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Inferno Dialect Journals

1. Limbo
a. The people in Limbo include the unbaptised and virtuous
pagans/non believers. People of Limbo include Homer, Ovid, Lucan, and Horace.
The guard of limbo is Acheron.
b. The people in the first level of hell were born without the light of
Christs revelations and did not believe in God. People like Homer and Ovid are
in Limbo because they were born before Christ and did not believe in God.
c. This sin does the least harm and the people on Limbo are not truly
punished compared to the punishment in the other levels of hell. This is a sin of
the She-Wolf.
d. They people in hell have no hope, which is there punishment.
e. They are surrounded in darkness for they can never come into the
light of God. They can see the Citadel of Knowledge but can never reach it. This
symbolizes their ignorance and their inability to capture the true knowledge of
2. Lust
a. The lustful people are in this level in hell including Dido,
Cleopatra, Helen, Achilles, Paris, Tristan, Francesca, and Paolo. Minos is the
one who guards this level.
b. The sin for the 2nd level of hell is abandoning themselves in the
tempest of their passions. The lustful are the people who betrayed reason to their
appetites. Helen is in this level of hell because she betrayed her homeland for
Paris. Paris is in hell because he caused a war for his lust for Helen.
c. Lust is a sin of incontinence, which is a sin of the She-Wolf. It is
the most natural sin. The punishment is one of the lightest punishments in hell.
d. The punishment of this level of hell is being caught in tempest for
e. The tempest they are stuck in represents the abandoning
themselves from reason and into the tempest of their passions.
3. Gluttony
a. The people in this hell are the ones who made no higher use of
the gifts of God and consumed food and drinks instead. Ciacco is in the level of
hell, and he is a citizen from Florence. Cerberus, the 3 headed dog, is the guard
of this level.
b. The sin for this hell is committing the sin of gluttony; one of the 7
deadly sins. The did not use the gifts of God and produce nothing but garbage.
Ciacco is in this level because he committed the sin of gluttony.
c. This sin is a sin of incontinence. The third circle of hell is a
garbage dump where everyone there is a glutton. They are surrounded by a
storm which combines a mixture of half buried fetid slush. They were greedy for
they ate more than their fair share while other people were starving and had no
d. There souls lie in an icy paste. They lie as garbage, half buried in
fetid slush, while Cerberus slaves over them.
e. Cerberus slaves over them just how like the gluttons slaved over
food. Since they are produced garbage, they will lie in garbage for ever.
4. Hoarders and the Wasters

a. In the fourth level of hell, hoarders and wasters are there. The
souls of the people in this level have become so dimmed and awry in their
fruitless rages that no one can recognize them. Plutus is the guard for this level
for he is the Greek God of wealth.
b. The sinners lacked all moderation in regulating their expenses
and destroyed the light of God within themselves by thinking of nothing but
c. Their sin shows greed and there sin is also a sin of incontinence.
They could have helped others who needed by giving them money, but kept the
money for themselves or spent the money on themselves.
d. The souls in this level are separated into two different mobs, one
made of hoarders and another made of wasters. The two mobs clash there
boulder-like weights against one another, separate, and do it over and over
e. The weights the souls carry represent their mundanity.
5. Wrath and Sullenness
a. The people in this level are those who were wrathful and sullen in
their life. There is no guard for this level. Filippo Argenti is the only one Dante
recognized in this level. Filippo was one of the wrathful.
b. The sinners in this level were either wrathful or sullen when they
were alive. Filippo Argenti is in this level because was wrathful. While
alive,Filippo was a bitter political enemy of Dante, and when Dante was forced to
leave Florence, Argenti took all of his property.
c. This level is still in the upper level in hell and is a sin of the SheWolf. The sin the sinners committed to get to this level was a natural sin.
d. The wrathful fight each other on top of the foul slime of the surface
of the Styx while the sullen are people the surface of the Styx gargling the words
of an endless chant in a grotesque parody of singing a hymn.
e. For the sullen, since they they refused to welcome the sweet light
the Sun Divine Illumination and in death they are buried forever below the
stinking waters of the Styx. The wrathful are forced to fight each other for eternity
on top of the slime of the Styx and there punishment symbolizes how they were
when they were alive, always means to others.
6. Heresy
a. The rebellious angels, the ones who rebelled against God, are the
guards of this level of Hell. Heretics are the sinners who are punished in this
level. In this level, Dante sees people like Jaratunita Degli Uberti and Cavalcante
Dei Cavalcanti.
b. The sinners in this level committed the sin of heresy. They taught
that the soul dies with the body.
c. This level is in the lower part of hell because this sin was not
natural, but committed by choice. The sin of heresy would be a sin of the
d. The souls in this level are punished by being in a an eternal grave
in the fiery morgue of Gods wrath.
e. Since the Heretics taught that the souls dies with the body, they
are forever trapped in their coffins and will forever be sealed in their death within
a death, even when Judgement Day comes.

7. Violence
a. Round 1: The Violent Against Neighbors
The Minotaur is the guard of the seventh level of
hell. In the first round of this level, the great war-makers, cruel tyrants,
murders, and all who shed the blood of their fellow men are in this parts
of hell. People like Alexander the Great Dionysius, and Ezzolino de
Romano are also in this level.
The people in this ring of level seven committed
the sin of being violent against other people, like murders or tyrants.
Alexander the Great and Dionysius are in this level because they had
waged many wars, were tyrants, and were both infamous as prototypes of
the bloodthirsty and exorbitant rulers. Ezzolino de Romano is in this level
because he was a crude tyrant and was infamous for his bloody treatment
of the Paduans.
This level is part of the lower level of hell because
people in this level committed a great sin that was by choice. Violence is
the sin of the Lion.
The sinners in the level are punished by beings
surrounded by boiling blood. Centaurs also patrol the banks of blood
ready to shoot the sinners who attempt to get out of the boiling blood.
The blood the sinner are boiling in represent the
blood of the people they killed while they are alive and the temperature of
the blood represents their level of guilt.
b. Round 2: The Suicides
The Minotaur is the guard of the seventh level. Te
suicides are found in this round of level seven. People like Pietro Delle
Vigne, Jacomo Da Sant Andrea, and Lano Da Siena.
The sinners of this round had committed suicide.
They destroyed there own lives and their own substance. Pietro Delle
Vigne is here because he committed suicide, just like Jacomo Da Sant
Andrea, and Lano Da Siena.
Suicide is an act of violence, so it is a sin of the
Lion. The sinners were violent to themselves when they took their own
The souls in this round are punished in the Woods
of the Suicides. They are encased in thorny trees whose leaves are eaten
by the odious Harpies. The souls can only speak when the Harpies eat
there limbs and their wounds bleed.
Since the sinners took there life and destroyed their
own bodies they are denied human form, thus being encased in thorny
trees. The bleeding wounds that allow them to talk represent the supreme
expression of their life. They expressed themselves through selfdestruction and pain.
c. Round 3: Violence Against God, Nature, and Art
The Minotaur guards the entrance to this level of
hell. In the third round of level seven, the Blasphemers, the Sodomites,
and the Usurers. In this round, Dante sees Capaneus, Brunetto Latini,
Priscian, Francesco Accorso, Bishop Andrea de' Mozzi, Castello di

Rosso Gianfigliazzi, Ciappo Ubriachi, the Paduan Reginaldo degli

Scrovegni, and Giovanni di Buiamonte.
The sinners here were violent against God (the
Blasphemers), Nature (the Sodomites), and Art (the Usurers).
This is considered a sin of the Lion, for they are
here for committing violence, This is not a natural sin, so that is why it is
on the lower level of hell. This is the last round of level seven because
they sinners here were being violent against God.
The souls here are punished in a plain of burning
sand with flames slowly falling from the sky. The Blasphemers are
stretched upon the burning sand, the Sodomites run in circles, the
Usurers are crouched and weeping.
The desert represents sterility and the fire
represents wrath. Since blasphemy, sodomity, and usury are all unnatural
actions, the burning deserts is where they will be for eternity. Also
because these sins are unnatural, the raining fire represents the
unnaturality of their sins because rain should be cool water.
8. Fraud
a. Bolgia 1
There is no guard for the eighth level of hell. The
souls in this level are the panderers and seducers. Dante recognizes
Venedico Caccianemico and Json.
The sinners committed the sin of seducing other
people while alive. Venedico Caccianemico is in this bolgi because he
sold his own sister to the Marchese d'Este. Jason seduced many women
like Madea, only to leave her later for someone else.
This sin is the sin of the Leopard. This is a sin
committed by choice, so it is in the lower level of hell. The actions of this
sin could also harm others, thus being found lower in hell.
The seducers and panderers make two files, one
along either bank of the ditch, and are forced to walk quickly forever by
horned demons who whip them.
There punishment represents what they did to other
people while they were alive. When these sinners were alive, they forced
others to do things for their own foul purposes . So in hell, the tables are
turned for them.
b. Bolgia 2
The flatterers are in this bolgia of level 8. Dante
sees Alessio Interminelli and Thais in the second bolgia.
The sinner in this bolgia committed the sin of false
Flattery is a sin of fraud, which is a sin of the
Leopard. The sins of the Leopard are not natural sins.
The souls in this level are punished by being sunk
in excrement.
The excrement represents their false flatteries that
made while alive.
c. Bolgia 3

The Simoniacs are in this bolgia of level eight.
Pope Nicholas III is among the souls in this level.
The souls of this level were sellers of ecclesiastic
favors and offices. They made money off of what belongs to God.
Simony is a sin of the Leopard and fraud. They
made money off of things that belonged to God, so they committed fraud
and are in the eighth level of hell.
The sinners are placed in tube-like holes head first,
with their feet pointing up and blazing in the heat. The heat of the blaze is
proportional to their guilt.
The sinners are turned upside down in mockery of
the baptismal font because they mocked the holy office when they were
alive. Also, since they mocked the holy water used in baptisms, they are
baptised with fire.
d. Bolgia 4
The fortune tellers and the diviners are in this part
of level eight. People like Manto, Aruns, Amphiaraus, Tiresias, Eurypylus,
Micheal Scott, Guido Bonatti, and Asdente.
The souls in this level committed the sin of
attempting and practicing forbidden arts to look into the future.
Amphiaraus saw his own death in war and Tiresias was a diviner and
This is a form of fraud, which is a sin of the
Leopard, since being in level eight and the lower level of hell. All of the
sinners chose to commit this sin.
The sinners have there head on backwards and are
forced to walk backwards for all eternity, with their tears blinding their
Those who see into the future cannot see in front of
themselves and attempted to move forward in time, so they are forced to
move backyards and always look behind them for eternity.
e. Bolgia 5
The grafters are in this bolgia.
The souls in this level were corrupt politicians and
made money by trafficking in public offices.
The grafters committing the sin of fraud, which is
the sin of the Leopard.
The grafters are punished by being sunk in boiling
pitch and are guarded by demons. The demons tear the sinners into
pieces if the sinners move above the pitch surface.
The sticky pitch represents their sticky fingers and
also serves to hide them from sight because most of their sinful dealings
were hidden from the peoples eyes.

Bolgia 6

Hypocrites are found in this bolgia along with two
Jovial Friars and Caiaphas.

The sinners here were hypocritical in their lives and
always did want they told others not to do. Caiaphas is here because he
was a hypocrite during his life.
This is a form of fraud and a sin of the Leopard.
The hypocrites are punished here by walking
around a narrow track for eternity while being weighed down by great
leaden robes.
The robes represent the great appearances have
on the outside while inside lies a terrible of his deceit which the soul must
bear through all eternity.
g. Bolgia 7
Thieves are in this part of level eight. Dante sees
Vanni Fucci, Agnello, Cianfa, Buoso, Francesco, and Puccio Sciancato in
this bolgia.
The sinners are here because they were thieves
during their lives and stole from the others. Vanni Fucci is in this level
because he stole the treasure of San Jacopo in the Duomo of San Zeno.
This is a sin of the Leopard and fraud, thus being in
the lower level of hell. These sinners stole possessions from others.
The thieves are punished by being in pit full of
monstrous reptiles who curl themselves about the sinners like living coils
of rope, binding each sinner 's hands behind his back, and knotting
themselves through the loins.
Since thievery is reptilian, they are punished by
being surrounded by reptiles.
h. Bolgia 8
The eighth bolgia contains the Evil Counselors.
Dante recognizes Ulysses and Diomede.
The souls are here because they positions of
power to advise others to engage in fraud. They abused their power.
Ulysses and Diomedes are here for their joint guilt in counseling and
carrying out many stratagems.
This is the sin of the Leopard.
The Evil Counselors are punished by being made
to move about endlessly, hidden from view inside of the great flames.
Since they stole from God and worked in hidden
ways, they are stolen of their sight and are hidden inside the great flames.
i. Bolgia 9
This bolgia is where the Sowers of Discord are.
People like Fra Dolcino, Pier Da Medicina, Mosca Dei Lamberti, and
Bertrand de Born.
Theses sinners sin was to rend asunder what God
meant to be united and were ready to rip up the whole fabric of society to
gratify a sectional egotism.
This is a sin of fraud, which is a sin of the Leopard.
The sinners here are to be hacked and torn through
all eternity by great demon with a bloody sword.
Each sinner is suffering according to their degree of
j. Bolgia 10

The Falsifiers are punished in this bolgia. Dante
sees Griffolino Darezzo and Capocchio.
The souls are in this bolgia because the corrupted
society with their falsifications.
The sin of Falsify is a sin of the Leopard and fraud.
The sinners here are punished by afflictions of
every sense: by darkness, stench, thirst, filth, loathsome diseases, and a
shrieking din. Some even run and through the pit and tear others into
There punishment represents how the corrupted life
society through their falsifications.
9. Treachery
a. The traitors are on the last level of hell. Dante sees Alessandro
and Napoleone Degli Alberti in the first round, Bocca Degli Abati in the second
round , Count Gieri and Archbishop in the third round, and Satan, Judas Iscariot,
Brutus, and Cassius in the fourth round.
b. The sinners in this level betrayed people while they were alive.
The traits betrayed their Kinder, their Country, there Guest, and their Master,
which is God.
c. This is the very last level because this is a sin of the Leopard. This
sin was not natural, since being the last level of hell.
d. The sinners in this level are punished by being in frozen in a sheet
of ice for eternity. Sinners in the first round have there head and necks free from
the ice, sinners in the second round only have there head out of the ice, sinners
in the round only have half their face out of the ice, and sinners in the fourth ring
and fully in the ice.
e. Since they betrayed others, they are forever encased in ice.

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