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Instructions: Please the answer following questions and then send your
answers in an attachment to my email address (hobira@gmail.com) on 10
June, Friday at 11 p.m the latest, and its signed printout on Monday 13 at
1.00 pm the latest. Please work by yourself and if your work were found as a
result of cheating, it would be considered to be failure. Give your file
necessary id such name and NIM.
I. Please answer the following questions
1. Please describe what are the aims of interpreting, the tasks of interpreter and the
interpreters qualities required of the interpreters.
2. In performing interpreting tasks, interpreter should adhere to the ethics of profession
which are important. Please elaborate the aspects of accuracy, confidentiality and
impartiality in details with examples.
3. Explain the sitting arrangements in the interpreting sessions.
4. What are the rules that the interpreters must observe when working for the police?
5. Memory is very important in the process of interpreting. Please elaborate the types
of memory, the stages of memory and the use of the magic rules of memory.
6. Please explain the phases in process of interpreting.
7. Of the three modes of interpreting which one is most challenging, challenging
enough and relatively easy for you to perform. If there are problems, mention what
they are and explain how you solve them? Pease explain with some reasons.
II. Please translate the two texts into the target language: one from English to
Indonesia and another one from Indonesia to English accurately, clearly and
naturally. After you have translated them, please reflect on the process of
translating, and answer some questions about the process of translating:a)
explain the steps of your translating?, b) Did you look up the dictionary if
necessary of often?, c) Are there difficult words to translate and how did you
solve the problem?, d) Did you feel translating English to Indonesia is more
easily than Indonesian to English? And explain why?
I. KESEHATAN menjadi salah satu indikator pembangunan manusia, selain pendidikan dan
ekonomi.Oleh karena itu, banyak negara yang menyelenggarakan jaminan kesehatan untuk warga
negara.Faktanya negara-negara menerapkan kebijakan dan skema berbeda-beda dalam menjamin dan
memelihara kesehatan warga negara yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi ekonomi negara tersebut.
Indonesia memilih skema asuransi sosial untuk menjamin kesehatan warga negara.Sesuai dengan UU
Nomor 24/2011, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan atau BPJS Kesehatan menjadi
pengelola asuransi sosial itu. Ada mekanisme subsidi silang di dalam penyelenggaraan jaminan
kesehatan berbasis asuransi sosial. Yang kaya menyubsidi yang miskin dan yang sehat menyubsidi yang
sakit.Sesuai dengan undang-undang, seluruh warga negara wajib menjadi peserta BPJS Kesehatan dan
wajib membayar iuran agar mekanisme subsidi silang itu bisa berlangsung baik. Iuran warga miskin
ditanggung pemerintah. Faktanya belum semua orang menjadi anggota BPJS. Celakanya pula, lebih dari
4 juta peserta BPJS Kesehatan mandiri tidak membayar iuran.Mereka membayar iuran hanya ketika sakit
dan enggan membayar ketika sembuh. (149 words)
II. Education is discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or
school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal mean of socialization (e.g.,
rural development projects and education through parent-child relationships).Education can be
thought of as the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. In this sense,
it is equivalent to what social scientists term socialization or enculturation. Childrenwhether
conceived among New Guinea tribes people, the Renaissance Florentines, or the middle classes of
Manhattanare born without culture. Education is designed to guide them in learning a culture,
molding their behaviour in the ways of adulthood, and directing them toward their eventual role in

society. In the most primitive cultures, there is often little formal learninglittle of what one would
ordinarily call school or classes or teachers. Instead, the entire environment and all activities are
frequently viewed as school and classes, and many or all adults act as teachers. (159 words)

2. accuracy is seen as a moral requirement, that is an obligation on the part of the interpreter to give
the parties a total, unbiased, correct version of what is said in turn by all speakers. Interpreters and
translators shall faithfully and accurately reproduce in the receptor language the closest natural
equivalent of the source language message without embellishment, omission or explanation (Code of
Professional Responsibility for Interpreters 1990:1). In sum, a technically accurate interpretation is
one given by an interpreter who performs with expertise in all three stages of the interpreting
process: (1) understanding fully the SL, (2) converting the SL into the TL in the best possible way-out
of the many ways in which this can be done. And (3) delivering the speech in the TL so well that the
listeners, to repeat an old adage, will have the feeling they are listening to the original speech not to
its interpretation.
Interpreters must transmit the message in a thorough and faithful manner, giving consideration to
linguistic variation in both languages and conveying the tone and spirit of the original message. A wo
rdforword interpretation may not convey the intended idea. The interpreter must determine the rele
vant concept and say it in language that is readily understandable and culturally appropriate
to the listener. In addition, the interpreter will make every effort to assure that the client has understo
od questions, instructions and other information transmitted by the service provider.
Confidentially requires that all knowledge and information you obtain in the course of the
interpretation should not be disclosed to anybody.
Interpreters must treat all information learned during the interpretation as confidential.
Information shall only be shared on a need to know basis with other employees and service
providers to the extent permitted by law. Interpreters shall not use confidential information
acquired in the course of official duties, or request or gain access to confidential information
maintained by KSDE, its contractors or providers, in order to further his or her own personal
interests or the interests of a friend, relative or business associate.
Impartiality is the third important norm of conduct for the interpreters. It means not to take sides. In
practice, being impartial implies for the interpreters a vast array of prescription and prohibitions, such
as to refrain from giving opinions, getting involved, taking and direct action, volunteering explanation
or excuses which are not requested, and so on. The most significant features of the third principle of
professional interpreting ethics. They are giving information not advice, respect other peoples
opinion, beware of excessive familiarity.

. In performing interpreting tasks, interpreter should adhere to the ethics of

profession which are important. Please elaborate the aspects of accuracy,
confidentiality and impartiality in details with examples.


Interpreters shall render the message faithfully,

conveying the content, spirit and cultural context of the original message. This
means the interpreter shall interpret everything the speaker or document says
without changing the meaning, conveying what is said and how it is said, without

additions, omissions or alterations, but with due consideration of the cultural

context of both the sender and the receiver of the message.


1. Interpreters shall not divulge any information

learned in the performance of professional duties. This includes any documents

or other written materials. 2. Confidentiality is to be maintained in all situations,
except when legally mandated to disclose information in specific situations such
as child abuse, elder abuse, and a persons threatening harm to him-or herself or
others, or where the interpreter/translator determines to the best of their ability,
that non-disclosure may result in harm. 3. Disclosure: Interpreters shall not
publicly discuss report, or offer an opinion concerning matters in which they are
or have been engaged, even when the information is not privileged by law to be


The interpreter shall maintain impartiality and shall not

counsel, advice or project their own personal biases or beliefs. The interpreter
shall avoid distorting the message in favor of one party or the other.

2. Explain the sitting arrangements in the interpreting sessions.

The ideal seating arrangement is where all three parties are seated at an equal
distance apart allowing the free flow of linguistic and paralinguistic signals and
presenting an even distribution in the power relationship. For example:
4. in interpreting at police interviews the interpreter must always keep in mind more than ever the
three basic rules of professional ethics: accuracy, confidentiality and impartiality. The accuracy is an
obligation on the part of the interpreter to give the parties a total, unbiased, correct version of what is
said in turn by all speakers. Always remember that a wrong interpretation may lead to the person
being detained by the police or being unduly charged. In confidentiality nobody, even though he or

she is totally clear of any blame, likes to go and submit to four-hour police interview, knowing that
later everybody in town will know about it because of the interpreter. Interpreters should keep
confidential not only the contents of the interview, but also the fact that any interview, of a certain
person, took place. And impartiality is also very important, the client must never reach the conclusion
that you are the police interpreter.
Memory can be divided into two types, short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM).
short-term memory (STM) can retain and recall the information for just a short or brief period of time.
It is happened because it does not create the neural mechanisms that would be needed for a
subsequent storage.
According to its name, STM is able to retain and recall the information for just a brief period of time
because it does not create the neural mechanisms that would be needed for a subsequent storage.
On the contrary, LTM occurs once you have created the neural pathways for storing, so the
information that you hear can be stored from minutes to months or even years span. We have,
though, to make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way we intend to recall it later.

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