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Formulation Innovation Instructional Materials (IBA) Chemical Integrated who

Accommodating Creative Vocational Nautical to Increase Mastery of Concepts

Hydrocarbons and Petroleum at SMK Sailing
Nigita Ariyani *, Endang Susilaningsih, Widhi Mahatmanthi
Department of Education Science
Graduate University of Semarang, Indonesia
Innovation Instructional Materials are very important to support the successof its learning in school subjects,
especially chemistry. Chemistry is one branch of science of science education that shall be given to each
class or level of education. To produce quality graduates, especially graduates who are experts in the field of
nautical science, it is necessary to do a study that aims to produce a product of teaching materials that can
assist the learning of chemistry to students of SMK. Teaching materials teaching materials prepared is
integrated and can accommodate vocational nautical material with related disciplines will strengthen the
students understanding the concept. Teaching materials that can accommodate vocational nautical material
that can distribute information to all learners in accordance with the competence of their expertise. This
research was conducted by the method of R & D (Research and Development) in accordance with procedures
developed Sugiyono (2009). The object of research is the students of class X SMK Sailing School at one of the
schools in Pati. Results from this study is drafting a teaching materials chemistry terintegerasi which
accommodates the material vocational in its implementation can improve the mastery of concepts students on
the concept of hydrocarbons and petroleum.
Keywords: Innovation Instructional Materials Chemistry, Integrated, Creative Vocational Nautical
Vocational education has an integral part of the
education system in various countries. Vocational
High School (SMK) according to Law No. 20 Year
2003 on National Education System is defined as
education that prepares students to work in a
particular field. Decree of the Minister of Education
said that the purpose of education Vocational High
School described as follows:

2) Improving the ability of learners as members of

the community in organizing a reciprocal
relationship with the social environment, culture,
and about;
3) Improving the ability of learners to develop selfconsistent development of science, technology,
and the arts;
4) Preparing students to enter the workforce with a
professional attitude.
In this case, students should be able to master

1) Preparing learners to proceed to a higher level;

some of the competencies required working world by






adaptive functioning as subjects. Subjects adaptive

with the environment and experiences in life.

theoretically that chemistry is a subject that serves as

According to an expert named Robin Fogarty (1991)

subjects that support the subjects of productive, the

there are ten integrated learning model. Tenth way or

curriculum for chemical subjects contained in SMK

the model are: (1) fragmented, (2) connected, (3)

must be addressed in order to match the requirements

nested, (4) sequenced, (5) shared, (6) webbed, (7)

of SMK according to program their expertise.

threaded, (8) integrated, (9) immersed, and (10)

Based on curriculum development it is known



the purpose of the innovation of

that among subjects with each other subjects in the






education level of teaching interrelated. It shows the

integrated vocational nautical material to improve the

scientific competence given chemical subjects affect

mastery of concepts and petroleum hydrocarbons and

the vocational subjects. Chemical subjects are

increase understanding of the concept and its

subjects that are needed to support the establishment

application in the field of nautical science. Therefore,

of competency membership program by analyzing

it is necessary to combine the models Webbed which

the chemical processes that occur in one heart-to-day

presents the concept of Chemicals and its links with

life. Thus the chemical subjects contributing to the

other concepts or other disciplines within a theme.

learners to develop program expertise in daily life

The method used in this study is a research

and at the level of higher education and the world of

method development or that we are familiar with the

work that will be learners experienced.

term R & D (Research and Development). [3]

From the above background, it takes learning

device that can improve the understanding of learners
and can support the demands of the industrial world
in accordance with the competence of the merchant
vessel nautical expertise. Learning device that can be
used one of them is the teaching materials. During

Figure 2. Design R & D Innovation instructional

the existence of the teaching materials, particularly in


vocational still not many have a pattern of integration

Accommodating Creative Courses Nautical




among the subjects of investigations, such as

the first process is the identification of the

chemistry and subjects of the program expertise of

availability of teaching materials and learning

maritime competence expertise nautical merchant

potential of Chemistry at the school through test

ship is still in the research process.

students understanding with chemical materials,





Accommodating Creative Vocational

especially hydrocarbons and petroleum to learners

and distributing questionnaires to students and

Teaching materials are integrated is the

teachers. Followed by the preparation of teaching

teaching materials that can assist teachers in creating

materials from the collection of material, mapping

an integrated and comprehensive learning. Integrated

and preparation of teaching materials. Then the

approach means to develop the ability to reason in

teaching materials that have been developed,

the formation of knowledge based on interactions

validated by several experts. Furthermore, teaching

materials that have been completed in a revision in

competence curriculum tailored to 2013. Due to the

the narrow test with a sample of about 20 students,

curriculum in 2013 demanded the integration of

on a narrow test contains test and questionnaire

learning teaching material prepared will also be











materials. Narrow test was conducted to obtain the

accommodate vocational nautical material so that

response of students to the teaching materials are

learners can relate to the material in accordance with

being compiled. Once back in the revision of

the competence of vocational skills.

teaching materials based on test results narrow,

The development of innovative teaching

instructional materials in extensive tests by taking

materials being in the drafting stage. So the

samples from two different classes. At the stage of

validation process or field testing has not been done.

extensive tests aimed at testing the feasibility of

teaching materials when applied in schools. Here is

Conclusions and Expectations

the schedule for the integrated development of

This study is in process, so it has not come to

teaching materials research vocational nautical

a conclusion. The conclusions are expected after the


completion of this research is the completion of a

product is an integrated teaching materials that
accommodate vocational nautical material with the
material and petroleum hydrocarbons at levels of

Results and discussion

The results of the test data understanding of

Vocational Education. It is expected that the

learners consists of 30 questions Chemicals known

integrated chemistry teaching materials prepared may

that the results of the carried out on one school in the

be used or may be used as one large selection of

town of Pati and 2 schools in the district. Semarang

teaching materials in schools. Teaching materials

with 120 samples only get a score of 31%. While the

produced in this study may provide an opportunity

results of the questionnaire stated that the interest of

for students to improve understanding of the concept.

students to the chemistry is very high, but it is also

Coupled with the implementation of this teaching

known that the teaching materials used in class and

material in schools are expected to meet the demands

enrichment teaching materials used in schools are

of the curriculum in 2013 that integrated learning.

lacking. So that the interest of learners is less








questionnaires known that chemical materials that

Speakers mengucakan on lecturers and

were difficult overall was not associated with

associates mahapeserta students who have

vocational nautical material.

helped the preparation of the article and the process

Based on the above data was composed of a

of preparing teaching materials.

teaching materials that can help support the interest

of the students and also improve the understanding of
the concept of integration in the preparation of






Fogarty, RJ (1991) , Ten Ways to




Publishing. [Online].

Sugiono, Prof. Dr. Qualitative and

Quantitative Research Methods R & D.Penerbit

Alfabeta, Bandung, Prints Twelfth, 2012.

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