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Stress Management Professional An International Journal

Vol.2, No.2, JULY - DECEMBER 2014


These findings can be explained in the light of

stress including relaxation; problem solving;

evidence emerged within the past several decades

communication; and socialization skills. Stress

suggesting that psychosocial factors such as

reactions involve the coordinated interaction of

depression and stress can directly influence both

numerous bodily processes which usually operate

physiological function and health (Rozanski,

automatically, such as increased heart rate and

Blumenthal, Kaplan, 1999). These findings also go with

breathing problems. With training in relaxation,

the notion that mental disorders arise from physical

however, individuals learned to consciously control

ones, and likewise physical disorders arise from

many of these otherwise automatic processes, and by

mental ones (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1989). In present

so doing, gained better control over their stress levels

study there was no difference in the score of TABP

(Nehra, Sharma, Kumar, Nehra, 2013a). In the previous

found among the groups. Decades back researchers

studies researchers have also attempted to identify

(Friedman &Rosenman, 1959) claimed that person

underlying stress level associated with CHD (Nehra,

having Type A personality are at greater risk of

Sharma, Ali et al., 2012a,b); and ways of coping with

developing CHD. But these claimed were not

illness-related stress (Nehra & Sharma, 2013).

replicated by the recent researcher; and recent large

number of studies concluding that TABP has no effect

In addition, post treatment anxiety scores of the three

on CHD (Kuper, Marmot, Hemingway, 2002). The

groups namely Non-CHD, CHD control and CBT

findings of our study are in agreement with a number

groups indicate that there is a significant decrease in

of recent findings that have raised questions about

the scores of the CBT group following intervention,

the strength of the relationship between CHD and the

while the scores of the control groups have remained

TABP (Nehra, Sharma, Ali et al., 2012a). These finding

statically unchanged. Thus, the change in scores

are alarming because significant psychological

indicates the effectiveness of the intervention in

distress (Stress, Anxiety, or Depression) can reduces

reducing the level of anxiety reported. The

the likelihood that patients will be able to successfully

improvement in CBT group can be understand in the

modify their lifestyle and increases the probability of

light of the nature of CBT, in which therapist discussed

noncompliance with treatment, and significant

the physical manifestations of anxiety and general

barrier to behavior change, factors that, in turn, lead to

beliefs which link the heart with emotions. As patients

more heart disease.

with cardiac concerns who have diagnoses of anxiety

disorder tend to notice more cardiac changes and

Efficacy of CBT

slight increases in breathlessness that other people

Post intervention, it was found that experimental

would not notice. These usually take the form of

group showed significant decline on perceived stress

anxiogenic misinterpretations of physical sensations

scores than the control group. The improvement in

and these are often experienced in the form of images.

perceived stress score in the CBT groups can be

Essentially, their images serve to create the illusion

attributed to the therapy process itself as mentioned

that the feared events are actually happening, which

earlier that SIT has three interrelated phases namely,

inflates their estimates of likelihood (White, 2000). The

initial conceptualization, skills acquisition and

decreased in the anxiety scores can be attributed to

rehearsal and application and follow through. These

the two components of relaxation as well as the

numerous strategies were taught to the patients on

cognitive restructuring in CBT group patients. Present

the basis of the patients' unique need to manage

results are consistent with those of studies on the

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