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#25 Latoza, Kent Jasper

Skimming-skimming is useful when you want to survey a text to get a general idea
of what it is about. In skimming you ignore the details and look for the main ideas.
Main ideas are usually found in the first sentences of each paragraph and in the first
and last paragraphs. It is also useful to pay attention to the organisation of the text.
Scanning - To look at carefully or thoroughly, especially in search of something
1. The Moon is a barren, rocky world without air and water. It has dark lava plain on
its surface. The Moon is filled wit craters. It has no light of its own. It gets its light
from the Sun. The Moo keeps changing its shape as it moves round the Earth. It
spins on its axis in 27.3 days stars were named after the Edwin Aldrin were the first
ones to set their foot on the Moon on 21 July 1969 They reached the Moon in their
space craft named Apoll.
2. The sun is a huge ball of gases. It has a diameter of 1,392,000 km. It is so huge
that it can hold millions of planets inside it. The Sun is mainly made up of hydrogen
and helium gas. The surface of the Sun is known as the photosphere. The
photosphere is surrounded by a thin layer of gas known as the chromospheres.
Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. There would be no plants, no
animals and no human beings. As, all the living things on Earth get their energy
from the Sun for their survival.
3. The Solar System consists of the Sun Moon and Planets. It also consists of
comets, meteoroids and asteroids. The Sun is the largest member of the Solar
System. In order of distance from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; the dwarf planet. The Sun is at the
centre of the Solar System and the planets, asteroids, comets and meteoroids
revolve around it.
1.Development reading
-brief summary of the assessment itself: context, development, nature of the
assessment, result obtained, uses of result
-strategies used to increase the validity and consistency of scoring of the
2.Pleasure reading
Fiction-novel,short stories, joke, comics, poetry
Non-fiction- Reference books, newletters, letters, emails, biographies,
memoirs, newspaper
3.Functional reading- the learners read a short text and put events from into
chronological order.

4.Remidial reading-The teacher teaches the lesson. in order to help slow learners
make up for what they lost in the course of learning.

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