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Part 1: The Software:

Okay, so where to begin? One would normally say, "At the beginning..." but I'd think
that would involve a great deal of boring tuning history. Well, maybe that really is
the best place because without some of that history, some of this might not make
any sense. LOL
To start off, I will say is that tuning has come a LONG way from where we started
back in 1997 when I was working at Superchips, and we literally had almost no idea
what it was we were changing. The tools we had back then offered no graphical
interpretation of the data we were changing. We didn't even know what the actual
engineering values were of the data we were changing or whether it was a fuel
map, a timing map, shifting map, or a limiter. It was all "HEX" data in its purest form
and we were making changes with the attitude of, "Hey, let's change this and see
what it does!" We were hackers in the purest sense of the word. (Butchers might
have been a more appropriate word!) Below is a screen shot of the first tuning
software we used:
As you can see, it's not only just a bunch of numbers, it's Hexadecimal numbers.
And to make it worse, 16 bit maps like this were viewed in 8 bit formats and the
bytes were reversed (what we call "Little-Endian"). But as I said, this is what we had
at the time. Although, somehow we made it work. For reference, this is the Oil
Viscosity Compensation table that controls injection pulsewidth based on EOT and
From these early beginnings, using archaic and almost neanderthal tools, we were
able to locate and identify enough calibration data to make 60-70 HP on the OBS
trucks and over 100 HP on the S/D trucks. We were also able to locate enough
shifting data to significantly improve the shifting characteristics, although it's not
like ANYTHING that we have today. Early tuning was almost brute force. Sort of like
using a sledgehammer to open walnuts. It was effective, but maybe a little too
much. Anyway, this was how it was done for over 4 years. That is, until something
better came along.
2001 saw the introduction of new tuning tools. The first was a software tool called
GUI EECTuner. This was actually the predecessor to the SCT Advantage software
which was written by David Posea, and offered the first definition format which
stored the address and scales of maps, parameters, and functions, and allowed for
an accurate, 3D representation of maps. For the first time we were able to actually
produce some sort visualization for the numerical data. I had actually used this
software to some extent, and while the 3D graphs weren't all that fantastic, it was
better than nothing.
Shortly after the introduction of GUI EECTuner (mid 2002 or so, I'm guessing), I had
come across a website that offered a different tuning software package. The website
offered an application that was completely focused on high quality, 3D

representations of the Hexadecimal data. The definitions were completely

customizable and all the graphical data was scalable. This software was PCMX, and
is what nearly all of the Ford tuning industry has been using since 2003. Now, this
software was originally targeted for Gasoline tuning, and a number of definitions
already existed for Mustangs, early F-Series trucks, and other Gasoline vehicles.
However, there wasn't anything yet available for the 7.3L diesel. It wasn't until 2003
that we stared taking the data we had accumulated and began building and refining
defintions for the Power Strokes. We spent several months developing these
definitions and just about the time that we had started licensing PCMX and selling
the defintions, I was offered a job to go work with Edge Products out in Utah. At this
point, basically all development on the PCMX definitions stopped. Edge had orginally
intended to support all our exisiting customers and dealers, but unfortunately they
let all that fall by the wayside.
Somewhere around the same time that I went to work for Edge, SCT (Superchips
Custom Tuning) had been formed as a branch of Superchips that dealt specifically
with custom tuning. The idea was that SCT would provide their sizable software and
calibration base and Superchips would provide the hardware. Unfortunately, the
joint venture quickly soured and SCT broke off and continued as their own entity.
The reason this is important is that at this time, SCT started releasing the first largescale tuning application that offered 3D mapping, spreadsheet style data, linked
mapped transfer functions, and integrated support for chips and programmers.
Being built on the GUI EECTuner platform (or at least modeled after it), this software
still lacked the high quality 3D mapping that PCMX offfered, but since SCT offered
already built, custom tunes it wasn't really necessary for anyone to actually do their
own tuning and the graphical data wasn't all that important. At least nobody
seemed to think it was at the time.
Now, you're probably wondering, "What's so important about 3D mapping and why
do we need now all this?" On the surface, it doesn't seem like it's all that big a deal,
but the reality is far from that. One example of the importance of 3D mapping is
very apparent in the following images:
The map and data on the left are an implementation of an SOI table we pulled out of
an early chip from an unnamed tuner (and NO, it's NOT DP-Tuner... in case anyone
feels like being a smart-alec) while the right calibration is an implementation of one
of our own 80DD tunes. Looking at the spreadsheet style data, it may or may not be
readily apparent that the mapping on the left is not smooth or linear. However,
looking at the graphical map shows how jagged and uneven the left map really
appears. By comparison, the map on the right shows to be much smoother. On top
of that, the left map also shows to be really aggressive in the upper RPM range,
although the spreadsheet does show the timing is aggressive as well. In any event,
it's MUCH better than original way we used to tune which provided no real idea
whatsoever of what the values were, graphical or otherwise.
Since the release of PCMX and SCT software back in the early 2000's, there have

been a couple other applications that have been released that offer tuning in a 3D
graphical format. Applications such as Paul Booth's EEC Editor (available from
Moates.net), EFI-Live (which currently does not support Ford, but has a very usable
interface), and a few others that escape me at the moment. The tools are getting
better and better.
One thing I haven't addressed yet, but will in a coming segment, is how we use the
calibration simulator to generate the output mapping which shows us the SOI
Timing and Fuel PW curves we use to refine our tuning. This can be pretty in-depth
stuff since it not only deals with the generated output, but also the order in which
the data is processed to generate the output values. We feel that this needed its
own segment due to the complexity of the processes.
Anyway, I hope that this information is helpful and gives you some idea as to why
tuning today is considerably different than tuning that was produced back in the
early 2000's. As the tools have evolved, so has the tuning. Of course, having the
proper tools doesn't guarantee that any given person would know how to use them.
There is still the issue putting the software in the hands of people that really
understand how to use it: individuals that have a solid understanding of how an
internal combustion engine (either gas or diesel) works and how each of the maps
interrelate with each other to produce the anticipated output values for fuel, timing,
shifting, and other functions, and how those outputs will affect the functionality of
the engine. Thousands of mechanics use Snap-On tools, but only a few are talented
enough to work on an Le Mans, NASCAR or NHRA race team while others I wouldn't
let change the air in my tires.

Part 2: The tuning hardware. Dynos, testing equipment, emulators, and how they all work
Over the last 15 years, how we tune the 7.3L Power Stroke has improved considerably. Not only
has the tuning hardware and software seen significant advancements, but the diagnostic
equipment has also improved and provides a much greater wealth of feedback data than anything
we could have hoped for in the '90s. Tuning for the 7.3L (or any other EEC processor based
vehicle) is at a distinct advantage because these ECMs can be "live" tuned. This means that we
can actually make changes to the tables and functions as the vehicle is running. This
SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the amount of time spent tuning. When you consider that we can
change in seconds what would most likely take days or even weeks to tune using the "chip"
method, you can see why live tuning is the preferred method of tuning for any heavily modified
vehicle and is even helpful on modestly modified vehicles. Coupled with high speed datalogging,
we can immediately see how individual changes affect the vehicle performance. Later vehicles
(2003+) such as the 6.0L, 6.4L, 6.7L and other applications don't offer the flexibility of live
tuning (at least not inexpensively), but most can be reflashed pretty quickly with only a minute
or two between dyno or street runs. However, since this thread deals specifically with the 7.3L,
we're going to remain on that topic.
Live tuning on the 7.3L requires, at the very minimum, the use of some sort of memory emulator

connected to a PC/Laptop running a related software in which changes can be made to the
memory image. Ideally, datalogging software will also be used to monitor specific parameters
related to the changes being made, although for certain tuning aspects such as shifting,
datalogging may not be necessary. For more involved setups, additional testing equipment may
be utilized. High speed Cylinder Pressure (CP) testing equipment is used by more
advanced/experienced tuners to get a clearer picture of what is happening inside the cylinders
during the combustion process. On a diesel, this is especially important since there is no specific,
identifiable, direct relation between the Start of Injection (SOI) and Start of Combustion (SOC)
and the only way to accurately determine a proper combustion cycle is to monitor cylinder
pressures in relation to crankshaft rotation. Monitoring of exhaust temps is also critical, but since
most trucks have a pyrometer installed already this is generally pretty well covered. Below is a
breakdown of the popular tools used in tuning:
The Dyno: I'm pretty sure that by now everyone knows what this is. The dynamometer (or
"dyno" as it is commonly referred to) is a device that measures the acceleration of a specific
mass and uses that information to generate a power curve measured in HP (or sometimes WATTS
in the case of foreign dynos). There are several types of dynos available for testing:

Engine Dyno: This type of dyno is set up to measure HP from an engine directly
at the flywheel. This requires special setups for different engines to mate the
engine to the dyno, along with additional equipment for cooling, exhaust, fuel,
and other requirements. The advantage to this setup is that it allows the testing
facility much greater control over the testing parameters and measure the power
directly at the engine without having to deal with additional driveline losses
through the transmission, transfer case, and axles. This type of dyno is generally
used by engine manufacturers and professional racing facilities (such as
NASCAR) in order to provide accurate HP numbers for specific engine
configurations. Engine dynos are typically a "load" type dyno and frequently use
a water brake to apply parasitic load to the engine, although some use an eddy
current load cell to provide parasitic load. See the section below on "Load Dyno"
for more information.

Chassis Dyno: This type of dyno allows for a vehicle to be situated so that the
drive wheels spin rotating assembly. This is what most performance shops and
mobile dyno services use. Chassis dynos are available in both "Load" type and
"Inertia" type, with differences explained below. The disadvantage to most chassis
dynos is that the HP is measured at the wheels and will always be lower than
flywheel HP by sometimes as much as %30, depending on transmission type
(Manual or Auto, 2WD or 4WD) and wheel and tire configurations.
Larger/heavier wheels and tires provide additional parasitic losses and will
regularly exhibit lower numbers than the same vehicle with smaller/lighter wheels
and tires. Also, automatic transmissions will see larger parasitic losses than a
similarly equipped vehicle with a manual transmission. Obviously, the biggest
advantage to a chassis dyno is that you can run the vehicle without having to
remove the engine, which just isn't feasible in most situations. Another advantage
is that while you may not have an accurate measurement of power at the flywheel,

you know exactly what is being put to the ground. This, combined with vehicle
weight, can provide a pretty reasonable idea of what your ideal 1/4 mile runs will
be. One final advantage of a chassis dyno is a matter of safety. With the vehicle
strapped to a dyno, it's a considerably safer place to make changes in tuning than
what you'd find on even the most deserted of streets. Plus, with a load dyno you
can even simulate various road and driving condition, even simulating pulling a
trailer. Since chassis dynos are the most popular and prevalent configuration, this
provides a fairly common platform for individuals to compare performance and
power numbers. Just keep in mind that no two dynos are going to give the exact
same power numbers and these numbers can vary greatly between load dynos and
inertia dynos as well as numbers between different dyno manufacturers. Popular
chassis dynos are DynoJet, Mustang, SuperFlow, and Dyno Dynamics, with
Mustang, SuperFlow and DynoDynamics being primarily load type dynos and
DynoJet being primarily an inertia type dyno.

Inertia Dyno: In the 1990s and early 2000s, inertia dynos were the most common
dyno configuration with DynoJet model 248c probably being the most popular
dyno available during that era. Inertia dynos use 1 (or more) weighted drum(s) to
provide a specific load against which the vehicle must accelerate. HP is measured
based on the amount of time it takes to accelerate the roller(s) and then is output
as a power curve over time, vehicle speed, or engine speed. For light, naturally
aspirated or supercharged vehicles, this often provides accurate and consistent
power numbers. However, for heavier turbocharged vehicles, inertia dynos may
not be consistent or accurate as the inertial weight (usually around 4,000 Lbs.)
often doesn't provide enough load to simulate a 7,000 to 10,000 Lb. vehicle. This
frequently results in inadequate boost generation and lower power numbers. There
is also some debate over the accuracy of these dynos at higher power numbers,
but that is outside the scope of this dicussion.

Load Dyno: A load dyno can be configured as a load cell alone, or a load cell
combined with an inertial mass. Most engine dynos use a load cell by itself while
most chassis dynos are a load and inertia combination. Load cells are used to
provide a variable load in order to test power under different situations. Early
engine dynos used a water brake to absorb power while most later engine and
chassis dynos use an eddy current (electrical) brake absorption unit. A load dyno
offers significant advantages over a plain inertia dyno as they can be configured to
accurately simulate vehicle characteristics under a variety of test conditions.
Because of this, most consider a load dyno to provide a more accurate power
measurement, especially on heavier, turbocharged vehicles. With additional
loading, the turbochargers are more effectively utilized and a more accurate
power number can be achieved.

Accelerometer: These are considerd the "poor man's" dyno. While not
technically a dyno, these can be used to calculate power output based on vehicle
acceleration as well as provide a pretty accurate 1/4 mile run. G-Tech is probably

one of the most popular manufacturers of these devices and their units are pretty
inexpensive at around $200.00.
For a more detailed breakdown and description of dynos, there is a good article on WikiPedia
about Dynamometers.
Tuning Software: Realistically, without tuning software this discussion wouldn't even be
possible. Without the ability to make changes to the binary images used by the PCM there
wouldn't be any chips, programmers, or custom tuning. Tuning software has been continually
improved and now has more feature and functionality than ever before. When you consider
where the industry was 15 years ago, it's surprising that we were able to achieve anything at all.
As computers and software have advanced, so did the quality of the tuning. Today's tuning
software provides multiple methods of visualization, ranging from "spreadsheet" views which
work with tables of data, to full, 3D graphical representations of the binary data which clearly
illustrate maps and curves in a form that most people can look at and understand to a fair degree.
It's partly because of these improvements in tuning software that today's tunes are more powerful
and more reliable than ever before.
The Emulator: These devices are used to effectively replace the ROM (memory) image on the
PCM with an image that is stored on a PC/Laptop. This allows changes to be made on the
PC/Laptop and those changes will be directly translated to the emulator which causes the PCM
to immediately run from the new changes. When making adjustments to fueling, timing, shifting,
idle, or other functions, this helps to save time by effecting changes in real time and more
quickly reaching the desired target values. More involved devices not only allow live changes
but also provide feedback to the PC/Laptop application as to what areas of a specific map or
function are currently being accessed by the PCM and the software then provides a visible
indication of these locations. This is commonly referred to as the "bouncing ball" and helps to
indicate where changes need to be made based on current operational conditions. Some
emulators are self powered and can continue to function as a standalone chip when not connected
to a PC/Laptop, which means that it can run on the last settings provided without having to
actually burn a chip with the final working image. Emulators are one of the most important tools
used by a tuner as it provides an exponential increase in speed and flexibility.
Cylinder Pressure Testing Equipment: This equipment is used to get a snapshot into the actual
combustion process. It consists of pressure sensors that are mounted in such a fashion that they
can record cylinder pressure (usually situated in the glow plug holes on a diesel) and extremely
high speed datalogging equipment which can record thousands of samples a second to provide a
very clear profile of the combustion process. This information is then used to determine the
relation between Start of Injection (SOI), Start of Combustion (SOC), Crankshaft Angle, and
other parameters, and then that information can be used to achieve optimal fueling and timing
parameters under specific operating conditions. This equipment is extremely useful in
developing calibration profiles for certain modifications such as performance injectors,
modified/multiple HPOP setups, compression changes, airflow/turbo/camshaft changes, and

other modifications that will have an effect cylinder pressure and SOC. TFX Engine Technology
provides a very good package, but because this equipment is extremely expensive it is generally
cost prohibitive for most tuners.
Datalogging Equipment: This equipment is extremely helpful in providing valuable feedback to
changes in tuning, especially for fuel control changes such as Injection Pulsewidth and Injection
Pressure, and should be considered standard equipment for anyone performing any kind of
tuning on a vehicle. Equipment ranges from simple standalone devices such as the ScanGuage,
Insight, DashDAQ, or the Ford NGS (Star Tester), to devices coupled with a PC/Laptop such as
AutoEnginuity, AutoTap, LiveLink, Ford IDS, PCMScan, Eye Spy and many others. Most (if not
all) of these will provide datalogging (or at least data monitoring) of critical parameters as well
as reading and clearing of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Most inexpensive datalogging
devices will have a fairly low data sampling interval, usually around 5 Hz (samples per second)
and is fairly adequate for most hobbyist tuners. More expensive applications such as the Ford
IDS or Eye Spy provide a much higher sample rate of around 500 Hz and yields a much more
detailed image of what's going on. If you are considering getting into any heavy tuning or if your
vehicle has significant modifications, you may want to consider going with a high speed setup as
the resolution is much, much better.
This pretty much covers the basics on tuning equipment. As you can see, getting into tuning can
be a pretty expensive enterprise, and that's just from the equipment aspect. The cost of training
should also be considered, and in some extreme cases, the cost of experience (ie. blowing and
engine). Most diesels are pretty forgiving, but it doesn't take much tuning to cause a runaway
engine. Even a simple SOI curve that is too aggressive can scatter a bottom end in short order.
Yes, experience can be pretty expensive so don't overlook that. We've been fortunate in the fact
that the only engine we've ever damaged on the dyno was actually from a cylinder wall failure
(crack), which ultimately had nothing to do with the tuning. Every major tuner out today has had
customers that have suffered engine failures while running their tuning, as evidenced by our
engine failure survey, although the number of failures has declined in recent years specifically
due to improvements in tuning quality.

Part 3: Tuning Maps, SOI, SOC, and other stuff.

Okay, so it took longer than I expected to get back to this and get it finished. There always seems
to be something going on around here and there's just not enough hours in the day. But life goes
on and sometimes you gotta say, "What the f***." For part 3 of our installment, we're going to
cover SOI (Start of Injection), how it relates (or sometimes doesn't relate) to SOC (Start of
Combustion), and how the PCM uses all the fancy tables at its disposal to generate the all-butmisunderstood SOI. So without further ado (da, ado-da), we bring you more of those pretty,
colorful pictures that everyone loves!
As I mentioned earlier, when we started tuning these trucks back in the late '90s, we literally had
no clue what we were changing. Everything was basically a best guess as we would change some

values, dyno the truck, and then see what happened. Eventually we were able to identify tables
that would relate to fueling, timing, and ICP, but still really didn't have any idea what those
values actually were. We were changing HEX numbers by percentages and didn't have any actual
engineering values to reference our changes. Pretty stone-age, eh? LOL
Fast forward a few years and we start to see the first of the graphical tuning applications for the
Ford PCMs. Most of these were centered around the Mustang and F150 vehicles, but it offered
us a bit of insight into how Ford used multiple table and temperature offsets to handle certain
fueling and timing characteristics. Also around this time we were able to procure some
documentation that helped break down some of the more useful functions and tables, and this
information helped to set the base for much of the tuning software that is currently available for
the Power Stroke. Coupling the acquired information with live tuning capability, we were able to
see just how changing specific functions would affect fueling and timing, and also generated a
better understanding of functional priority as well as functional accumulation. Understanding the
order in which functions are processed as well as how the outputs are accumulated allows those
who understand these processes to provide higher quality, better performing, and safer
calibrations. Without that understanding, it is very easy to go out of range on Injection PW or
SOI Timing and end up, in extreme cases, with a $10,000 paperweight.
There is a LOT of data to consider when tuning, especially the effects that changing one function
has on the output of another. For example, the Start of Injection Delay looks at ICP and EOT, as
oil temp and injection pressure have a direct effect on WHEN the actual injection event occurs
once the injector is turned on. This table is a crucial component of the SOI calculation and is
often the most misunderstood. Since this table is dealing with an electro-mechanical delay, it is
actually calculated in ms (milliseconds) versus the standard CA (crank angle degrees). Because
this is calculated in time, the actual CA varies with RPM, roughly about 6 per ms per 1000
RPM. So, at 2000 RPM the offset is about 12 per ms and at 3000 RPM the offest is about 18.
The offset table considers ICP and EOT and provides this base output value upon which all other
timing calculations are added. Here is what the SOI Offset table looks like:

Start of Injection Offset - Stock

What is important to understand about this table is that this is quite often the table that many
tuners adjust to control SOI Timing. Where this is a concern is that when tuning this table, you
MUST take into consideration what your ACTUAL ICP is at or you can run into a severe
problem. We've seen a number of tables like this:

Start of Injection Offset - Economy

The problem with this situation is not necessarily that the electrical offset is excessive (it is a bit,
and to be honest we've used tables like this in the past as well...), but that it scales down
considerably as ICP decreases. The reason this is a problem is that with some tuning there maybe
a loss of ICP due to excessive Inj. PW, worn injectors, weak HPOP, or bad IPR. If the vehicle is
tuned for this condition and the timing is set accordingly, any change in ICP will yield a change
in SOI. And to make matters worse, the problem is compounded by an even greater change in
SOC as well. Consider this situation (and this is NOT an uncommon situation):
Under hard acceleration, a tuned truck is requesting a conservative 4ms of injection pulsewidth.
Despite the fact that the ECM is requesting 3000 PSI (20.5 MPa) of ICP, the ICP starts to fall off
and approaches somewhere in the area of 2400 PSI (16.5 MPa). This causes a shift in the SOI
Offset table from 1.6 ms to 1.4 ms, or 1.2 degrees per 1000 RPM. Even at 3000 RPM, this only

comes out to 3.6 difference which really isn't that big a deal. The problem is that the related loss
in ICP produces a cooler, slower injection event and results in a later SOC event... Considerably
greater than just the 3.6 lost from the SOI Offset shift. Now take that same vehicle and tune and
change the HPOP (as is often advised by tuners to "resolve" the low ICP issue, even though the
tuning is often at fault). Now you are able to maintain 3000 PSI ICP and your 3.6 of SOI is
restored, along with a hotter, faster injection event. This results in an SOC that changes more
than the 3.6 shift in SOI. In fact, CP (Cylinder Pressure) testing has shown that a 500 PSI
change in ICP can result in 5 to 12 of change in SOC, and sometimes even more depending on
the SOI point. Combined with the original 3.6 SOI shift, that anywhere from 8 to 15 of change
in the combustion point, just by changing ICP 500-600 PSI.
This fact alone has caused more engine failures than any other condition, mechanical or tuning.
Ask most people when their engines failed and they'll tell you, "It was just driving down the
street. I wasn't even at half throttle." This is because in most of these situations, full throttle
conditions actually resulted in a loss of ICP and ultimately a reduced SOI and SOC as well. The
failures came under moderate driving conditions where ICP was high and SOI and SOC were
much higher.
Now, the rest of the SOI tables are calculated in CA so these are easier to understand and put a
finger on. These values are calculated out and are cumulative against each other based on
specific operational parameters. Some relate directly to EOT (Engine Oil Temp.) and RPM, other
relate to MFD (Mass Fuel Desired) and RPM. All of these need to be addressed in order to
produce calibrations that are responsive in all driving conditions and under all temperatures.
When considering SOI, it is very important to remember that SOI DOES NOT DIRECTLY
relate to SOC. A 3 change in SOI can often result in a 4, 5, or greater change in SOC
depending on the crank angle, injection pressure, aircharge temperature, boost, block
temperature, and other factors. This is why it is extremely important to have quality datalogs to
validate all operational conditions and to ensure those conditions are stable within the confines of
the tuning. If ICP is not stable, the tuning must be rectified to ensure that it is, otherwise the
result could range anywhere from a poorly performing vehicle all the way to engine failure. If
you cannot adequately anticipate the conditions, you cannot properly tune the vehicle.
These examples below are taken from a recently rebuilt 7.3L with little more than standard
machine work, new stock pistons, a stock cam, stock heads, 250cc/200% injectors, and a GT38R
turbo. This combination produced 543 HP at 85F and an impressive 566 HP at 55 F. Here are
some screen shots of the tuning curves from the program as produced through AnalyTune.
Samples are taken at 190 EOT, at which the engine was dynoed at.

Injection Control Pressure

Injection Pulsewidth

Start of Injection Timing

Keep in mind that these are "DESIRED" values. While SOI and PWM values are consistent
between desired and actual, ICP values may vary depending on the capability of the HPOP. It is
extremely important to look at the generated values from the datalogs to ensure that the
"DESIRED" values and the "ACTUAL" values correlate. In looking at the resulting datalog
recorded during the run (below), you can see that not only was the ACTUAL ICP stable and
comparable to the DESIRED ICP throughout the run, but even the recorded SOI is right in line
with the anticipated SOI from the above graphs.
Datalog - 140x_stage_3_final.xls
Also keep in mind that this is done WITHOUT forcing a maximum SOI Limit like some other
tuners do (usually around 35 BTC). This means that this vehicle will run just as well when cold
as it does hot. Under normal circumstances, the ECM will advance timing considerably when

cold. For example, at 50 F, the SOI Timing curve would look like this...

Start of Injection Timing @ 50 F

This is the difference between the two files....

Start of Injection Timing @ 50 F vs. 190 F

The SOI Timing difference is considerable, and clamping the SOI on vehicles that run in colder
climates can translate into noticeable cold-start and cold running issues, excessive white smoke,
and considerable loss of performance until the engine reaches normal operating temperature.
These engines need advanced SOI Timing when cold to offset the low compression temps, cold
air charge, cold fuel spray, and even the inherent injection delay cause by the increased viscosity
of the cold oil. Obviously, the best approach is to let the PCM handle the SOI in the manner in
which it was designed for the best drivability in all situations.
As we've already stated, SOC is not directly related to SOI. This is because the fuel spray relies
on the temperature of the compressed air mass in order to ignite. Even a small change in crank
angle can have a dramatic effect on the specific temperature of the air mass at the point of
injection and can advance or retard the point of combustion. When you take into consideration
factors such as block temperature, ambient temperature, aircharge temperature, boost, intercooler
efficiency, fuel temperature, injection pressure, spray pattern, atomization, and other minor

factors, it becomes a real challenge to identify any sort of SOC point... At least without
appropriate CP testing equipment. It is in this that experience has as much to do with tuning as
equipment. Historically, there have been a number of ways to approach tuning that vary from the
scientific (Dataloggers, CP testers, and other diagnostic equipment) to the downright mystical
"experienced tuner's ear". Over the years we've used a combination diagnostic equipment,
experience, and just plain old common sense. With nearly 30 years in the automotive
performance industry and 15 years in tuning the Ford Power Stroke, we've seen and tuned a wide
variety of combinations and have accumulated a wealth of knowledge from every truck we've
tuned. We've learned simple tricks to tuning just by using a boost and EGT gauge, and we've
developed an ear for adjusting SOI based on the "sound" the engine makes under load. It is this
experience that allows people to be able to push beyond normal thinking... To think outside the
box and be able to look at a setup and help it to reach its maximum potential. Legends like
Smokey Yunick used as much intuition in his approach to racing as he did tools and equipment.
There is no question that there is an art to tuning, and some people just seem to "get it" better
than others.
Anyway, that about sums up the topic of SOI and SOC. The relationship of Injection PW and
ICP is a simple a mater of Fluid Dynamics and can already be easily calculated so there's not
much reason for me to elaborate past the point that ICP is derived first and then the Injection PW
is determined based on the amount of ICP produced. Pretty straightforward.

I have a question on the seal level injection timing map power hungry posted on the first page
I am trying to wrap my idea as to why there is such a valley in the mid mg of fuel compared to
the high and low mg of fuel values. Also there is a small valley in the rpm at low mg(5-10) of
fueling compared to the upper rpm range.
In my head it seems that if 10 degrees is good at 5mg of fuel and 10 is good at 70mg why at 45
mg of fuel only has 3-4 degrees of timing why would it not be more similar to the higher and
lower fuel mg levels at the same rpms?

--------------------The first thing to consider is RPM. Common sense would dictate that as the RPM
increases, timing needs to advance so that the combustion event COMPLETES at the
optimal point in crankshaft rotation. If the injectors continued to fire at a static
timing value, the fuel would still be burning as it exits the exhaust ports and the
EGTs would be astronomical. That's not to mention that there simply wouldn't be
any power whatsoever.
Second, any increase in ICP is going to have a corresponding change in Start of
Combustion (SOC), even for the same Start of Injection (SOI) timing. Higher
pressure will cause the fuel to spray faster and hotter, resulting in an inherent
advance in SOC. There is already a table that addresses this issue and offsets the
SOI to some degree. However, this table is designed to derive a TIME (in ms) value
of injection offset which helps to automatically adjust SOI as RPM changes.
This leaves the MAIN SOI table. This table is designed to provide SOI offset values
which are then added to the SOI values derived from the "TIME" calculations. The
thing to remember is that as the engine becomes loaded and the mg/Stroke fuel
increases, you want to turn down the SOI to some extent to help reduce cylinder

pressure. In general, these ranges are in a fuel delivery range that indicate heavier
engine loading, so cylinder pressure are a bit more critical. Also, while increasing
SOI can help increase HP output in the mid-range, it has an undesired effect on the
torque curve. Reducing SOI provides more post-TDC combustion and more push on
the piston during the downward travel, this improving the torque curve.
One other thing to consider is that as your fuel delivery volume increases, there is
already going to be an inherent increase in ICP. Give that most injection events must
operate within a 1.5 - 2.0 ms (1.5 - 3.5 ms actual pulsewidth) window, ICP generall
has more to do with fuel delivery control than pulsewidth does. If you put a truck in
drive and ran the injectors at a flat 2.25 ms at 500 PSI, the truck would idle just fine.
If you cranked the ICP to 1500, the engine would really start pulling away from you.
If you then ran the ICP up to 3000 PSI, it would be like putting your foot to the floor.
I'm not saying that pulsewidth is not important, and pulsewidth accounts for a fair
amount of fuel delivery control, but ICP is critical to proper fuel delivery. I hope that
makes some sense.

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