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P: Anemia

S:”Talaga nga adda ti anemiak”

O:>coherent and conversant
>with ongoing IVF of PNSS 1L x KVO and a sidedrip of PRBC x 4-6 hours with a serial
number 21066-0122 infusing well at left arm.
>with initial VS of: T-36 degrees Celsius, PR-65 bpn, RR-20cpm, BP-110/70 mmhg
>pale conjunctiva
>cold and clammy skin
>decreased capillary refill

Goals: The client will maintain or achieve optimal tissue perfusion to vital organs.

LTO: After three days of nursing interventions, the client will show the following
a. good capillary refill
b. pinkish oral mucosa
c. pinkish conjunctiva
d. increased tolerance to activity
STO: After eight hours of nursing interventions, the client will manifest the following:
a. understanding of the importance of iron
b. undergo blood transfusion without adverse reactions
c. perform deep breathing exercises
A: Ineffective tissue perfusion related to low hemoglobin count
Nursing Interventions Rationale Criteria for evaluation

Dx: : LTO is met if patient

manifests 4 out of 4
>Monitored vital signs >To obtain data for manifestations
every 15 minutes for 1 comparison and vital signs LTO is partially met if
hour and every 1 hour may change due to adverse patient manifests 2 to 3 out
for the following hours. reactions caused by blood of 4
transfusion. LTO is not met if patient
manifests none.

>Assess capillary refill >Prolonged capillary refill STO is met if patient

time, skin color, and time, and cold clammy skin manifests 3 out of 3
temperature. is indicative of decreased manifestations
cardiac output. STO is partially met if
patient manifests 2 out of 3
> To evaluate underlybing manifestations.
>Reviewed laboratory causes and early detection STO is not met if patient
results. of cause facilitates prompt, manifests 0 to 1 out of 3
effective treatment. manifestations

>Monitored for possible >Transfusion reactions

blood transfusion range from mild to life-
reactions. threatening. Telltale signs
and symptoms include fever
and chills, hives and
itching, dyspnea, and

>Checked serial number >To ensure that the right

of PRBC and whole blood product is to be
blood to be transfused. infused and to ensure
client’s safety.


>Assisted in hooking >Transfusions are used to

PRBC and whole blood keep the patients number of
for blood transfusion. blood cells at a safe level
since patients hemoglobin
level is 78g/L.

>Assisted patient with

frequent deep breathing
exercises. >Deep breathing exercises
aids in relaxing patients
>Conversed body when she is in stress.
>To promote trust between
the nurse and the client
since the client is also
>Regulated IV lines and preparing for a operation for
blood transfusion. the following day.
>Blood transfusion is only
for 4-6 hours and

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