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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

January 2007 (Vol. 3, No. 1)

Notable & Quotable: "It seems clear that our hidden human potential is now unfolding.
The higher order of consciousness that represents our next leap in human evolution is now
being activated, and we are evolving into a higher frequency of light [...]

"Moreover, it is possible that the hidden potential lies within the very fabric of our DNA. The
human body may be a hologram, a reflection of light encased in matter, of the greater
cosmic hologram. Or, stated another way, the blueprint for humanity as a spiritual species ...
is holographically enfolded within us ... Scientists have found that most DNA components
have no recognizable function within the current paradigm--only 3 percent are believed to be
functional. It is possible that the other 97 percent known as 'junk' DNA represents hidden
human potential. What if they hold the code for the higher orders of human evolution that will
occur in the future?"

"[A]s evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris points out, the history of evolution has
repeatedly demonstrated that DNA is capable of rearranging itself intelligently in response to
changing environmental conditions. Therefore, some types of mutation may not be random
at all. Our DNA may be capable of utilizing information and making conscious changes in its
structure. That is, it may consciously direct the process of mutation, thus transforming a

Judith Bluestone Polich, Return of the Children of Light: Incan and Mayan Prophecies for a New World
(Bear & Company, 2001)


1. "Beyond Duality: Healing the Fragmentary Body," by Sol Luckman

2. "The Spinning Vortex" (Chapter Six of the book Ecstatic Relations)," by Carolyn North

3. "Indigo Nutrition & Healing Support," by Celena Hadlock

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. Beyond Duality: Healing the Fragmentary Body

Sol Luckman

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Given that the very atoms that comprise matter are dualized into positive and negative, it
should come as little surprise that duality also expresses itself in the body's electromagnetic
fields, which have been shown to regulate our biochemical (i.e., genetic) expression as
physical beings. In the human electromagnetic spectrum, duality appears as an energy
disruption sometimes called the Fragmentary Body.

In most present-day humans the second electromagnetic field (which corresponds to the
second or sex chakra) exists as a bioenergy or consciousness vacuum that to a significant
degree separates the worlds of spirit and matter. The Fragmentary Body does this by
draining one's kundalini (the individual's life-wave of universal creative consciousness) as it
seeks to rise into the higher electromagnetic fields and chakras, while impeding the free flow
of this same energy emanating superluminally from Galactic Center that seeks to infuse the
lower fields and chakras.

The Fragmentary Body thus represents a major impediment to the sacred marriage between
the lower self and Higher Self, or the embodiment of the light of soul that occurs during
genuine bio-spiritual enlightenment.

From Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing: Sealing the Fragmentary Body. The left image
shows a typical human bioenergy blueprint with nine electromagnetic fields/chakras and a Fragmentary Body
in the second field/chakra from the bottom. The right image shows a “potentiated” bioenergy blueprint with an
“infinity circuit” of eight fields/chakras. Note how sealing the Fragmentary Body replaces fragmentation and
duality with harmony and sacred geometry, allowing for the free flow of bioenergy throughout the body.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Sol Luckman and Kara Brown. All Rights Reserved. Click here to preview Conscious

The Fragmentary Body constitutes an electromagnetic "rift" in the human bioenergy fields
that corresponds to the Great Rift dividing the consciousness that created the system of
duality, visibly manifest in the night sky as the band of the Milky Way. Such mirroring is in
keeping with the ancient hermetic dictum "As above, so below," since this holographic
principle that conflates the part with the whole requires that our consciousness-based
physiology be consistent with the cosmological consciousness that created and sustains us.

The Fragmentary Body is not only associated with sexuality but also with the mouth and
specifically the tongue: our speech organs. This connection supports the widespread belief

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that our dualistic universe was literally spoken or sung into being. "In the beginning was the
Word," we read in Genesis. The primacy of speech in creation is perhaps why the Egyptian
goddess Nu, one of many feminine icons for Galactic Center, is pictured in hieroglyphics as
a great milk cow with full udders. Today scientists and theologians alike are beginning to
agree that if we were indeed created, we were uttered into existence.

During the time leading up to the Tower of Babel, which I propose is a metaphor for the
perceptually fused or unified state of consciousness (what has been termed
hypercommunication) that preceded humanity's experimental and educational Fall from
grace that created optimal conditions for individuation, the Bible records that "the whole
Earth was of one language, and of one speech." The stories of the Garden of Eden and
Tower of Babel are of special interest to our discussion because they directly associate
human biology with language. While the language of the Garden is divisive, that of the
Tower is both unified and unifying, leading upward (not unlike the spiral staircase of a DNA
helix) to a heavenly marriage between human and divine.

The divine language of the Tower, apparently spoken by Jesus and called the Language of
the Birds, the Green Language and also the lingua adamica, is composed exclusively of
vowels. This was a major reason the five vowels were extracted from written Hebrew: they
were revered as sacrosanct, God's language of creation. "The vowels were 'extras' in
Hebrew," writes William Grey in The Talking Tree. "The vowels were originally very special
sonics indeed, being mostly used for 'God-names' and other sacred purposes. Consonants
gave words their bodies, but vowels put soul into them."

It appears that the five vowels are indeed sacred because, among other things, they
correspond to the five nucleotides (protein bases) of DNA and RNA used to create biological
organisms: adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil. These five nucleotides,
represented as A, C, G, T and U, literally form our genetic alphabet. Mastery of the
Language of the Birds effectively turns one into a master geneticist not only capable of
creating life-forms via speech, but of evolving these life-forms into light-forms structured on
the tripartite tetrahedron shape that is the basic building block of the merkabah.

Medieval alchemists used the phrase the Green Language probably owing to the critical
alteration of hydrogen bonds (which are green on the electromagnetic spectrum) in
biological water molecules that occurs during lightbody creation. Not surprisingly, many
figures associated with the lightbody, such as Osirus and Quetzalcoatl, are typically depicted
as green. Similarly, Lao Tzu's Immortals achieve bio-spiritual enlightenment by creating a
"jade body."

The Fragmentary Body is electromagnetic evidence of misuse or mispronunciation of the

Green Language or Language of the Birds, apparently through insertion of consonants that
disrupt the unified flow of vowels and create dualistic syllables. The story of the Garden of
Eden appears to record this historical speech event that gave rise to duality in the form of
the Fragmentary Body--which energetically corresponds not only to the mouth and tongue
but also (appropriately given the procreative "doom" that results from Adam and Eve's fateful
discussion of knowledge) the genitals.

With many parallels to Eckhart Tolle's concept of the "pain body" that keeps people from
accessing the infinite "Power of Now," the Fragmentary Body operates much like a deep
scratch in a record or, to use a Vedic term, a samskara that maintains one's consciousness
locked in a limited (unenlightened) matrix of thought and belief banished from knowledge or
gnosis of unity with the Garden or Ground of Being. Toltec masters often refer to the
Fragmentary Body as the Parasite--fittingly, since at the energetic level, parasites (physical
and aetheric) enter and establish themselves at the human organism's expense by way of
the Fragmentary Body. In all cases, the Fragmentary Body is a dualistic principle of

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limitation that promotes disconnection from Source and, ultimately, death.

While developing a technique for DNA activation to heal my chronic autoimmune illness
called the Regenetics Method, my partner Leigh and I became increasingly interested in this
problematic second electromagnetic field. We were also intrigued by the fact that, using
muscle testing with clients, we were consistently finding nine electromagnetic fields
corresponding to nine chakras. Our understanding from theosophy and Vedic teachings was
that there were only seven fields and seven chakras. But thousands of kinesiological tests
convinced us there are nine fields and nine chakras, in addition to a tenth energy center
associated with Galactic Center.

We concluded that this tenth field is where the Higher or God Self, also known as the soul or
atmic permanent atom, resides. While the other four permanent atoms (physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual) are associated in dualistic pairs with particular lower electromagnetic
fields, the atmic remains unified in the Master or Source Field. It thus represents the divine
or soul aspect of ourselves that never experiences fragmentation and loss of unity
consciousness through duality.

In other words, the atmic permanent atom, or Adam, was never banished from the Garden.
This is also the part of ourselves that is now seeking to transmute our consciousness and
biology--via the lingua adamica, no less--so that we can evolve into what we have always
been in potentia: the Adam Kadmon.

What happened next in our own process of ener-genetic unfoldment was extremely exciting.
After Leigh and I performed the first DNA activation of the Regenetics Method on ourselves
and began to experience what we came to understand as conscious energy from Galactic
Center stimulating our DNA, we realized that two significant shifts, both of which we
substantiated through kinesiology, were happening in our energy bodies.

First, the vibratory frequency of our electromagnetic fields began noticeably increasing.
Second and more importantly, the fields themselves were undergoing a progressive
recalibration from nine to eight in number. In this process, the ninth field literally descended
and "sealed" the second field or Fragmentary Body, allowing the spiritual energy of the
Central or Healing Sun to flow through our electromagnetic fields and chakras uninterrupted
for the first time. It was at this point that my health began to improve dramatically and
Leigh's asthma and environmental allergies completely disappeared.

In retrospect, this energetic repatterning makes perfect sense. By bridging the rift in our
bioenergy fields created by the Fragmentary Body, we were taking a first step toward
healing duality at the level of our biology. We were also electromagnetically recalibrating to
eight energy centers, which represents a critical alchemical phase of lightbody activation
having to do with creating an infinity circuit in the electromagnetic blueprint.

The number 8 has always been of utmost importance to masters of the Language of the
Birds. The bird-headed Egyptian god Thoth was known as the Lord of 8. The Buddha taught
the Eightfold Path to enlightenment. And numerologically, the name Jeshua (Jesus)
translates as 888.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the critically acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method,
editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the Regenetics
Method of DNA activation have appeared in numerous print and online venues, including Atlantis Rising, Well
Being Journal, Renaissance, Sedona Journal of Emergence, and Metamorphosis, and also have been featured
in the alternative medicine anthology Message of Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind, edited by Amy Biddle, and
Heal Yourself with Breath, Light, Sound and Water by Denis Ouelette. Nexus New Times called Conscious

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Healing, which also received a five-star endorsement from the Midwest Book Review, a "paradigm-reworking
book" that introduces a "revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being." For more
information click here.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Somvarta: Vedic term for the powerful "life-wave" of torsion energy (universal creative
consciousness) from Galactic Center responsible for the spontaneous evolution of species.
Physicist Paul LaViolette's compelling Galactic Superwave Theory, as articulated in Earth
Under Fire: Humanity's Survival of the Apocalypse, appears to describe the same
phenomenon from a modern scientific perspective.

2. The Spinning Vortex (Chapter Six of the book Ecstatic Relations)

Carolyn North
The Absolute together with the Creative Power equals the Divine Couple. He rests always in His eternal nature
and She is eternally active, expanding to reveal and reabsorb the whole of the universe. She is His first stir,
and also the infinite stirring. This pulsation exists continuously, and exists in all the different states of
consciousness. It is the residual, foundational substratum of the manifested world. --from Creation Myth of
Kashmiri Shaivites

Martine and I, in our year-long conversation about miracles and fear, were earnestly
searching, whether we knew it or not, for the primordial pattern that underlies the universe.
This was no small order for two intense girls of nineteen. At the same time, though we
certainly were not aware of it, we were inscribing that very pattern between us, circling
around each other in our growing intimacy, never quite closing the loop but creating an
ongoing spiral of mutual passion for our subject and for each other.

The pattern we inscribed between us was actually hidden in plain sight on every surface of
our world: it was in the errant curl escaping from Martine's barrette; it was in the swirling
smoke from votive candles in the abbey of St. Savin. It was in the unfolding of a rose and
the cycle from winter to spring; it was in galaxies and electrons, seashells and cyclones, and
the whorl on the top of baby Michel's head. Everywhere we looked, had we the eyes to see,
the cosmic vortex was translated into the manifested forms of our world.

As Martine and I continuously tossed ideas back and forth, we traced the path of this vortex,
sparking each other's imagination and generating fresh insights and new directions of
thought. We were expanding the dialogue from a closed circle to an open-ended call and
response, creating a spiral of ideas that, once begun, was perpetually in motion. We were
the stirrers and we were the stirred, as the Kashmiri Shaivites might say.

I remember sitting on the riverbank of the Gartempes just after the spring thaw, mesmerized
by the icy waters whirlpooling around riverbed rocks in the river's impetuous rush back to the
sea. The watery vortices formed and dissolved continuously--first here, then there, then
bursting into spray before spinning again into a new series of whirlpools.

I imagine that if we could see beneath the forms of our physical world, on a subtler
substratum where all of existence is connected, it might look something like this turbulent
stream, with clusters of whirlpools in many dimensions spinning in and out of being.

After the dark of the night, the sun had come around to take its place in the sky the morning
Martine and I set out on motorbikes through the Poitou countryside. The winter was turning
to spring, our hearts were beating almost seventy beats a minute, and with each breath we
recycled oxygen and carbon dioxide with the air around us. Our motorbikes traveled at about
ten miles per hour, and the occasional car passed us at more than twice that speed.

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That morning and every morning, linked cycles were taking place, each at its own pace and
each in its own scale of space and time. The electrons spinning around the nuclei in our
cells cycled at one frequency and the earth revolved around the sun at another, but the
pattern was the same. If we could hear the buzz and beat of all the cycles together, it might
sound like the polyrhythms of an African drumming circle--in which each drum holds its own
beat and the ensemble entrains to one coherent rhythm implicit in all the individual parts.

I try to imagine the unimaginable--that moment when time began and the beat of the
universe emerged out of the timeless stillness of the Unified Field. In a twinkling, unleashed
by a "flutter of love," what had been energy in equilibrium became energy in motion.
Everything was jumping! The dance was on!

The whole thing must have vibrated like mad--as, of course, it still does. Jiggling and
shaking, every infinitesimal bit would have spun out of the Unified Field, the energetic
pathways curving around, but never quite closing the loop. Thus would the spiral have been
born, the shape of energy in motion that evolved order out of chaos.

Repeated cycles of creation and destruction--larger and smaller, faster and slower--these
twirling do-si-do's would have appeared and disappeared, tumbling and clustering at a
dizzying rate as they introduced Time, Space, and multiple frequencies onto the stage of the

In ancient Egypt, Hermes Trismegistus, the "scribe of the gods," is said to have spoken
these words: "That which is below is like that which is above; that which is above is like that
which is below, for the miracles of the universe are part of one whole thing."

Martine, can you hear me? Here's the Miracle we were looking for--it's in the stir of the world
itself. Really! It is spiraling energy that spins right out from the Unified Field!

If above corresponds to below, then there is intelligent life in the universe because the whole
thing is intelligent and alive! Of course. The patterns match.

In every living thing, from bacteria to redwood trees, cells contain this stirring in the form of
double helices coiled repeatedly around themselves to fit into the tiny space of their nuclei.
DNA, we call it. Aside from the fact that DNA is the chemical messenger of the molecules,
the shape itself is in resonance with the Unified Field, receiving and transmitting information
like minute umbilical cords connected to the lifeblood of the Mother. Intelligence is passed
back and forth, informing us on every level we can receive. The molecules translate this
code to our living systems, instructing its processes and informing its life--and death.

Here's a miracle, Martine: in my body and yours there are about 125 billion miles of DNA,
long enough to wrap around the earth five million times--and we are blithely unaware of it!

And get this, my friend: the two strands of the double helix wrap around each other six
hundred million times inside each human cell! Even in the smallest known unit of life--the
bacterium--the genome contains 580,000 DNA "letters" communicating back and forth with
the all-embracing field of existence. I can hardly imagine how many letters we humans must
contain, but it is probably beyond counting, which means that at every moment of our lives,
know it or not, we are linked up with the Unified Field and therefore with each other.

How could we ever have thought we were alone in the world? We're connected to the
universe by every cell in our bodies, resonating to the various frequencies of the world like
the resonant coils of a radio receiver tuning into one band on the dial after another. Every
breath we breathe is recycled from the breaths of every being who has ever lived, and every

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synapse of our nerves comes from the inextinguishable Unified Field within which we exist
and have our being.

I had a dream once--a dream of dancers. I was high in the rafters of a gymnasium, and
below me colorfully costumed people were dancing in a circle, their colors flashing as they
twirled in the dance. And then, still watching them from above, I was dancing amongst them!
We laughed as we spun past each other, our two lines weaving in and out of each other. I
skipped past green, then yellow, then purple, then red. I swirled around orange and grabbed
the hand of blue. We leaped and circled around each other.

Still watching from above, what I saw was a fabric--a cloth of many colors being woven
before my eyes--with me dancing within the weave. I was inside and outside, above and
below. I was a dancer, but from above I also watched the bright pattern of the gorgeous

Then and now. There and everywhere. Myself and the ten thousand things.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sentient Publications. All Rights Reserved.

[Carolyn North teaches movement and sound for healing and writes about the principles of her work, mostly in
the form of readily accessible stories about ordinary people living ordinary lives. She considers her work as
bridging the gap between three-dimensional thinking and multidimensional thinking, and currently is working
with scientists to describe the Unified Field from both scientific and non-scientific viewpoints. As a healer, she
is especially interested in the use of the voice as a healing modality. She is the author or eight books, four of
which are currently in print. Ecstatic Relations: A Memoir of Love was published in November. Click here to
check out Carolyn's work.]

Did You Know ... that in the words of vaccination whistleblower Neil Z. Miller in
Immunization: Theory vs. Reality, on top of deliberately planned additives such as
aluminum, formaldehyde and mercury, vaccines may also contain "unanticipated matter. For
example, during serial passage of the virus through animal cells, animal RNA and DNA--
foreign genetic material--is transferred from one host to another. Because this biological
matter is injected directly into the body, researchers say it can change our genetic makeup."

3. Indigo Nutrition & Healing Support

Celena Hadlock
Dedicated to the generation of beautiful Lightworkers who prayed for our coming

Since the late sixties, there has been a wave of new vibrationally high children coming to the
earth in response to prayers for earth angels to help bring the planet into a new
paradigm. Although it has taken some time for adults, teachers and healers to come to an
understanding of who these children are, why they came, and how to help them, progress
has been made simply by acknowledging them.

We have had the blessing of healers, such as Doreen Virtue, who have educated the public
about these beautiful souls, providing a welcome mat and invitation for them to flourish on
earth as well as the support and tools needed for them to accomplish their mission. On her
CD Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children, Virtue re-claims the label ADHD (Attention Deficit
with Hyperactivity Disorder) as "Attention Dialed in to a Higher Dimension," which I think is
fabulous! I recommend her CD because it is very enjoyable and humorous listening and will
create a space for you to have that "aha" moment of seeing the people in your life, and

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perhaps yourself, within a conscious evolutionary framework.

I come to this theme and this article from both a personal and professional standpoint. I am
what I call a "harmonized Indigo," where the Indigo intensity has been channeled and
redistributed in constructive way. I am beginning to take on much Crystal energy, and
believe that one may "transcend, mend and blend" as I phrase it. Recently, in a conversation
with some Indigo, Crystal, and cusp sixth graders I work with, the question came up,
"Teacher, which one is better, Indigo or Crystal?" To which I replied, "It's not about better,
it's about holding different spaces at different moments based on what is needed on the
planet. Both are important in their own way, and there are cusp children who are born with
both Indigo and Crystal energies, as well as the opportunity for learning from and taking on
the beauty of each."

I wish to be clear that my article, website and professional support for these adults and
children is not about focusing on labels. There is no diagnosis for "Indigo" or
"Crystal." These are simply nuanced ways of describing the sensitive, vibrationally high and
beautiful children (many now adults) who are here on the planet and who, at a soul level,
would like to heal as well as help the planet to heal. Their frustration often comes from no
self-recognition, no recognition by others, and a stuck, sad, useless feeling, which can even
turn into a self-destructive pattern.

There is a photo of myself at around nine years old, sitting in a treetop, staring with intense,
sad eyes out at the world, feeling misunderstood. It captures the essence of an Indigo child.
The good news is that I no longer feel that way! I was, thankfully, identified as "Gifted and
Talented," which really meant, "These kids are so smart and so intense, and so bored in a
regular classroom, that we just don't know what to do with them!" So programs were
developed in states like Maryland to hire talented and creative teachers (from the
Lightworker generation, also addressed in Virtue's CD) who were interested in working with
such "gifted" kids in small group settings. It was a start, and I can assure you a saving grace
for me. Even with that, on the best of days I fueled my inner Indigo through angry and sad
poetry, and speeding around in sports cars with drunk drivers to head-bashing heavy metal
tunes on the worst days.

It is almost impossible to put into words the inner intensity that an Indigo feels, but one way
is that it feels like megawatts of burning energy vascillating between "Can someone share
this joy with me?" and sheer indignation about all the injustice, lack of integrity,
inauthenticity, and suffering in the world. Indigo intensity can turn inward as self-destruction
if not channeled and given arenas for expression. Yes, we were hyper, because we were
anxious to do something with this energy--and were so frustrated about our spirits being
squashed or contained.

The irony of this article is that I am in a very healed space and am only bringing my past to
the table for the purposes of helping Indigos who are not being seen or heard, or who have
just been recognized and would like to know that a 37-year-old adult has been in that space
and understands the walk.

The following three lists provide some "food for thought" for those desiring to heal their own,
or someone else's, inner Indigo.

Potentially Harmful for Indigos

Pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics which further dampen their immune systems that
are already weighted down by the societal stress they carry
Pharmaceutical drugs such as anti-depressants or psychotropics which are used to "control"
behavior with ADD and ADHD

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Household chemicals, toxic fumes, or cigarette smoke

Condescending tones of conversation which do not recognize who they are and allow for
Refined sugars
Alcohol or recreational drugs
Artificial dyes and coloring
Plastic, packaged foods
White flour
Pastries, donuts, candy, cookies
Low-protein diets
Poor-quality dairy products
Sleep deprivation
Extreme temperatures, especially cold, damp, drafty environments
Feeling "trapped"
Lack of contact with other Indigos or Crystals

Potentially Helpful for Indigos

Love, love, and more love

Opportunities for creativity
Constructive and meaningful activity--academic, social, physical, and spiritual
Knowing they are understood and recognized (crucial)
Working with teachers, nutritionists, and doctors who are well-versed in this phenomenon
Herbs and natural remedies when needed, instead of pharmaceuticals
Natural healing plans for those who have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, which is
actually a treatable autoimmune disorder
Tapping into Indigo or Crystal support groups
Watching movies or reading books about the phenomenon
Alternative school environments according to the needs of the child
In some cases, gifted programs which can promote academic success and fulfillment
Attending an alternative-style college, or one that involves travel
Traveling and adventure with a caring adult
Contact with nature
"Tough love" and "firm love" within a framework of, "I see you, I recognize you, I am
committed to you"

Basic Nutritional & Healing Notes for Supporting Indigos

Think dark and rich: Indigos do well with dark, vibrantly colored foods, as these seems to
match their vibration. Kale, dark leafy greens in general, wild blueberries, acai, cherries,
dark organic chocolate without a lot of sugar, ripe red papaya, fresh-squeezed vegetable
juice, and wheatgrass juice all tend to provide healing support for Indigos.

Sufficient protein, including choices from the animal and vegetable kingdom, are also
important, as are healthy fats, which are very soothing for the nervous system.

Another good idea is to start with a 50/50 Raw-Cooked Diet to provide enzymes and easy-
to-digest foods for the Indigo tendency towards having a delicate gastro-intestinal system.

Hair analysis by a qualified professional is very helpful in evaluating mineral status and
deficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, and even emotional and spiritual patterns in order to
create a successful healing program.

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Stool analysis by a qualified professional is extremely helpful in assessing gut function,

especially for ADD spectrum diagnoses. The healing process for ADD-type situations starts
nutritionally in the gut, and improvements are tenfold when combined with the Regenetics
Method (see below).

The Regenetics Method helped me tremendously, both as a client and a Facilitator, to

transcend the parts of my Indigo that needed healing. This deep system of healing at the
DNA level brings about profound changes in regards to self-empowerment, self-awareness,
self-recognition, physical detoxification, and preparation for the lightbody, which is the new
physiology for which these children began to arrive.

Finally, ongoing nutritional, emotional, and spiritual coaching from a health professional
well-versed in this phenomenon can be essential. I provide three-month coaching programs
for all of my clients, including Indigo adults and children who would like special focus on
transcending and healing.

Postscript: The ADD-Autism Spectrum & the Indigo-Crystal Phenomenon

Broken down into basic spiritual terminology, the ADD-Autism spectrum is a vast arena
where Indigos and Crystals exist. Depending on how these sensitive beings were received
into the world, and how much information the parents had at the time, physical outcomes
vary. This is in no way a judgement of parents. I am grateful to these parents for being the
deliverers of these special beings, and I understand that they did the best they could with
the information they had. My own Indigo path took me to a "bring-me-to-my-knees" near-
fatal illness which opened up my Lightworker and Crystal energy to soften and heal the
circuitry overload that occurred, otherwise known as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (CFS).

There are major contributing factors that can determine the course of health for Indigo and
Crystal children. With all love and respect for my parents, who thankfully brought me to this
earth, factually speaking, I was born under anesthesia, vaccinated, raised on a standard diet
including fast food and junk food, and given antibiotics--at which point I began depriving
myself of sleep and rest in college, as well as consuming alcohol. On top of this, as part of
the first wave of Indigos, I carried a lot of microbes and toxins "societally" for others, leaving
me with quite a toxic load. Happily, CFS is now seen in the nutritional world as resulting from
an immune-system breakdown, and when treated as such, it typically improves.

The place to start is a proper evaluation of minerals and gut function. The healing process is
not as complicated as it seems. Through proper nutritional support, combined with
evolutionary activation at the DNA level, Indigos and Crystals not only can heal, but can
begin to strengthen and shine. At this point they often need less care and overprotection,
become more prepared to feel the joy of being a high-vibrational being, and eventually even
help hold space for planetary healing within a context of natural flow and rightness, without
the need for deep suffering.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Celena Hadlock. All Rights Reserved.

[Celena Hadlock is a certified Nutritional Counselor, Naturopath, and Natural Chef who is affiliated with and
licensed by the American Association of Nutritional Consultants and licensed to practice naturopathy by the
District of Columbia. She is also a trained Facilitator in the Regenetics Method of DNA activation, as well as a
writer and teacher who further expresses her Indigo passion in books of poetry and Soul Dialogues. Currently,
she lives in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, a beautiful colonial city in the mountains of Central Mexico, with
her daughter Anna Gabriella, an Indigo-Crystal cusp. For more information on Regenetics sessions, nutritional
coaching, hair and stool analysis, and Soul Dialogues for Indigos as well as Lightworkers, Crystals and
Rainbows, click here.]

http://potentiation.net/DNAmonthly/January07.html 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY January 2007 Page 11 of 11

Coming in our February issue ... "A New Lease on Life" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit

Subscriptions. Simply drop us an email at DNAmonthly@fastmail.fm with "subscribe" in the Subject heading.
You will receive our current and future issues free via email.

Submissions. If you would like to submit an original article, excerpt, book review or letter to the editors, please
copy and paste it into an email and send to DNAmonthly@fastmail.fm. Be sure to write "submission" in the
Subject heading. We offer no financial remuneration for articles we choose to publish, but authors can include
a bio and full contact information, including their website. While authors retain all copyrights to their work, DNA
Monthly reserves the options 1) to edit any submission for clarity, length, grammar, and spelling; 2) to excerpt
portions of articles; 3) to archive articles electronically; and 4) to reprint popular articles in future ezines. Please
limit submissions to 2,500 words or less.

Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
spiritual educational resource. The inclusion of articles and other materials in DNA Monthly does not in any
way necessarily denote or imply endorsement of such materials by the editors. The editors assume no
responsibility, legal, medical or otherwise, for the information published as a free information service in their

[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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