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Improving Web Navigation Usability by Comparing

Actual and Anticipated Usage
Ruili Geng, Member, IEEE, and Jeff Tian, Member, IEEE

AbstractWe present a new method to identify navigationrelated Web usability problems based on comparing actual and
anticipated usage patterns. The actual usage patterns can be extracted from Web server logs routinely recorded for operational
websites by first processing the log data to identify users, user sessions, and user task-oriented transactions, and then applying an
usage mining algorithm to discover patterns among actual usage
paths. The anticipated usage, including information about both
the path and time required for user-oriented tasks, is captured by
our ideal user interactive path models constructed by cognitive experts based on their cognition of user behavior. The comparison
is performed via the mechanism of test oracle for checking results
and identifying user navigation difficulties. The deviation data produced from this comparison can help us discover usability issues
and suggest corrective actions to improve usability. A software
tool was developed to automate a significant part of the activities
involved. With an experiment on a small service-oriented website,
we identified usability problems, which were cross-validated by domain experts, and quantified usability improvement by the higher
task success rate and lower time and effort for given tasks after
suggested corrections were implemented. This case study provides
an initial validation of the applicability and effectiveness of our
Index TermsCognitive user model, sessionization, software
tool, test oracle, usability, usage pattern, Web server log.

S the World Wide Web becomes prevalent today, building and ensuring easy-to-use Web systems is becoming
a core competency for business survival [26], [41]. Usability
is defined as the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with
which specific users can complete specific tasks in a particular environment [5]. Three basic Web design principles, i.e.,
structural firmness, functional convenience, and presentational
delight, were identified to help improve users online experience
[42]. Structural firmness relates primarily to the characteristics
that influence the website security and performance. Functional
convenience refers to the availability of convenient characteristics, such as a sites ease of use and ease of navigation, that

Manuscript received February 7, 2014; revised August 28, 2014; accepted

October 3, 2014. Date of publication October 29, 2014; date of current version
January 13, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Grant #1126747, Raytheon, and NSF Net-Centric I/UCRC.
This paper was recommended by Associate Editor F. Ritter.
R. Geng is with the Department Computer Science and Engineering, Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 USA (e-mail: rgeng@smu.edu).
J. Tian is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 USA, and also with the School
of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, Shaanxi
710072, China (e-mail: tian@smu.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/THMS.2014.2363125

help users interaction with the interface. Presentational delight

refers to the website characteristics that stimulate users senses.
Usability engineering provides methods for measuring usability and for addressing usability issues. Heuristic evaluation
by experts and user-centered testing are typically used to identify usability issues and to ensure satisfactory usability [26].
However, significant challenges exist, including 1) accuracy of
problem identification due to false alarms common in expert
evaluation [22], 2) unrealistic evaluation of usability due to differences between the testing environment and the actual usage
environment [7], and 3) increased cost due to the prolonged
evolution and maintenance cycles typical for many Web applications [24]. On the other hand, log data routinely kept at
Web servers represent actual usage. Such data have been used
for usage-based testing and quality assurance [20], [39], and
also for understanding user behavior and guiding user interface
design [36], [40].
We propose to extract actual user behavior from Web server
logs, capture anticipated user behavior with the help of cognitive
user models [28], and perform a comparison between the two.
This deviation analysis would help us identify some navigation
related usability problems. Correcting these problems would
lead to better functional convenience as characterized by both
better effectiveness (higher task completion rate) and efficiency
(less time for given tasks). This new method would complement
traditional usability practices and overcome some of the existing
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces the related work. Section III presents the basic ideas of our
method and its architecture. Section IV describes how to extract
actual usage patterns from Web server logs. Section V describes
the construction of our ideal user interactive path (IUIP) models
to capture anticipated Web usage. Section VI presents the comparison between actual usage patterns and corresponding IUIP
models. Section VII describes a case study applying our method
to a small service-oriented website. Section VIII validates our
method by examining its applicability and effectiveness. Section IX discusses the limitations of our method. Conclusions
and perspectives are discussed in Section X.
A. Logs, Web Usage and Usability
Two types of logs, i.e., server-side logs and client-side logs,
are commonly used for Web usage and usability analysis.
Server-side logs can be automatically generated by Web servers,
with each entry corresponding to a user request. By analyzing
these logs, Web workload was characterized and used to suggest

2168-2291 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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performance enhancements for Internet Web servers [4]. Because of the vastly uneven Web traffic, massive user population,
and diverse usage environment, coverage-based testing is insufficient to ensure the quality of Web applications [20]. Therefore,
server-side logs have been used to construct Web usage models for usage-based Web testing [20], [39], or to automatically
generate test cases accordingly to improve test efficiency [34].
Server logs have also been used by organizations to learn
about the usability of their products. For example, search queries
can be extracted from server logs to discover user information
needs for usability task analysis [31]. There are many advantages to using server logs for usability studies. Logs can provide
insight into real users performing actual tasks in natural working conditions versus in an artificial setting of a lab. Logs also
represent the activities of many users over a long period of time
versus the small sample of users in a short time span in typical
lab testing [37]. Data preparation techniques and algorithms can
be used to process the raw Web server logs, and then mining can
be performed to discover users visitation patterns for further
usability analysis [14]. For example, organizations can mine
server-side logs to predict users behavior and context to satisfy
users need [40]. Users revisitiation patterns can be discovered
by mining server logs to develop guidelines for browser history mechanism that can be used to reduce users cognitive and
physical effort [36].
Client-side logs can capture accurate comprehensive usage
data for usability analysis, because they allow low-level user
interaction events such as keystrokes and mouse movements
to be recorded [18], [25]. For example, using these client-side
data, the evaluator can accurately measure time spent on particular tasks or pages as well as study the use of back button
and user clickstreams [19]. Such data are often used with taskbased approaches and models for usability analysis by comparing discrepancies between the designers anticipation and a
users actual behavior [10], [27]. However, the evaluator must
program the UI, modify Web pages, or use an instrumented
browser with plug-in tools or a special proxy server to collect
such data. Because of privacy concerns, users generally do not
want any instrument installed in their computers. Therefore, logging actual usage on the client side can best be used in lab-based
experiments with explicit consent of the participants.
B. Cognitive User Models
In recent years, there is a growing need to incorporate insights from cognitive science about the mechanisms, strengths,
and limits of human perception and cognition to understand the
human factors involved in user interface design [28]. For example, the various constraints on cognition (e.g., system complexity) and the mechanisms and patterns of strategy selection
can help human factor engineers develop solutions and apply
technologies that are better suited to human abilities [30], [40].
Commonly used cognitive models include GOMS, EPIC, and
ACT-R [2], [21], [28]. The GOMS model consists of Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules. As the high-level architecture, GOMS describes behavior and defines interactions as
a static sequence of human actions. As the low-level cognitive


architecture, EPIC (Executive-Process/Interactive Control) and

ACT-R (Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational) can be taken as
the specific implementation of the high-level architecture. They
provide detailed information about how to simulate human processing and cognition [2], [21]. An important feature of these
low-level cognitive architectures is that they are all implemented
as computer programming systems so that cognitive models may
be specified, executed, and their outputs (e.g., error rates and response latencies) compared with human performance data [17].
ACT-R provides detailed and sophisticated process models
of human performance in interactive tasks with complex interfaces. It allows researchers to specify the cognitive factors (e.g.,
domain knowledge, problem-solving strategies) by developing
cognitive models of interactive behavior. It consists of multiple
modules that acquire information from the environment, process
information and execute actions in the furtherance of particular goals. Cognition proceeds via a pattern matching process
that attempts to find productions that match the current contents. ACT-R is often used to understand the decisions that Web
users make in following various links to satisfy their information goals [2]. However, ACT-R has its own limitations due to
the complexity of its model development [9] and the low-level
rule-based programming language it relies on [12].
Software engineering techniques have also been applied to
develop intelligent agents and cognitive models [16], [29]. On
the one hand, higher level programming languages simplify the
encoding of behavior by creating representations that map more
directly to a theory of how behavior arises in humans. On the
other hand, as these designs are adopted, adapted, and reused,
they may become design patterns.
Our research is guided by three research questions:
1) RQ1: What usability problems are addressed?
2) RQ2: How to identify these problems?
3) RQ3: How to validate our approach?
As described in the previous section, Web server logs have
been used for usage-based Web testing and quality assurance.
They have also been used for understanding user behavior and
guiding user interface design. These works are extended in this
study to focus on the functional convenience aspect of usability.
In particular, we focus on identifying navigation related problems as characterized by an inability to complete certain tasks
or excessive time to complete them (RQ1).
Usability engineers often use server logs to analyze users
behavior and understand how users perform specific tasks to improve their experience. On the other hand, many critics pointed
out that server logs contain no information about the users goals
in visiting websites [37]. Usability engineers cannot generalize
from server log data as they can from data collected by performing controlled experiments. However, these weaknesses can be
alleviated by applying the cognitive user models we surveyed in
the previous section. Such cognitive models can be constructed
with our domain knowledge and empirical data to capture anticipated user behavior. They may also provide clues to users
intentions when they interact with Web systems.


Fig. 1.


Architecture of a new method for identifying usability problems.

We propose a new method to identify navigation related usability problems by comparing Web usage patterns extracted
from server logs against anticipated usage represented in some
cognitive user models (RQ2). Fig. 1 shows the architecture of
our method. It includes three major modules: Usage Pattern Extraction, IUIP Modeling, and Usability Problem Identification.
First, we extract actual navigation paths from server logs and
discover patterns for some typical events. In parallel, we construct IUIP models for the same events. IUIP models are based
on the cognition of user behavior and can represent anticipated
paths for specific user-oriented tasks. The result checking employs the mechanism of test oracle. An oracle is generally used
to determine whether a test has passed or failed [6]. Here, we use
IUIP models as the oracle to identify the usability issues related
to the users actual navigation paths by analyzing the deviations
between the two. This method and its three major modules will
be described in detail in Sections IVVI.
We used the Furniture Giveaway (FG) 2009 website as the
case study to illustrate our method and its application. Additionally, we also used the server log data of the FG 2010 website,
the next version of FG 2009, to help us validate our method.
All the usability problems in FG2009 identified by our method
were fixed in FG2010. The functional convenience aspect of
usability for this website is quantified by its task completion
rate and time to complete given tasks. The ability to implement
recommended changes and to track quantifiable usability improvement over iterations is an important reason for us to use
this website to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of
our method (RQ3).
The FG website was constructed by a charity organization
to provide free furniture to new international students in Dallas. Similar to e-commerce websites, it provided registration,

selection, and removal of goods, submission of orders, and other

services. It was partially designed and developed with the wellknown templated page pattern [13]. All outgoing Web pages go
through a one-page template on their way to the client. Four
templated pages were designed for the furniture catalog, furniture details, account information and selections. The FG website
was implemented by using PHP, MySQL, AJAX and other dynamic Web development techniques. It included 15 PHP scripts
to process users requests, 5 furniture catalog pages, about 200
furniture detail pages, and additional pages related to user information, selection rules, registration and so on.
Web server logs are our data source. Each entry in a log
contains the IP address of the originating host, the timestamp, the
requested Web page, the referrer, the user agent and other data.
Typically, the raw data need to be preprocessed and converted
into user sessions and transactions to extract usage patterns.
A. Data Preparation and Preprocessing
The data preparation and preprocessing include the following
domain-dependent tasks.
1) Data cleaning: This task is usually site-specific and
involves removing extraneous references to style files,
graphics, or sound files that may not be important for the
purpose of our analysis.
2) User identification: The remaining entries are grouped
by individual users. Because no user authentication and
cookie information is available in most server logs, we
used the combination of IP, user agent, and referrer fields
to identify unique users [14].


Fig. 2.


Example of a trail tree (right) and associated transaction paths (left).

3) User session identification: The activity record of each

user is segmented into sessions, with each representing
a single visit to a site. Without additional authentication
information from users and without the mechanisms such
as embedded session IDs, one must rely on heuristics
for session identification [3], [23]. For example, we set
an elapse time of 15 min between two successive page
accesses as a threshold to partition a user activity record
into different sessions.
4) Path completion: Client or proxy side caching can often
result in missing access references to some pages that
have been cached. These missing references can often be
heuristically inferred from the knowledge of site topology
and referrer information, along with temporal information
from server logs [14].
These tasks are time consuming and computationally intensive, but essential to the successful discovery of usage patterns.
Therefore, we developed a tool to automate all these tasks except
part of path completion. For path completion, the designers or
developers first need to manually discover the rules of missing
references based on site structure, referrer, and other heuristic
information. Once the repeated patterns are identified, this work
can be automatically carried out. Our tool can work with server
logs of different Web applications by modifying the related parameters in the configuration file. The processed log data are
stored into a database for further use.
B. Transaction Identification
E-commerce data typically include various task-oriented
events such as order, shipping, and shopping cart changes. In
most cases, there is a need to divide individual data into corresponding groups called Web transactions. A transaction usually
has a well-defined beginning and end associated with a specific
task. For example, a transaction may start when a user places
something in his shopping cart and ends when he has completed the purchase on the confirmation screen [41]. A transaction differs from a user session in that the size of a transaction
can range from a single page to all the visited pages in a user
In this research, we first construct event models, also called
task models, for typical Web tasks. Event models can be built
by Web designers or domain experts based on the use cases in
the requirements for the Web application. Based on the event
models, we identify the click operations (pages) from the clickstream of a user session as a transaction. For the FG website,

we constructed four event models for the following four typical

1) Task 1: Register as a new user.
2) Task 2: Select the first piece of furniture.
3) Task 3: Select the next piece of furniture.
4) Task 4: Change selection.
The example below shows the event model constructed for
Task 2 (First Selection):
[post register.php] .*? [post process.
Here, [ ] indicates beginning and end pages; .*? indicates
a minimal number of pages in a sequence between the two pages.
For this task, we extracted a sequence of pages which started
with the page post register.php and ended with the
first appearance of the page post process.php for each
session. Such a sequence of pages forms a transaction for a user.
We call the sequence a path.
C. Trail Tree Construction
The transactions identified from each user session form a
collection of paths. Since multiple visitors may access the same
pages in the same order, we use the trie data structure to merge
the paths along common prefixes. A trie, or a prefix tree, is an
ordered tree used to store an associative array where the keys
are usually strings [35]. All the descendants of a node have a
common prefix of the string associated with that node. The root
is associated with the empty string.
We adapted the trie algorithm to construct a tree structure that
also captures user visit frequencies, which is called a trail tree
in our work. In a trail tree, a complete path from the root to a leaf
node is called a trail. Each node corresponds to the occurrence of
a specific page in a transaction. It is annotated with the number
of users having reached the node across the same trail prefix. The
leaf nodes of the trail tree are also annotated with the trail names.
An example trail tree is shown in Fig. 2. The transaction paths
extracted from the Web server log are shown in the table to its
left, together with path occurrence frequencies. Paths 1, 4, and
5 have the common first node a; therefore, they were merged
together. For the second node of this subtree, Paths 1 and 4
both accessed Page b; therefore, the two paths were combined
at Node b. Finally, Paths 1 and 4 were merged into a single
trail, Trail 1, although Path 1 terminates at Node e. By the same
method, the other paths can be integrated into the trail tree. The
number at each edge indicates the number of users reaching the
next node across the same trail prefix.



Based on the aggregated trail tree, further mining can be performed for some interesting pattern discovery. Typically, good
mining results require a close interaction of the human experts
to specify the characteristics that make navigation patterns interesting. In our method, we focus on the paths which are used by a
sufficient number of users to finish a specific task. The paths can
be initially prioritized by their usage frequencies and selected by
using a threshold specified by the experts. Application-domain
knowledge and contextual information, such as criticality of
specific tasks, user privileges, etc., can also be used to identified
interesting patterns. For the FG 2009 website, we extracted
30 trails each for Tasks 1, 2, and 3, and 5 trails for Task 4.
Our IUIP models are based on the cognitive models surveyed
in Section II, particularly the ACT-R model. Due to the complexity of ACT-R model development [9] and the low-level rulebased programming language it relies on [12], we constructed
our own cognitive architecture and supporting tool based on the
ideas from ACT-R.
In general, the user behavior patterns can be traced with a
sequence of states and transitions [30], [32]. Our IUIP consists
of a number of states and transitions. For a particular goal, a
sequence of related operation rules can be specified for a series
of transitions. Our IUIP model specifies both the path and the
benchmark interactive time (no more than a maximum time)
for some specific states (pages). The benchmark time can first
be specified based on general rules for common types of Web
pages. For example, human factors guidelines specify the upper
bound for the response time to mitigate the risk that users will
lose interest in a website [22].
Humans usually try to complete their tasks in the most efficient manner by attempting to maximize their returns while
minimizing the cost [28]. Typically, experts and novices will
have different task performance [1]. Novices need to learn taskspecific knowledge while performing the task, but experts can
complete the task in the most efficient manner [28]. Based on
this cognitive mechanism, IUIP models need to be constructed
individually for novices and experts by cognitive experts by
utilizing their domain expertise and their knowledge of different users interactive behavior. For specific situations, we can
adapt the durations by performing iterative tests with different
users [38].
Diagrammatic notation methods and tools are often used to
support interaction modeling and task performance evaluation
[11], [15], [33]. To facilitate IUIP model construction and reuse,
we used C++ and XML to develop our IUIP modeling tool based
on the open-source visual diagram software DIA. DIA allows
users to draw customized diagrams, such as UML, data flow,
and other diagrams. Existing shapes and lines in DIA form part
of the graphic notations in our IUIP models. New ones can
be easily added by writing simple XML files. The operations,
operation rules, and computation rules can be embedded into
the graphic notations with XML schema we defined to form
our IUIP symbols. Currently, about 20 IUIP symbols have been
created to represent typical Web interactions. IUIP symbols used

in subsequent examples are explained at the bottom of Fig. 3.

Cognitive experts can use our IUIP modeling tool to develop
various IUIP models for different Web applications.
Similar to ACT-R and other low-level cognitive architecture,
our IUIP is a computational model. It can be extended to support
related task executions. For example, it can be extended to calculate the deviations between itself and users actual operations
in the next section.
Fig. 3 shows the IUIP model constructed by the cognitive
experts for the event First Selection for the novice users of
the FG website, together with the explanation for the symbols.
Each state of the IUIP model is labeled, and the benchmark time
is shown on the top. - means there is no interaction with users.
Those pages are only used to post data to the server.
In summary, IUIP models established by cognitive experts
and designers specify the anticipated user behavior. Both the
paths and time for user-oriented tasks anticipated by Web designers from the perspective of human behavior cognition are
captured in these models.
The actual users navigation trails we extracted from the aggregated trail tree are compared against corresponding IUIP
models automatically. This comparison will yield a set of deviations between the two. We can identify some common problems
of actual users interaction with the Web application by focusing
on deviations that occur frequently. Combined with expertise in
product internal and contextual information, our results can also
help identify the root causes of some usability problems existing
in the Web design.
Based on logical choices made and time spent by users at
each page, the calculation of deviations between actual users
usage patterns and IUIP can be divided into two parts:
1) Logical deviation calculation:
a) When the path choice anticipated by the IUIP model
is available but not selected, a single deviation is
b) Sum up all the above deviations over all the selected
user transactions for each page.
2) Temporal deviation calculation:
a) When a user spends more time at a specific page than
the benchmark specified for the corresponding state
in the IUIP model, a single deviation is counted.
b) Sum up all the above deviations over all the selected
user transactions for each page.
Fig. 4 gives an example of the logical deviation calculation.
The IUIP model for the task First Selection is shown on the
top. The corresponding user Trail 7, a part of a trail tree extracted from log data, is presented under it. The node in the
tree is annotated with the number of users having reached the
node across the same trail prefix. The successive pages related
to furniture categories are grouped into a dashed box. The pages
with deviations and the unanticipated followup pages below
them are marked with solid rectangular boxes. Those unanticipated followup pages will not be used themselves for deviation
calculations to avoid double counting.


Fig. 3.

IUIP model for the event First Selection (top) and explanation of the symbols used (bottom).

Fig. 4.

Logical deviation calculation example.

In user Trail 7, after following the first four states S1S4

in the IUIP model, the expected state S5 (category page) was
not reached from S4 (selection rules). Instead, S4 was repeated;
therefore, a deviation should be recorded. Because the repeated
S4 is the unanticipated followup page, it will be omitted in
subsequent deviation calculation. The process proceeds to find
the page matching S5. The following pages cat=1 and
cat=5 are both category pages, matching S5 in this IUIP
model. Furthermore, page detail id=74 matches S6 according to the operation rule. We anticipated the user to reach S7
(process) or continue to stay in S5 or S6 to look around among
furniture categories or detail pages, but the user jumped back
to S4 (page cat=0, selection rules) instead. Therefore, one
logical deviation for S6 of the IUIP model was identified.
Fig. 5 gives an example of the temporal deviation calculation.
Actual times taken by users are listed in the time tables graphi-


cally linked to the related pages. In user Trail 7, one user spent
more time on index.php than the benchmark time for the
corresponding state S2. So, one temporal deviation was counted.
Furthermore, two users took more time on page selection rules
than the benchmark time specified for the corresponding state
S4. Therefore, two temporal deviations were counted. Similarly,
we obtained two temporal deviations for the category pages: one
for the page cat=1 and one for the page cat=5.
We can perform the same comparison and calculation for all
the trails we extracted for all the corresponding tasks. Results
were obtained for the FG 2009 website in this way. Tables I and
II show the specific states (pages) in the IUIP models with large
(5) cumulative logical and temporal deviations respectively.
The results single out these Web pages and their design for further analysis (to be described in the next section), because such
large deviations may be indications of some usability problems.


Fig. 5.


Temporal deviation calculation example.


States (pages)

Logical deviation

Selection Rules
Category Pages
Category Pages
My Selection



States (pages)

Temporal deviations

Selection Rules
Category cat=2
My Selections
Category cat=5
My Selections



We next describe some specific results from applying our
method to the FG 2009 website. We collected Web server access log data for the first three days after its deployment. The
server log includes about 3000 entries. After preprocessing the

raw log data using our tool, we identified 58 unique users and
81 sessions. Then, we constructed four event models for four
typical tasks. We extracted 95 trails for these tasks. Meanwhile,
a designer with three-year GUI design experience and an expert
with five-year experience with human factors practice for the
Web constructed four IUIP models for the same tasks based on
their cognition of users interactive behavior.
By checking the extracted usage patterns against the four IUIP
models, we obtained logical and temporal deviations shown in
Tables I and II and identified 17 usability issues or potential
usability problems. Some usability issues were identified by
both logical and temporal deviation analyses. Next, we further
analyze these deviations for usability problem identification and
In Table I, 16 deviations took place in the page
index.php. The unanticipated followup page is the page
login.php, followed by the page index.php?f=t
(login failure). Further reviewing the index page, we found that
the page design is too simplistic: No instruction was provided
to help users to login or register. We inferred that some users
with limited online shopping experience were trying to use their
regular email addresses and passwords to log in to the FG 2009
website. They did not realize that they needed to use their email
addresses to register as new users and setup password. Therefore, numerous login failures occurred. Once this issue was
identified, the index page was redesigned to instruct users to
login or register.
We also found some structure design issues. For example, we
observed that some users repeatedly visited the page Selection
Rules. It is likely that when the users were not permitted to
select any furniture in some categories (the FG website limited
each user to select one piece of furniture under each category),
they had to go to the page Selection Rules to find the reasons.
To reduce these redundant operations and improve user experience, the help function for selection rules should be redesigned
to make it more convenient for users to consult.


Temporal deviations also highlight some usability problems

linked to pages where users spent excessive time. For example,
Table II shows that 23 users spent excessive time in the page
register.php. After inspecting this page, domain experts
recommended that some page elements be redesigned to enable
more efficient completion of this task, such as 1) replacing the
control text area with listbox to ensure input data validity
and reduce effort and 2) setting default values for the items
city and state for the predominantly local user population
of the FG website.
We also identified some pages of furniture categories with
larger temporal deviations. After further analysis, the experts
noticed that the thumbnails for all furniture items were displayed
in one page. The users had to wait for the display of the whole
page and to scroll down the screen several times to view all
the furniture items. As a result, addition of page navigation and
View all functions were suggested to improve the efficiency
of these operations.
As illustrated in the above examples, some navigation-related
Web usability problems can be identified and corrected by further analyzing the pages with large deviations.
We next provide an initial validation of our method with the
case study of the FG website over two successive versions.
The validation is guided by three subquestions related to our
validation question RQ3 first introduced in Section III.
1) RQ3.1: Can our method be applied in an iterative usability
engineering process?
2) RQ3.2: Can the problematic areas identified by our
method be confirmed as real usability issues by usability specialists?
3) RQ3.3: Can our method contribute to usability improvement?
A. Applicability (RQ3.1)
Our method is applicable to the late phases of Web application development and throughout the continuous evolution and
maintenance process when Web server logs are available. In
the iterative usability engineering process, our method can be
incorporated into an integrated strategy for usability assurance.
Once a beta website is available and related Web server logs
are obtained, our method can be applied to help identify usability problems. The usability issues identified by our method
can also provide usability experts valuable information such as
what types of usability issues and what specific Web pages and
design they should pay more attention to. Similarly, the usability problems found by our method can also help the usability
testing team to prepare and execute relevant test scenarios. Our
method can be continuously used for usability improvement in
the constantly evolving website after its first operational use.
B. Confirmation of Identified Problems (RQ3.2)
We need to confirm that the problematic areas identified by
our method are indeed usability problems. Usability issues,


unlike other quality attributes such as reliability or capability, typically involved users perception and experts subjective
judgment. Therefore, in the absence of direct user feedback,
validation of the effectiveness of usability practice must be performed by usability experts.
A designer of the FG website with three years GUI design
experience and an expert with five-year experience with human
factors practice for the Web were invited to serve as the usability
specialists to review and validate our results. Among the 17
usability problems identified by our method for the FG website
described in Session VII, three problems were combined as one.
All the 15 problems were confirmed as usability problems by
the usability specialists.
Additionally, it is meaningful to determine the severity of the
problems to assess their impact on the usability of the system.
The four-level severity measure [5] was adopted in our study.
Among 15 identified usability problems, there was one problem
that prevented the completion of a task (severity level 1), ten
problems that created significant delay and frustration (level 2),
three problems that had a minor effect on usability of the system
(level 3), and one problem that pointed to a future enhancement
(level 4). The results indicate that our method can effectively
identify some usability problems, especially those frustrating to
C. Impact on Usability Improvement (RQ3.3)
We used version 2009 and version 2010 of the FG website
to evaluate the impact of our method on usability improvement.
All the usability problems in FG 2009 identified by our method
were fixed in FG 2010. FG 2009 and FG 2010 users are different
incoming classes of international students, but they share many
common characteristics. Therefore, FG 2009 and FG 2010 can
be used to compare usability change and to evaluate usability
improvement due to the introduction and application of our
For well-defined tasks, we can measure the task success rate
and compare it in successive iterations to evaluate usability
improvement. Another way is to examine the amount of effort
required to complete a task, typically by measuring the number
of steps (pages) required to perform the task [41]. Time-on-task
can also be used to measure usability efficiency.
Table III shows the usability improvement between FG 2009
and FG 2010 in term of changes in task success rate, average
amount of effort-on-task and average time-on-task. The average
improvement of task success rate is 8.2%. The average number
of steps for each task decreased from 7.7 to 5.8 and the average
time for each task was reduced from 2.5 to 0.8 min. The usability
of the FG website has apparently improved, with higher task
success rate and reduced effort and time required for the same
Our method is not intended to and cannot replace traditional
usability practices. First, we need to extract usage patterns from
Web server logs, which can only become available after Web
applications are deployed. Therefore, our method cannot be



Task success rate

Average effort
(# of step)
Average time

FG 2009
FG 2010
FG 2009
FG 2010
FG 2009
FG 2010


45/53 or 84.9%
37/39 or 94.9%

38/45 or 84.4%
35/37 or 94.6%

37/50 or 74.0%
40/48 or 83.3%

5/13 or 38.5%
9/17 or 52.9%


directly used to identify usability problems for the initial prototype design as can be done through the traditional heuristic
evaluation by experts, nor can it replace usability testing for the
initial Web application development before it is fully operational
and made available to the users. After the initial deployment
of the Web applications, our method can be used to identify
navigation related usability issues and improve usability. In addition, it can be used to develop questions or hypotheses for
traditional heuristic evaluation and usability testing for the subsequent updates and improvements in the iterative development
and maintenance processes for Web applications. Therefore, our
method can complement existing usability practices and become
an important part of an integrated strategy for Web usability
Traditional usability testing involving actual users requires
significant time and effort [26]. In the heuristic evaluation, significant effort is required for human factors experts to inspect
a large number of Web pages and interface elements. In contrast, our method can be semiautomatically and independently
performed with the tools and models we developed. The total
cost includes three parts: 1) model construction (preparation);
2) test oracle implementation to identify usability problems; and
3) followup inspection. Although usability experts are needed to
construct event and IUIP models in our method, it is a one-time
effort that cumulatively injects the experts domain knowledge
and cognition. The automated tasks in our method include log
data processing, trail tree construction, and trail extraction, and
the comparison between IUIP models and user trails to calculate logical and temporal deviations. This type of methods offer
substantial benefits over the alternative time-consuming unaided
analysis of potentially large amounts of raw data [19]. Human
factor experts must manually inspect the output results to identify usability problems. However, they only need to inspect and
confirm the usability problems identified by our method. For
subsequent iterations, our method would be even more costeffective because of 1) reuse of the IUIP models and event models, possibly with minor adjustment, 2) automated tool support
for a significant part of the activities involved, and 3) limited
scope of followup inspections.
There are some issues with server log data, including unique
user identification and caching [8]. Typically, each unique IP
address in a server log may represent one or more unique
users. Pages loaded from client- or proxy-side cache will not

be recorded in the server log. These issues make server log

data sometimes incomplete or inaccurate. To alleviate these
problems, we identified unique users through a combination
of IP addresses, user agents, and referrers and used site topology and referrer information along with temporal information
to infer missing references. We identified 58 users for the FG
2009 website this way, close to the 55 registered students in the
registration system. A few users changed their computer configuration during this period, leading to their misidentification as
new users.
There are several limitations due to the data granularity of
our current study. Our method captures user interactions at the
site and page levels and, thus, cannot reveal user experiences
at the page element level. For Web 2.0 applications that are
no longer based on synchronous page request, the server log
may not contain enough information. We need to adapt our
current method or develop new strategies to deal with these new
Web applications. However, the usability issues associated with
specific pages identified by our method may contain clues about
possible usability issues with embedded page elements. In an
integrated strategy, these clues will help experts identify page
element problems in followup inspections. These issues will be
explored further in followup studies.
There are also limitations due to the techniques and models
we employed in our method. We used cognitive user models as
the basis to check extracted usage patterns. Our IUIP cognitive
models are based on experts cognition of human behavior,
particularly Web interaction behavior. The experts cognitive
knowledge and experience directly affect IUIP models. To avoid
the limitation of ACT-R due to the complexity of its model
development, we developed our own cognitive architecture and
provided graphic notations for IUIP model construction. These
graphic notations and the associated operation rules need to be
enhanced and validated in constructing IUIP models for largescale Web applications with complex interactive tasks.
Finally, there is the limitation in the scope and scalability of
our method. We only focused on the functional convenience aspect of usability where specific effectiveness (task completion)
and efficiency (time spent on tasks) problems related to Web
navigation can be identified and corrected. We did not directly
address user satisfaction and presentation aspects of usability.
More expertise in cognition and analysis of subtleties in user
preferences is required to address these more subjective aspects


of usability. For scalability, we plan to validate our method in

large systems and continuously improve our tools. Our method
involves several manual steps such as constructing IUIP models
and confirming identified usability problems by experts, which
may be difficult and expensive for large-scale Web applications.
However, experts manual effort involved in our method is substantially less than traditional usability evaluation by experts.
Furthermore, usability testing is typically expensive for large
systems and faces its own scalability problems. An integrated
strategy might help alleviate the scalability problem, not only
for our method, but also for traditional usability practices.
We have developed a new method for the identification and
improvement of navigation-related Web usability problems by
checking extracted usage patterns against cognitive user models. As demonstrated by our case study, our method can identify areas with usability issues to help improve the usability
of Web systems. Once a website is operational, our method
can be continuously applied and drive ongoing refinements. In
contrast with traditional software products and systems, Webbased applications have shortened development cycles and prolonged maintenance cycles [24]. Our method can contribute
significantly to continuous usability improvement over these
prolonged maintenance cycles. The usability improvement in
successive iterations can be quantified by the progressively better effectiveness (higher task completion rate) and efficiency
(less time for given tasks).
Our method is not intended to and cannot replace heuristic
usability evaluation by experts and user-centered usability testing. It complements these traditional usability practices and can
be incorporated into an integrated strategy for Web usability
assurance. With automated tool support for a significant part of
the activities involved, our method is cost-effective. It would
be particularly valuable in the two common situations, where
an adequate number of actual users cannot be involved in testing and cognitive experts are in short supply. Server logs in
our method represent real users operations in natural working
conditions, and our IUIP models injected with human behavior
cognition represent part of cognitive experts work. We are currently integrating these modeling and analysis tools into a tool
suite that supports measurement, analysis, and overall quality
improvement for Web applications.
In the future, we should and must carry out validation studies
with large-scale Web applications. We also plan to explore additional approaches to discover Web usage patterns and related usability problems generalizable to other interesting domains. For
example, we have already started exploring deviation calculation and analysis at the trail level instead of at the individual page
level. Such analyses might be more meaningful and yield more
interesting results for Web applications with complex structure
and operation sequences. Our IUIP modeling architecture and
supporting tools also need to be further enhanced and optimized
for more complex tasks. We will also further expand our usability research to cover more usability aspects to improve Web
users overall satisfaction.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their constructive comments and suggestions.
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Ruili Geng (M12) received the B.S. degree in computer application from University of Jinan, Jinan,
China, in 1998, and the M.S. degree in computer science from Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China, in 2004. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in computer science with
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA.
She has worked as a Software Engineer, Test Engineer, and Project Manager for several IT companies,
including Microsoft China between 1998 and 2008.
Her research interests include software quality, usability, reliability, software measurement, and usage mining.

Jeff Tian (M89) received the B.S., M.S., and

Ph.D. degrees from Xian Jiaotong University, Xian,
China, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA,
and the University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
USA, respectively.
He was with the IBM Toronto Lab from 1992
to 1995. Since 1995, he has been with Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA, where he
is currently a Professor of computer science and engineering. Since 2012, he has also been a Shaanxi
100 Professor with the School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian. His current research interests include software quality, reliability, usability, testing, measurement, and
Web/service/cloud computing.
Dr. Tian is a Member of the ACM.

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