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Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

Lesson 14
We are in Section 3. This section is asking the reader to reflect over the world around you and see
ordinary, normal phenomena in a way that leads to an extraordinary spiritual conclusion. It is asking
you to look at those things which you dont really pay attention to like the hab (grain) and then
nakheel (date palm trees), inab (grapevines), uyoon (springs) and azwaj (diversity in Allahs
creation), and looking at those things, see that they are pointing towards the greatness and the
magnificence of Allah .
And this is really important because the surah began by telling us that people, in those times, they
were a people who were heedless spiritually unaware of the realities around them. And in many
ways, people are the very same today spiritually unaware.

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

And in fact, ourselves as well. When we look at the things that Allah is mentioning, do we really see
the signs in them? Do they remind us of something that is a spiritual truth? For many of us, no, it is
not the case.
And Ibn Taymiyyah said that in order to make shukr, in order to be grateful, a person needs
Why? Because for example, when a person looks at the moon, and he looks at it and he begins to
ponder over what it actually means, its existence, what it symbolizes, then he will lead himself to
appreciate the sign of Allah and he will do shukr. Therefore, to be a shaakir, you need to be a saabir.
What does that mean? It means you need to be someone who contemplates and reflects. And he
doesnt gloss over things around him, he is not heedless. Rather, in every physical thing, he can see a
spiritual sign.
This is Section 3 of Surah Ya-Seen. Now the previous ayah was about the sun running its course to a
stopping place, and that is the determination of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. And we spoke about
the tafseer of this ayah. However, Ustadh posed a question. If someone read that the sun is running,
meaning moving its course everyday from east to west, and the Quran says that the sun is moving,
however today we know, and science tells us that it is not in fact the sun that is moving around the
earth, but it is the earth moving around the sun. Is it not? How would we explain this? If someone
says, that this doesnt make sense, because we know today, science tells us that it is the earth that is
running and moving around the sun, not the other way around. How would we explain this to
someone? Is this a common question? Do people ask these types of questions?

The answer is that the Quran is a timeless book. The Quran is going to communicate a
message that is going to be timeless. From the time of the Prophet 1438 years ago, until
Yawm al-Qiyamah, the audience of the Quran is all of those people. Moreover, it is universal.
Meaning, Quran is not only to be read by educated people, but by any person a Bedouin,
a nomad, a city dweller, a CEO, anyone. Therefore, that point alone should allow us to

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


appreicate that when the Quran mentions something, it will be in a way that all people of all
times will be able to understand what it is saying.
2. The second major point is that the source of all reason and the source of the Quran as the
same origin. Both human intellect as well as the words of the Quran came from the same
origin, Allah . Is it possible then, for there to be a conflict between reason and
revelation? Who created the human intellect? Allah. Who created this earth? Allah. Who
spoke this Quran? Allah. Is it therefore feasible then that Allah mentioned something here
and it doesnt make sense over there? It is impossible. Rather, the origin of the Quran is the
same as the origin of the human mind. Therefore there can be no conflict.

However, even if we said that actually it is the earth that is going around the sun, now we know that
the sun itself moves at a speed of 450,000 miles per hour around its own galactic star. In fact, the
whole solar system is moving around another, the centre of the galaxy. And this galaxy is moving
around the centre of the universe. So everything is moving.
So can appreciated from both perspectives, the past and the present. The beauty
of it, however, is that it doesnt conflict in either way from the human perspective as well as the
astronomical perspective, there is no contradiction whatsoever.
The second question is this. If someone said that the Quran is mentioning things for people of all
those years ago. Therefore, they didnt know how the sun operates. They didnt know how the moon
functions. They didnt know about the stars and space and so on and so forth, so Quran explained
for them how things operate. As for us, we have science. And today science will teach us how things
operate. Therefore, the person may argue, we dont need to look at the Quran literally and say that
the sun moves and runs its course. Rather we should say that science will tell us how these things
operate. Not the Quran. The Quran was speaking to those who didnt even know these things.
What do we say to this person? The person may say, those people dont know these things. Now we
know. So we can disregard them. We can historicize them.
The person is wrong, because we know that when the Quran mentions something, it is something
that is relevant, always. However, sometimes, science may say something and it may not be as the
Quran says. What science will tell us today, at best is the how. How things happen, the laws of
physics happen, how all these different phenomena occur. The how behind it is the role of science
to explain.
As for the why, and who makes them happen, that is something it cannot answer, and it is not even
its role to answer. It is a question which is beyond the capability of science to answer. It is not even
within the realm of science.

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

The simple answer is, with all this in mind, the Quran is speaking from a human perspective. From a
human perspective, a person looks up at the sky and sees the sun moving from east to west. And this
is something that all people of all times will be able to appreciate and understand.


Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

And the who, again, that is beyond the realm of science.
The beauty of the Quran is that the how is mentioned, as well as they why, as well as the Who.
The Quran says the sun is running its course. Science says it is running its course, in outer space, as
well as from the human perspective. The how is there. The beauty is that it goes on to say Who.
Who is making it run its course? Especially when you find out the how behind it is so amazing, the sun
is so hot, the sun is such a huge mass, the sun is moving so fast and yet it delivers the same course
every single day. Who is making that happen? Allah the One Who is All-Mighty and All-Knowing is
making it do what it is doing. But then the why. The why is also answered in the Quran as well.

It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth.79

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

All of this is created for the service of mankind. So this is now the why. The answer is, it is for us, in
order to create a world in which we can worship Allah.
If you look at every other planet in the solar system, it cannot bear life. NASA is trying to find if there
is water on Mars or on the moon in order to see whether it can sustain life. But the reality is that no
planet except earth sustains life. Except one. Perfectly positioned, away from the sun, not too close,
nor too far. The laws of the cosmos coming together to make it in a positon, in a place, with certain
laws that would allow life to prosper. If anything, one should ask isnt this a sign of all the planets,
this one exists, and of all the laws, it comes together perfectly for this one why is it happening?
Who is the One who is doing this? This is the reality.
That is why you can appreciate why Muslim scholars also used to be doctors and scientists as well.
Imam Shafi was a doctor. Many famous astronomers were Muslims, why? Because they never
used to perceive a conflict between science and reason, science and religion. It is only now that
people have been indoctrinated to feel that there is a conflict between reason and revelation. But
this is not the case at all.
If there is a conflict, then how do we understand this? If Quran says one thing and reason or science
tell us something else then how do we understand it?
For example, evolution. Evolutionists tell us that human beings evolve from a previous species. This
is the main aspect of evolution which seems to be in conflict of Islam. Many people conflate
evolution and say the whole thing is unIslamic. Thats not true, part of evolution is adaptation, etc.
But the main aspect of evolution which is in contradiction to what Quran says is the idea that Aadam
alayhis salaam wal iyazu billah had an ape-like father. And here we say that the conflict is a conflict,
not in the Quran, but it is a conflict in the minds of human beings. They have either misunderstood
the evidences, or there are no evidences, or it is something that they perceive to be there but it is
not there. The conflict doesnt lie between reason and revelation, it lies in their reason.

Surah al-Baqarah 2:29

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


39. And the moon - We have determined for it phases, until it returns
[appearing] like the old date stalk.
This ayah, Allah is drawing our attention to another amazing creation of Allah the moon.

And Allah mentions that this moon, We determined it

to exist in phases, manazil, meaning the waxing of the
moon. It is said that there are 4 main phases of the
waxing of the moon there is the new moon, there is
the quarter, there is the full and then there is the last
part of the moon, which is the waning of the moon.
Allah mentions that We made it go through those
phases such that when it eventually comes to the end
of its phase, it looks like an old date stalk.

Moons phase cycle repeats on average every 29.53 days

One of the most beautiful things about this is that Allah is
drawing our attention to the fact that He determined it. And
that means it was determined precisely. It is said that each of
those phases lasts for 7.4 days, giving us a 29.54 calendar
month. And that is why you get the 29 day calendar.
And then, it returns to what is called something that looks like
an old date stalk. The urjoon is the branch just before the
bunch is attached to it. If you look at it when that becomes old
and withered away, it looks exactly like the moons crescent
right at the end of its phase.
So Allah wants us to think about the moon in the way that is not
just a normal appearance. Rather we are to look at it in a way
that it is being moved from one phase to another by Allah
. And that points towards the greatness of Allah .

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

What are the phases of the moon? New moon, first quarter, full moon, and
third quarter eventually it wanes and reaches the crescent shape.


Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

One of the lessons that we learn from these 2 ayaat, between the ayah about the sun running its
course to a fixed place and the moon being determined in its phases, is that if Allah has control over
the life of the sun for billions of years, as well as the moon and everything else, why should a believer
think Allah doesnt have control of his life? Why should we feel that Allah is not in control of our own
lives and Allah is in control of the sun? And if Allah has set the moon and the sun in its own
determined courses then why should we as believers not feel that Allah has set our lives according to
a plan as well? These beliefs bring stability into the life of a believer. These beliefs bring happiness
and joy into your life even when misfortune is upon you. And one of the amazing things about this is
that it is a recurring sign. Every day you can see it, and you can be impacted by it in a spiritual way.

iJu: 3 ways i. Thinness ii. bendiness iii. Yellowish tinge

Ibn Juzay said the date stalk when it dries up, it is like the last crescent of the moon in 3 ways:

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

1. The first is that it is bent in shape, just like the moon is bent in shape.
2. It is a dullish colour, just like the moon appears to be in a dull yellowish colour and;
3. It is thin, just like the moon appears to be very thin as well.

Dont say mother nature did this

Life with NO MOON?
My Reflections

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


40. It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night
overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.
Now it is as if both these things are being brought together after mentioning them separately.
It is not becoming, or as at-Tabari said, it is not possible, for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor
for the night to overtake the day. All of them, meaning the sun, the moon, the night and the day, are
inside a which is swimming along. What does this mean? There are few narrations from the salaf.
Mujaahid said that this means that the sun and the moon dont interfere with and destruct each
others light.

Ad-Dhahak said, the whole phenomenon comes about through the qadha (decree of Allah) and His
supreme knowledge.
The previous ayaat mentioned these entities separately. They are both doing certain things
separately. But from a human perspective, both the sun and the moon come together, as if they are
in one orbit. The way they function, in terms of their timings, in terms of their light, in terms of their
benefit, it is as if they have been placed together in order to provide these benefits and services to
And that is why the ayah mentions, there is no destruction in that whatsoever. It is an occurrence
that keeps on happening and it keeps on providing benefit to human beings. This shows us the care
and mercy of Allah for His creation. He is looking after us. This is one of the lessons of this
ayah, Allah is taking care of his creation.

Ibn Uthaymeen said, you dont have two nights and two days, or the night starts, the day doesnt
come and interfere, and then the night starts again. Rather you have a splendid transition between
night and day, day and night. Such that, if one increases in length, the other one shortens.
In the winter time, we have a short day time. But it is compensated by a longer night time. And then
this phenomenon increases and decreases. All of this is a sign of the power of Allah .

And all of them are in a . What does the word mean? Ibn Abbaas said it means a migzal. The
migzal is a spindle which is part of the sewing machine. It is a round circular thing, at the top of the

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

Qatada said they each have their own designated limits and parameters such that each can express
their dominance in splendid harmony throughout the day.


Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

sewing machine, it goes round and round. It is circular in shape. So ibn Abbaas said, it
is like moving in a spindle, which today we call an orbit.
And if that opinion is what we go with, then it means that the Quran was mentioning something
that human beings were totally unaware of until recent history. It was something astronomy only
managed to uncover recently that these entities the sun and the moon moving in orbit.
Another opinion about is something that comes and goes. All of them come and go at their
appointed time and place. At their appointed time and place they are made to appear and reappear.

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

The interesting things about is that it is spelt the same backwards as it is spelt forward. It is a
palindrome. This phrase is about the sun and moon being in an orbit which is a circular shape. And by
definition, a circle is when all of its points are at an equal distance from the centre such that it is
symmetrical at every point. And these words relect symmetry when mentioning an idea about
symmetry. It is miraculous.
And even if you add to that the prophet only spoke the Quran. He did not write it down. If you
write down something, you have the ability to look at the letters and perhaps organize them. When
you speak, you dont have the luxury of looking at your words and then placing them in certain
This is the kalam of Allah .

Sibaha has the meaning of moving at speed

Sibhaha, Ibn Taymiyyah80 said, it means when something is moving fast, the idea of something
moving very fast.
The ayah mentioned that these things are in an orbit, moving very fast. Last week we learnt that the
sun is moving at the speed of 4,50,000 miles per hour. Even the idea of that speed is something that
is difficult to imagine.
Ustadh was thinking, these ayaat are talking about control over controllable entities. And human
beings, what we know about speed is when you go fast, you lose control. What is being highlighted
for us is that these things are moving so fast, yet they are in splendid control in order to bring about
beautiful benefits to mankind.

Absence would i. No sense of time ii. No way to perform rites


Is this ibn Taymiyyah or ahl al-lugha?

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


Manifestations of Allahs guidance and mercy

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

My Reflections


Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

41. And a sign for them is that We carried their forefathers in a laden ship.

A Sign of His Power, Care and Love for us all

A sign for the Quraysh and after that, anyone by extension.

most say Nuh.

is something that is filled up, laden. Which ship is this talking about? The ship of Nuh .
What is the proof that this is the ship of Nuh ?

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

Through the salvation of Nuhs believers we too were saved

The ship of Nuh is described with these same words elsewhere in Quran. Therefore the Quran is
speaking about the same thing here as it was there,
This is a principle of Usool at-Tafseer where you look at the Quran mentions holistically to
understand its isolated ayaat.
However, there is a second opinion that this is speaking about ships in general.
But the opinion of Imam at-Tabari is that this is speaking about the ship of Nuh .
The ayah says that a sign for them is that We carried their seed on the ship of Nuh . How do
we understand that Allah carried the seed of Quraysh on the ship of Nuh ? The answer is that
when Allah said Nuh and the people with him, he was, in fact, saving all of mankind. The very genes
of all of mankind became rescued when Allah resuced Nuh . That is how we understand it.
Allah mentions in the Quran, that We saved Nuh

We made his seed as the ones who would survive. Meaning the family of Nuh. Because Allah saved
them, and they were the only ones saved from all of humanity, Allah is in fact saving the human
species on that ship. can refer to the fathers, or the children.

Besides people, there were animals. Besides animals, there were plants, vegetation.

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


One of the interesting things Ustadh came across recently is that in Norway, they have this thing
called the global seed vault. In Norway, they have a vault in a snowcapped mountain in which they
tried to collect a seed of every single species of plant just in case something happens. They say this is
the gift of Norway to humanity.
Our attention is being drawn to the fact that the ship carried not only people but also carried many,
many goods. Many, many things of benefit.

Brilliant minds

And construct the ship under Our observation and

Our inspiration81
Allah inspired the mind of Nuh to manufacture a
ship. When people saw him manufacturing the
ship, they laughed. They said, what are you
What did they know, not only would be a means
that would save him, it would also be a means of
transporation for the whole of humanity.
And how much benefit comes from ships. Ustadh
was looking at how heavy is the worlds heaviest
ship. They said there is something called the
ultra-large oil carriers. They can carry upto
5,50,000 ton of oil. Imagine the size of that ship
carrying 5,50,000 ton of oil. It looks like an island
that is moving. And yet, it does not drown, it
does not sink. It floats.
This is something that Allah allowed us to use a
ship in order to traverse the sea.


Surah Hud 11:37

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

The other interpretation is that this is referring to any ship. Allah created the ability for
human beings to traverse on water. Even though water can drown human beings, Allah allowed the
human mind to manufacture something called ships. Even this opinion actually goes back to the first
opinion because the first man to create a ship was Nuh alayhis salaam. And the proof of that is in the
Quran as well.


Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature

42. And We created for them from the likes of it that which they ride.
Imam at-Tabari said this ayah is mentioning other types of ships. Every ship that was created
thereafter, after the ship of Nuh , the human mind was allowed to reproduce that over and
over again up until today, which they can benefit from and ride.
Think about all the benefits we get from ships. Not only do we use the ships to fish, we use them in
order to explore the world, we use ships in order to transport goods from one country to another.
We use ships for many beneficial activites. All of this is a token of Allahs mercy.

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

Allah allowed human beings to create all types of transportation, land and sea. Transportation in the
form of living beings which Allah gave us, like the camel, like the horse, as well as being able
manufacture things like cars, hot air balloons, aeroplanes, you name it. Allah allowed us to do that.
Therefore, somebody shouldnt say that Allah is saying He created all kinds of transportations, but
then what about the Wright brothers? Human beings creativity is a product of Allahs gift. Human
beings are able to create beautiful things because they are given beautiful minds by Allah. As well as
the resources in order to use that creativity to make everything. Therefore credit doesnt go to
anyone save Allah .

Dua for getting on a vehicle

One of the benefits of these ayaat, is that when use these forms of transportation, a person should
feel that Allah is gifting them this form of transportation. In fact, the prophet wanted us to feel
like this when he taught us the dua for boarding a vehicle.

Exalted is He who has subjected this to us, and we could not have [otherwise] subdued it82.
One of the scholars said, Allah could have made the horse like a lion.
Would you ever jump on a horse then? Allah selected certain creatures, that we could domesticate
them and ride them. Thats the sign. Allah is gifting you certain things to use as a means of

And indeed we, to our Lord, will [surely] return."83


Surah az-Zukhraf 43:13

Passage 3 | Lessons From Nature


When you board your vehicle and depart, you are telling yourself, this is a short journey. I am going
on a long journey all the way back to Allah. If only we would reflet on these words, when we do the
most mundane things, we would feel connected to Allah .


Surah az-Zukhraf 43:14

Detailed Study of Surah Ya-seen Ustadh Asim Khan

My Reflections

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