening prayerfully to Scripture)
What is one way that Catholics might prepare in the community?
(Possible response: by gathering mittens and coats for those in need)
Continued on next page

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

Leader Script, continued
On the Second Sunday of Advent, we read that John the Baptist called people to turn back to God
and to be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins.
What are sins?
(Possible response: a choice we make on purpose that offends God and hurts our relationships
with other people. Some sin is mortal and needs to be confessed in the Sacrament of Penance
and Reconciliation. Other sin is venial, or less serious.)
Youre right. Sins arent mistakes or accidents. Sins are choices we make that hurt our friendships
with God and with other people. John told people to repent.
What does it mean to repent?
(Possible response: To repent means to stop going one way, turn around and go the other way.)
Here is one way that you can repent. If you are being mean to a friend, you can stop being mean and
start being nice to that person. You change the way you live. During John the Baptists time, once
people said that they would live in a better way, John would baptize them as a sign that they were
willing to repent. As Catholics, we are baptized too. When we are baptized, we become members of the
On the Third Sunday of Advent, we learn more about John the Baptists relationship with Jesus. We
learn about how John prepared the way for Jesus. Johns job was to point others to Jesus and to get
them ready for Jesus by telling them the right way to live. He taught people to treat one another fairly.
He also told them to look forward to Jesus because he was coming soon. Because of John the Baptist,
many people heard the good news about Jesus coming. We can tell others about Jesus too. One of the
best ways to do that is to live good Christian lives and be an example to others. When we tell others
about Jesus and live as Jesus teaches us, we are being evangelists, people who spread the Good News.
Jesus mother, Mary, is the greatest example of teaching others through ones goodness. In the Gospel
for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, the Gospel writer [Year A: Matthew; Years B and C: Luke] tells us
about Mary and the events that happened right before Jesus birth. Even before Jesus was born, Mary
was helping others and telling others about her faith. She was an evangelist too! Remember the story
of Marys trip to visit her relative Elizabeth? Both Mary and Elizabeth were pregnant. Elizabeth was an
older woman. She greeted Mary joyfully, saying, Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit
of your womb! Like Elizabeth, we are so happy that Mary said yes to God to be the mother of Jesus.
Throughout Advent, we recall, celebrate, and strive to imitate Marys willingness to say yes to God and
to bring Jesus to others. Through Marys example, we too can live the way God wants us to live. In our
prayer service, lets pray that this Advent season our families will rededicate themselves to living the
way Jesus modeled for usin faith, hope, and charity.

Explain to children that they will now experience a prayer service. Follow the directions on
page 4 to prepare for and implement the service.

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Prayer Service
In advance, designate a catechist or an older child to be a leader and choose six children to be readers.
Photocopy the Prayer Service handouts for each child (pages 58).
Provide each reader with a battery-operate candle to use during the procession.
Optional Advanced Preparation: Have a group of children make a Prepare the Way of The Lord
banner to be carried in the procession.
Ask the readers to leave the room and prepare themselves for the processional. Have an
additional volunteer carry the banner or Bible and have each reader carry a candle.
Distribute the Prayer Service handouts to each child gathered for the service, providing
photocopies for the readers after the procession.

The Prayer Service follows:

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Advent Prayer Service


We begin our prayer time in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

Entrance Song

Let us sing the first verse of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

All sing as the readers enter in procession with the candles, standing in front of the congregation,
holding the candles.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to you, O Israel.


This Advent season we repent, we wait, and we prepare to celebrate Christs coming
in history, in our lives today, and at the end of time. May God be with us as we celebrate
the season with joy! Let us pray together our opening prayer.

Opening Prayer

God of Love,
Your Son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.
He is a sign of your love.
Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent
As we wait and prepare for his coming.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior.

Prayer Service page 1 of 3

Continued on page 6

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

Advent Prayer Service, continued


Isaiah 40:35

Reader 1: A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah:

A voice is shouting:
Clear a path in the desert for the Lord.
Build a straight road there for our God.
Fill in the valleys and flatten the mountains and hills.
Level the rough and rugged ground.
Then the glory of the Lord will appear for all to see.
The Lord has promised this!
The Word of the Lord.


Thanks be to God.


John the Baptist told the people to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. They heard the
Good News and responded. It might be easier for us to respond if John the Baptist were
alive preaching today. Of course, he isnt, but there are people like John, evangelists who
tell us about Jesus. Who are those people in your life? Take a moment now to talk with a
partner about the answer to that question. Talk for about two minutes.


What are some ways we respond to Gods invitation to live as Jesus did? Talk with your
partner about the things that you do to help others and show your love. Talk together for
about two more minutes.

Prayers of Petition

Sometimes one of the most challenging things for us to do is to learn to find God in our
lives every day. Let us pray that Jesus will come more deeply into our lives and that we will
be aware of his presence.

Our Response Is: Come, Lord Jesus!

Prayer Service page 2 of 3
Continued on page 7

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

Advent Prayer Service, continued
Reader 2: Into our lives, we pray . . .

Come, Lord Jesus!

Reader 3: Into our troubled world, we pray . . .


Come, Lord Jesus!

Reader 4: Into our baking, shopping, and gift wrapping, we pray . . .


Come, Lord Jesus!

Reader 5: Into our hearts as we care for those in need, we pray . . .


Come, Lord Jesus!

Reader 6: Into our homes, we pray . . .


Come, Lord Jesus!


Let us sing the second and third verses of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
O come, O Wisdom from on high,
Who orders all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, O come, great Lord of might,

Who to your tribes on Sinais height
In ancient times once gave the law,
In cloud, and majesty, and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to you, O Israel.


Let us pray together the Hail Mary.



And now let us go forth to share

the Good News of Jesus.


Thanks be to God!

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


O Come, O Come Emmanuel

This sheet music can be provided to an accompanist for the prayer service.

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


John the Baptist Skit

In advance, choose children to portray the narrator, John the Baptist, the tax collector, and the soldier.
Provide them with the script in advance. You might wish to provide props for each character, such as
a beard for John the Baptist, a coin purse or bag for the tax collector, and a toy sword for the soldier.
Make copies of the script for the group. Distribute the script and song sheets as the activity begins.

Share the following information with the children:
In the readings for the Sundays of Advent, we often hear about John the Baptist. He was the herald,
or announcer, of the Messiah, as prophesied by Isaiah. He was a voice of one crying out in the desert,
Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. (Matthew 3:3)
The Gospel of Matthew tells us that John dressed like a prophet in clothing made of camels hair and
that he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was grasshoppers and wild honey. The people of
Jerusalem, of all Judea, and of the region around the Jordan were going to him to be baptized in the
Jordan River as they acknowledged their sins.
John preached in the desert and said, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! He was helping
prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah, for whom they were waiting. To learn more about
John the Baptist, were going to put on a short play about him.
Together, well play the part of the crowd. But first, were going to learn a song that is sung to the tune
of Frre Jacques. Here are the new words:
Verse One:
John the Baptist
John the Baptist
Was his name!
Was his name!
He paved the way for Jesus,
He paved the way for Jesus.
God be praised!
God be praised!

Verse Two:
John the Baptist
John the Baptist
Was so wise!
Was so wise!
Preaching in the desert,
Preaching in the desert,
Be baptized!
Be baptized!

The skit script follows. After the skit, follow the directions on page 11 to have the children
make Evangelization Thank-You Cards.

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


John the Baptist Skit Script

Narrator: Here comes John the Baptist now. All together now, ask him, What should we do?

What should we do?


If you have two coats, give one to someone who has none. If you have food, you should
share that too.

Collector: Teacher, I am a tax collector. What should I do?

Dont make people pay more than they owe.


What about me? I am a soldier. What do I have to do?


Dont be a bully. Be satisfied with your pay. Stop forcing people to pay you money to make
you leave them alone.

Narrator: Everyone became excited and wondered if John was the promised Messiah. Now, lets ask
him, Are you the Messiah?

Are you the Messiah?


I am only baptizing with water; someone more powerful is going to come. I am not good
enough even to untie his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Narrator: In many different ways, John preached the Good News to the people. Lets sing the song
we learned:
Verse One:
John the Baptist
John the Baptist
Was his name!
Was his name!
He paved the way for Jesus,
He paved the way for Jesus.
God be praised!
God be praised!


Verse Two:
John the Baptist
John the Baptist
Was so wise!
Was so wise!
Preaching in the desert,
Preaching in the desert,
Be baptized!
Be baptized!

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Evangelization Thank-You Cards

In advance, photocopy a card template for each child. Distribute the card template (page 12) and
crayons or markers to each child. Then lead children through the following directions.

Remind children that when we tell others about Jesus and live as Jesus teaches us, we are being
evangelists, people who spread the Good News. Just as John the Baptist shared news about Jesus,
there are people in our lives who tell us about Jesus too.
Tell children that they will make a thank-you card for someone who is an evangelist for them
someone who lives as a disciple of Jesus and shares with them the Good News of Jesus.
Have children follow these directions:
1. Choose a parent, grandparent, godparent, special teacher, or friend who is an evangelist for you.
2. Fold the card in half.
3. Decorate the front of the card using art supplies.
4. On the inside of the card, add the persons name and a short note telling the person how he or
she is an evangelist for you. Draw a picture if you like.
5. Sign your name when you have finished designing your card.

The card template follows. After making the cards, clean up the art supplies and lead children
to a table decorated with an Advent Wreath. Follow the directions on page 13 to lead a
blessing of the wreath.


Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

[see scrap. insert card template, no footer]


Blessing of the Advent Wreath

In advance, choose one child to lead the blessing and five others to read aloud from Scripture.
Open the Bible to Philippians 4:47. (Other good Advent passages are Isaiah 11:14, Isaiah
61:12, Mark 1:18, and James 5:710.)
Place an Advent wreath on a table and have the children gather around it.
Read the following introduction to the children. Then lower the lights to create an appropriate
atmosphere for the blessing and lead children through the script found on pages 14 and 15.

Direct childrens attention to the Advent wreath on the table. Explain the following:
Advent wreaths were originally part of folk traditions of Northern Europe. Wreaths made of evergreen
branches were decorated with candles to symbolize life and light during the dark months of winter.
Legend has it that Saint Boniface first gave the wreath its Christian meaning in the eighth century, and
we have been using these wreaths as part of our Advent preparation ever since.
The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God and that God
will always be with us. The evergreens signify continuous life.
Each of the four candles represents one of the Sundays of Advent. The purple candles represent the
prayer, penance, preparation, and good works we are called to do during Adventthat we are to be
disciples of Jesus and share the Good News of his coming with others. The color purple signifies the
royalty of Jesus Christ and is the Churchs color for Advent.
The pink candle is lit on the Third Sunday of Advent, which is the Sunday of rejoicing.
The light of the candles reminds us that Jesus comes into the darkness of our lives to bring newness,
life, and hope. We gradually add more light each Sunday until Christ, our Light, comes at Christmas.

The blessing handout follows on pages 14 and 15. After the blessing, follow the directions on
page 16 for the Go Forth (dismissal).


Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Blessing of the Advent Wreath


This week we begin the season of Advent, when the days grow short and darkness closes
in. We are preparing to celebrate at Christmas the birth of Jesus, who is the Light of the
World. Like John the Baptist, we are sent into the world to share the Good News of Jesus
Christ, our light. (Pause a few moments and then pray the Sign of the Cross together.)


Lord God, bless this wreath and bless us as well. May this wreath remind us of the hope
and joy that Jesus brings to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.
Reader 1: A reading from Pauls letter to the Philippians:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to
all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all
understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:47)

The Word of the Lord.


Thanks be to God.



(Pray the Lords Prayer together.)

Continued on page 15


Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

Blessing of the Advent Wreath, continued
Reader 2: On the first Sunday of Advent, we light a purple candle. As we think about the first week,
let us pray: Jesus, as we wait for your coming, help us not to be afraid and to trust in you.
When we light the first candle, let us remember that you bring the light of hope into our
lives. May your Word be always in our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts.

(Trace a Sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart, as we do at Mass before the
Gospel reading.) Amen.

Reader 3: During the second week of Advent, we will light a purple candle. As we think about the
second week, let us pray: Jesus, John the Baptist told the people, If you have two coats,
give one to someone who doesnt have any. If you have food, share it with someone else.
When we light the next purple candle, let us remember that you bring the light of service
into our lives. May your Word be always in our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts.

(Trace a Sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart.) Amen.

Reader 4: To begin the third week of Advent, we will light a pink candle. As we think about the third
week, let us pray: Jesus, when we gather as a family to dedicate our lives to you, as John
the Baptist did, help us know, love, and serve you. When we light this pink candle that
symbolizes joy, help us remember that you bring the light of joy into our lives. May your
Word be always in our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts. Amen.

(Trace a Sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart.) Amen.

Reader 5: The week before Christmas will be the fourth week of Advent, and we will light the last
candle, a purple candle. As we think about the last week of Advent, let us pray: Jesus, your
mother, Mary, is blessed among women. We are happy that she said Yes! to being your
mother. When we light this candle, help us remember that you bring the light of love into
our lives. May your Word be always in our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts.


(Trace a Sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart.) Amen.

Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press


Go Forth
Lead the children back to their seats and turn on the lights. Remind them that Advent is a time of
joy and preparation. Ask the children the following questions as a brief follow-up, providing hints or
answers as needed.
Which Church season comes before Christmas? (Advent)
How many weeks are in Advent? (four)
What day of the week is the first day of Advent? (Sunday)
What is the Churchs color for Advent? (purple)
What does the word Advent mean? (coming)
During Advent, we remember Gods ______ to send our Savior, Jesus. (promise)
What did Jesus the Savior save his people from? (sin)
What Advent custom uses three purple candles and one pink candle to remind us
that Jesus brings light into our darkness? (Advent wreath)
What is Jesus the light of? (the world)
Who announced that Jesus the Savior was coming to the world? (John the Baptist)
What did Mary say when God asked her to be the mother of Jesus? (Yes!)
When we sing the song O Come, O Come, ______ , what is the name we use for
Jesus that means God with us? (Emmanuel)
What might we call someone who shares the Good News of Jesus with others
through their words and actions? (evangelist)
What might we call someone who is a follower of Jesus? (a disciple)
What would you like to do this year as a special way to celebrate Advent? (Answers
will vary.)

Distribute an Advent calendar to each child as you dismiss the group. An Advent calendar
follows on page 17.


Christ Our Life NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION Advent Retreat for Children

2015 Loyola Press

2014 Advent Calendar

May Christ our Savior bring light into the darkness

of this world, and to us, as we wait for his coming.







NOV. 30

DEC. 1

DEC. 2

DEC. 3

DEC. 4

DEC. 5

DEC. 6

First Sunday of

Saint Eligius

The Four
Women of
El Salvador

St. Francis

St. John of

Reflect on
Isaiah 11:110:
A little child
shall lead

St. Nicholas

Light one
purple candle
on your
Advent wreath.

Lord, like Saint

Eligius, help us
be generous in
spirit, kind, and

DEC. 7

DEC. 8

Second Sunday
of Advent

The Feast
of the

Light two
purple candles
on your Advent

DEC. 14
Third Sunday
of Advent
Light two
purple candles
and the pink

Mary, we
honor you as
the Blessed
Virgin, the
Mother of Jesus.
DEC. 15

Give us
strength to
proclaim your
Word and
to serve
your people.
DEC. 9

Lord, help us
May we use
see all people as our gifts to give
our neighbors
glory to God
and reach out
and serve all of
in love.

DEC. 10

Pray Isaiah 61.

what way is
Help me see
calling you
your face,
O Lord, in
everyone I meet words today?
St. Juan Diego

DEC. 16

Hum the
refrain to O
Help us answer Come, O Come,
the call to those
in need.
How joyful
are you at
the presence
of God in
our midst?
St. Mary Di

Help us be
cheerful and
generous to
the poor, as
Nicholas was.

DEC. 11

DEC. 12

DEC. 13

Damasus I

Feast of
Our Lady of

St. Lucy

Those who
follow you,
Lord, will have
the light of life.

Look upon
us with

Lord, help us be
a light to others
in need.

DEC. 17

DEC. 18

DEC. 19

DEC. 20

May you be
filled with
all spiritual
wisdom and

Read about
Josephs dream
in Matthew

Read about
Zechariah and
the angel in
Luke 1:525.

Read about
Mary and the
angel Gabriel in
Luke 1:2638.

O Adonai

O Flower of
Jesses Stem

O Key of David

O Wisdom

December 1723: Pray the O Antiphons and sing O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
DEC. 21

DEC. 22

Fourth Sunday
Read Marys
of Advent
Canticle in Luke
1:4656 and
Light all four
pray the

O Radiant

O King of
All Nations

DEC. 23

DEC. 24

DEC. 25

St. Servulus

How do you
experience the
coming of God
in your life?


Help us always
give thanks
to God for his

O Emmanuel

To read more about

these saints, go to


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