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Leon Kalashnikov


The Outcasts
By John Flanagan


1. Who is the main character in this novel?

2. How did Hal call his brotherband team?

3. Who owns the ship Heron?

4. What is a wolfship?


Page 1

5. Where is the first part of the book taking place?

A. Canada
B. Lala land
C. Skandia
D. Japan
6. Out of all people Hall knows, who do you think he hates the most?


7. Why didnt Rollands nor Tursguds brotherband want to take Hall and his
friends on their team? Explain.


8. Do you think that the Herons did a good thing when they cheated at the
tug-a-war competition?


9. Do you think that Hall and his friends did a good thing when they ran off
to bring back the Andomal?


What would you do if you were in that kind of situation? (Like in
question 9.) Explain.



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