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IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 2013, 1(1), 29-34

Easy access to means: the immediate availability of a method is an

important determinant of suicide.
Exposure to suicide: Exposed to suicide in real life or through the
media may influence to engage in suicidal behavior.
Previous suicide attempt: It is the best indicator that a patients at
increased risk of suicide. Studies show that about 40 percent of
depressed patients who commit suicide have made a previous
attempt and 10-14% of people who attempted suicide eventually die
through suicide.

Suicide and mental disorders

Suicides attempts have been associated with a history of psychiatric
disorders (Parker et al., 2008; Sarkar et al., 2006), situational context
and social stresses also play a major role in suicidal behavior and
these social factors may vary across cultures. Both in developing and
developed countries majority of people (up to 90%) who commit
suicide have a diagnosable mental disorder. Risk of suicide is a 3 to 4
times higher in psychiatric patient than general population.
Depressive disorder account for 80 percent, schizophrenia accounts
for 10 percent. Dementia/delirium for 5 to 25 percent's also alcohol
dependence and has dual diagnosis. Substance abuse and antisocial
personality disorder in person less than three 30 years of age, mood
disorders and cognitive disorders are often associated with suicide in
those more than 30 years age.
Suicide and physical illness: Chronic physical illness like diabetes,
renal, hepatic, cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases are
estimated to be important contributing factors in about half of
suicides. Factors contributing suicides and suicides attempts are loss
of mobility, disfigurement, chronic intractable pain, patients on
homo dialysis, and increased impulsivity/aggression as in epilepsy,
chronic disability as a CNS injury, and stigma and poor prognosis of
illness itself like HIV/AIDS.


Protective factors against suicidal behavior

There are protective factors should be identified and strengthened to
give protection against suicide.
Cultural and socio-demographic factors: social integration, e.g.,
through participation in sport, religious, associations, recreational
activities, good relationship with schoolmates or work colleagues,
good interaction with relatives , teacher or superiors are said to be
protective's factors.
Family patterns: Good relationships with family members and
receiving support from the family have been identified as protective
Cognitive style and personality: Confidence in oneself and
confidence in one's own situation and achievements, good social
skills, seeking advice when important choices must be made,
openness to others people's experiences and solutions, and openness
to new knowledge are factors providing protection against suicidal
Environmental factors: Regular physical workout, adequate
test and avoidance of substance abuse are protective against
Psycho-social factors: Adolescents who report suicide attempts
receive relatively little family support. They also report much more
physical/ or sexual abuse than non attempter (Garnefski &Arends,
1998). There are also various studies on deficiencies in problem
solving skills that lead to depression which can lead to suicidal
behavior when adolescent face adversity in every day life (Wilson et
al., 1995). The association between life events such as inter personal
losses, conflicts with parents and boyfriends/girlfriends and school
problems, these events has been recognized as risk factors for
suicidal behaviors in many Western studies (Fergusson et al., 2000;
Borowsky et al., 2001; King &Apter, 2003).

Stress vulnerability model and development of the suicidal process from suicidal ideation to suicide. 20

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