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Name: Rachel Reeves

Date: March 31, 2015

TCED 305
Grade Level for Plan: 2nd grade
A. Classroom rules & consequences
Classroom rules will be posted on a bulletin board visible for all students to see.
They are as follows:
In this classroom we
Listen when someone is speaking
Raise our hand to speak
Follow Directions
Our Caring Friends
Obey School Rules
Consequences are as follows:
If students disobey the rules they will have consequences, as well as rewards for
outstanding behavior. In our classroom we will have a clip chart to manage
behavior. The chart is labeled with levels including: Outstanding, great choices,
good choices, ready to learn, warning, consequence and parent contact. At the
beginning of the day all students clips will be on the ready to learn level. If a
student misbehaves their clip will move down a level into warning. If they
disobey again, they will move into consequence. A reasonable consequence will
be the teachers choice. Consequences may be time out at recess or community
service (picking up trash around class, etc.). When a student gets a warning or a
consequence I will make sure to go over with them why they got a consequence,
and we will think of ways to improve behavior so that they know exactly where
they disobeyed rules and now how to fix the problem .The final offense will
result in parent contact. If this behavioral management plan is not working well
with a particular students, I will meet with them and their parents if possible.
Together we will discuss reasons why the plan isnt working for them. Together
we will come up for an individual plan for that child that serves them best, and
gives them goals to work towards.
B. Procedures keep your classroom running smoothly. List three procedures you will
teach your students and use in your classroom

1. During teacher instruction and discussions students are required to raise

their hands for questions, contribution, or help.
2. When students hear the phrase 1, 2, 3 all eyes on me they should know
instruction is about to start. Students will put their work down and raise three
fingers up to let the teacher know that they are paying attention and ready for
instruction to begin.
3. When students finish their work before others, they may quietly get out
unfinished work and continue working.
C. What positive reinforcement strategies will you use?
I do believe that students should be held accountable for their actions and
therefore consequences are necessary, but I also believe positive reinforcement
goes along way. For this reason students will be allowed to move back up the
chart so that students have a chance to improve their behavior and have an
encouragement to do so. Also at the each day any student who gets on the
outstanding level, will be rewarded with the camper of the day reward (sort of
the class mvp). They will get a certificate and a piece of candy to take home. This
will encourage others to strive towards a goal, it will also encourage the student
who receives the reward and send a message to parents that there child behaved
appropriately. Additionally, little positive reinforcements should be used
throughout out the day. For example, praise one child for being quiet in line, and
this will encourage others to be quiet as well. Students and parents should sign a
contract and know the rules very well. Smiles, winks, nods and pats will be given
to let students they are behaving well.

D. What is the role of the principal in your management plan?

First, I will talk to the principal and make sure that my behavioral management
plan follows well with the school rules. Usually principals are used only with
children who are misbehaving, however I believe that they can be used to
reinforce students good behavior as well. For example if a student is doing
really well, the principal can stop and praise the student. Hopefully, students will
want their good behavior to be recognized too and they will be motivated. I will
also go to my principal for support and advice for difficult situations and
behavior problems.


A. Seating chart and attendance (Do you have a seating chart? How do you take
I will have a seating chart in my classroom. There will be a name tag on their
desk before the first day of school, so they will know exactly where to sit. The
name tag will stay on their desk the whole year. I will take attendance every
morning. Students will have morning work to begin completing in the morning,
so when students are working I will see the students who are not there and
quickly fill out my attendance.
B. Daily schedule (Where is it posted?)
The schedule daily schedule will be posted in the front of the room on a bulletin
board that is visible for all students to see.
Check in and morning work





Snack/ Bathroom Breaks






Social Studies/ Science


Related Arts




Read Aloud


Review/ Planners/ Pack up



C. Interruptions or delays (What will be your procedure if you are interrupted by a

visitor or phone call?)

If I am able to manage the interruption without leaving the room, I will do so. I
will invite the person into the room and face students as you talk with the visitor.
If the interruption lasts longer than a few seconds, and I must leave the room, I
will ask students to continue working if they are already involved in an activity.
If not, I will ask them to take out their library books and read quietly. I will
leave my cell phone off at all times unless I am expecting an important phone
call. If it is mandatory to answer a phone call, I will ask students to continue
working or ask them to read their library books while I take the phone call. If
we have a delay, we will continue our classroom schedule.
D. Bathrooms (What will be your procedure for students going to the bathroom if there
is a bathroom in your classroom?)
Students may use restrooms one at a time without permission
Students may not go to the bathroom when I am conducting a lesson or
speaking to the whole class.
When students go to the bathroom they will make sure they reverse the sign
to red to let others know the bathroom is occupied.
When returning from bathroom, students will reverse the sign to green.
Students shall flush the toilets, and wash hands when they are through.
E. Bathrooms (What will be your procedure for students going to the bathroom if there
is NOT a bathroom in your classroom?)
There will be a bathroom break in the morning where the whole class will go
together, and another one in the afternoon.
Students shall flush the toilets, and wash hands when they are through.
If students need to go to the bathroom during class, they may do so one at a
time when I am not giving instruction or having a group discussion.
The student must bring a hall pass with them.
F. Posted assignments (Where will you post your daily assignments?
I will write assignments on the board, and we will have a set aside time in the
afternoon where students will write down their assignments in their planners.
A. Fire drills (What is your schools procedure?)
SIGNAL: Fire Alarm Bell
1. Students exit classroom and WALK in a single line.
2. Students evacuate the building by designated routes to the assembly area.

4. Teachers: a. Take your roll book/class roster with you. b. Check that all
students are out of the classroom. c. Check that all exits are clear. d. Close
classroom door. DO NOT LOCK. (Later entry may be required.)
5. In assembly area, teacher takes roll and accounts for each child.
6. Students in classrooms other than their own are to remain with that class
until given permission to rejoin their class.
7. Students remain in orderly and silent lines until all clear signal is given.
8. After returning to the classroom, teacher takes roll and accounts for each
1. Students WALK to the assigned place on the yard where they meet their
teacher before school.
2. Students wait in orderly and silent lines for their teacher, or other
supervising adult, to conduct them to their proper assembly area.
1. Teachers should be familiar with assembly area and evacuation route
designated for that classroom or area.
2. The roll book/class roster should accompany the class and be used by the
teacher, or supervising adult, to account for all students.
B. Disaster drills (What is your schools procedure?)
Practicing Tornado/Earthquake Drills
Tornado or Earthquake drill etiquette includes the following:
1. Students should line up without talking, and as with the fire drill, the same
person should be line leader and line ender each time.
2. Again, students should not leave the classroom without permission.
3. Without passing any windows, the class should walk quietly and quickly to
the pre-determined safe area.
4. In the safe area, students should assume a safety position, which could
possible mean crouched down with hands covering the head.
5. While the teacher takes attendance, students should announce their
presence with a raised hand, not a voice.
6. Students should stay with the classroom teacher at all times
C. Intruder drills (What is your schools procedure?)
During an intruder drill, proper behavior includes:
1. One student should be in charge of closing and locking the door.
2. Another student should be in charge of turning off all lights.

3. Students should move to a pre-determined corner of the classroom and

huddle quietly together.
4. No one in the class should speak.
5. Any student who is in the hallway or in the bathroom should report to the
nearest classroom.
D. Medical alerts and medication times (Student allergies? Who gives medication?)
Medical Alerts:
1. Contact emergency medical services or take the child to the nearest
emergency room.
2. The child will be given first-aid treatment, or CPR when needed.
3. Contact the physician identified in the child's record
4. Contact the child's parent
5. Ensure supervision of other children in the group.
Medication Times
The school nurse will administer medication. At designated time students
may go to the nurses office. They may be given a hall pass to go.
A. New students who enroll after the school year (Do you have first of year info for new
I will always have an extra desk available. I will meet with students before school
so that I can explain rules and procedures to them and handle necessary
paperwork. If they can not make it before school, I will do it as soon as available
time is open during class time. I will make sure students have all materials and
texts needed. I will be warm and welcoming to the students. I will appoint a
responsible students to assist the new student and help them familiarize them
with the classroom rules and procedures. I will monitor the new student to help
them adjust to my class and learn appropriate behavior.
B. Forgotten lunch or lunch money (what do you do?)
First, I must be familiar with school policies. I will have a couple of lunches
worth of small change on hand. If student continues to forget lunch money I will
check with parents to see if they are aware. If family cannot afford lunch I will
see whether my school has services or funds for helping such students.
C. Misses bus or forgets where to go after school (what do you do?)
I will rehearse bus procedures with students. Each student will wear a necklace
with a sign that has where they need to go written on it to help students and
other adults so they may assist. I will make certain that students are not left

alone while waiting for a ride assure them that the parent will arrive soon. I will
keep bus number, parents, and emergency phone numbers on hand for when
problems do arise.
D. Student missed breakfast or is still hungry after meal (what do you do?)
I will have a few snacks on hand for these situations. I also need to check with
parents to make sure that they are providing them with breakfast, and an
appropriate lunch. If parents cannot afford lunch or breakfast, I will see if my
school has services or funds available to help the student. I will also have snack
time in between breakfast and lunch.


A. Emergency lesson plan (What is included? Where is it?)
I will have a notebook set aside for the substitute teacher. I will have a
temporary note on my desk that says, Substitute Notebook in bottom
Drawer. In this notebook I will include attendance, seating plan, daily
schedule, rules, procedures, and emergency lesson plans for the day. The
notebook will be placed in a drawer labeled substitute teachers. The
emergency lesson plan will include writing prompts and the teacher will have
the students use their creative writing skills to develop a story based upon the
prompt they chose. I will also include a few books for the substitute to read to
the class, and activity to follow after.
B. Names of teachers and students who can assist (Teacher across the hall?)
Class Leader of the day (The class leader will have a star by their name on
the bulletin board.) You may ask this student any questions.
Teachers2nd Grade Teacher in Room 232
Special Education Teacher in Room 236
Counselor in Room 340
The emergency procedures listed above will be included in my substitute
A. Make up assignments (What will be your procedure?)
I will gather all makeup assignments in a folder with their name on it. I will
remind students that they have three days to complete assignments. If they need
more time, they can come to me and ask if they can have more time. When they
have completed the work the can turn in their work in the makeup work basket.
B. Late or incomplete work (What will be your procedure?)

First read my schools late and incomplete work procedures. If I receive

incomplete work, I will send it back to the student to complete and offer extra
help for them. Late work will be accepted after the first day, but for each day it
is late after that I will deduct five points from their grade. I will contact parents
if a pattern occurs.
C. Procedures for Keeping Records and Providing Feedback to Students
I will record all grades in a grade book. There is several ways that I will give
feedback to students.
1. I use three stars and a wish to give feedback to students. The stars are things
that the students did well, and the wish is something the student could
improve on.
2. I will also keep rubrics that will help me score and give feedback.
3. Student Conferences
D. Report Cards and Mid-term Reports
Student will get a mid-term report every three weeks, and report cards every six
weeks. I will send out a reminder email to parents to let them know they are
about to be sent out. Students shall bring reports home and have them signed
and bring them back.
E. Grading disputes (How will you handle a grading problem?)
I will keep rubrics for grading assignment so that I may explain to the student
and parent exactly why they got the grade they were given. I will also keep
portfolios of students work so that I have enough data and information to give
parent of student of the quality of their work. I will suggest ways that the child
can improve. If the situation gets serious, I will have principal or counselor with
me to help guide conversation.

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