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Constructionism follows the ideals that various faccets and parameter

of our identities dont have actual meaning bsides a societal underting
to have meaning? Does that make sense? Our identity is socially
materialize, it is a mechanical process that fits different meaning for
different statues. Faccets such as race, class, gender, and sexuality are
all socially constuted to have some foregoing meaning that isnt
anything but the result of social participation and a scoity saying that
these identity markers should have meaning. Social construction
implies that none of these meaning are absolute and in fact that these
identity statuses are constantly changing to reflect the overall nature
or understanding of societies perception of these markers. Al oof these
parameters socially constructed and presented differently in society,
howver when these identitiy markers intersect, and these socially
imposed notions that follow these markers merge with one another ..
not sure. Intersectionality implies that no one persons experience is
the same as another, instead our experiences are divided by our
idnentity markers wether it be sexuality, gender, class,, race, these
markers take on different meanings and alluds to different experiences
as there intersect and overlap with one another. It is important to note
that though these markers are socially constructed phenomenons that
their intersections are also socially constructed in the same fashion. In
a society where the superior race is white and the most rewarded
gender is man, black women are doublely burden by these constructed
notions of hierarchy.
Constructionism follows the pradigm that various facets and
parameters of ones identify resides on fictitious principles.
And then materialize as context bearing
This implies that the boarders that govern these seemingly rigid
identity statues are not fictional
Our experencies as participants in this social sphere are shaped by a
societal understanding of these values
Structured along societal implications
Only by the reluctancy of its participents
Therefore ones understanding of self , is developed through a
circulartory participation

Whether it be race, class, sexuality, gender, or a combination of these

markers, our livelihood is transcribed through the various meanings
attached to each.
The docile damsel, which is built upon the inputs of black women supporting black
men, is a staple among black films. This depiction of black women is ascribed more to
sentiment and humanity than the sex object archetype, dog-like loyalty exists as one of
the defining characteristics of the docile damsel illustration.

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