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Atul Kohlis State-Directed Development:

Political Power and Industrialization in the Global Periphery is a book written by Atul kohli
which is the masterpiece to understand the power and role of state in the process of
industrialization through historical perspectives. It furthers discusses the importance of states
and basic requirement for the development, and structure of modern nation-states. He also puts
emphasis on obstacles that arise during the process of deveopment.
There are a number of reasons why some states have been successful in growing towards
industrialization. In Weberian perspective, Atul Kohli emphasizes on role of state institutions
and society cohesion.
Further, Kohli identifies three ideal patterns of states: cohesive-capitalist states, fragmentedmulticlass states and neopatrimonial states through comparatives study of historical
experiences of late-late developing or industrializing countries.

1. Neo patrimonial state (Represented by his case study on Nigeria)

here is no clear separation between the public realm and the private realm,
state leaders and officials see the state's authority and resources as their
own. Public resources or the state companies are considered to be
instruments for increasing the personal profits of those in power as well as
their relatives, friends and followers. It is characterized by weak bureaucracy
and inability to overcome particular interest.

2. Cohesive capitalist state (Represented by his case study on South Korea)

is a developmental state or hard state and characterized by concentrated
state authority at
the top; a narrow supporter base comprising of
capitalists only, who interact intensely with the state; use of concentrated
power to discipline the rest of society including labors; deep penetration of
state power into all rural and urban areas; nationalistic oranti-communist
ideology to keep the society as one; and restriction of polital participation.
4. Fragmented multi class state : (Represented by his case studies on Brazil
and India).
are defined as populism or soft state where public and
private realms are separated,andpolicies are directed for the benefit of the
nation rather than for the ruling few. However, state authority is
fragmented and the social base is plural, including capitalists, workers,
farmers, military, landowners, etc. India and some periods of Brazil
represent this state type

Kohils state Directed Development is a masterpiece to understand the comparative and

historical perspective of states development, although it is confrontational because it shows
doubt on the Western capitalist theory which asserts that political democracy fosters sustained
economic development. Although Kohli emphasizes a legitimate government, he focuses more
on economic actors and political elites, along with historical aspects on patterns of state
construction and patterns of state interventions aiming at promoting industrialization
In conclusion, Kohil looks at the three different types of state and assess their role in promoting
industrialization and development. Furthermore, he focuses on the need of a competent
bureaucracy and a close relationship between the government and capitalists, which will lead to
economic growth and industrialization. His analysis of growth of different states can be useful to
identify differences in growth levels and effectiveness of states

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