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bass drums

clean, close, dirty, dry, narrow, and big block: A-1 ~ D#0
concert bass drum - muffled: B0, open: C1
knock: E0 and F0
snare drums
w/o snare: D#1 and E1
with snare: C#1 and D1
roll: A0
kitchen tom: F#0 and G0
roto toms: F1, G1 and A1
taiko toms: B1, C2 and D2
tin toms: E5 ~ G#5
slit drum: E4
large Chinese cymbal: G#0
splash cymbal: A#0
hand-cymbal hit: F#1, crash cymbal: C#2
cymbal roll: G#1, crescendo: A#1
orchestra cymbal hit: G#6
edge-stroke: G2, crescendo roll: G#2, scratch: A2
small Chinese gong - low: A3, roll: A#3 - high: B3, roll: C4
bells (no whistle)
jingle bells: D#2 and E2
wind chimes up: F3, fast: G3
wind chimes down: F#3, fast: G#3
bell tree up: B4, down C5
anvil: F4
triangle roll: G4, muted: G#4, open: A4
shake: F2, edge-stroke: F#2
claps: A5 ~ C6
tin click: C#6, D6
ratchet long: A#2, short: B2
guiro slow: C#4, fast: D4
shaker: A#4
woodblocks: C3 ~ E3
claves: D#4
whip: F#4
castanet low: D5, high: D#5, roll: C#5
claps: D#6, E6, F6
metal hits: F#6, G6

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