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Crimes Against National Security and the Law of Nations

a. Treason
b. Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Treason
c. Misprision of Treason
d. Espionage
e. Inciting to War or Giving Motives for Reprisals
f. Violation of Neutrality
g. Correspondence with Hostile Country
h. Flight to Enemys Country
i. Piracy
j. Qualified Piracy


Crimes Against Persons

a. Parricide
b. Infanticide
c. Abortion
i. Intentional Abortion
ii. Unintentional Abortion
iii. Abortion Practiced by the Woman Herself or Her Parents *
iv. Abortion Practiced by a Physician or Midwife *
d. Murder
e. Death or Physicial Injury Inflicted Under Exceptional Circumstances
f. Homicide
g. Death in a Tumultuous Affray
h. Physical Injuries Inflicted in a Tumultuous Affray
i. Giving Assistance to Suicide
j. Duel
k. Challenging to a Duel
l. Discharge of Firearms *
m. Physical Injuries*
i. Mutilation
ii. Serious Physical Injuries
iii. Administering Injurious Substances/Beverages
iv. Less Serious Physical Injuries
v. Slight Physical Injuries and Maltreatment
n. Rape
i. Qualified Rape
ii. Effect of Pardon in Rape
iii. Presumptions in Rape


Crimes Against Property

a. Robbery with Violence Against or Intimidation of Persons
i. Robbery with Homicide
ii. Robbery with Rape

iii. Robbery with Arson

iv. Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries
v. Robbery with Physical Injuries
vi. Robbery by a Band
b. Robbery with Use of Force Upon Things
i. Robbery in an Inhabited House/Public Building/Edifice Devoted to
Religious Worship
ii. Robbery in an Uninhabited Place/Private Building
iii. Possession of Picklocks
iv. False Keys
c. Brigandage
d. Theft
e. Qualified Theft
f. Anti-Carnapping Act
g. Anti-Fencing Law
h. Occupation of Real Property or Usurpation of Real Rights
i. Swindling/Estafa
j. BP 22
k. Other Deceits *
l. Arson
m. Malicious Mischief
n. Persons Exempt from Criminal Liability

Crimes Against Chastity

a. Adultery
b. Concubinage
c. Acts of Lascviousness
d. Qualified Seduction
e. Simple Seduction
f. Acts of Lasciviousness with Consent
g. Corruption of Minors
h. White Slave Trade
i. Forcible Abduction
j. Consented Abduction


Crimes Committed by Public Officers

a. Who are Public Officers
b. Dereliction of Duty
c. Knowingly Rendering an Unjust Judgment
d. Rendering an Unjust Judgment Through Negligence
e. Malicious Delay in the Administration of Justice
f. Prosecution of Offenses, Negligence and Tolerance
g. Betrayal of Trust by an Attorney or Solicitor
h. Bribery
i. Direct Bribery
ii. Indirect Bribery

iii. Qualified Bribery

i. Corruption of Public Officials
j. Granting Immunity from Prosecution (PD 749)
k. Malversation of Public Funds
l. Failure of Accountable Officer to Render Accounts
m. Illegal Use of Public Funds/Property (Technical Malversation)
n. Liability of Private Individuals in Crimes Committed by Public Officers

Crimes Against Personal Liberty and Security

a. Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
i. Compare with Crimes Against the Fundamental Law of the State)
1. Arbitrary Detention (Article 124)
2. Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons (Article 125)
b. Slight Illegal Detention
c. Unlawful Arrest
d. Kidnapping and Failure to Return a Minor
e. Inducing a Minor to Abandon Home
f. Slavery
g. Exploitation of Child Labor
h. Services Rendered Under Compulsion in Payment of Debt
i. Trespass to Dwelling
i. Qualified Trespass to Dwelling
ii. Other Forms of Trespass
j. Threats and Coercion
i. Grave Threats
ii. Light Threats
iii. Other Light Threats
iv. Grave Coercion
v. Light Coercion
vi. Other Similar Coercions


Crimes Involving Falsehood/ Crimes Against Public Interest

a. Falsification by Public Officer, Employee or Ecclesiastical Minister
(Article 171)
b. Falsification by Private Individual and Use of Falsified Documents
c. False Medical Certificates, False Certificates of Merit or Service and the
d. Using False Certificates
e. Usurpation of Authority or Official Functions
f. Using Fictitious Name and Concealing True Name
g. Perjury (Article 183)

VIII. Crimes Against Public Order

a. Rebellion/Insurrection
b. Coup DEtat
c. Conspiracy and Propsal to Commit Rebellion, Insurrection or Coup
d. Disloyalty of Public Officers/Employees
e. Inciting to Rebellion/Insurrection
f. Sedition
g. Conspiracy to Commit Sedition
h. Inciting to Sedition
i. Illegal Assemblies
j. Illegal Associations
k. Who are Persons in Authority and their Agents
l. Direct Assault
m. Indirect Assault
n. Tumults and Other Disturbances of Public Order
o. Alarms and Scandals

a. Libel

Against Honor

Requirement for Publicity

Libel By Means of Writing or Similar Means
Threatening to Publish and Offer to Prevent Such Publication for a
Slander/Oral Defamation
Slander by Deed
Persons Responsible for Libel
Proof of Truth
Libelous Remarks
Incriminatory Machinations
i. Incriminating Innocent Persons
ii. Intriguing Against Honor


Crimes Against the Civil Status of Persons

a. Simulation of Births (Art. 347)
b. Bigamy
c. Marriage Contracted Against Provisions of Law
d. Premature Marriages
e. Performance of Illegal Marriages


a. Imprudence and Negligence (Article 365)

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