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si peleas con alguien a quien amas, deberas

2. me gusta pasar el rato con personas que ......
3. nunca engaar a alguien que ....
4. en mi opinin, las parejas se separan si .....
5. antes de mudarse con alguien, creo que es realmente importante
1. if you fall out with someone you love, you should.....
2. i like to hang out with people who......
3. i`d never fall for someone who....
4. in my opinion, couples drift apart if they.....
5. before you move in with someone, i think its really important

Si yo peleara con alguien a quien amo lo primero que hara es

disculparme por el mal comportamiento y tratar de buscar una
manera para solucionar de buena manera la pelea, particularmente
me gustara pasar el rato con personas que no sean conflictivas
porque personas as no suman en la vida ms bien la complican, yo
nunca engaara a alguien que haya depositado toda su confianza
en m porque la confianza es un lujo que las personas no deberan
tirar por la borda, las personas llegan a separarse cuando sienten
que una relacin se vuelve rutinaria, no hay comunicacin sienten
que ya no hay mas amor, antes de mudarse con alguien es
importante conocer muy bien a esa persona y no dejarse llevar por
sentimientos porque muchas veces los sentimientos son
If I would fight someone I love the first thing I would do is apologize
for the bad behavior and try to find a way to solve the fight in a
good way, particularly I would like to hang out with people who are
not conflicted because people like that do not add up to Life will
complicate it, I would never deceive someone who has put all their
trust in me because trust is a luxury that people should not throw
overboard, people get separated when they feel that a relationship
becomes routine, No communication feel that there is no more love,
before moving with someone is important to know that person very
well and not be carried away by feelings because many times the
feelings are treacherous.

Escuchar / mirar a tres parejas que han estado juntas por ms de 40

aos. Compruebe los elementos que consideran importantes para
que una relacin dure. Cules cuatro cosas elegiras? Por qu?
Frente a los altibajos de la vida
Tratar de superarlos de la mejor manera siempre apoyndose el uno
con el otro, comprenderse, amndose.
La comunicacin es vital en las relaciones, ya que la comunicacin
pensamientos e ideas, lo que permite que la relacin sea saludable.
Intereses compartidos
Es importante compartir intereses y momento agradable juntos ya
que esto ayuda a que una relacin sea duradera.
Resolver problemas rpidamente
Es muy importante tratar de resolver los problemas de forma
rpida as se evita que la situacin se salga de control y el fracaso
sea mayor.
Listen to / watch three couples who have been togheter for over 40
years. Check the items they consider important for a relationship to
last. Which four items would you choose? why?
Facing the ups and downs of life
Try to overcome them in the best way always by leaning on each
other, understanding, loving each other.
Communication is vital in relationships, since communication makes
it possible to openly express our emotions, thoughts and ideas,
which allows the relationship to be healthy.

shared interests

It is important to share interests and enjoyable time together as

this helps make a relationship lasting.
Troubleshoot issues quickly
It is very important to try to solve problems quickly, thus
preventing the situation from getting out of control and failure is

Cmo se reunieron sus padres / abuelos? Cunto tiempo

estuvieron juntos? En grupo, comparta historias, pida detalles y
luego elija su favorito
Mis padres
Mi mam tena diecinueve aos cuando conoci a mi padre, ella me
conto que haba ido a una fiesta de su amiga y el que iba a ser mi
futuro padre estaba en aquella fiesta, su amiga se lo presento y
segn mi mami desde ese momento sinti algo por l, mi futuro
padre luego de que terminara la fiesta la acompao a la casa,
conversaron luego se vean cada vez mas hasta que se enamoraron
y se casaron despus de cinco aos de noviazgo, actualmente tiene
seis aos de separados y esta separacin se dio porque la relacin
ya estaba muy gastada, no supieron arreglar sus diferencias y
luego de veinte aos de matrimonio disidieron decirse adis.
My parents
My mom was nineteen years old when she met my father, she told
me that she had gone to a party of her friend and the one who
would be my future father was at that party, her friend introduced
him and according to my mom from that moment she felt
Something for him, my future father after the end of the party I
accompany the house, they talked then they saw each other more
and more until they fell in love and married after five years of
courtship, currently has six years of separation and this separation
is Gave because the relationship was already very tired, they did
not know how to settle their differences and after twenty years of
marriage they dissented to say goodbye.

Mis abuelos
Mi abuela me dijo que ella de joven viva en Jujan y fue en ese lugar
donde conoci a mi abuelo, ella tena diecisis aos cuando conoci
a mi abuelo en ese entonces el tenia veinticuatro aos, a ella no le
gustaba porque al principio la molestaba andaba atrs de ella pero
con el tiempo y de tanto insistir lo acepto, los dos decidieron

venirse a vivir a Guayaquil ella en ese entonces ya tena dieciocho

aos, se casaron despus de vivir siete aos juntos, tuvieron ocho
hijos y actualmente ya tienen cincuenta y un aos de casados y ms
de sesenta aos juntos.

My grandparents
My grandmother told me that she as a young man lived in Jujan and
it was there that she met my grandfather, she was sixteen years old
when she met my grandfather at the time he was twenty-four years
old, she did not like it because at first she was bothered Behind her
but with time and with so much insistence I accept, the two decided
to come to live in Guayaquil she was then eighteen years old,
married after living seven years together, had eight children and
now they have fifty-one Years of marriage and more than sixty
years together.

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