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Robinson Clan-Extended- of Anson

County, Turtle Island
The Birth of a Nation-RESTORED
Proposal of Action Summary

To my cousins, Anwar, Mastafha, and My Uncle Willie, on this

day, January 7, 2017 of the Gregorian Calendar, here on Turtle
Island, Eastern Coast, Location near Woodbridge, Virginia. I
write to you the most crucial plan of action for our immediate
and extended familys answer for continued survival and to be
able to LIVE free. I ask that you all read this with open minds
and hearts.
Peace and Love,
Shaun a.k.a Saraiyah Hawk


We, the descendants of the Indigenous Tribes of the Cherokee and Lumbee
of North Carolina, who carry the name and the blood of the Robinson Clan
of Lumberton, N.C., and the Cherokee of Anson County, N.C., do hereby,
DECLARE our Indigenous status as the Aboriginals of Turtle Island, and do
hereby form and establish a Constitution and Laws of which we govern
ourselves according to the universal laws of the Creator, The Great Spirit.
We uphold our ancestors and the sacrifices that they made with dignity,
humility, pride, and compassion, so that our bloodlines will continue on.
We uphold ourselves to the laws and commandments of the Creator with
Respect, Peace, Friendship, Strength, and Honor.
As the Nation of Cherokee and Lumbee descent, born from the union between our
fore parents, Nider Crawford, Cherokee of Anson County, N.C. and Will Robinson,
Sr., Lumbee-Cherokee also of Anson County, N.C., the family name of Robinson and
its extensions, will be upheld to its truest identity and heritage of Independence,
love, peace, creativity, strength, spirit, friendship, and sovereignty. Our ancestors
have given up their identities, chose to assimilate into a foreign government, and
made many other decisions in order for us to continue to be alive and to have our
blood continue to flow through our veins. Here and Now, as their descendants of
the Cherokee and Lumbee heritage, must govern ourselves, unite, rebuild the
pride in who we are. It is up to our generation, to reassemble, resurrect, reestablish, and restore the legacy of our fore parents.
As a Nation, Economic development and strength, Education, Spiritual and
Cultural Reconnection, strong partnerships, and support from each other, are the
key to the stability of all of our individual families (clan). We first, must be in our
proper place in the way of Universal Law. Then we must move in the way of
commerce on this land because of the occupying government, if we want to sustain
and make it through this major battle as well. Our families have made it through a
lot of transitions in this country and because we are all still here, that is the
Enclosed, I have provided a general summary of the areas of importance necessary
to establish a foundation of the formal creation of our Nation. It includes the areas
of Nationality, the importance of creating our Laws, Education, Spirit, Economics
and Land Acquisitions, Health Services, Safety and Security. There is also the

inclusion of Tribal History, Tribal Name, Tribal Flag, Tribal Colors, our Tribal
Language, and the Tribal Heritage and Culture.
Please provide your feedback and add anything in here that you also see as
detrimental the inception of our Nation.

Proposal of the Birth of a Nation (Robinson FamilyBloodline- Extended- Descendants)

For the formal creation of a Nation that already exists, I am proposing that

there be a counsel formed of selected members of each clan to found,

establish, re-establish, create, or re-create, to reassemble, resurrect, re-establish,
and restore the following institutions of order, Identity, and governing of our

people as a Nation:

Nationality and Name


Laws and Principles

Economic Development

Safety and Security

Health Services

Plan of Action: We will need to meet once a week to discuss and prioritize
the more important tasks, set up deadlines, delegate tasks, address
concerns, follow up and support, and work together to create solutions. It is
important that we understand that there will be much diversity of thought
among us, but to get things done we have to respect differences to move
forward to the common goal. We will utilize all available methods of
electronic outlets to remain in contact.


It is important to declare our Nationality as one. We must,

therefore, provide the steps to the indigenous standing process
for the family members who are now being erroneously called
African American, or Black on any official documents within
the U.S. Corporation, and to assist them to correct it as the true
identity of our ancestors as Cherokee-Lumbee peoples. We need
to ensure that we all are properly identified by providing
ourselves a nation to be a part of as well as a method to
Identify ourselves.


We must create a name for our Nation. We must create the

identity of our Nation as we already exist. But by what name? I
propose that an Official name, Official Seal, Official Flag, and
Official Symbol be established as representation of who we are
and will always be. Will we use the names, seals, and symbols
that already exist?


The Language of the Cherokee is the Tsalagi. The language of the

Lumbee is the Lumbee-English. Though the historical language of

the Lumbee consisted of the Algonkian, Croatoan, and Iroquoian

Languages and the mixtures from the Cheraw, Catawba, and
Tuscarora, they officially speak the Lumbee-English as of present
day. We must determine which of


historical and present day

languages will be our native


that we speak amongst each other that we learn and teach to our
children, grandchildren, parents, cousins, etc.


The history of our ancestors must be recorded and protected. Our

family records are important as they are our proof of our existence. I
have gathered lots of archived information regarding their names,

deaths, children, historical census information, photos and more. If

we all provide what we do have and combine it, then, the information
will be archived electronically, hard-copies will be properly stored
and kept protected, by the Nations Counsel chosen Historian and
Records- Keeper. This will bring us back into the connection with our
ancestors and restore the honored traditions so our future
generations will always know who they are.

Culture & Traditions

The Cherokee and Lumbee cultures and traditions must be honored

according to our ancestors and the Great Spirit, the Creator. What we
have all gathered along the years growing up are traditional as well
as that of our ancestors who passed their ways to us.

The culture and tradition of ancestors as

well as what we have learned in our own modern times

shall be recorded and acknowledged and

practiced among the Nation. This will include, celebration days,

ceremonies, rituals, traditional foods, etc.


Many of our more recent ancestors were taught and assembled

among other different religions due to the effects of our historically
means of survival. Many of our fore parents were Christians, or
Muslims, for different reasons. However, we, as Cherokee and
Lumbee people do have a very heavy spiritual heritage of connecting
with the Great Spirit, our Creator, in ritual and ceremony and we
have lost this. I feel that many of our hardships is due to the loss and
lack of knowledge and the fear of obtaining the power of the Creator
through nature and the elements. We need to discuss this
information and choose how the acknowledgement of the Creator will

be upheld through our ways of governing ourselves and with

relations to people. We cannot stand divided in this instance and we
must re-educate our

people so that they will

loosen those
to a foreign

ties that bind them

nation. Education

will be

available to our


who wants to
rediscover their

through the

counsel and our

new elders (our parents), as well as curriculums that will be created

to teach accordingly. We must celebrate the Great Spirit, the Creator
as this is where our strength will come from.

Laws and Principles

We must assemble a counsel that consists of select clan

members that will then form and establish our Constitution and
Laws based on the needs of the Nation and our individual clans.
The laws will be based on the tradition, intellect, recorded
history, and culture of our ancestors and will be in alignment
with the Great Spirit, our Creator. The laws will assist us in
maintaining peace and order.

Economic Development & Land Acquisition

We need to establish how we as a nation can create economic growth.

Within each of our own clans, we have a gift, a service, a trade, or
skill that can be supported, nurtured, and utilized in the economic
growth and sustenance for our Nation. One of the most important
parts of the continued existence of a nation is the services and gifts
that they bring to the world. What do we bring to the Table of
Nations as the descendants of the Cherokee and Lumbee people? And
How can we use our gifts for the betterment and strengthening of
our Nation?

We must establish a growth plan that will project the economic needs
necessary to complete our goals as a nation and implement a
strategy to begin to put our gifts, talents, services, and support of
each other to the fire and use it to generate economic strength for
our Nation.

We will also need to develop a TRUST in the

name of our Nation to protect our economics and any land that we
acquire. THIS IS ESSENTIAL. Every business aspect will be funded
and increased through the Nations trust. We will operate within the
Trust also to protect tribal accumulated wealth and property as well
as conducting of business between affiliates and other Nations.

As a result of our individual dedication and accountability, our

economic endeavors will help us to acquire land in any place on
Turtle Island that we can acquire as long as we have rooted land in
the area of our ancestors beginnings. Anson County, and Lumberton,
NC, at this time, has been historically proven to be the roots of the
Robinson Family, our people. Therefore, we must build our economics
so that we can purchase our ancestors home land as Home-Base,





We will take responsibility for the education of our children, by

creating the education system ourselves. The curriculums of

education for our children will include the Indigenous history,

language, and culture of our ancestors, as well as geography, survival
skills, health and wellness, land cultivation, business and economics,

trade-skills through affiliates,

and other

subjects. With the help of the other matriarchal figures in each clan,
these curriculums will be home-schooling based, and filled with the
necessary knowledge that our children MUST know. from usnot
them. There has already been a curriculum guide developed as a
homeschool curriculum starting from Pre-k to 5th grade to include,
History, Herbology, Culture, and Mathematics.

Safety and Security

We must put in place a process of protecting ourselves as a Nation

from any opposed threats that may affect our growth and livelihood.
We have to learn, ourselves, and teach our children
survival skills and the basic premises of Laws of the
Creator as well as the Laws of Commerce so they will
know how to protect themselves and each other in any
situation. A process must be established to show how
this would look and operate.

Health Services

It is understood that many of us are on medical insurance programs,

so what I am proposing in this area is something that will happen
over a period of time. The hope is to be able to provide Spiritual and
Physical Healing for our own people. With the proper education,
training, and dedication to the learning of healing methods of our
fore parents, and considering the current health conditions based on
todays society, the opportunity is here to be able to bring back the
Medicine man or Medicine Woman into our families to help us to
heal and to maintain health and wellness. But, this is also an
opportunity to connect with affiliates of other Indigenous Groups to
provide the training and advanced knowledge to assist with this
component of our Nation. The health services would also be an

extension of the economic development of our Nation as the services

would be a business opportunity as well, offering Health Counseling,
Wellness Services and Education to our affiliates.

In Closing...
There is much to think
about and the task is

The above Components are

necessary and must be strong in foundation so that we may

place ourselves at the table of the International communities
as a Self-Thriving Nation within a Nation. There is much to be
done. We must take this seriously and do our best to preserve
and create our familys legacy as it has happened. Even though
we all have our different emotions about how our families may
have handled things in the past, it is still up to us to tell their
stories now and more importantly ensure our own childrens
survival and existence, especially in todays times. This is a
summary of what we need to formulate and the inception is

There was a time where our families worked together to

achieve daily life activities. They supported one another,
resolved differences amongst each other, and stayed strong
together. Though up until now, many of our family bonds have
been broken, I have no doubt that we can eventually heal old
wounds and move forward. I dont believe that any of our fore
parents wanted any of the events of our familys past in our
lives and the history of this country to happen.

They did the

best that they felt they were able to do. But we have to pick up
the torch now, learn from their mistakes, and restore our
Nation. Let me know if you are willing to have the courage to
stand and restore our people. I look forward to hearing from
you all.

Peace and Love

Your Niece, Your Cousin,

Shaun, Saraiyah Hawk

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