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Chapter 3

Interstitial Transport in Solid

Paolo A. Netti and Rakesh K. Jain
Department of Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples
Federico II, Naples (Italy),
 Edwin Steele Laboratory, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvar d Medical School, Boston (U.S.A.)

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interstitial Transpor t Parameters
3.3 Experimental Models
3.3.1 Multicellular Spheroids
3.3.2 Animal Models
3.4 Experimental Techniques to Quantify Interstitial Transpor t
3.4.1 Diffusion Coefficient
3.4.2 Hydraulic Conductivity
3.5 Role of Solute Dimension and Charge
3.6 Hydraulic Conductivity
3.7 Role of Extracellular Matrix Composition and Assembly
3.8 Relevance for Delivery of Molecular Medicine
3.9 Conclusion and Challenge
3.10 References

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The movement of fluids, molecules, and particles within tumour interstitium

has countless biophysical and clinical implications. Since the proliferation of cancer
cells and their response to treatment are determined by the distribution and clearance
of nutrients, metabolites, and bioactive agents, transport of these molecules plays a
crucial role in tumour growth, angiogenesis, metastasis, and therapy. Trafficking of
small and large molecular weight agents in solid tumours may occur both by diffusion and convection and depends on the physiochemical properties of both the diffusing molecule and the medium [34], [54], [67], [75], [89]. Diffusion is the dominant
mode of interstitial transport for small molecular weight agents, and when the driving force for convection is reduced, it may be the dominant or at least a significant
mechanism of transport of large molecules as well [42]. Therefore the understanding of the biological and physical factors that regulate interstitial transport in tumour
interstitium has important implication in the control of tumour development and in
the developing strategies to improve drug penetration in tumour masses.
Tumour interstitium is a complex network structure composed of elastic fibres and collagen interdispersed with hydrophilic macromolecular constituents to
form a fluid saturated gel-like medium. Similar to polymer gels, interstitial movement of molecules occurs mainly within the accessible fluid phase of the network
driven by concentration gradient (diffusion) or by interstitial fluid movement (convection) [35]. Interstitial diffusion rate depends upon size, charge, and shape of
the diffusion molecule as well as on specific or nonspecific binding between the
molecule and tissue component [36]. For a given molecule, diffusion rate is strictly
controlled by the amount and type of constituents forming the extracellular matrix
(ECM), such as collagens, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, and elastin as well as on
their microstructural assembly. The extracellular matrix acts as a dispersive filter,
controlling fluid composition and the rate of molecular trafficking. This control is
mediated by a synergistic interaction among ECM constituents. In mature tissues,
resistance to diffusion is generally attributed to the amount of hydrophilic ground
substance, predominately glycosaminoglycans [1], [19], [55], [63], [71], [89]. The
highly hydrophilic proteoglycan chains are noncovalently bound to the more rigid
structural fibres to form a hydrated gel [51], [61]. However, it is now appreciated
that GAG content alone does not fully account for the high transport resistance presented by many soft tissues [32], [55], [89]. Tumour tissue may possess unique
characteristics due in part to an embryonic-like stage of development with extensive
remodelling of the extracellular matrix [29], [30], [31], which leads to substantial
differences in the composition and assembly [22], [29], [80], [82] and therefore in
the transport properties [67]. Interstitial rate of diffusion varies with tumour type [67]
and within the same tumour it may change both in time and space [36], [37].
Molecules may also move through the interstitial space dragged by fluid flow.
Interstitial fluid flow involves a complex equilibrium between the fluid pressure and
tissue stresses, which are influenced by tissue properties such as hydraulic con-

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ductivity and tissue elasticity [65], [66], [86]. Besides the capillary-lymphatic exchange [33], interstitial fluid movement may also occur as consequence of tissue
deformation. Indeed, tumour interstium can be envisaged as a poroelastic material in which fluid transport may take place as a result of tissue deformation [65],
[66]. Fluid percolation, on the other hand, induces deformation of the solid matrix [12], [60], [68]. Although the coupling between tissue mechanics and fluid flow
is well established in the field of biomechanics [63], only recently these concepts
have been used to describe fluid flow in solid tumours (see chapter 4 of this volume
and [65], [66], [67], [69]). The tissue parameters that control fluid transport also
depend on the composition and assembly of the extracellular matrix and vary significantly between tumour type and for a given tumour may change both in space and
in time.
Since many new and promising therapeutic strategies rely on delivery of large
agents such as genes, viruses, immunomodulators, and monoclonal antibodies, hindered interstitial transport may pose a strong limitation to their effectiveness [35],
[39], [43]. In this chapter we will discuss the experimental techniques used to quantify the interstitial transport in solid tumours along with the most recent experimental
data and their implication for cancer therapy.


Interstitial Transport Parameters

Transport of macromolecules in tumour interstitum may occur both by convection and diffusion and can be described by the following constitutive equation [36]




where  is the mass flux,

is the diffusion coefficient of the molecule in the inis the drag coefficient (= solute veterstitium, is the interstitial concentration,
locity/fluid velocity), is the interstitial fluid velocity, is the interstitial hydraulic
conductivity, and is the interstitial fluid pressure. The drag coefficient measures
the ratio between the solute and the fluid and may vary from 0 to values higher than
unity [25], [56].
In normal tissues, it is assumed that convection is the dominant mechanism of
transport for large molecules [34], [79]. Interstitial fluid movement occurs from the
capillary to lymphatics driven by interstitial fluid pressure gradients. However, most
tumours do not have anatomically well-defined lymphatic vessels and this leads to an
increase in interstitial fluid pressure and a consequent reduction of the driving force
for fluid flow [11], [13], [72]. Therefore convective transport is strongly hindered in
tumour interstitium ( [2], [3], [4], [5], [42]) and diffusion, although highly inefficient,
becomes the relevant mechanism of transport for macromolecules. The combination
of reduced interstitial fluid flow and the slow diffusion rate of macromolecules in
the tumour interstitium are possible causes of the therapeutic inefficiency of large

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molecular drugs [38]. Strategies to overcome these transport limitations are aimed at
the enhancement of the interstitial convective transport [10], [68].
Experimental evaluation of transport parameters of molecules within tumour interstitium is useful to assess the accessibility of a given drug to tumour tissue. Ideally,
knowing the transport parameters of the tissue as function of both time and space,
one could develop precise mathematical models which would be able to accurately
describe the evolution of concentration of a variety of drugs in the interstitial space
of a tumour. Since the selective tumour cell kill depends on the concentration-time
history of a drug, such models would be extremely useful in developing optimal dose
schedules of anticancer agents. Furthermore, since diffusion rate depends upon the
structural assembly of the medium, an experimentally evaluated diffusion coefficient
serves as probe of tissue structure. Measurements of diffusion coefficient in vivo
require specific techniques and animal models since it should be carried in a noninvasive manner over distances of less than 1 mm with a high spatial resolution. In
the following sections the most relevant experimental techniques to measure interstitial transport parameters along with the relevant animal models will be described.


Experimental Models


Multicellular Spheroids

Multicellular spheroids have been often used as in vitro model to evaluate the
interstitial transport resistance [84]. In these studies spheroids are exposed to the culture medium at a known drug concentration. The diffusion coefficient is evaluated
by measuring the drug concentration profile within the spheroids at several times.
The methods used to measure the concentration profile include microelectrode, autoradiography, quantitative fluorescence microscopy, and fractional disaggregation
of various spheroids layer to measure cellular concentration in each layer. Although
this model has been widely used in the past it is now appreciated that it has severe
limitation in reproducing data relevant for an in vivo comparison [20]. The extracellular matrix composition and assembly produced by tumour spheroids is significantly
different from when the same cells are grown in vivo. Therefore the interstitial transport parameters in spheroids are significantly different from those measured in the
tumour tissue when the same cells are grown in an animal model [20].


Animal Models

The most relevant experimental models to measure diffusion coefficient within

tumour interstitium are those involving a direct measurement in a tumour implanted
in vivo. Several models can be used to measure interstitial transport parameters and

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these can be divided in two classes: macroscopic and microscopic models. The first
are used for an overall evaluation of the transport properties of the tumour interstitium (i.e., tissue-level) while the latter provides information about transport on a
local microscopic scale.

Macroscopic Model

These studies involve an intravenous injection of the drug into an animal-bearing

tumour, measurement of drug concentration within the tumour as function of time by
sequential sacrifice of animals, and estimation of the interstitial transport parameter
by using specific mathematical models [6], [7]. Depending on the type of drug, interstitial concentration can be measured by radioassay, chemical assay, bioassay, or
immunoassay. A very useful experimental model for interstitial transport studies,
known as isolated tumour, was introduced by Gullino [28]. In this model the tumour
is fed by a single artery and the blood flow leaves from a single vein and is isolated
by surrounding host. This model allows one to cannulate the tumour artery and vein
and, thus, study directly the blood flow rate and transport in tumours [50].

Microscopic Model

Over the past years several techniques have been developed to visualise the microvasculature and the microcirculation in vivo. Among those the transparent chamber techniques have proved to be a very useful tool to study tumour interstitial transport [41], [43]. Originally developed by Sandison in 1924 for rabbit ear [83], the
transparent chamber has been continuously developed and adapted to cranium, skin,
and even to the upper-arm skin fold in man [14], [15], [43]. With the use of various
optical and electronic devices and quantitative fluorescence techniques, these chambers permit noninvasive, continuous, and quantitative measurements of interstitial
transport [8], [9], [15], [16], [17], [18], [67], [70], [75].


Experimental Techniques to Quantify

Interstitial Transport


Diffusion Coefficient

Most of the experimental techniques used to quantify interstitial transport parameters have limited capability for noninvasive measurements of diffusion in a small
sample. Results obtained with invasive methods [59] must be interpreted with caution since these techniques may alter the fluid balance and damage the structure
of the tissue by causing oedema that may strongly affect the diffusion characteristics of the tissue. Intravital microscopy coupled with quantitative fluorescence has

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been shown to be a more appropriate technique to measure the diffusion coefficient of fluorescently labelled molecules since it strongly reduces the perturbation
of the tissue [8], [9], [15], [17], [18], [24], [64], [67], [70], [75], [76]. The diffusion coefficient can be calculated based on the spatial distribution of fluorescence
as the labelled material spreads through the tissue (relaxation of fluorescence gradient) [18], [24], [70], [64], or by adapting the method of fluorescence recovery after
photobleaching (FRAP) based on the recovery of fluorescence pattern in a small re) [8], [9], [67], [76], [75]. The latter method has a high
gion of the tissue ( 
spatial resolution allowing multiple diffusion measurements within the same tissue
and also allows discrimination between diffusive and convective transport [17].



Hydraulic Conductivity

The experimental measurements of tissue hydraulic conductivity ( ) have been

made mostly under in vitro conditions ( [52], [55], [85]) and in a few studies in vivo
is generally estimated by measuring the flow after
( [12], [21], [85]). In vitro,
applying pressure across a tissue slice of known area and thickness. Recently
has been measured ex-vivo by the confined compression test, which couples measurement of fluid transport, tissue mechanics, and hydration [67]. The advantage of
these preparations is the well defined geometry of the sample such as cross-sectional
area and thickness of the specimen. The major drawback of these techniques is the
poor control and maintenance of in vivo tissue characteristics such as tissue integrity,
pressure, hydration, and strain. In vivo estimations of are also not straightforward,
since the characterisation of tissue dimensions can be difficult. Several approaches
have been used to perform these measurements. Swabb et al. [85] evaluated
measuring the unsteady fluid flow oozing out from a tumour grown around a porous
by direct measurements of pressure and
capsule. DiResta et al. [21] evaluated
velocity profiles within a solid tumour xenograft. Boucher et al. [12] evaluated
by measuring the pressure profile generated in a solid tumour during intratumoural
fluid infusion. However, there is a significant discrepancy among the in vivo K values reported using different techniques that may be ascribed to the experimental
uncertainty associated with these procedures and to capillary fluid filtration that may
values reported
influence the estimation of this transport parameter. The in vivo
by Boucher et al. [12] are in good agreement with the ex-vivo data obtained on the
same tumour type suggesting that the procedure used by these authors may be seen
as the most reliable.


Role of Solute Dimension and Charge

Diffusion of small molecular weight molecules, such as oxygen and small molecular weight drugs, within interstitial space is scarcely hindered since the molecular

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size is very small compared to the matrix pore size [87]. Transport of small molecular weight molecules may therefore be envisaged as occurring in the free fluid phase
within the extracellular matrix with a negligible steric obstruction resulting from the
solid matrix network. A wide range of novel cancer therapies seek to utilise macromolecular agents such as proteins, gene vectors, liposomes, or polymers that are
intended to recognise cancer cells and exert a selectively toxic effect. However, due
to their large size the transport of these agents within the interstitial space may be significantly hindered [39]. Compared to conventional chemotherapeutic agents, which
are small molecules less than 1 nm in diameter, these novel agents have dimensions
that span between 10 to 1000 nm in diameter and therefore their interstitial movement is strongly reduced by steric obstruction. Diffusion of probe macromolecules
within tumour and normal tissues have been measured by several investigators (for
a review see [36]). The diffusion coefficient data for different molecular weight
molecules diffusing in water solution, normal and tumour tissues are shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1

Dependence of diffusion coefficient on molecular weight in normal and tumour

tissues. Data are obtained at room temperature and corrected to 37 C. Symbols
(diamond) diffusion of dextran in aqueous solution, data from [27],
(square) diffusion of dextran in mature granulation tissue, and
(circle) in VX2 carcinoma implanted in rabbit, data from [26] and [70].
Lines are fit of the data with the relationship

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The dependence of diffusion coefficient upon the molecular weight of the diffusing molecule can be described by a power law



is the molecular weight of the diffusing molecule, and and are two
experimental constants. In Table 3.1, the coefficients a and b are reported for various
molecular weight dextrans in water solutions, normal and tumour tissues. The coefficient is 0.5 for water solution, according to the Stokes-Einstein relationship, and
ranges from 0.75 to 3 for tissues. The increase of the coefficient indicates that there
is an additive hindrance to the movement of macromolecules within the interstitium
that may depend on several factors such as steric obstruction, nonspecific interaction,
and configurational dynamics of the molecule [76].

Figure 3.2

Interstitial mobility of BSA (68

) and IgG (150
) in four tumour types
and in solution. Diffusion coefficient measured in vivo in dorsal skin-fold
chamber on mice-bearing tumour xenograft by FRAP. From left to right the
columns refer to aqueous solutions, colon carcinoma LS174T, mammary carcinoma MCaIV, osteblastoma HSTS26, and gliobastoma U87. Data from Netti et
al. [67].

It has been often reported in the past that diffusion coefficient of a given macromolecule in a tumour is higher than the diffusion coefficient of the same molecule

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Table 3.1 Dependence on the molecular weight of the diffusion coefficient of

several macromolecules in solution and tissues (


Human articular cartilage
(in vitro)
Mesentery cat
Mesentery rat
Rabbit ear granulation tissue
VX2 carcinoma
Colon carcinoma LS174T
Dorsal chamber
Mammary carcinoma McaIV
Dorsal chamber
Osteosarcoma HST26T
Dorsal chamber
Glioblastoma U87
Dorsal chamber
Glioblastoma U87
Dorsal chamber
Glioblastoma U87
Cranial window
Melanoma Mu89
Dorsal chamber
Melanoma Mu89
Cranial window

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(MW range)
(540 kDa)
(3.4393 kDa)
(3.4541.2 kDa)
(19.4150 kDa)
(19.4150 kDa)
(68155 kDa)
(68155 kDa)
(68155 kDa)
(68155 kDa)
Various solutes
(682000 kDa)
Various solutes
(682000 kDa)
Various solutes
(682000 kDa)
Various solutes
(682000 kDa)




































in normal host tissue [34], [85]. However, it has been recently shown that the difference between the diffusion coefficient in tumour and in host normal tissue depend
upon the tumour and the host tissue type [67], [75]. Figure 3.2 shows the diffusion
) and IgG (150
) in four different tumour types and
coefficient of BSA (68
in buffered saline solution alone. The coefficient for glioblastoma and sarcoma
(   ) is much higher than the two carcinomas group (   ) indicating a
much stronger dependence of diffusion coefficient upon the molecular weight for the
glioblastoma and sarcoma tissues compared to the carcinoma. As a consequence, the
difference in diffusion coefficient among tumour types becomes more evident at high
molecular weight. Indeed, BSA diffuses at a modestly hindered rate that does not
differ significantly among tumour types. Although the mean BSA mobility in the
mammary carcinoma (MCaIV) and colon carcinoma (LS174T) are approximately
10% greater than in the glioblastoma (U87) and sarcoma (HSTS 26T), the difference
is not significant. However, the diffusion coefficient of the larger IgG molecule is
significantly greater in the two carcinomas (MCaIV and LS174T) compared to the
glioblastoma (U87) and sarcoma (HSTS 26T).
The molecular weight is not the only factor influencing the interstitial mobility
of a macromolecule. Parameters such as charge and configuration may also affect the
rate of diffusion of a macromolecule in the tumour interstitium [44], [46]. Charge
may influence both steric partition and diffusion coefficient. Comparing the diffusion
coefficient of a globular protein (BSA) and a linear macromolecule (Dextran) within
the same tissue it has been reported that BSA diffuses at a slower rate compared to
Dextran of equivalent size [24], [70]. Molecular charge regulates the nonspecific
binding (stickiness) between the diffusing molecule and the interstitial space. Binding is a very important parameter in the interstitial transport since it may affect the
effective diffusion rate by lowering the molecular mobility [47]. This parameter has
been experimentally evaluated in vivo by using FRAP (see Figure 3.3, [9]).


Hydraulic Conductivity

There is a paucity of data in the literature regarding the hydraulic conductivity

( ) of tissue, in particular tumour, due to the experimental difficulties to evaluate
this parameter. In Table 3.2, a summary of the experimental evaluation of K in
vitro and in vivo is reported. The data reported depend on the technique used to
evaluate the parameter since the different experimental techniques may modify tissue
condition and hydration. The value of depends upon the tumour type and within
the same tissue depends on tissue hydration or deformation. Figure 3.4 shows the
tissue hydraulic conductivity for the four tumours as a function of tissue deformation
(i.e., hydration).
Tumour hydraulic conductivity is a strong function of tissue hydration according to data reported for other soft tissues [55]. The dependence of
on tissue

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Figure 3.3

Dependence of interstitial diffusion coefficient and nonspecific binding on

molecule size and charge. Diffusion coefficient (left column) and immobile frac), antibody fragment (Fab), and nonspecific
tion (right column) of BSA (68
antibody IgG (150
). Data from Berk et al. [9].

Figure 3.4

Dependence of hydraulic conductivity on tissue deformation. Tissue hydraulic

conductivity as a function of tissue deformation evaluated by confined compression experiments on freshly sliced tumour tissue [67]. Solid lines are the fit of
 where  and
the experimental data with the equation
are empirical parameters, and is the tissue deformation.

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hydration is well described by an exponential law, in agreement with that suggested

in the literature for other soft tissues [63] and hydrogels [45]

where  is an experimental parameter,  is the tissue deformation (i.e., the trace of
the matrix deformation tensor), and  is the hydraulic conductivity at zero tissue
deformation. The hydraulic conductivity of the unstrained tissue ( ) can be esti-

mated by extrapolating to zero the data reported in Figure 3.3 (see Table 3.1). By
comparing the hydraulic conductivity values for tumour and normal tissues, it can
be concluded that in general the resistance to water flow is lower in tumour than in
normal tissues.
Hydraulic conductivity regulates the interstitial fluid velocity that along with the
determine the interstitial convective rate of a solute. The retarretardation factor
dation coefficient is a phenomenological parameter and depends on tissue hydration
and structure, and molecular properties of solutes. It has been poorly quantified in
the literature [56] and there are no direct evaluations of this parameter for tumour
of albumin in membranetissue. Parameswaran and co-workers have examined
like structures, such as pig mediastinal pleura [73] and rabbit mesentery [74] during
tissue perfusion and found that RF depends on the perfusion rate. This finding is
consistent with another report in the literature that indicates an inverse relationship
between RF and infusion rate in tumour tissue [60]. The retardation of convective
transport is likely due to deformation of the tissue due to solid stress generated by
the fluid flow. A more systematic experimental approach is necessary to gather more
information about the retardation factor in tumour tissues and its dependence on the
physiochemical and structural properties of the tissue and the solutes.


Role of Extracellular Matrix Composition and


In mature normal tissues, interstitial resistance to water and solute transport is

generally attributed to the amount of proteoglycans [1], [19], [63], [71]. Indeed,
there is a general correlation between fluid and solute transport resistance with the
amount of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the tissue (Figure 3.5). However, the same
conclusion cannot be drawn for tumour tissues [67].
Tumour tissue may possess unique characteristics due in part to an embryoniclike stage of development with extensive synthesis of extracellular matrix ( [29],
[80], [82]), which leads to substantial differences in composition and assembly compared to the host tissue ( [22], [51], [57], [58]). These differences have important
consequences in regulating the transport parameters of tumour tissues. Anomalous
assembly of the fibrillar component and its interaction with the proteoglycan component of the tumour ECM greatly influence the physiological barrier to macromolecule

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Table 3.2 Interstitial hydraulic conductivity of tumor and normal tissues.

Hydraulic conductivity was determined by different methods: in confined
is evaluated from the time constant for stress relaxation
compression ( ),
by fitting the data with a poroviscoleastic model [67]; in vivo
calculated based on pressure gradients measured by micropipet pressure
probes during infusion of saline [12]; in ex-vivo or in vitro  excised tissue
is placed in a flow cell in which a pressure gradient is imposed on the tissue
and water flow through the sample measured [55], [89].

Hydraulic conductivity (



Tissue type

Colon carcinoma
Mammary carcinoma
Mca IV
vitrous body
Subcutaneous tissue
corneal stroma
cartilage surface layer
cartilage deep layer
femoral head cartilage

in vitro



 in vivo



in vitro
(flow chamber)







motion posed by healthy tissue ECM. In a series of recent studies ( [20], [67], [75])
it has been shown that contrary to what occurs in normal tissues, transport resistance
to fluid and macromolecules in tumour tissues does not correlate with the amount
of GAG but rather to the amount of fibrillar collagen. Figure 3.5 shows that the hydraulic conductivity of four different type of tumour tissues changes by almost two
orders of magnitude with virtually no change in GAG content. Analogously, Figmolecule (IgG) does not
ure 3.6a shows that the diffusion coefficient of a 155
correlate with the GAG content. On the other hand, Figure 3.6b shows that diffusion coefficient of macromolecules within tumour interstitium correlates well with
the amount of collagen in the tissue. The influence of fibrillar collagen has been
definitely proven by showing that enzymatic digestion of collagen network leads
to a substantial increase of diffusion coefficient [67]. The dependence of transport
resistance of tumour interstitium on the fibrillar collagen content of the tissues, is
corroborated by recent data by Pluen et al. [75] and by Ramanujan et al. [78], and

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Figure 3.5

Hydraulic conductivity of various tissue and hyaluronic acid aqueous solutions as a function of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition. The symbols are:
(full circle) hyluronan solutions [89]; (circle) various tumour and normal tissues [55]; (square) carcinomas, sarcoma, and glioblastoma tissues [67].

also by the data obtained by direct intratumoural infusion of macromolecular solutions by Boucher et al. [12]. Furthermore, recently Brown et al. [15] have loosened
tumour collagen by chronic treatment with the hormone relaxin and demonstrated
an increase in diffusive transport. Taken together these findings can be generalised
by concluding that tumours with a well defined collagen network are more resistant to macromolecular drugs compared to tumours that exhibit a loose collagen
network. Degeneration of the fibrillar network and a resulting compromised physiological function may be a general feature of tumours. Indeed, ECM organisation is
often abnormal in tumours ( [22], [57], [58]) and this may explain the discrepancy
reported in the fluid and macromolecular transport resistance in tumours compared
to normal tissues.
Since the extracellular matrix assembly and composition of a given tumour
is determined by tumour-host tissues interaction, it suggests that also the transport
properties of a tumour are controlled by the host. Therefore, in determining the transport resistance of a solid tumour particular attention should be paid to the choice of
the relevant experimental model. It has been recently shown that interstitial transport properties of a given tumour depend upon the anatomical location of the implants [75]. Along the same line, it has also been shown that tumour spheroids, as in
vitro models for interstitial transport, fail to reproduce the in vivo tissue characteristics and therefore interstitial transport data obtained with in vitro models should be
interpreted with caution [20].

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Figure 3.6

Dependence of interstitial diffusion coefficient of a 155

molecule (IgG) on
tissue GAG (a) and collagen (b) content. Data are adapted from Netti et al.
[67]. Dashed lines are the best fit of the data with the exponential equation
   , where and are empirical parameters and [M1] is
the composition of the ECM component (i.e., GAG or collagen).

The micro-structural assembly of the ECM may lead to microporous structure with complex interconnectivity. The interconnection of micropores, or effective available volume, within the tissue controls both the partition coefficient and
apparent diffusion rate of macromolecular drugs. It has been recently shown that
pore-matrix connectedness and shape strongly regulates the dependence of diffusion
coefficient upon molecular weight [90].


Relevance for Delivery of Molecular Medicine

A wide range of novel cancer therapies seek to utilise macromolecular agents

such as proteins, monoclonal antibodies, gene vectors, viruses, liposomes, or polymers. Since the size of these agents are significantly larger compared to that of
conventional therapies, the success of molecular medicine may ultimately depend
on how well the agent can penetrate the tumour interstitial matrix. Therefore, a better understanding of the physiochemical parameters that control tumour interstitial
transport, along with appropriate mathematical modelling of the processes involved,
may be helpful in proposing and designing novel strategies to improve the delivery
of macromolecular agents to solid tumours.
Studies on the role of the extracellular matrix assembly and composition on interstitial transport have lead to the identification of measurable tumour characteristics

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that could be useful in predicting penetration by therapeutic macromolecules. For

instance, the results obtained suggest that the feasibility of therapeutic approaches
requiring macromolecule penetration could be assessed by histological staining of
tumour tissue biopsies or by optical imaging [14], [15], [67], [75]. Delivery of highmolecular-weight agents should be facilitated in tumours with poorly organised and
loosely interconnected collagen networks. However, further studies are needed along
these lines since the assembly of the interstitial network is probably determined by
the interaction of both neoplastic and host cells. Particularly in tumours of epithelial
origin, host stromal cells are involved in the production and organisation of matrix molecules [48]. Hence, the transport properties of the tumour interstitial matrix
likely depends on the site of tumour growth as well as on the tumour type [75].
Besides the size and charge, the transport of a molecule depends on the flexibility of the diffusing molecule. Comparing the diffusive regimes in polymer gels of
several molecules with different molecular rigidity it has been shown that configurational change of diffusing macromolecule may control the transport regime [76]. Not
only flexible macromolecules exhibit greater mobility in the gel than comparablesize rigid spherical particles, but also flexible macromolecules can undergo to mechanisms of transport not possible for rigid ones. In particular, flexible macromolecules
move via reptation through the polymer network even when their radius of gyration
exceed the gel mesh size.
Mathematical modelling of coupled fluid and macromolecular transport in tumour interstitium has helped elucidate the role of extracellular matrix compliance,
hydraulic conductivity, and diffusion coefficient in macromolecular drug distribution
within tumour tissues [2], [3], [4], [5], [23], [62], [65], [66], [67], [69], [77], [78].
These basic models provided new insight for understanding the physiological barrier to fluid and macromolecular transport in solid tumours and represent a valuable
tool for determining the relevant transport parameters both in vitro and in vivo [12].
Further studies are needed along these directions to integrate in the basic theory spatial and temporal effect on transport parameters, dependence of the parameters on
the tissue hydration and include finite volume analysis to take into account complex


Conclusion and Challenge

Interstitial movement of macromolecules is controlled by chemical-physical

properties and configurational dynamics of the transported molecule as well as the
microstructure and composition of the extracellular matrix. The macroscopic parameters that control the rate of interstitial transport are the tissue hydraulic conductivity
( ) and the diffusion coefficient ( ), which define the intrinsic convective and diffusive rate of the transport, respectively. These parameters are related to molecular
properties of the solute, such as molecular size, charge and configuration, and molec-

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ular and structural parameters of the interstitium such as composition, charge, and
assembly. Albeit some of these relationships have been established, at least empirically, most of them remain still fundamentally unknown. The acquisition of these
basic relationships through a heuristic approach is urgently needed.
There is a paucity of quantitative data on the penetration of large agents in
tumour interstitum and in particular on the role of charge, shape, and configuration
on their transport parameters. This deficiency is significant considering the vast array
of different agents currently under development or in use for cancer therapy; there is
no consensus on the best chemical-physical characteristics an agent should have [49],
[81], [88]. The need for measuring the relevant transport parameters for the novel
agents developed by molecular medicine is urgent to assess the feasibility of the
approaches and to design appropriate time-dose schedule to enhance their efficacy.
The tumour interstitium is not a passive fibre-matrix gel but rather a living material undergoing dynamic remodelling of cell shape, matrix structure, and cell-matrix
connections. As a consequence interstitial transport parameters change both in time
and space leading to gradients in drug concentration within tumour tissue [35], [53].
To address the important issue of space and time heterogeneity of tumour tissues,
novel techniques with the ability to monitor pharmacokinetics and physiological parameters simultaneously and continuously with a high spatial resolutions (110 m)
are needed. One of the most promising novel noninvasive method that meets these requirements is the multiphoton in vivo microscopy associated with transparent chamber preparations [15]. With this technique it will be possible to investigate tissue
in three dimension with the adequate spatial resolution. The use of this technique
should permit in the future to investigate and exploit the mechanisms that underline
the heterogeneous distribution of drugs within tumour interstitium.

The authors wish to thank Drs. Yves Boucher and Edward Brown for their comments and careful review of the manuscript. Financial support from Italian Minister
of Research (CLUSTER) to Paolo A. Netti and from the National Institutes of Health
(P01CA80124) to Rakesh K. Jain are also acknowledged.



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