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Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L.

Canadian Studies
1st year, Canadian Culture

The myth of the lost paradise in Jacques Poulins Volkswagen blues

Volkswagen Blues is centered on the myth of creation. Jack is searching for his lost
brother Tho and during his journey in North America, he and his companion Pitsmine talk
about the first settlers of the North American continent, whose struggles to build a new country
were hard to bear and about the tragedy of the Indian people. Therefore he learns a lot of things
about North America and about himself (Socken p.61).The myth of the American West is crucial
to the novel. The introduction of this myth is a modern version of the discovery of America
which is strongly linked to the recreation of the lost paradise on earth.
Il pensait que, dans lhistoire de lhumanit, la dcouverte de lAmrique avait
t la ralization dun vieux rve. Les historiens disaient que les dcouvreurs cherchaient
des pices, de lor, un passage vers la Chine, mais nen croyait rien.Il prtendait que,
depuis le commencement du monde, les gens taient malheureux parce quils narrivaient
pas retrouver le paradis terrestre.Ils avaient gard dans leur tte limage dun pays ideal
et ils le cherchaient partout. Et lorsquil avaient trouv lAmrique, pour eux, ctait le
vieux rve qui se ralisait et ils allaient tre libres et heureux. Ils allaient viter les erreurs
du pass. Ils allaient tout recommencer neuf. (Poulin p.100-101)
In the paragragh above Poulin explains what happened after the Europeans found
America and what were their hopes and dreams about the new land. Their dreams and aspiration
are linked to their religious teachings. According to Christianity in the distant past of humanity,
at the beginning of times the humans two ancestors, Adam and Eve who were kind and innocent,
lived happily in an ideal place, at peace with themselves, and in harmony with God and nature.
But Eve and Adam tempted by Satan, the fallen angel and enemy of God, disguised as snake, ate
an apple from the forbidden tree of knowledge and they started to know what good and evil were
and they began to feel ashamed of their bodies and felt the need to hide their nakedness from
God the one who knows everything and can perceive anything. Because the two of them wanted
to know what good and evil were, something that only God must know, the great creator
banished them on Earth where from generation to generation humans became more and more
evil (source The Holy Bible).
Once Christianity, who is based on this doctrine of a primordial sin and of a paradise
lost, spread in Europe a place where wars, corruption, hunger and illnesses reigned, people
started to long for a perfect place near their creator where they can drink and eat the finest things,
in other words were they can be happily ever after. For many years the Medieval scholars
believed that the paradise was not a spiritual condition but a real place on the earth surface
(Scafi, Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth). People kept making assumptions on
where on the map it would be, but by the time the two Americas were found it was clear to
Europeans that such a place can hardly exist. These kinds of beliefs started to be out of fashion
until the discovery of the new continent when the first British colonists of North America
dreamed of creating the second paradise on Earth, to create a country that it would become a

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

model for the rest of the world. The first European colonists to the territories of nowadays
Canada and U.S. wanted to move to a place where they could be given the opportunity of
creating a country where the past mistakes made by France and Great Britain wont repeat
themselves. They were upset with the European ways and disgusted by the entire society
structure. The North American continent was described by the explorers as a paradise on Earth,
regions like Pennsylvania and Virginia were highly praised. John Winthrop, a man who attempts
to read the will of God in every action, even in the most insignificant natural event, by writing
Modell of Christian Charity in 1630 he expresses the hope that America will be a beacon
upon a hill for other peoples. Their religious way of life will lead the world to a new
millennium. Winthrop claimed that New England would be a community of love where everyone
would identity with one another, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together. He
also taught them to be good for goodness sake. If thine Enemy hunger, feed him; Love your
Enemies, doe good to them that hate you (Math. 5.44). Even though they were taught all these
things the colonists from both Canada and U.S. committed a number of genocides in order to
gain full control over the land.
Before I start to talk about the Indian massacres I want to define what living in paradise
actually means. Nature is seen by Emerson as a manifestation of God. Our experience of life and
the world around us can answer all our questions about the connection between God, man and
nature and about the rules of this universe. Nature is seen as an expression of the divine and it is
also believed to be a way to understand it, because nature is the book of God, it is Gods
handwriting, each element of nature being a symbol of spiritual mysteries. The key in life is to
learn how to read this book. The whole of nature is therefore a symbol of the spiritual reality. In
his work Nature Emerson hints that nature possesses a moral and spiritual aspect and humans
may understand the hidden meaning of the physical world by living harmoniously with nature,
and by loving truth and virtue (Emerson, Nature). Emerson in his work has the vision of the
universe as an all-encompassing whole where man and nature, matter and spirit are expressions
of God. Emerson calls this unity the Oversoul in his other writings. Therefore in my opinion
when humans lived in paradise they were in harmony with themselves and with nature and they
had a strong connection with the latter, therefore they had a special spiritual condition.
As Ive already mentioned the first colonist wanted to create the second paradise on Earth
and because North America was to them as beautiful as a paradise and they had the chance to
start a new civilization there from scratch, they were willing to do anything to make this dream
come true, even destroying other civilizations which, as I will prove, were actually living in
Every seed is awakened and so is all animal life. It is through this mysterious
power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our animal neighbours the
same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land (Vestal, Sitting Bull)

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

North Americans spirituality is legendary, they have the same sensitivity in front of the
beauty of nature just like a Romantic poet, and in addition to this, they believed that animals and
humans must have equal rights. Even though animals were hunted for food, the hunters before
killing it asked permission and forgiveness from the animals spirit. The land was owned in
common and the notion of owning it for themselves out selling it was not accepted by their
community. Although each tribe had their own religious view there was a popular belief that
there was one Great Spirit who created the Earth and was everywhere around them though his
presence cannot be felt or seen. This pantheist belief was linked to animism a sort of religion
which sees kindred spirits in all animals and plants. An active principle in their culture was the
kinship with all animals and creatures, a feeling of unity and great empathy. Indians knew that a
lack of respect for living things will soon led to lack of respect for humans, too (Harrison,
North American Indians: the spirituality of nature).
That is why the old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up
and away from its life-giving forces. For him, to sit or lie upon the ground is to be able to
think more deeply and to feel more keenly; he can see more clearly into the mysteries of
life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him (Chief Luther Standing Bear,
Land of the Spotted Eagle, Houghton Mifflin).
Native Indians had a strong connection to the earth which to them was their Mother and
thus sacred. This passage clearly proves that Indians lived in something similar to the European
Christian paradise. Adam and Eve lived closely to God, their life living force, when they were
banished from paradise they lost that connection. Indians on the other hand while living on Earth
they still kept in touch with the divinity therefore they were living in a paradise on earth, which
is exactly what Europeans tried to build in the New World.
Leslie Silko in her fictional book Ceremony describes in a beautiful and meaningful
poem, the anticipation of the arrival of the white man. At a gathering of witches from all the
Indian tribes there comes a mysterious person who comes to tell them a story. The strange witch
associates white people with darkness by stating that:
Then they (white people) grow away from the earth/then they grow away from
the sun/then they grow away from the plants and animals/They see no life/When they
look/they see only objects/The world is a dead thing to them/the trees and rivers are not
alive/The deer and the bear are objects/They see no life(Silko, Untitled, Ceremony,
Here Silko by saying that they live in dark caves definitely it refers to the state of
ignorance in which the whites used to be before they became Christians. Silko in a way criticizes
the whites lifestyle and religion which disconnects them from their ancestral connection with the
earth, Sun, plants and animals. They are incapable of seeing whats beyond the trees and animals

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

that they see, they are unable to grasp the eternal spirit manifested, they see only objects. She
goes on describing the whites:
They fear/They fear the world./They destroy what they fear/They fear
themselves(Silko, Untitled,Ceremony, p.541).
Silko definitely thinks that whites are not in harmony with nature and themselves
therefore their tendency to destroy and control others. Indeed whites feared Indians, not them as
people but their freedom, their view of the world and the way they communicate with God and
the way they interpret His existence. Because Indians were so different from whites from a
cultural point of view the Christian priests and rulers demonized them, saying that they came
from the devil. In my opinion it happened the logical thing because in the beginning you have to
demonize a culture or a person to make others believe they are bad and even try to convince
yourself that they are truly bad, and only then you can destroy them without feeling any regret as
if it was the right thing to do. This fact has been proven numerous times in history like during
the Second World War when Hitler believed he was doing the world a favor by killing millions of
Jews because in his opinion, they were inferior to Germans and they were also the embodiment
of the evil in their society. But what is truly bad or demonic only God can know. Also the Indian
culture was unknown to Europeans and usually people fear what they dont know. White people
even from the beginning of history they tried to control nature to master its secrets. And so they
have cultivated the land and later on the scientists have imitated what he saw in nature (the
human brain-the computer, the human eye-the camera etc) and have tried with numerous
machines and programs to predict the weather, they have made genetic experiments of plants and
animals etc. In other words they tried and are still trying to control nature. Indians have lived in
harmony with nature they had no desire to dominate it, they tried to respect its rules and live in
peace with themselves. Even to these days earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis are ways in which
nature tries to tell us that it cannot be tamed. Therefore my conclusion is that the white people
were in opposition to the Indians, they were living detached from nature whereas the Indians
were innocent, still living in paradise because they were obeying nature, they were not going
against it, and they could grasp the hidden spiritual meaning of everything that was around them.
Jacques Poulin talks in his book about the terrible battles between whites and Indians.
However in chapter six he talks about a fortunate case of communion between a white man
tienne-Brl who came in New France with Champlain and Indians. tienne got the permission
to live with the Indians and learn their customes and language, therefore becoming at only
eighteen years old the first coureur de bois living by the Indian rules, and practically became
one of them (Poulin, Limes edition, 56). This is one of the few cases where Indians and whites
lived in harmony. In the beginning before the Indians realized that whites were a threat to them,
they actually had helped the first colonists to survive by sharing with them their sources of food.
Unfortunantly the whites did not return that kindness and began a demonic mission of

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

Even though Indians had a high level of spirituality as the first innocent humans from
Christian tradition they made many mistakes and wars happened between the Indian tribes also.
Pitsmine talked about the Illinois tribe, a peaceful community who was living on a fertile land.
Because of their prosperity and peaceful life the other tribes were very envious of them and they
were constantly attacking them, for example Iroquois coming from the nowadays region of New
York, and Sauks and Outaouais from North East. When whites came, Indians feared their
expansion and Pontiac the chief of Outaouais tribe decided to create an alliance with all the
Indian tribes from Middle West, but Illimois being peaceful refused to join them. This made
Pontiac furious and declared them war. Unfortunately all Illinois tribe members were killed thus
the tribe was exterminated (Poulin, Limes Edition, p.96-97). This shows what desperation made
people do, Indians were so afraid of whites that they were capable to do anything to protect
themselves and those who did not agree with their ways were murdered. This shows that the
Indian beliefs were heavenly in nature but their actions were sometimes demonic. Therefore
Indians tribes were living in a paradise ideologically speaking, in reality they were far from it,
but they respected nature and other creatures which placed them closer to paradise than whites
Jack Waterman realizes that if you read American history you only find violence, he
concludes that America was built on violence (Poulin, Limes Edition, p.106). How could the first
colonists who wanted to build a paradise do such a mistake? No paradise can be built by
destroying other cultures Pitsmine is sad because of her peoples past. She keeps on talking
about how Hernando de Soto killed every Indian he got a chance to meet, or how in 1880 the
Sioux tribe, after their chief Sitting Bull was murdered, gave up fighting the whites, but the
whites did not spare them and one night, when the surviving members of the tribe were
camping, the whites killed all of them including babies.(Poulin. Limes Edition, p. 168). Even
though she is a Metis, only half Indian, Pitsmine is haunted by their tragic past and has a bad
opinion about whites. She always says: White men, big shitters!(Poulin, Limes Edition, p.
164), showing how much the European colonists actions towards her people upset her.
Although the first colonists wish to create the second paradise on Earth was not fulfilled,
America being the embodiment of a lost paradise, there is still hope and that hope is Pitsmine,
who is in Macfarlanes opinion, a symbol of the new Quebeker (Macfarlane, .Volkswagen Blues
Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting Poulins Pitsmine).
Il vit une grande fille maigre qui tait vtue dune robe de nuit blanche et
marchait pieds nus dans lherbe en dpit du froid; un petit chat noir courait derrire elle. ..
Les cheveux de la fille taient noirs comme du charbon et natts en une longue tresse qui
lui descendait au milieu du dos (Poulin, p.9)
From the above paragraph we can deduce that Pitsmine is described as a typical Innu
girl, with long black hair, dressed up in a white night gown, walking barefoot and not being cold.
The girl has a strong connection with nature, she is not cold, she can follow the nature rules

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

without complaining or shivering under the blacket like Jack. She once said to Jack:je ne sais
jamais lavance ce que je vais faire ( Poulin, p.37). Therefore she lives just like her Indian
ancestors in the past, she never stays in a single place, she is a nomad (Macfarlane, .Volkswagen
Blues Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting Poulins Pitsmine ). Pitsmine is also a mysterious
presence she goes away unnoticed and returns unexpectedly. Jack once told her: Vous tes
capable de dire ce qui se passe dans ma tte (Poulin, p.55). Jack definitely feels that the girl is a
special presence, he feels that she can read his thoughts, because she is mystical, she inspires a
sense of spiritual mystery because she interprets the world around her like an Indian. But more
than just a guide, she is also a spiritual teacher (Goldie, Transcontinental. Books in Canada).
Pitsmine is used in the book in order to signal some problems in the Quebec society. For
example Quebec wants to use Indians for the promotion of their culture but the Quebec people
wouldnt want these Indians to stay in the way of their plans they want the aboriginal to cooperate and be part of their culture. By using the Indigenous female figure Poulin revives the
myths of the dead and dying Indian, which is a misconception whites have about them. The
myth of the vanishing Indian definitely brings nostalgia and probably regret in some hearts of
Euro-Canadians (Macfarlane, Volkswagen Blues Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting Poulins
Pitsmine ). After all this being said the question is: Are Indians really dying?
Editors from Native Youth Magazine claim that much of the Natives cultural heritage has
been lost. In U.S. the Indian Removal Act destroyed tribes and nations. Moreover they were
placed in reservations were the land has little agricultural value. Children are going to schools
where English is spoken, they are slowly forgetting their language, thus the oral traditions, their
legends and songs are lost. In Alaska aboriginal people live a better life from an economic point
of view. They are in control of "native corporations", which control immense tracts of land
throughout the state. Of course the land belongs to the Alaska state but the Indians are allowed to
use its resources which means that they can make money in order to survive. Their future is
uncertain, their cultural heritage being destroyed forever, many of them have completely
abandoned their historical roots. Every year many young people leave the reservations and they
are assimilated in the dominant culture by marrying non-Indian people (Native Youth Magazine
Editors, Native Americans- Past, Present and Future). So the Metis are born. One of them is
Pitsmine who has an identity crisis because she cannot define herself. She once told Jack that
she was ni une Indienne ni une Blanche, she believed that finalement, elle ntait rien du
tout(Poulin, p.224). But Jack is an optimist, he told her that actually she was quelque chose de
neuf, quelque chose qui commence. Vous tes quelque chose qui ne sest encore jamais vu
(Poulin, p.224). Even though she is supposed to symbolize something new, Pitsmine embodies
all the stereotypes of Native identity and yet she is something new. Therefore I am optimist and
when I look at Pitsmine, I am hopeful for the Indians future, who even though they marry nonIndian people, their children will be born with many of their characteristics and will still be just
like Pitsmine, different from others and although half-Indian will still feel close to nature and
connected to the Native Indian past. I do admit that in U.S. they might be swallowed in the

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

melting-pot and their culture forgotten, just like the future generations of immigrants are not
connected to the cultures of their home-countries anymore, but in Canada who wants to protect
the cultural identity of the immigrants and of Native Indians, I think that their culture will be
preserved better.
I do believe that the colonists from North America didnt build a paradise on earth but I
must mention that the U.S and even Canada were leading countries in giving rights to women,
and surprisingly although they destroyed the Indian cultures, they are countries who followed
some beliefs of the Natives, like the concept of liberty, the freedom of speech and of religions
and so on. The irony of life is that the U.S. constitution is inspired by some Iroquois teachings.
The Iroquois nation had a contribution in building the U.S. democratic society. Therefore the
Indians culture and beliefs helped in building two of the greatest powers in the world. And yet
even though many people in U.S. and Canada are living such great lives from a material point of
view, I feel that they are not connected to nature, many of them become atheist losing their
connection with the Christian God also. Therefore to me U.S. and Canada are not the second
paradise on earth. To me they are a symbol of the lost paradise because they destroyed cultures
whose peoples were as close to divine creative force as the first humans in Christian teachings
used to be. Some say that Americans realized the mistakes created in the past, but I disagree. I
think that until they dont give Indians the same chances and opportunities in life and as long as
they dont preserve their culture which is dying, the Americans are still ignorant to their
mistreatment of the Indians. Genocides are still happening today. The "Holocaust" of World War
II came to be the model of genocide (Johnston, The Genocide of Native Americans: A
Sociological View). But we must be aware that this genocide of the Jews has been so much
condemned because Germany was a country that lost the war. If Germany won the war then the
Holocaust wouldnt have existed. To my opinion the Native Indian genocide is not as
condemned internationally because it happened long ago and because the Americans were the
winners of the war. All this being said I think it is clear that you cant create a paradise by
stepping on other peoples lands and homes. If you do that, not even your God will be by your
side to help you create this dream.
But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people? Tribe follows tribe,
and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is
useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White
Man cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We
will see (Seealth-chief of the Squamish, Seattle Sunday Star).
What I appreciate the most about Natives is how peaceful and forgiving they are. Indeed,
they are sad because they lost their lands and that now they are guests in their own houses but
they do not hate the intruders and they dont pity themselves for what their actual social status is.
They do understand how this world works because they understand how nature works. Ever
since the beginning of humanity, there have been nations who were more advanced than others,

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

who created empires or Wonders of the World, just like the Sumerian civilization or the Egyptian
one. What is left of their great cultures? Egypt is no longer a power in the world and Irak now is
one of the most dangerous places to live because of poverty and terrorists. Nations can fall or
they can rise just like South Korea, Japan or China, which had an economic boom. By studying
history we can realize that the white mens dominance and leading role on earth is fragile and
that maybe after 1000 or 2000 years from now (if humans will still exist on Earth) things will
look different, maybe other nations with other cultures will be the leading countries with the best
living conditions and whites will have to follow their advices and be protected or attacked by
them. I love that in the end, Chief Seealth concluded that we(Indians and whites) might be
brothers in the end, because nature is fair to all cultures, great civilizations come and go, indeed
leaving behind great monuments, art works and writings but still they go, and all that is left is
the story of their past greatness.
I said that to me the existence of Pitsmine makes me look at the future with hope. Some
people believe that the world is getting worse and worse. Well that maybe true in case of
pollution, but apart from that the world is getting better, whites may have committed genocides
but they were the founders of the industrial revolution, they were pioneers in creating medicine
as we know it today, and today Canadians and Americans are the most open minded and tolerant
people, they gave rights to women, now animals also have rights and are considered to be
sentient creatures with a soul. Therefore the world is not getting worse, and many descendents of
the destroyers of Indian cultures actually live by their principles, they are vegetarians, they see
animals as their brothers, they show as much respect to women as the Iroquois tribe and even
give them leading positions everywhere (including governments), they are spiritual and they
believe in pantheism. Those who say that the world is getting worse, idealize the past where
people were dying of diseases just like now they die in poor countries. Pitsmine, being a symbol
of the new Quebeker, makes me think that also Quebec people evolved and in the future Native
Indians will be more respected and they will be given the same opportunities to preserve their
language just like the French from Quebec. Maybe this will never happen but I hope that at least
they will get out of the reservations. I am hopeful for the future both mine and others. Indians
already received an apology from the Canadians for trying in the past to educate them following
the Christian dogma in order to kill the Indian in the child. Canadians seem to understand and
regret what they did to the Indians more than the Americans do, as I said before in America
young people are forced to learn English in schools and forget their languages. It is my belief
that in Canada, Indians can preserve their identity better than in U.S. where integration in society
means assimilation. Being discriminated as an Indian is mostly a thing of the past because now
many things have changed. Canada and U.S. recognize that First Nations own the land. Both
counties have Held In Trust systems, based on numerous treaties with the Native Indians.
The treaties define the payment for acquiring lands by England/Canada.
Monetary Settlements are made, and that money is Held In Trust by Canada. Canada
holds First Nations lands In Trust and collects royalties from resources on First Nations

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

lands which Canada also holds In Trust( WCNATIVENEWS, When will First Nations
leaders ensure that Canada is accountable for First Nations money Held In Trust).
I think that the fact that Indians receive money for letting Europeans use their lands and
resources is a good thing Its a good thing, at least instead of nothing In U.S. Native
Americans were denied basic civil rights for many years, but because they fought for them now
they have many rights all under the Indian Civil Rights Act (1968). All this rights give them
freedom of speech and press and gives them the opportunity to hire an attorney or have equal
protection under the law and due process. I am very optimistic that things are changing for the
better. For example, the actual president of U.S. is Barack Obama, a black person. If a black
person whose ancestors used to be slaves, became a president, then an Indian person or a Metis
whose ancestors were treated as the enemy, who must be exterminated and dominated, maybe
one day will have as many opportunities as a white person and wont have to live in reservations
anymore. Therefore it is my firm belief that the human consciousness is evolving.
In conclusion I believe that I brought the right arguments to prove that the first colonists
who wanted to build a paradise actually destroyed an already existing paradise, and therefore
America is not a symbol of the creation of a second paradise on Earth but a symbol of the lost
paradise, because Canada and U.S. are countries built on violence. I wanted to present the
nowadays situation of the Native Indians not to make the reader feel hopeless but to make him
think positive about the future. Humans keep on evolving and no matter what some people say
they are better now than in the past, and maybe in the distant future they will be able to create a
paradise on Earth where Native Indians will find their happiness also.

Works Cited

Chief Luther Standing Bear, Land of the Spotted Eagle, Houghton Mifflin, Boston & New York,
Emerson, Ralph Waldo.Nature. http://transcendentalism-legacy.tamu.edu/.
05.06.2015. http://transcendentalism-legacy.tamu.edu/authors/emerson/nature.html


Goldie, Terry. Transcontinental. Books in Canada 18.6 (1988): 29.

Harrison, Paul.North American Indians: the spirituality of nature. http://www.pantheism.net/
Accessed 05.06.2015. http://www.pantheism.net/paul/history/native-americans.htm

Negoi Ioana-Teodora S.C.I.L.L. Canadian Studies

1st year, Canadian Culture

Johnston,Sharon. The Genocide of Native Americans: A Sociological View, 1996

Macfarlane, Heather.Volkswagen Blues Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting Poulins
Native Youth Magazine Editors, Native Americans- Past,


and Future,

Poulin, Jacques. Volkswagen Blues. Editura Limes, Cluj-Napoca 2010.

Poulin, Jacques. Volkswagen Blues. Montral: Editions; Qubec/Amrique, 1984.
Scafi, Alessandro. Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth. London: University of
Chicago Press, 2006. Reviewed by Veronica Della Dora (Department of Geography, University
of California, Los Angeles) Published on H-HistGeog (March, 2007) https://www.hnet.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=12944
Seealth, chief of the Squamish 1854. As reported by Henry Smith in the Seattle Sunday Star,
Silko, Marmon Leslie. Ceremony (Contemporary American Fiction Series). A Penguin Book
Fiction. 1986
Socken, Paul.The Myth of the Lost Paradise in the Novels of Jacques Poulin. Fairleigh
Dickinson Univ Press,1993
The Holy Bible. New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan House, 1984. Print.
Vestal, Stanley.Sitting Bull, Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
WCNATIVENEWS.When will First Nations leaders ensure that Canada is accountable for
First Nations money Held In Trust. http://westcoastnativenews.com/ Posted: FEBRUARY
10TH, 2015 3:42 AM. Accessed:07.06.2015. http://westcoastnativenews.com/when-will-firstnations-leaders-ensure-that-canada-is-accountable-for-first-nations-money-held-in-trust/

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