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Name : Balakrishnan s
Email ID : sbalakrishnan15093@it.ssn.edu.in
Shaastra ID : SHA1704414

1. Do you have any prior knowledge in game development?

No. I just have the interest to learn about it.

2. Do what languages can you code in? Do you have a good experience
in coding in C or C or C#?
I have good coding skills in c/c++
3. What is your motive to attend this workshop?
To gain some basic knowledge in game development.
4. To test your basic coding skills here are some questions: (pseudo
codes are also fine)
write a pseudo code to swap values in two integer variables 1)
normal method 2) using pointers.
Let the two int variables be a,b
Pointer method
int *x,*y;
int temp;
[Type text]



write a function that would return true if input is odd and false if
input is even.

bool fn(int n)
if(n%2==0)return false;
return true;
how do you generate a random integer in range(0,50) if rand()
gives any random integer?
what is the difference between a function and a class?
Function is a method or a procedure and Class is a user-defined
datastructure with its characteristic members and methods.
Int * x =
90; Int *y
= 180;
x= y;
Print( x, *x, y, *y ) ;

what is the output
you expect?
X and y both have the address of y and *x,*y both give the output
of 180.
Write a recursive function to return factorial of an integer passed
to it

int fn(int n)
Return 1;
Return n*fn(n-1);
What are the differences between queue, stack, priority queue.
Queue implements first in first out principle and maintains rear and front
Stack implements first in last out principle and maintains top values
Priority queue is similar to an ordinary queue except that in a priority queue
all the elements are always in a sorted order

write a class that can be used to

implement a queue
class Queue
int *data;
Int front;
Int rear;
Int enqueue(int n);
Int dequeue();
Int display();

write a class that can be used to

implement a stack
[Type text]

class stack
Int top;
Int *data;
Int push(int n);
Int pop();
Int display();
*Please do not copy from others or from internet because it is really hard
for us to teach you anything if you dont know this basics.
*write only those things you know and leave blanks if you are not sure
about the answer

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