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Submission Date: 05 Dec16


Consumer Behaviour

1. By Studying And Understanding Consumers, Organizations Can

Establish And Maintain A Competitive Advantage In The:
A) Stock Market
B) Academic Universe
C) Marketplace
D) Medical Industry
E) Museum Society
2. When Developing A Global Marketing Strategy, Organizations Should
A) Cost
B) Market
C) Competitiveness
D) Environmental Factors
E) All Of The Above
3. By ____________, We Mean That The Constraints Of Geography On
Consumption And Social And Cultural Arrangements Are Rapidly
A) Affinity Group
B) Globalization
C) Production Orientation
D) Adoption
4. The Process Of Dividing A Market Into Identifiable Groups Of Similar
Consumers Is An Idea Known As _______________________.
A) Age Differentials
B) Income Levels Qualifiers
C) Market Segmentation

Consumer Behaviour

D) Marketing Variables
E) Product Qualifiers
5. Manufacturing A Product Or Delivering A Service In Response To A
Particular Customer's Needs And Doing It In A Cost-Effective Way Is
Known As _______________________.
A) Occasion Segmentation
B) Mass Customization
C) Marketing Imagination
D) Demographic Segmentation
E) Customer Focus
6. ____________________ Divides The Market Into Different Geographical
Units Such As Nations, States, Regions, Counties, Cities Or
A) Demographic Segmentation
B) Geographic Segmentation
C) Consumer Segmentation
D) Market Segmentation
E) Usage Rate Segmentation
7. ___________________ Means Deciding How The Organization Wants The
Company And Its Brands To Be Perceived And Evaluated By Target
A) Perceptual Mapping
B) Product Positioning
C) Niche Marketing
D) Design Communications Programs

Consumer Behaviour

8. People Act And React On The Basis Of Their ________________, The Way
They Sense And Interpret The World Around Them.
A) Demographics
B) Social Class
C) Awareness
D) Perceptions
E) Sensory Preferences
9. ___________________ Is The Immediate And Direct Response Of Sensory
Systems To Stimuli.
A) Interference
B) Motivation And Involvement
C) Experience
D) Learning And Knowledge
E) Sensation
People Detect Stimuli Through A Variety Of
A) Autonomic Responses
B) Learned Responses
C) Perceptual Filters
D) Sensory Receptors
E) Intrinsic Cues
____________________ States That The Stronger The Initial Sensory
Stimulus, The Greater The Additional Intensity Needed For The Second
Stimulus To Be Perceived As Different.
B) Webster's Law

Consumer Behaviour

D) Categorization
E) Transformational Advertising
Perception Begins With An _______________ To A Stimulus.
A) Availability
B) Arousal
C) Exposure
D) All Of The Above
E) None Of The Above
________________________ Refers To The Fact That Consumers
Select Only A Small Portion Of The Stimuli To Which They Are Exposed
For Conscious Processing, Or What We Might Term Focal Attention.

A) Pre-Attentive Processing

B) Contrast Effects
C) Phenomenal Absolutism
D) Perceptual Selection
E) Perceptual Inferences
The Principle Of Perceptual Organization That Illustrates The
Consumer's Use Of Partial Cues To Complete An Image Is ____________.
A) Awareness
B) Understanding
C) Closure
D) Personal Preference
E) Identity
The Semiotic Process Is To How People Obtain Meaning From

Consumer Behaviour

A) Stimuli
B) Communications
C) Signs
D) Interaction
E) None Of The Above
The _______________________ Is The Lowest Level Of Input At Which
We Perceive.

A) Threshold Of Consciousness

B) Differential Thresholds
C) Just Noticeable Differences
D) Absolute Threshold
______________________ Involves Comparison Between A Perceived
Target And Categorical Knowledge.
A) Corollary Theorem
B) Webster's Law
C) Perceptual Organization
D) Categotization

The Unconscious Mind Is Called The:

A) Ego
B) Super Ego
C) Idea Center
D) Id

Consumer Behaviour

E) All Of The Above


The Highest Level Of Need, According To Maslow, Is Related To:

A) Self-Actualization
B) Egoistic
C) Social
D) Safety And Security
E) Physiological
Ads That Encourage You To Experience The Feelings And
Sensations Associated With A Product Are Stimulating:
A) Brand Comparisons
B) Cognitive Involvement
C) Affective Involvement
D) Price Awareness
E) Individual Involvement
The Term ____________________ Is Used To Describe Temporary
Interest In A Purchase Or Consumption Process.
A) Decision Situation
B) Situational Involvement
C) Consumption Involvement
D) Marketing Involvement
E) None Of The Above
_______________ Is An Inner Drive That Reflects Goal-Directed
A) Success

Consumer Behaviour

B) Accomplishment
C) Motivation
D) Ability
E) Aptitude
The ___________ Is The Third Structures Hypothesized By Freud. It
Represents The Traditional Ideas And Values Of Society.
A) Id
B) Ego
C) Unconscious
D) Superego
E) None Of The Above
_________________________ Is The Practice Of Using A Company
Name (Or Umbrella Name) On A Set Of Brands.
A) Stimulus Generalization

B) Brand Extension
C) Family Branding
D) Operant Conditioning
E) Shaping
______________________ Refers To Things You Recall Without Any
Sense Of When You Learned Them.
A) Knowledge
B) Semantic Memory
C) Cognitive Differentiation
D) Information Overload
E) Cause And Effect

Consumer Behaviour

________________________ Are Memories That Come Tagged With
Information About When And Where They Happened.

A) Aspiration Gap

B) Integration
C) Description Memories
D) Episodic Memories
E) None Of The Above
_______________________ Is The Perceptions About A Brand As
Reflected By The Associations Held In Consumer Memory.
A) Brand Image
B) Incidental Learning
C) Learning By Description
D) Direct Experience
E) Behavioral Learning Theories
____________________________ Refers To The Tendency Of Stimuli
That Are Similar To Evoke Similar Responses.
A) Trial And Error
B) Emotional Responses
C) Stimulus Generalization
D) Physical Responses
____________________________ (Also Called Instrumental
Conditioning) Occurs As Consumers Shape Their Behaviors To Respond
To Rewards And Punishments In The Marketplace.
A) Classical Conditioning
B) Operant Conditioning

Consumer Behaviour

C) Reinforcement Conditioning
D) Continuous Conditioning
_______________ Are Key Internal Factors That Shape Individual
Consumer Choices.
A) Behaviors
B) Attitudes
C) Identifications
D) Preferences
E) Compliance's

Which Of The Following Is Not A Major Function Of Attitudes:

A) Value Expressive
B) Ego Defensive
C) Utilitarian
D) Identification
E) Knowledge
The ____________________________ Refers To A Consumer's Central
Values Or Self-Concept.
A) Utility Function
B) Value-Expressive Function
C) Knowledge Function
D) Preference Function
E) Relational Function
_________________________ Specify That Consumers' Attitudes
About Brands Depend On The Beliefs They Have About A Group Of
Brand Attributes.

Consumer Behaviour

A) Evoked Set Models

B) Choice Models
C) Multi-Attribute Attitude Models
D) Attitude Models
E) Experiential Hierarchy Of Effects Models


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