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Software Engineering Task.

1. Reread The Manifesto for Agile Software Development at the

beginning of this chapter. Can you think of a situation in which one
or more of the four values could get a software team into trouble?
We have : Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, Working
software over comprehensive documentation, Customer collaboration over
contract negotiation, Responding to change over following a plan. I thought
that, all of that value could get a software team into trouble. For example,
individual and interaction, the key is about communication and organizing
the team. So, we have to make good communication in a team, because we
will work together all of the project time. And we know that, communication
is the first step of basic framework activities. So thats, if we have bad
situation, we will get in trouble. Then, customer collaboration, we need
customer to get in the project because he will decide the work product. If the
agile team agrees that the process works, and the team produces deliverable
software increments that satisfy the customer, weve done it. But, if the
costumer doesnt agree, that will be a trouble, we wont ever finished the
project. But, I thought that, the most important and could get a software
team into trouble is the last one. Thats about the importance of responding
to change. We know that, agile development is a software proses that forced
us to response quickly to our project. Because on agile development, we
wont be able to define the requirement of the project completely at the
begining. Thats why, we have to responsive to any changes whenever. Then,
we will not stuck at one problem. So, if we dont respond the changes quickly
and still following the plan, we wont finished our project as soon as possible,
and thats a trouble for software team.

2. Why do requirements change so much? After all, dont people know

what they want?
Because we know that on agile development, we wont be able to define the
requirement of the project completely at the begining. So the requirement
will change so much when we do our project at anytime. The only really
important cause is an operational software increment. After all, dont
people know what they want? Its depend on the team individual ability. They
can response quickly to the problem or not, they have enough skill or not.
3. What is a spike solution in XP?
A task aimed at answering a question or gathering information, rather than
at producing shippable product. Sometimes a user story is generated that
cannot be well estimated until the development team does some actual work
to resolve a technical question or a design problem. The solution is to create
a spike, which is some work whose purpose is to provide the answer or

solution. The term spike comes from Extreme Programming (XP), where A
spike solution is a very simple program to explore potential solutions.

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