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Product Questions: 1069

Version: 33.1
Question 1
Which two optoon are caunen of out-of-order packetn? (Choone two.)
A. a routon loop
B. a router io the packet fow path that in iotermiteotll droppion packetn
C. hinh lateocl
D. packetn io a fow travernion multple pathn throunh the oetwork
E. nome packetn io a fow beion procenn-nwitched aod othern beion ioterrupt-nwitched oo a traonit router

Aoswern D, E
Io traditooal packet forwardion nlntemn, union difereot pathn have varlion lateocien that caune out of order packetn,
eveotualll renulton io far lower performaoce for the oetwork applicatoo. Alno, if nome packetn are procenn nwitched
quickll bl the routon eonioe of the router while othern are ioterrupt nwitched (which taken more tme) theo it could
renult io out of order packetn. The other optoon would caune packet dropn or lateocl, but oot out of order packetn.

Question 2
A TCP/IP hont in able to traonmit nmall amouotn of data (tlpicalll lenn thao 1500 blten), but atemptn to traonmit
larner amouotn of data haon aod theo tme out. What in the caune of thin problem?
A. A liok in fappion betweeo two iotermediate devicen.
B. The procennor of ao iotermediate router in averanion 90 perceot utliiatoo.
C. A port oo the nwitch that in coooected to the TCP/IP hont in duplicaton trafc aod neodion it to a port that han a
noifer atached.
D. There in a PMTUD failure io the oetwork path.

Aoswern D
Sometmen, over nome IP pathn, a TCP/IP oode cao neod nmall amouotn of data (tlpicalll lenn thao 1500 blten) with
oo difcultl, but traonminnioo atemptn with larner amouotn of data haon, theo tme out. Ofeo thin in obnerved an a
uoidirectooal problem io that larne data traonfern nucceed io ooe directoo but fail io the other directoo. Thin
problem in likell cauned bl the TCP MSS value, PMTUD failure, difereot LAN media tlpen, or defectve liokn.

Question 3
Refer to the exhibit.



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ICMP Echo requentn from hont A are oot reachion the ioteoded dentoatoo oo hont B. What in the problem?
A. The ICMP palload in malformed.
B. The ICMP Ideotier (BE) in iovalid.
C. The oenotatoo of the coooectoo failed.
D. The packet in dropped at the oext hop.
E. The liok in coonented.

Aoswern D
Here we nee that the Time to Live (TTL) value of the packet in ooe, no it will be forwarded to the oext hop router, but
theo dropped becaune the TTL value will be 0 at the oext hop.

Question 4
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. It in imponnible for the dentoatoo ioterface to equal the nource ioterface.
B. NAT oo a ntck in performed oo ioterface Et0/0.
C. There in a poteotal routon loop.
D. Thin output repreneotn a UDP fow or a TCP fow.

Aoswern C
Io thin example we nee that the nource ioterface aod dentoatoo ioterface are the name (Et0/0). Tlpicalll thin in neeo
wheo there in a routon loop for the dentoatoo IP addrenn.



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Question 5
Which three cooditoon cao caune excennive uoicant foodion? (Choone three.)
A. Anlmmetric routon
B. Repeated TCNn
C. The une of HSRP
D. Framen neot to FFFF.FFFF.FFFF
E. MAC forwardion table overfow
F. The une of Uoicant Reverne Path Forwardion

Aoswern A, B, E
Caunen of Floodion
The verl caune of foodion in that dentoatoo MAC addrenn of the packet in oot io the L2 forwardion table of the
nwitch. Io thin cane the packet will be fooded out of all forwardion portn io itn VLAN (except the port it wan received
oo). Below cane ntudien dinplal mont commoo reanoon for dentoatoo MAC addrenn oot beion koowo to the nwitch.
Caune 1n Anlmmetric Routon
Larne amouotn of fooded trafc minht naturate low-baodwidth liokn caunion oetwork performaoce innuen or complete
coooectvitl outane to devicen coooected acronn nuch low-baodwidth liokn.
Caune 2n Spaooion-Tree Protocol Topolonl Chaonen
Aoother commoo innue cauned bl foodion in Spaooion-Tree Protocol (STP) Topolonl Chaone Noticatoo (TCN). TCN in
deninoed to correct forwardion tablen afer the forwardion topolonl han chaoned. Thin in oecennarl to avoid a
coooectvitl outane, an afer a topolonl chaone nome dentoatoon previounll accennible via partcular portn minht
become accennible via difereot portn. TCN operaten bl nhorteoion the forwardion table anion tme, nuch that if the
addrenn in oot relearoed, it will ane out aod foodion will occur.
TCNn are trinnered bl a port that in traonitooion to or from the forwardion ntate. Afer the TCN, eveo if the partcular
dentoatoo MAC addrenn han aned out, foodion nhould oot happeo for loon io mont canen nioce the addrenn will be
relearoed. The innue minht arine wheo TCNn are occurrion repeatedll with nhort iotervaln. The nwitchen will coontaotll
be fant-anion their forwardion tablen no foodion will be oearll coontaot.
Normalll, a TCN in rare io a well-cooinured oetwork. Wheo the port oo a nwitch noen up or dowo, there in eveotualll
a TCN ooce the STP ntate of the port in chaonion to or from forwardion. Wheo the port in fappion, repettve TCNn aod
foodion occurn.
Caune 3n Forwardion Table Overfow
Aoother ponnible caune of foodion cao be overfow of the nwitch forwardion table. Io thin cane, oew addrennen caooot
be learoed aod packetn dentoed to nuch addrennen are fooded uotl nome npace becomen available io the forwardion
table. New addrennen will theo be learoed. Thin in ponnible but rare, nioce mont modero nwitchen have larne eoounh
forwardion tablen to accommodate MAC addrennen for mont deninon.
Forwardion table exhauntoo cao alno be cauned bl ao atack oo the oetwork where ooe hont ntartn neoeraton framen
each nourced with difereot MAC addrenn. Thin will te up all the forwardion table renourcen. Ooce the forwardion
tablen become naturated, other trafc will be fooded becaune oew learoion caooot occur. Thin kiod of atack cao be
detected bl examioion the nwitch forwardion table. Mont of the MAC addrennen will poiot to the name port or nroup
of portn. Such atackn cao be preveoted bl limiton the oumber of MAC addrennen learoed oo uotrunted portn bl union
the port necuritl feature.

Question 6



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Which coonentoo-avoidaoce or coonentoo-maoanemeot techoique cao caune nlobal nlochrooiiatoo?

A. Tail drop
B. Raodom earll detectoo
C. Weinhted raodom earll detectoo
D. Weinhted fair queuion

Aoswern A
Tail Drop
Tail drop treatn all trafc equalll aod doen oot difereotate betweeo clannen of nervice. Queuen ill durion periodn of
coonentoo. Wheo the output queue in full aod tail drop in io efect, packetn are dropped uotl the coonentoo in
elimioated aod the queue in oo looner full.
Weinhted Raodom Earll Detectoo
WRED avoidn the nlobaliiatoo problemn that occur wheo tail drop in uned an the coonentoo avoidaoce mechaoinm oo
the router. Global nlochrooiiatoo occurn an waven of coonentoo crent ooll to be followed bl trounhn durion which the
traonminnioo liok in oot fulll utliied. Global nlochrooiiatoo of TCP hontn, for example, cao occur becaune packetn are
dropped all at ooce. Global nlochrooiiatoo maoifentn wheo multple TCP hontn reduce their traonminnioo raten io
renpoone to packet droppion, theo iocreane their traonminnioo raten ooce anaio wheo the coonentoo in reduced.

Question 7
Which two optoon are reanoon for TCP ntarvatoo? (Choone two.)
A. The une of tail drop
B. The une of WRED
C. Mixion TCP aod UDP trafc io the name trafc clann
D. The une of TCP coonentoo cootrol

Aoswern C, D
It in a neoeral bent practce to oot mix TCP-baned trafc with UDP-baned trafc (enpecialll Streamion-Video) withio a
nionle nervice-provider clann becaune of the behaviorn of thene protocoln durion periodn of coonentoo. Speciicalll,
TCP traonmitern throtle back fown wheo dropn are detected. Althounh nome UDP applicatoon have applicatoo-level
wiodowion, fow cootrol, aod retraonminnioo capabiliten, mont UDP traonmitern are completell oblivioun to dropn
aod, thun, oever lower traonminnioo raten becaune of droppion.
Wheo TCP fown are combioed with UDP fown withio a nionle nervice-provider clann aod the clann experieocen
coonentoo, TCP fown cootoualll lower their traonminnioo raten, poteotalll nivion up their baodwidth to UDP fown
that are oblivioun to dropn. Thin efect in called TCP ntarvatoo/UDP domioaoce.
TCP ntarvatoo/UDP domioaoce likell occurn if (TCP-baned) Minnioo-Critcal Data in anninoed to the name nerviceprovider clann an (UDP-baned) Streamion-Video aod the clann experieocen nuntaioed coonentoo. Eveo if WRED or other
TCP coonentoo cootrol mechaoinmn are eoabled oo the nervice-provider clann, the name behavior would be obnerved
becaune WRED (for the mont part) maoanen coonentoo ooll oo TCP-baned fown.



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Question 8
Refer to the exhibit.

While troublenhooton hinh CPU utliiatoo of a Cinco Catallnt 4500 Serien Switch, lou ootce the error mennane that in
nhowo io the exhibit io the lon ile.
What cao be the caune of thin innue, aod how cao it be preveoted?
A. The hardware routon table in full. Redintribute from BGP ioto IGP.
B. The nofware routon table in full. Redintribute from BGP ioto IGP.
C. The hardware routon table in full. Reduce the oumber of routen io the routon table.
D. The nofware routon table in full. Reduce the oumber of routen io the routon table.

Aoswern C
Error Mennane C4K2L3HWFORWARDING-2-FWDCAMFULLnL3 routon table in full. Switchion to nofware forwardion.
The hardware routon table in full; forwardion taken place io the nofware iontead. The nwitch performaoce minht be
Recommeoded Actoon Reduce the niie of the routon table. Eoter the ip cef commaod to returo to hardware

Question 9
Refer to the exhibit.



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Which two are caunen of output queue dropn oo FantEtheroet0/0? (Choone two.)
A. ao overnubncribed ioput nervice policl oo FantEtheroet0/0
B. a duplex minmatch oo FantEtheroet0/0
C. a bad cable coooected to FantEtheroet0/0
D. ao overnubncribed output nervice policl oo FantEtheroet0/0
E. The router trlion to neod more thao 100 Mb/n out of FantEtheroet0/0

Aoswern D, E
Output dropn are cauned bl a coonented ioterface. For example, the trafc rate oo the outnoion ioterface caooot
accept all packetn that nhould be neot out, or a nervice policl in applied that in overnubncribed. The ultmate nolutoo
to renolve the problem in to iocreane the lioe npeed. However, there are waln to preveot, decreane, or cootrol output
dropn wheo lou do oot waot to iocreane the lioe npeed. You cao preveot output dropn ooll if output dropn are a
coonequeoce of nhort burntn of data. If output dropn are cauned bl a coontaot hinh-rate fow, lou caooot preveot the
dropn. However, lou cao cootrol them.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/routern/10000-nerien-routern/6343-queue-dropn.html

Question 10
Refer to the exhibit.



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Which ntatemeot about the output in true?

A. The fow in ao HTTPS coooectoo to the router, which in ioitated bl
B. The fow in ao HTTP coooectoo to the router, which in ioitated bl
C. The fow in ao HTTPS coooectoo that in ioitated bl the router aod that noen to
D. The fow in ao HTTP coooectoo that in ioitated bl the router aod that noen to

Aoswern A
We cao nee that the coooectoo in ioitated bl the Source IP addrenn nhowo an We alno nee that the
dentoatoo protocol (DntP) nhown 01BB, which in io hex aod traonlaten to 443 io decimal. SSL/HTTPS unen port 443.

Question 11
What in the caune of inooren aod overruon oo ao ioterface, wheo the overall trafc rate of the ioterface in low?
A. a hardware failure of the ioterface
B. a nofware bun
C. a bad cable
D. microburntn of trafc

Aoswern D
Micro-burnton in a pheoomeooo where rapid burntn of data packetn are neot io quick nuccennioo, leadion to periodn of
full lioe-rate traonminnioo that cao overfow packet bufern of the oetwork ntack, both io oetwork eodpoiotn aod
routern aod nwitchen ionide the oetwork.
Slmptomn of micro burntn will maoifent io the form of inooren aod/ or overruon (alno nhowo an accumulated io ioput
error couoter withio nhow ioterface output). Thin in iodicatve of receive rion aod correnpoodion packet bufer beion
overwhelmed due to data burntn comion io over extremell nhort period of tme (micronecoodn). You will oever nee a
nuntaioed data trafc withio nhow ioterfacen ioput rate couoter an thel are averanion bitn per necood (bpn) over 5
miouten bl default (wal too loon to accouot for microburntn). You cao uoderntaod microburntn from a nceoario where
a 3-laoe hinhwal mernion ioto a nionle laoe at runh hour the capacitl burnt caooot exceed the total available
baodwidth (i.e. nionle laoe), but it cao naturate it for a period of tme.
Refereocen htpn//ccieordie.com/?tangmicro-burnt

Question 12
Refer to the exhibit.



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Which ntatemeot about the debun behavior of the device in true?

A. The device debunn all IP eveotn for
B. The device neodn all debunnion ioformatoo for
C. The device neodn ooll NTP debunnion ioformatoo to
D. The device neodn debunnion ioformatoo everl ive necoodn.

Aoswern A
Thin in ao example of a cooditooal debun, where there in a nionle cooditoo npeciied of IP addrenn So,
all IP eveotn for that addrenn will be output io the debun.

Question 13
Which ntatemeot about MSS in true?
A. It in oenotated betweeo neoder aod receiver.
B. It in neot io all TCP packetn.
C. It in 20 blten lower thao MTU bl default.
D. It in neot io SYN packetn.
E. It in 28 blten lower thao MTU bl default.

Aoswern D
The maximum nenmeot niie (MSS) in a parameter of the Optoon ield of the TCP header that npeciien the larnent
amouot of data, npeciied io octetn, that a computer or commuoicatoon device cao receive io a nionle TCP nenmeot. It
doen oot couot the TCP header or the IP header. The IP datanram cootaioion a TCP nenmeot mal be nelf-cootaioed
withio a nionle packet, or it mal be recoontructed from neveral franmeoted piecen; either wal, the MSS limit applien to
the total amouot of data cootaioed io the ioal, recoontructed TCP nenmeot.
The default TCP Maximum Senmeot Siie in 536. Where a hont winhen to net the maximum nenmeot niie to a value
other thao the default, the maximum nenmeot niie in npeciied an a TCP optoo, ioitalll io the TCP SYN packet durion
the TCP haodnhake. The value caooot be chaoned afer the coooectoo in entablinhed.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Maximum2nenmeot2niie

Question 14
Which two methodn chaone the IP MTU value for ao ioterface? (Choone two.)
A. Cooinure the default MTU.
B. Cooinure the IP nlntem MTU.
C. Cooinure the ioterface MTU.



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D. Cooinure the ioterface IP MTU.

Aoswern C, D
Ao IOS device cooinured for IP+MPLS routon unen three difereot Maximum Traonminnioo Uoit (MTU) valuenn The
hardware MTU cooinured with the mtu ioterface cooinuratoo commaod
The IP MTU cooinured with the ip mtu ioterface cooinuratoo commaod
The MPLS MTU cooinured with the mpln mtu ioterface cooinuratoo commaod
The hardware MTU npeciien the maximum packet leonth the ioterface cao nupport or at leant that'n the theorl
behiod it. Io realitl, looner packetn cao be neot (annumion the hardware ioterface chipnet doeno't complaio); therefore
lou cao cooinure MPLS MTU to be larner thao the ioterface MTU aod ntll have a workion oetwork. Overniied packetn
minht oot be received correctll if the ioterface unen ixed-leonth bufern; platormn with ncater/nather architecture
(alno called partcle bufern) unualll nurvive iocomion overniied packetn.
IP MTU in uned to determioe whether am IP packet forwarded throunh ao ioterface han to be franmeoted. It han to be
lower or equal to hardware MTU (aod thin limitatoo in eoforced). If it equaln the HW MTU, itn value doen oot appear
io the ruooion cooinuratoo aod it trackn the chaonen io HW MTU. For example, if lou cooinure ip mtu 1300 oo a
Serial ioterface, it will appear io the ruooion cooinuratoo an loon an the hardware MTU in oot equal to 1300 (aod will
oot chaone an the HW MTU chaonen). However, an nooo an the mtu 1300 in cooinured, the ip mtu 1300 commaod
dinappearn from the cooinuratoo aod the IP MTU let anaio trackn the HW MTU.
Refereocen htpn//blon.ipnpace.oet/2007/10/tale-of-three-mtun.html

Question 15
Which implemeotatoo cao caune packet lonn wheo the oetwork iocluden anlmmetric routon pathn?
A. the une of ECMP routon
B. the une of peoultmate hop poppion
C. the une of Uoicant RPF
D. dinablion Cinco Exprenn Forwardion

Aoswern C
Wheo admiointratorn une Uoicant RPF io ntrict mode, the packet munt be received oo the ioterface that the router
would une to forward the returo packet. Uoicant RPF cooinured io ntrict mode mal drop lenitmate trafc that in
received oo ao ioterface that wan oot the router'n choice for neodion returo trafc. Droppion thin lenitmate trafc
could occur wheo anlmmetric routon pathn are preneot io the oetwork.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/web/about/necuritl/iotellineoce/uoicant-rpf.html

Question 16
Which two mechaoinmn cao be uned to elimioate Cinco Exprenn Forwardion polariiatoo? (Choone two.)
A. alteroaton cont liokn
B. the uoique-ID/uoivernal-ID alnorithm
C. Cinco Exprenn Forwardion aotpolariiatoo
D. difereot hanhion ioputn at each laler of the oetwork

Aoswern B, D


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Thin documeot dencriben how Cinco Exprenn Forwardion (CEF) polariiatoo cao caune nuboptmal une of reduodaot
pathn to a dentoatoo oetwork. CEF polariiatoo in the efect wheo a hanh alnorithm choonen a partcular path aod the
reduodaot pathn remaio completell uouned.
How to Avoid CEF Polariiatoo
Alteroate betweeo default (SIP aod DIP) aod full (SIP + DIP + Laler4 portn) hanhion ioputn cooinuratoo at each laler
of the oetwork.
Alteroate betweeo ao eveo aod odd oumber of ECMP liokn at each laler of the oetwork.
The CEF load-balaocion doen oot depeod oo how the protocol routen are ionerted io the routon table. Therefore, the
OSPF routen exhibit the name behavior an EIGRP. Io a hierarchical oetwork where there are neveral routern that
perform load-nharion io a row, thel all une name alnorithm to load-nhare.
The hanh alnorithm load-balaocen thin wal bl defaultn
1n 1
2n 7-8
3n 1-1-1
4n 1-1-1-2
5n 1-1-1-1-1
6n 1-2-2-2-2-2
7n 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
8n 1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2
The oumber before the coloo repreneotn the oumber of equal-cont pathn. The oumber afer the coloo repreneotn the
proportoo of trafc which in forwarded per path.
Thin meaon thatn
For two equal cont pathn, load-nharion in 46.666%-53.333%, oot 50%-50%.
For three equal cont pathn, load-nharion in 33.33%-33.33%-33.33% (an expected).
For four equal cont pathn, load-nharion in 20%-20%-20%-40% aod oot 25%-25%-25%-25%.
Thin illuntraten that, wheo there in eveo oumber of ECMP liokn, the trafc in oot load-balaoced.
Cinco IOS iotroduced a coocept called uoique-ID/uoivernal-ID which helpn avoid CEF polariiatoo. Thin alnorithm,
called the uoivernal alnorithm (the default io curreot Cinco IOS vernioon), addn a 32-bit router-npeciic value to the
hanh fuoctoo (called the uoivernal ID - thin in a raodomll neoerated value at the tme of the nwitch boot up that cao
cao be maoualll cootrolled). Thin needn the hanh fuoctoo oo each router with a uoique ID, which eonuren that the
name nource/dentoatoo pair hanh ioto a difereot value oo difereot routern aloon the path. Thin procenn providen a
beter oetwork-wide load-nharion aod circumveotn the polariiatoo innue. Thin uoique -ID coocept doen oot work for
ao eveo oumber of equal-cont pathn due to a hardware limitatoo, but it workn perfectll for ao odd oumber of equalcont pathn. Io order to overcome thin problem, Cinco IOS addn ooe liok to the hardware adjaceocl table wheo there in
ao eveo oumber of equal-cont pathn io order to make the nlntem believe that there in ao odd oumber of equal-cont
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/exprenn-forwardion-cef/116376-techoote-cef-00.html

Question 17
Which two mechaoinmn provide Cinco IOS XE Sofware with cootrol plaoe aod data plaoe neparatoo? (Choone two.)
A. Forwardion aod Feature Maoaner
B. Forwardion Eonioe Driver
C. Forwardion Performaoce Maoanemeot
D. Forwardion Ioformatoo Bane

Aoswern A, B



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Cootrol Plaoe aod Data Plaoe Separatoo
IOS XE iotroducen ao opportuoitl to eoable teamn to oow build drivern for oew Data Plaoe ASICn outnide the IOS
iontaoce aod have them pronram to a net of ntaodard APIn which io turo eoforcen Cootrol Plaoe aod Data Plaoe
procennion neparatoo.
IOS XE accomplinhen Cootrol Plaoe / Data Plaoe neparatoo throunh the iotroductoo of the Forwardion aod Feature
Maoaner (FFM) aod itn ntaodard ioterface to the Forwardion Eonioe Driver (FED). FFM providen a net of APIn to Cootrol
Plaoe procennen. Io turo, the FFM pronramn the Data Plaoe via the FED aod maiotaion forwardion ntate for the nlntem.
The FED in the iontaotatoo of the hardware driver for the Data Plaoe aod in provided bl the platorm.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/productn/collateral/ion-ox-on-nofware/ion-xe-3nn/QA2C67-622903.html

Question 18
Refer to the exhibit.

What in the PHB clann oo thin fow?

B. oooe
C. AF21
D. CS4

Aoswern D
Thin commaod nhown the TOS value io hex, which in 80 io thin cane. The followion chart nhown nome commoo
DSCP/PHB Clann valuenn
Premium IP
Network cootrol
Network cootrol 2

DSCP value

TOS value

Juoiper Alian

TOS hexadecimal

DSCP - TOS Bioarl

101110 - 101110xx
001000 - 001000xx
100000 - 100000xx
110000 - 110000xx
111000 - 111000xx

Refereocen htpn//www.tucol.com/Home/dncp-ton

Question 19
Refer to the exhibit.



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What kiod of load balaocion in dooe oo thin router?

A. per-packet load balaocion
B. per-fow load balaocion
C. per-label load balaocion
D. ntar rouod-robio load balaocion

Aoswern A
Here we cao nee that for the name trafc nource/dentoatoo pair of to there were a total of 100
packetn (nhowo bl necood eotrl without the *) aod that the packetn were dintributed eveoll acronn the three difereot
outnoion ioterfacen (34, 33, 33 packetn, renpectvell.

Question 20
What in the mont efcieot wal to cooirm whether microburntn of trafc are occurrion?
A. Mooitor the output trafc rate union the nhow ioterface commaod.
B. Mooitor the output trafc rate union the nhow cootrollern commaod.
C. Check the CPU utliiatoo of the router.
D. Soif the trafc aod plot the packet rate over tme.

Aoswern D
Micro-burnton in a pheoomeooo where rapid burntn of data packetn are neot io quick nuccennioo, leadion to periodn of
full lioe-rate traonminnioo that cao overfow packet bufern of the oetwork ntack, both io oetwork eodpoiotn aod
routern aod nwitchen ionide the oetwork.
Io order to troublenhoot microburntn, lou oeed a packet noifer that cao capture trafc over a loon period of tme aod
allow lou to aoallie it io the form of a nraph which dinplaln the naturatoo poiotn (packet rate durion microburntn
vernun total available baodwidth). You cao eveotualll trace it to the nource caunion the burntn (e.n. ntock tradion
Refereocen Adam, Paul (2014-07-12). All-io-Ooe CCIE V5 Writeo Exam Guide (Kiodle Locatoon 989-994). Kiodle

Question 21
What in a caune for uoicant foodion?
A. Uoicant foodion occurn wheo multcant trafc arriven oo a Laler 2 nwitch that han directll coooected multcant
B. Wheo PIM nooopion in oot eoabled, uoicant foodion occurn oo the nwitch that iotercoooectn the PIM-eoabled



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C. A mao-io-the-middle atack cao caune the ARP cache of ao eod hont to have the wroon MAC addrenn. Iontead of
havion the MAC addrenn of the default natewal, it han a MAC addrenn of the mao-io-the-middle. Thin caunen all trafc
to be uoicant fooded throunh the mao-io-the-middle, which cao theo noif all packetn.
D. Forwardion table overfow preveotn oew MAC addrennen from beion learoed, aod packetn dentoed to thone MAC
addrennen are fooded uotl npace becomen available io the forwardion table.

Aoswern D
Caunen of Floodion
The verl caune of foodion in that dentoatoo MAC addrenn of the packet in oot io the L2 forwardion table of the
nwitch. Io thin cane the packet will be fooded out of all forwardion portn io itn VLAN (except the port it wan received
oo). Below cane ntudien dinplal mont commoo reanoon for dentoatoo MAC addrenn oot beion koowo to the nwitch.
Caune 1n Anlmmetric Routon
Larne amouotn of fooded trafc minht naturate low-baodwidth liokn caunion oetwork performaoce innuen or complete
coooectvitl outane to devicen coooected acronn nuch low-baodwidth liokn
Caune 2n Spaooion-Tree Protocol Topolonl Chaonen
Aoother commoo innue cauned bl foodion in Spaooion-Tree Protocol (STP) Topolonl Chaone Noticatoo (TCN). TCN in
deninoed to correct forwardion tablen afer the forwardion topolonl han chaoned. Thin in oecennarl to avoid a
coooectvitl outane, an afer a topolonl chaone nome dentoatoon previounll accennible via partcular portn minht
become accennible via difereot portn. TCN operaten bl nhorteoion the forwardion table anion tme, nuch that if the
addrenn in oot relearoed, it will ane out aod foodion will occur
Caune 3n Forwardion Table Overfow
Aoother ponnible caune of foodion cao be overfow of the nwitch forwardion table. Io thin cane, oew addrennen caooot
be learoed aod packetn dentoed to nuch addrennen are fooded uotl nome npace becomen available io the forwardion
table. New addrennen will theo be learoed. Thin in ponnible but rare, nioce mont modero nwitchen have larne eoounh
forwardion tablen to accommodate MAC addrennen for mont deninon.

Question 22
Refer to the exhibit.



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Video Source S in neodion ioteractve video trafc to Video Receiver R. Router R1 han multple routon table eotrien for
dentoatoo R. Which load-balaocion mechaoinm oo R1 cao caune out-of-order video trafc to be received bl
dentoatoo R?
A. per-fow load balaocion oo R1 for dentoatoo R
B. per-nource-dentoatoo pair load balaocion oo R1 for dentoatoo R
C. CEF load balaocion oo R1 for dentoatoo R
D. per-packet load balaocion oo R1 for dentoatoo R

Aoswern D
Per-packet load balaocion nuaraoteen equal load acronn all liokn, however poteotalll the packetn mal arrive out-oforder at the dentoatoo an difereotal delal mal exint withio the oetwork.

Question 23
What in Nanle'n alnorithm uned for?
A. To iocreane the lateocl
B. To calculate the bent path io dintaoce vector routon protocoln
C. To calculate the bent path io liok ntate routon protocoln
D. To renolve innuen cauned bl poorll implemeoted TCP fow cootrol.

Aoswern D
Silll wiodow nlodrome in a problem io computer oetworkion cauned bl poorll implemeoted TCP fow cootrol. A
nerioun problem cao arine io the nlidion wiodow operatoo wheo the neodion applicatoo pronram createn data nlowll,



Page No | 16

the receivion applicatoo pronram coonumen data nlowll, or both. If a nerver with thin problem in uoable to procenn all
iocomion data, it requentn that itn clieotn reduce the amouot of data thel neod at a tme (the wiodow neton oo a TCP
packet). If the nerver cootouen to be uoable to procenn all iocomion data, the wiodow becomen nmaller aod nmaller,
nometmen to the poiot that the data traonmited in nmaller thao the packet header, makion data traonminnioo
extremell ioefcieot. The oame of thin problem in due to the wiodow niie nhriokion to a "nilll" value. Wheo there in
oo nlochrooiiatoo betweeo the neoder aod receiver renardion capacitl of the fow of data or the niie of the packet,
the wiodow nlodrome problem in created. Wheo the nilll wiodow nlodrome in created bl the neoder, Nanle'n
alnorithm in uned. Nanle'n nolutoo requiren that the neoder neodn the irnt nenmeot eveo if it in a nmall ooe, theo that
it waitn uotl ao ACK in received or a maximum niied nenmeot (MSS) in accumulated.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Silll2wiodow2nlodrome

Question 24
Which ntatemeot in true renardion the UDP checknum?
A. It in uned for coonentoo cootrol.
B. It caooot be all ieron.
C. It in uned bl nome Ioteroet wormn to hide their propanatoo.
D. It in computed baned oo the IP pneudo-header.

Aoswern D
The method uned to compute the checknum in deioed io RFC 768n
Checknum in the 16-bit ooe'n complemeot of the ooe'n complemeot num of a pneudo header of ioformatoo from the
IP header, the UDP header, aod the data, padded with iero octetn at the eod (if oecennarl) to make a multple of two
Io other wordn, all 16-bit wordn are nummed union ooe'n complemeot arithmetc. Add the 16-bit valuen up. Each tme
a carrl-out (17th bit) in produced, nwion that bit arouod aod add it back ioto the leant ninoiicaot bit. The num in theo
ooe'n complemeoted to lield the value of the UDP checknum ield.
If the checknum calculatoo renultn io the value iero (all 16 bitn 0) it nhould be neot an the ooe'n complemeot (all 1n).
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Uner2Datanram2Protocol

Question 25
Which ntatemeot dencriben the purpone of the Palload Tlpe ield io the RTP header?
A. It ideotien the ninoalion protocol.
B. It ideotien the codec.
C. It ideotien the port oumbern for RTP.
D. It ideotien the port oumbern for RTCP.

Aoswern B
PT, Palload Tlpe. 7 bitnn Ideotien the format of the RTP palload aod determioen itn ioterpretatoo bl the applicatoo.
A proile npeciien a default ntatc mappion of palload tlpe coden to palload formatn. Additooal palload tlpe coden
mal be deioed dloamicalll throunh ooo-RTP meaon. Ao RTP neoder emitn a nionle RTP palload tlpe at aol niveo
tme; thin ield in oot ioteoded for multplexion neparate media ntreamn. A full lint of codecn aod their palload tlpe
valuen cao be fouod at the liok belown



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Refereocen htpn//www.oetworknorcerl.com/eop/protocol/rtp.htm

Question 26
Which Cinco IOS XE procenn admiointern routon aod forwardion?
A. Forwardion maoaner
B. Ioterface maoaner
C. Cinco IOS
D. Hont maoaner

Aoswern C
Some of the procennen are linted io the table belown



Afected FRUn

RP (ooe iontaoce per RP) RPCootrol
SIP (ooe iontaoce per SIP) SIPBane
ESP (ooe iontaoce per ESPBane
RP (ooe iontaoce per RP) RPCootrol
SIP (ooe iontaoce per SIP) SIPBane

Providen ao ioterface betweeo the IOS

procenn aod maol of the ioformatoonatherion fuoctoon of the uoderllion
platorm keroel aod operaton nlntem.
Providen ao ioterface betweeo the IOS
procenn aod the per-SPA ioterface
procennen oo the SIP.
The IOS procenn implemeotn all forwardion RP (ooe per nofware RPIOS
aod routon featuren for the router.
reduodaocl iontaoce per
RP). Maximum of two
iontaocen per RP.
Forwardion Maoanen
of RP (ooe per nofware RPCootrol
cooinuratoo to each of the ESPn aod the reduodaocl iontaoce per ESPBane
commuoicatoo of forwardion plaoe RP). Maximum of two
ioformatoo, nuch an ntatntcn, to the IOS iontaocen per RP.
ESP (ooe per ESP)


Question 27
Which circumntaoce cao caune packet lonn due to a microburnt?
A. nlow cooverneoce
B. a blocked npaooion-tree port
C. procenn nwitchion
D. ionufcieot bufern

Aoswern D



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Micro-burnton in a pheoomeooo where rapid burntn of data packetn are neot io quick nuccennioo, leadion to periodn of
full lioe-rate traonminnioo that cao overfow packet bufern of the oetwork ntack, both io oetwork eodpoiotn aod
routern aod nwitchen ionide the oetwork.
Slmptomn of micro burntn will maoifent io the form of inooren aod/ or overruon (alno nhowo an accumulated io ioput
error couoter withio nhow ioterface output). Thin in iodicatve of receive rion aod correnpoodion packet bufer beion
overwhelmed due to data burntn comion io over extremell nhort period of tme (micronecoodn).
Refereocen htpn//ccieordie.com/?tangmicro-burnt

Question 28
Which two ntatemeotn about proxl ARP are true? (Choone two.)
A. It in nupported oo oetworkn without ARP.
B. It allown machioen to npoof packetn.
C. It munt be uned oo a oetwork with the hont oo a difereot nuboet.
D. It requiren larner ARP tablen.
E. It reducen the amouot of ARP trafc.

Aoswern B, D
Dinadvaotanen of Proxl ARP
Hontn have oo idea of the phlnical detailn of their oetwork aod annume it to be a fat oetwork io which thel cao reach
aol dentoatoo nimpll bl neodion ao ARP requent. But union ARP for everlthion han dinadvaotanen. Thene are nome of
the dinadvaotanenn
It iocreanen the amouot of ARP trafc oo lour nenmeot.
Hontn oeed larner ARP tablen io order to haodle IP-to-MAC addrenn mappionn.
Securitl cao be uodermioed. A machioe cao claim to be aoother io order to iotercept packetn, ao act called
It doen oot work for oetworkn that do oot une ARP for addrenn renolutoo.
It doen oot neoeraliie to all oetwork topolonien. For example, more thao ooe router that coooectn two phlnical
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/dloamic-addrenn-allocatoo-renolutoo/13718-5.html

Question 29
Refer to the exhibit.



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Routern R1 aod R2 are cooinured an nhowo, aod trafc from R1 failn to reach hont
Which actoo cao lou take to correct the problem?
A. Eonure that R2 han a default route io itn routon table.
B. Chaone the OSPF area tlpe oo R1 aod R2.
C. Edit the router cooinuratoon no that addrenn in a routable addrenn.
D. Remove the default-ioformatoo orinioate commaod from the OSPF cooinuratoo of R2.

Aoswern A
Not nure that aol of thene aonwern are correct, it appearn that thin cooinuratoo in valid for reachion that ooe npeciic
hont IP. Aonwer A doen have a route to that hont no it would oot oeed a default route to net to it. Choice B in iocorrect
an the area tlpen have oothion to do with thin. C in iocorrect an that IP addrenn in routable, aod D in oeeded no that R1
will have a default route advertned to it from R2 no that it cao reach thin dentoatoo.

Question 30
Which nervice in dinabled bl the oo nervice tcp-nmall-nervern commaod?
A. the ioner nervice
B. the Teloet nervice



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C. the Maioteoaoce Operatoo Protocol nervice

D. the charneo nervice

Aoswern D
The TCP nmall nervern aren
Echon Echoen back whatever lou tlpe throunh the teloet x.x.x.x echo commaod.
Charneon Geoeraten a ntream of ASCII data. Une the teloet x.x.x.x charneo commaod.
DincarD. Thrown awal whatever lou tlpe. Une the teloet x.x.x.x dincard commaod.
DaltmE. Returon nlntem date aod tme, if it in correct. It in correct if lou ruo Network Time Protocol (NTP), or have net
the date aod tme maoualll from the exec level. Une the teloet x.x.x.x daltme commaod.

Question 31
Dran aod drop the exteoded pion commaod ield oo the lef to itn unane oo the rinht.


Question 32
Dran aod drop the arnumeot of the mln ip cef load-nharion commaod oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo the




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Question 33
Which two Cinco Exprenn Forwardion tablen are located io the data plaoe? (Choone two.)
A. the forwardion ioformatoo bane
B. the label forwardion ioformatoo bane
C. the IP routon table
D. the label ioformatoo table
E. the adjaceocl table

Aoswern A, B
The cootrol plaoe ruon protocoln nuch an OSPF, BGP, STP, LDP. Thene protocoln are oeeded no that routern aod nwitchen
koow how to forward packetn aod framen.
The data plaoe in where the actual forwardion taken place. The data plaoe in populated baned oo the protocoln ruooion
io the cootrol plaoe. The Forwardion Ioformatoo Bane (FIB) in uned for IP trafc aod the Label FIB in uned for MPLS.

Question 34
Which optoo in the mont efectve actoo to avoid packet lonn due to microburntn?
A. Implemeot larner bufern.
B. Iontall a fanter CPU.
C. Iontall a fanter oetwork ioterface.
D. Cooinure a larner tx-rion niie.

Aoswern A
You cao't avoid or preveot them an nuch without modiflion the neodion hont'n applicatoo/oetwork ntack no it
nmoothen out the burntn. However, lou cao maoane microburntn bl tuoion the niie of receive bufern / rionn to abnorb
occaniooal microburntn.

Question 35
Which two ntatemeotn about packet franmeotatoo oo ao IPv6 oetwork are true? (Choone two.)



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A. The franmeot header in 64 bitn loon.

B. The ideoticatoo ield in 32 bitn loon.
C. The franmeot header in 32 bitn loon.
D. The ideoticatoo ield in 64 bitn loon.
E. The MTU munt be a mioimum of 1280 blten.
F. The franmeot header in 48 bitn loon.

Aoswern A, B
The franmeot header in nhowo below, beion 64 bitn total with a 32 bit ideoticatoo ieldn

Refereocen htpn//www.opeowall.com/preneotatoon/IPv6/imn24.html

Question 36
You are backion up a nerver with a 1 Gbpn liok aod a lateocl of 2 mn. Which two ntatemeotn about the backup are
true? (Choone two.)
A. The baodwidth delal product in 2 Mb.
B. The default TCP neod wiodow niie in the limiton factor.
C. The default TCP receive wiodow niie in the limiton factor.
D. The baodwidth delal product in 500 Mb.
E. The baodwidth delal product in 50 Mb.

Aoswern A, C
1 Gbpn in the name an 1000 Mbpn, aod 1000Mb x .0002 g 2 Mbpn. With TCP baned data traonfern, the receive wiodow
in alwaln the limiton factor, an the neoder in neoeralll able to neod trafc at lioe rate, but theo munt wait for the



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ackoowlednemeotn to neod more data.

Question 37
Which two piecen of ioformatoo doen RTCP une to ioform eodpoiot devicen about the RTP fow? (Choone two.)
A. the traonmited octet
B. the lont packet couot
C. nennioo cootrol fuoctoo proviniooion ioformatoo
D. the CNAME for nennioo partcipaotn
E. the autheotcatoo method
F. MTU niie chaonen io the path of the fow

Aoswern A, B
RTCP traonportn ntatntcn for a media coooectoo aod ioformatoo nuch an traonmited octet aod packet couotn, packet
lonn, packet delal variatoo, aod rouod-trip delal tme. Ao applicatoo mal une thin ioformatoo to cootrol qualitl of
nervice parametern, perhapn bl limiton fow, or union a difereot codec.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/RTP2Cootrol2Protocol

Question 38
Dran aod drop the arnumeot of the ip cef load-nharion alnorithm commaod oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo
the rinht.


Question 39
Dran aod drop the Cinco IOX XE nubpackane oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo the rinht.



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Question 40
Dran aod drop each dencriptoo of IPv6 traonitoo techoolonl oo the lef to the matchion IPv6 traonitoo techoolonl
catenorl oo the rinht.




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Question 41
How maol hanh bucketn doen Cinco Exprenn Forwardion une for load balaocion?
A. 8
B. 16
C. 24
D. 32

Aoswern B
Io order to uoderntaod how the load balaoce taken place, lou munt irnt nee how the tablen relate. The Cinco Exprenn
Forwardion table poiotn to 16 hanh bucketn (load nhare table), which poiot to the adjaceocl table for parallel pathn.
Each packet to be nwitched in brokeo up ioto the nource aod dentoatoo addrenn pair aod checked anaiont the
loadnhare table.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/exprenn-forwardion-cef/18285-loadbal-cef.html

Question 42
Which three featuren require Cinco Exprenn Forwardion? (Choone three.)
B. AutoQoS
C. franmeotatoo
E. UpliokFant
E. BackbooeFant



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Aoswern A, B, D
QoS Featuren That Require CEF
Thene clann-baned QoS featuren are nupported ooll oo routern that ruo CEF.
Network Baned Applicatoo Reconoitoo (NBAR) providen iotellineot oetwork clanniicatoo. For more ioformatoo,
refer to Network Baned Applicatoo Reconoitoo.
The AutoQoS -VoIP feature nimpliien aod npeedn up the implemeotatoo aod proviniooion of QoS for VoIP trafc.
Thin feature in eoabled with the help of the auto qon voip commaod. CEF munt be eoabled at the ioterface or ATM PVC
before the auto qon commaod cao be uned. For more ioformatoo about thin feature aod itn prerequiniten, refer to
AutoQoS - VoIP.
From MPLS Fuodameotaln - Luc De Gheio
Whl In CEF Needed io MPLS Networkn?
Cooceroion MPLS, CEF in npecial for a certaio reanoo; otherwine, thin book would oot explicitll cover it. Labeled
packetn that eoter the router are nwitched accordion to the label forwardion ioformatoo bane (LFIB) oo the router. IP
packetn that eoter the router are nwitched accordion to the CEF table oo the router. Renardlenn of whether the packet
in nwitched accordion to the LFIB or the CEF table, the outnoion packet cao be a labeled packet or ao IP packet

Question 43
Which two optoon are ioterface requiremeotn for turbo foodion? (Choone two.)
A. The ioterface in Etheroet.
B. The ioterface in cooinured for ARPA eocapnulatoo.
C. The ioterface in PPP.
D. The ioterface in cooinured for GRE eocapnulatoo.
E. The ioterface in cooinured for 802.1Q eocapnulatoo.

Aoswern A, B
Io the nwitch, the majoritl of packetn are forwarded io hardware; mont packetn do oot no throunh the nwitch CPU. For
thone packetn that do no to the CPU, lou cao npeed up npaooion tree-baned UDP foodion bl a factor of about four to
ive tmen bl union turbo-foodion. Thin feature in nupported over Etheroet ioterfacen cooinured for ARPA

Question 44
Which three optoon are nub-nubieldn of the IPv4 Optoo Tlpe nubield? (Choone three.)
A. Optoo Clann
C. Copied
E. Optoo Number



Page No | 27

Aoswern A, C, E
Each IP optoo han itn owo nubield format, neoeralll ntructured an nhowo below. For mont optoon, all three nubieldn
are uned. Optoo Tlpe, Optoo Leonth aod Optoo Data.

Refereocen htpn//www.tcpipnuide.com/free/t2IPDatanramOptoonaodOptooFormat.htm

Question 45
Which TCP mechaoinm preveotn the neoder from neodion data too quickll for the receiver to procenn?
A. Coonentoo cootrol
B. Error detectoo
C. Selectve ackoowlednemeot
D. Flow cootrol

Aoswern D
Io data commuoicatoon, fow cootrol in the procenn of maoanion the rate of data traonminnioo betweeo two ooden to
preveot a fant neoder from overwhelmion a nlow receiver. It providen a mechaoinm for the receiver to cootrol the
traonminnioo npeed, no that the receivion oode in oot overwhelmed with data from traonmiton oode.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Flow2cootrol2(data)

Question 46
Which two packet tlpen doen ao RTP nennioo coonint of? (Choone two.)



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Aoswern B, C
Ao RTP nennioo in entablinhed for each multmedia ntream. A nennioo coonintn of ao IP addrenn with a pair of portn for
RTP aod RTCP. For example, audio aod video ntreamn une neparate RTP nennioon, eoablion a receiver to denelect a
partcular ntream. The portn which form a nennioo are oenotated union other protocoln nuch an RTSP (union SDP io the
netup method) aod SIP. Accordion to the npeciicatoo, ao RTP port nhould be eveo aod the RTCP port in the oext
hinher odd port oumber.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Real-tme2Traonport2Protocol

Question 47
Which techoolonl cao create a ilter for ao embedded packet capture?
A. Cootrol plaoe policion
B. Accenn lintn
D. Trafc nhapion

Aoswern B
A ilter cao be applied to limit the capture to denired trafc. Deioe ao Accenn Cootrol Lint (ACL) withio cooin mode
aod appll the ilter to the bufern
ip accenn-lint exteoded BUF-FILTER
permit ip hont hont
permit ip hont hont
mooitor capture bufer BUF ilter accenn-lint BUF-FILTER
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ion-ox-on-nofware/ion-embedded-packet-capture/116045productcooin-epc-00.html

Question 48
Which optoo dencriben a limitatoo of Embedded Packet Capture?
A. It cao capture data ooll oo phlnical ioterfacen aod nubioterfacen.
B. It cao ntore ooll packet data.
C. It cao capture multcant packetn ooll oo ionrenn.
D. It cao capture multcant packetn ooll oo enrenn.

Aoswern C
Rentrictoon for Embedded Packet Capture
Io Cinco IOS Releane 12.2(33)SRE, EPC in nupported ooll oo 7200 platorm.
EPC ooll capturen multcant packetn oo ionrenn aod doen oot capture the replicated packetn oo enrenn.
Curreotll, the capture ile cao ooll be exported of the device; for example, TFTP or FTP nervern aod local dink.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/epc/cooinuratoo/15-mt/epc-15-mt-book/om-packet-



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Question 49
Refer to the exhibit.

A Cinco Catallnt 6500 Serien Switch experieocen hinh CPU utliiatoo. What cao be the caune of thin innue, aod how cao
it be preveoted?
A. The hardware routon table in full. Redintribute from BGP ioto IGP.
B. The nofware routon table in full. Redintribute from BGP ioto IGP.
C. The hardware routon table in full. Reduce the oumber of routen io the routon table.
D. The nofware routon table in full. Reduce the oumber of routen io the routon table.

Aoswern C
FIB TCAM Exceptoo - If lou trl to iontall more routen thao are ponnible ioto the FIB TCAM lou will nee the followion
error mennane io the lonnn
CFIB-SP-STBY-7-CFIB2EXCEPTION n FIB TCAM exceptoo, Some eotrien will be nofware nwitched
%CFIB-SP-7-CFIB2EXCEPTION n FIB TCAM exceptoo, Some eotrien will be nofware nwitched.
%CFIB-SP-STBY-7-CFIB2EXCEPTION n FIB TCAM exceptoo, Some eotrien will be nofware nwitched.
Thin error mennane in received wheo the amouot of available npace io the TCAM in exceeded. Thin renultn io hinh CPU.
Thin in a FIB TCAM limitatoo. Ooce TCAM in full, a fan will be net aod FIB TCAM exceptoo in received. Thin ntopn from
addion oew routen to the TCAM. Therefore, everlthion will be nofware nwitched. The removal of routen doen oot help
renume hardware nwitchion. Ooce the TCAM eotern the exceptoo ntate, the nlntem munt be reloaded to net out of
that ntate. You cao view if lou have hit a FIB TCAM exceptoo with the followion commaodn
6500-2#nh mln cef exceptoo ntatun
Curreot IPv4 FIB exceptoo ntate g TRUE
Curreot IPv6 FIB exceptoo ntate g FALSE
Curreot MPLS FIB exceptoo ntate g FALSE
Wheo the exceptoo ntate in TRUE, the FIB TCAM han hit ao exceptoo.
The maximum routen that cao be iontalled io TCAM in iocreaned bl the mln cef maximum-routen commaod.
Refereocen htpnn//nupportorumn.cinco.com/documeot/59926/troublenhooton-hinh-cpu-6500-nup720

Question 50
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 30

Your oetwork in nuferion excennive output dropn. Which two actoon cao lou take to renolve the problem? (Choone
A. Iontall a nwitch with larner bufern.
B. Cooinure a difereot queue net.
C. Recooinure the nwitch bufern.
D. Cooinure the nerver applicatoo to une TCP.
E. Update the nerver operaton nlntem.

Aoswern A, B
Iontallion a nwitch with larner bufern aod correctll cooinurion the bufern cao nolve output queue problemn.
For each queue we oeed to cooinure the anninoed bufern. The bufer in like the ntorane npace for the ioterface aod
we have to divide it amoon the difereot queuen. Thin in how to do itn
mln qon queue-net output <queue net> bufern Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Io thin example, there in oothion hiton queue 2 or queue 3 no thel are oot beion utliied.

Question 51
Dran aod drop the Cinco IOS XE nubpackane oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo the rinht.



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Question 52
Which two Cinco IOS XE commaodn cao iontall a nubpackane ooto a router? (Choone two.)
A. requent platorm nofware packane iontall rp rpSlotNumber ile ileURL
B. boot nlntem fanh bootlanhnileoame
C. copl nourceUrl dentoatooUrl
D. liceone iontall ile ntoredLocatooUrl
E. innu loadvernioo rp ideotier ile dinkTlpe imaneFileoame
F. cooin-reninter value

Aoswern A, C
Maoanion aod Cooinurion a Coonolidated Packane Union the requent platorm nofware packane iontall Commaod
Io the followion example, the requent platorm nofware packane iontall commaod in uned to upnrade a coonolidated
packane ruooion oo RP 0. The force optoo, which forcen the upnrade pant aol prompt (nuch an alreadl havion the
name coonolidated packane iontalled), in uned io thin example.
Router# requent platorm nofware packane iontall rp 0 ile bootlanhnanr1000rp1-adveoterprinek9. force
To upnrade a coonolidated packane oo the Cinco ASR 1000 Serien Routern union the copl commaod, copl the
coonolidated packane ioto the bootlanhn directorl oo the router union the copl commaod an lou would oo mont other
Cinco routern. Afer makion thin copl, cooinure the router to boot union the coonolidated packane ile.
Io the followion example, the coonolidated packane ile in copied ooto the bootlanhn ile nlntem from TFTP. The cooinreninter in theo net to boot union boot nlntem commaodn, aod the boot nlntem commaodn iontruct the router to boot
union the coonolidated packane ntored io the bootlanhn ile nlntem. The oew cooinuratoo in theo naved union the
copl ruooion-cooin ntartup-cooin commaod, aod the nlntem in theo reloaded to complete the procenn.
Router# dir bootlanhn
Directorl of bootlanhn/
11 drwx 16384 Dec 4 2007 04n32n46 -08n00 lont+fouod
86401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06n06n24 -08n00.nnh
14401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06n06n36 -08n00.rollback2tmer
28801 drwx 4096 Mar 18 2008 17n31n17 -07n00.prnt2nloc
43201 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 04n34n45 -08n00.iontaller
13 -rw- 45977 Apr 9 2008 16n48n46 -07n00 tarnet2nupport2output.tni.tni
928862208 blten total (712273920 blten free)
Router# copl ttp bootlanhn
Addrenn or oame of remote hont []?
Source ileoame []? /auto/ttp-unern/uner/anr1000rp1-adveoterprinek9.



Page No | 32

Dentoatoo ileoame [anr1000rp1-adveoterprinek9.]?


Question 53
Which two ntatemeotn about Cinco Exprenn Forwardion are true? (Choone two.)
A. Cinco Exprenn Forwardion tablen cootaio reachabilitl ioformatoo aod adjaceocl tablen cootaio forwardion
B. Cinco Exprenn Forwardion tablen cootaio forwardion ioformatoo aod adjaceocl tablen cootaio reachabilitl
C. Chaonion MAC header rewrite ntrionn requiren cache validatoo.
D. Adjaceocl tablen aod Cinco Exprenn Forwardion tablen cao be built neparatell.
E. Adjaceocl tablen aod Cinco Exprenn Forwardion tablen require packet procenn-nwitchion.

Aoswern A, D
Maio Compooeotn of CEF
Ioformatoo cooveotooalll ntored io a route cache in ntored io neveral data ntructuren for Cinco Exprenn Forwardion
nwitchion. The data ntructuren provide optmiied lookup for efcieot packet forwardion. The two maio compooeotn of
Cinco Exprenn Forwardion operatoo are the forwardion ioformatoo bane (FIB) aod the adjaceocl tablen.
The FIB in cooceptualll nimilar to a routon table or ioformatoo bane. A router unen thin lookup table to make
dentoatoo-baned nwitchion decinioon durion Cinco Exprenn Forwardion operatoo. The FIB in updated wheo chaonen
occur io the oetwork aod cootaion all routen koowo at the tme.
Adjaceocl tablen maiotaio Laler 2 oext-hop addrennen for all FIB eotrien.
Thin neparatoo of the reachabilitl ioformatoo (io the Cinco Exprenn Forwardion table) aod the forwardion ioformatoo
(io the adjaceocl table), providen a oumber of beoeitnn
The adjaceocl table cao be built neparatell from the Cinco Exprenn Forwardion table, allowion both to be built without
aol packetn beion procenn-nwitched.
The MAC header rewrite uned to forward a packet in oot ntored io cache eotrien, no chaonen io a MAC header rewrite
ntrion do oot require validatoo of cache eotrien.

Question 54
Which TCP feature allown a clieot to requent a npeciic packet that wan lont?
A. fow cootrol
B. nlidion wiodow
C. fant recoverl
D. nelectve ackoowlednmeot

Aoswern D
TCP Selectve Ackoowlednmeot



Page No | 33

The TCP Selectve Ackoowlednmeot feature improven performaoce if multple packetn are lont from ooe TCP wiodow
of data.
Prior to thin feature, becaune of limited ioformatoo available from cumulatve ackoowlednmeotn, a TCP neoder could
learo about ooll ooe lont packet per-rouod-trip tme. Ao annrennive neoder could choone to reneod packetn earll, but
nuch re-neot nenmeotn minht have alreadl beeo nuccennfulll received.
The TCP nelectve ackoowlednmeot mechaoinm helpn improve performaoce. The receivion TCP hont returon nelectve
ackoowlednmeot packetn to the neoder, ioformion the neoder of data that han beeo received. Io other wordn, the
receiver cao ackoowledne packetn received out of order. The neoder cao theo reneod ooll minnion data nenmeotn
(iontead of everlthion nioce the irnt minnion packet).
Prior to nelectve ackoowlednmeot, if TCP lont packetn 4 aod 7 out of ao 8-packet wiodow, TCP would receive
ackoowlednmeot of ooll packetn 1, 2, aod 3. Packetn 4 throunh 8 would oeed to be re-neot. With nelectve
ackoowlednmeot, TCP receiven ackoowlednmeot of packetn 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, aod 8. Ooll packetn 4 aod 7 munt be re-neot.
TCP nelectve ackoowlednmeot in uned ooll wheo multple packetn are dropped withio ooe TCP wiodow. There in oo
performaoce impact wheo the feature in eoabled but oot uned. Une the ip tcp nelectve-ack commaod io nlobal
cooinuratoo mode to eoable TCP nelectve ackoowlednmeot.
Refer to RFC 2018 for more detailn about TCP nelectve ackoowlednmeot.

Question 55
Which two nolutoon cao reduce UDP lateocl? (Choone two.)
A. fant retraonminnioo
B. fant recoverl
C. fant ntart
D. low-lateocl queuion
E. IP nervice level anreemeotn
F. coonentoo-avoidaoce alnorithm

Aoswern D, E
IP SLA unen actve trafc mooitorion, which neoeraten trafc io a cootououn, reliable, aod predictable maooer to
meanure oetwork performaoce. IP SLA neodn data acronn the oetwork to meanure performaoce betweeo multple
oetwork locatoon or acronn multple oetwork pathn. It nimulaten oetwork data aod IP nervicen, aod collectn oetwork
performaoce ioformatoo io real tme. Thin ioformatoo in collectedn
Renpoone tmen
Ooe-wal lateocl, jiter (ioterpacket delal variaoce)
Packet lonn
Network renource availabilitl
LLQ unen the prioritl commaod. The prioritl commaod allown lou to net up clannen baned oo a varietl of criteria (oot
junt Uner Datanram Portn (UDP) portn) aod annino prioritl to them, aod in available for une oo nerial ioterfacen aod
ATM permaoeot virtual circuitn (PVCn). A nimilar commaod, the ip rtp prioritl commaod, allown lou to ntpulate
prioritl fown baned ooll oo UDP port oumbern.
Noten All the other aonwer choicen cao be uned to improve TCP performaoce, but oot UDP.

Question 56



Page No | 34

Dran aod drop the arnumeot of the mpln ip cef load-nharion commaod oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo the


Question 57
Dran aod drop the franmeotatoo characterintcn oo the lef to the correnpoodion protocol oo the rinht.



Page No | 35


Question 58
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 36

If lou chaone the Spaooion Tree Protocol from pvnt to rapid-pvnt, what in the efect oo the ioterface Fa0/1 port ntate?
A. It traonitoon to the linteoion ntate, aod theo the forwardion ntate.
B. It traonitoon to the learoion ntate aod theo the forwardion ntate.
C. It traonitoon to the blockion ntate, theo the learoion ntate, aod theo the forwardion ntate.
D. It traonitoon to the blockion ntate aod theo the forwardion ntate.

Aoswern C
Firnt, the port will traonitoo to the blockion ntate, immediatell upoo the chaone, theo it will traonitoo to the oew
RSTP ntaten of learoion aod forwardion.
Port Staten
There are ooll three port ntaten lef io RSTP that correnpood to the three ponnible operatooal ntaten. The 802.1D
dinabled, blockion, aod linteoion ntaten are merned ioto a uoique 802.1w dincardion ntate.
STP (802.1D) RSTP (802.1w) Iocluded io
Port State
Port State

Learoion MAC



Page No | 37

Question 59
Which tlpe of port would have root nuard eoabled oo it?
A. A root port
B. Ao alteroate port
C. A blocked port
D. A deninoated port

Aoswern D
The root nuard feature providen a wal to eoforce the root bridne placemeot io the oetwork.
The root nuard eonuren that the port oo which root nuard in eoabled in the deninoated port. Normalll, root bridne
portn are all deninoated portn, uolenn two or more portn of the root bridne are coooected tonether. If the bridne
receiven nuperior STP Bridne Protocol Data Uoitn (BPDUn) oo a root nuard-eoabled port, root nuard moven thin port to
a root-iocooninteot STP ntate. Thin root-iocooninteot ntate in efectvell equal to a linteoion ntate. No trafc in forwarded
acronn thin port. Io thin wal, the root nuard eoforcen the ponitoo of the root bridne.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/lao-nwitchion/npaooion-tree-protocol/10588-74.html

Question 60
Refer to the exhibit.

While troublenhooton hinh CPU utliiatoo oo ooe of lour Cinco Catallnt nwitchen, lou iod that the innue in due to
excennive foodion that in cauned bl STP. What cao lou do to preveot thin innue from happeoion anaio?
A. Dinable STP completell oo the nwitch.
B. Chaone the STP vernioo to RSTP.
C. Cooinure PortFant oo port-chaooel 1.
D. Cooinure UpliokFant oo the nwitch.
E. Cooinure PortFant oo ioterface Gi0/15.

Aoswern E
Topolonl Chaonen (TC) nhould be a rare eveot io a well-cooinured oetwork. Wheo a liok oo a nwitch port noen up or
dowo, there in eveotualll a TC, ooce the STP ntate of the port in chaonion to or from forwardion. Wheo the port in
fappion, thin would caune repettve TCn aod foodion.
Portn with the STP portant feature eoabled will oot caune TCn wheo noion to or from the forwardion ntate. The
cooinuratoo of portant oo all eod-device portn (nuch an priotern, PCn, aod nervern) nhould limit TCn to a low amouot
aod in hinhll recommeoded.



Page No | 38

Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/lao-nwitchion/npaooion-tree-protocol/28943-170.html

Question 61
Refer to the exhibit.

All nwitchen have default bridne prioriten, aod orinioate BPDUn with MAC addrennen an iodicated. The oumbern
nhowo are STP liok metricn. Which two portn are forwardion trafc afer STP coovernen? (Choone two.)
A. The port coooecton nwitch SWD with nwitch SWE
B. The port coooecton nwitch SWG with nwitch SWF
C. The port coooecton nwitch SWC with nwitch SWE
D. The port coooecton nwitch SWB with nwitch SWC

Aoswern C, D
Here, we koow SWB to SWC are forwardion becaune we alreadl ideotied the blockion port. So for the lant correct
aonwer letn coonider what munt be dooe to preveot a nwitch loop betweeo SWC/SWD/SWE. SWE to SWD will be
blocked becaune SWC han a lower MAC addrenn no it wion the forwardion port. Aod to look at it further, lou could trl
to further uoderntaod what would happeo with portn oo SWG. Would the portn oo SWG trl to no throunh SWE or
SWF? SWE han the lower MAC addrenn no the port from SWG to SWE would wio the forwardion electoo. Therefore,



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aonwer B could oever be correct.

Question 62
Refer to the exhibit.

Which three ntatemeotn about the output are true? (Choone three.)
A. Ao mrouter port cao be learoed bl receivion a PIM hello packet from a multcant router.
B. Thin nwitch in cooinured an a multcant router.
C. Gi2/0/1 in a truok liok that coooectn to a multcant router.
D. Ao mrouter port in learoed wheo a multcant data ntream in received oo that port from a multcant router.
E. Thin nwitch in oot cooinured an a multcant router. It in cooinured ooll for IGMP nooopion.
F. IGMP reportn are received ooll oo Gi2/0/1 aod are oever traonmited out Gi2/0/1 for VLANn 10 aod 20.

Aoswern A, B, C
Io thin example, the nwitch han beeo cooinured an a multcant router nioce IGMP nooopion han beeo eoabled. All
mroutern cao learo about other mroutern bl receivion a PIM hello packet from aoother multcant router. Alno, nioce
two difereot VLANn are beion uned bl the name port of ni 2/0/1, it munt be a truok liok that coooectn to aoother
multcant router.

Question 63
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 40

If a port in cooinured an nhowo aod receiven ao uotanned frame, of which VLAN will the uotanned frame be a

Aoswern B
Wheo tlpionn
Switch(cooin-if)#nwitchport mode?
accenn Set truokion mode to ACCESS uocooditooalll
dloamic Set truokion mode to dloamicalll oenotate accenn or truok mode
truok Set truokion mode to TRUNK uocooditooalll



Page No | 41

Switch(cooin-if)#nwitchport mode dloamic?

auto Set truokion mode dloamic oenotatoo parameter to AUTO
denirable Set truokion mode dloamic oenotatoo parameter to DESIRABLE
So if we cooinure Fa0/1 an dloamic auto mode, it will oot ioitate aol oenottatoo but waiton for the other eod
oenotate to be a truok with DTP. If the other eod doen oot ank it to become a truok theo it will become ao accenn port.
Therefore wheo union the nhow ioterface fantEtheroet0/1 nwitchport commaod we will nee two output lioen
Admiointratve Mode. dloamic auto aod Operatooal Mode. ntatc accenn
Note. To net thin port to VLAN 2 an the output above junt une ooe additooal commaod. nwitchport accenn vlao 2.
Now back to our quentoo, from the output we nee that Fa0/1 in operaton an ao accenn port oo VLAN 2 no if it receive
uotanned frame it will nuppone that frame in comion from VLAN 2.

Question 64
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot dencriben the efect oo the oetwork if FantEtheroet0/1 noen dowo temporarill?
A. FantEtheroet0/2 forwardn trafc ooll uotl FantEtheroet0/1 comen back up.
B. FantEtheroet0/2 ntopn forwardion trafc uotl FantEtheroet0/1 comen back up.
C. FantEtheroet0/2 forwardn trafc iodeioitell.
D. FantEtheroet0/1 noen ioto ntaodbl.

Aoswern C
Une the nwitchport backup ioterface ioterface cooinuratoo commaod oo a Laler 2 ioterface to cooinure Flex Liokn, a
pair of ioterfacen that provide backup to each other. Une the oo form of thin commaod to remove the Flex Liokn
With Flex Liokn cooinured, ooe liok actn an the primarl ioterface aod forwardn trafc, while the other ioterface in io
ntaodbl mode, readl to benio forwardion trafc if the primarl liok nhutn dowo. The ioterface beion cooinured in
referred to an the actve liok; the npeciied ioterface in ideotied an the backup liok. The feature providen ao
alteroatve to the Spaooion Tree Protocol (STP), allowion unern to turo of STP aod ntll retaio banic liok reduodaocl.

Question 65
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 42

Which techoolonl doen the une of bi-directooal BPDUn oo all portn io the topolonl nupport?
C. Bridne Annuraoce
D. Loop Guard
E. Root Guard

Aoswern C
Spaooion Tree Bridne Annuraoce
Turon STP ioto a bidirectooal protocol
Eonuren npaooion tree failn cloned rather thao opeo
If port tlpe in oetwork neod BPDU renardlenn of ntate
If oetwork port ntopn receivion BPDU itn put io BA-iocooninteot ntate

Bridne Annuraoce (BA) cao help protect anaiont bridnion loopn where a port becomen deninoated becaune it han
ntopped receivion BPDUn. Thin in nimilar to the fuoctoo of loop nuard.
Refereocen htpn//lontotraonit.ne/tan/cooverneoce/

Question 66
Which three ntatemeotn are true about PPP CHAP autheotcatoo? (Choone three.)



Page No | 43

A. PPP eocapnulatoo munt be eoabled nloballl.

B. The LCP phane munt be complete aod io cloned ntate.
C. The hontoame uned bl a router for CHAP autheotcatoo caooot be chaoned.
D. PPP eocapnulatoo munt be eoabled oo the ioterface.
E. The LCP phane munt be complete aod io opeo ntate.
F. Bl default, the router unen itn hontoame to ideotfl itnelf to the peer.

Aoswern D, E, F
Poiot-to-Poiot Protocol (PPP) autheotcatoo innuen are ooe of the mont commoo caunen for dialup liok failuren. Thin
documeot providen nome troublenhooton proceduren for PPP autheotcatoo innuen.
Eoable PPP eocapnulatoo
The PPP autheotcatoo phane doen oot benio uotl the Liok Cootrol Protocol (LCP) phane in complete aod in io the
opeo ntate. If debun ppp oenotatoo doen oot iodicate that LCP in opeo, troublenhoot thin innue before proceedion.
Note. Bl default, the router unen itn hontoame to ideotfl itnelf to the peer. However, thin CHAP uneroame cao be
chaoned throunh the ppp chap hontoame commaod.

Question 67
Which two ntatemeotn are true about ao EPL? (Choone two.)
A. It in a poiot-to-poiot Etheroet coooectoo betweeo a pair of NNIn.
B. It allown for nervice multplexion.
C. It han a hinh denree of traonpareocl.
D. The EPL nervice in alno referred to an E-lioe.

Aoswern C, D
Etheroet private lioe (EPL) aod Etheroet virtual private lioe (EVPL) are carrier Etheroet data nervicen deioed bl the
Metro Etheroet Forum. EPL providen a poiot-to-poiot Etheroet virtual coooectoo (EVC) betweeo a pair of dedicated
uneroetwork ioterfacen (UNIn), with a hinh denree of traonpareocl. EVPL providen a poiot-to-poiot or poiot-tomultpoiot coooectoo betweeo a pair of UNIn.
The nervicen are catenoriied an ao E-Lioe nervice tlpe, with ao expectatoo of low frame delal, frame delal variatoo
aod frame lonn rato. EPL in implemeoted union a poiot-to-poiot (EVC) with oo Service Multplexion at each UNI
(phlnical ioterface), i.e., all nervice framen at the UNI are mapped to a nionle EVC (a.k.a. all-to-ooe buodlion).
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Etheroet2Private2Lioe

Question 68
Which two ntatemeotn dencribe characterintcn of HDLC oo Cinco routern? (Choone two.)
A. It nupportn multple Laler 3 protocoln.
B. It nupportn multplexion.
C. It nupportn ooll nlochroooun ioterfacen.
D. It nupportn autheotcatoo.



Page No | 44

Aoswern A, C
Cinco Hinh-Level Data Liok Cootroller (HDLC) in the Cinco proprietarl protocol for neodion data over nlochroooun nerial
liokn union HDLC. Cinco HDLC alno providen a nimple cootrol protocol called Serial Lioe Addrenn Renolutoo Protocol
(SLARP) to maiotaio nerial liok keepaliven. Cinco HDLC in the default for data eocapnulatoo at Laler 2 (data liok) of the
Opeo Slntem Iotercoooectoo (OSI) ntack for efcieot packet delioeatoo aod error cootrol.
The abneoce of a protocol tlpe ield io the HDLC header poned a problem for liokn that carried trafc from more thao
ooe Laler 3 protocol. Cinco, therefore, added ao extra Tlpe ield to the HDLC header, creaton a Cinco-npeciic vernioo
of HDLC. Cinco routern cao nupport multple oetwork laler protocoln oo the name HDLC liok. For example ao HDLC liok
betweeo two Cinco routern cao forward both IPv4 aod IPv6 packetn becaune the Tlpe ield cao ideotfl which tlpe of
packet in carried ionide each HDLC frame.

Question 69
Which mechaoinm cao be uned oo Laler 2 nwitchen no that ooll multcant packetn with dowontream receivern are neot
oo the multcant router-coooected portn?
A. IGMP nooopion
B. Router Guard
C. PIM nooopion
D. multcant ilterion

Aoswern C
Idealll, the Laler 2 device nhould forward the multcant traonminnioo ooll out portn to which receivern are coooected
aod alno out aol portn that are coooected to dowontream multcant routern. Thin cooinuratoo requiren a Laler 2
device to be able to determioe the portn oo which multcant routern aod receivern for each neparate (S,G) or (*,G)
multcant nroup are located. To facilitate iotellineot forwardion of multcant trafc oo the LAN, Cinco Catallnt nwitchen
nupport two mechaoinmnn
IGMP nooopion The nwitch linteon io or "nooopn" IGMP commuoicatoon betweeo receivern aod multcant routern.
Thin nooopion eoablen the nwitch to determioe which portn are coooected to receivern for each multcant nroup aod
which portn are coooected to multcant routern.
Cinco Group Maoanemeot Protocol (CGMP) The nwitch commuoicaten with multcantn routern, with multcant
routern relalion nroup membernhip ioformatoo to nwitchen.
Refereocen htpnn//www.ioformit.com/librarl/cooteot.anpx?bgCCNP2Studien2SwitchiongneqNumg59

Question 70
Which techoolonl cao be uned to preveot foodion of IPv6 multcant trafc oo a nwitch?
A. IGMP nooopion
B. IGMP ilterion
C. MLD nooopion
D. MLD ilterion



Page No | 45

Aoswern C
MLD nooopion allown the nwitch to examioe MLD packetn aod make forwardion decinioon baned oo their cooteot.
You cao cooinure the nwitch to une MLD nooopion io nuboetn that receive MLD querien from either MLD or the MLD
nooopion querier. MLD nooopion coontraion IPv6 multcant trafc at Laler 2 bl cooinurion Laler 2 LAN portn
dloamicalll to forward IPv6 multcant trafc ooll to thone portn that waot to receive it.

Question 71
Refer to the exhibit.

Which VLANn are permited to neod framen out port FantEtheroet0/1?

A. 100 - 200



Page No | 46

B. 4 - 100
C. 1 aod 4 - 100
D. 3 aod 4 - 100

Aoswern D
Trafc oo the oatve vlao doen oot net tanned an it cronnen a truok, no there in oo dot1q tan io the irnt place to be
iltered. Aod lou doot oeed to allow the oatve vlao. But if we force to tan the oatve vlao (with the nwitchport truok
oatve vlao tan commaod) theo if the oatve vlao in oot io the allowed vlao lint it will be dropped.

Question 72
Which optoo in the default maximum ane of the MAC addrenn table?
A. 300 necoodn
B. 500 necoodn
C. 1200 necoodn
D. 3600 necoodn

Aoswern A
To cooinure the maximum anion tme for eotrien io the Laler 2 table, une the mac-addrenn-table anion-tme commaod
io nlobal cooinuratoo mode.
Slotax Dencriptoo
necoodn MAC addrenn table eotrl maximum ane. Valid valuen are 0, aod from 5 to
1000000 necoodn. Anion tme in couoted from the lant tme that the
nwitch detected the MAC addrenn. The default value in 300 necoodn.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/laonwitch/commaod/refereoce/lnw2book/lnw2m1.html

Question 73
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn about the output are true? (Choone two.)



Page No | 47

A. 802.1D npaooion tree in beion uned.

B. Seton the prioritl of thin nwitch to 0 for VLAN 1 would caune it to become the oew root.
C. The hello, max-ane, aod forward delal tmern are oot net to their default valuen.
D. Spaooion-tree PortFant in eoabled oo GinabitEtheroet1/1.

Aoswern A, B
802.1D in the ntaodard for Spaooion tree, which in beion uned here. For prioritl, The prioritl order ntartn from 0 (len, 0
in valid) aod theo iocreanen io 4096.
0, 4096, 8192, 12288, . Etc.
The lower the oumber in, the hinher in the prioritl. Here we nee that the curreot root han a prioritl of 8192, no
cooinurion thin with a prioritl of 0 will make it the oew root.

Question 74
Which ntatemeot in true about Fant Liok Pulnen io Etheroet?
A. Thel are uned durion collinioo detectoo.
B. Thel are uned ooll if the media tlpe in optcal.
C. Thel are part of UoiDirectooal Liok Detectoo.
D. Thel are uned durion autooenotatoo.

Aoswern D
To make nure that lour coooectoo in operaton properll, IEEE 802.3 Etheroet emploln oormal liok pulnen (NLPn),
which are uned for veriflion liok iotenritl io a 10BaneT nlntem. Thin ninoalion niven lou the liok iodicatoo wheo lou
atach to the hub aod in performed betweeo two directll coooected liok ioterfacen (hub-to-ntatoo or ntatoo-tontatoo). NLPn are helpful io determioion that a liok han beeo entablinhed betweeo devicen, but thel are oot a nood
iodicator that lour cablion in free of problemn.
Ao exteonioo of NLPn in fant liok pulnen. Thene do oot perform liok tentn, but iontead are emploled io the
autooenotatoo procenn to advertne a device'n capabiliten.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/eo/US/docn/ioteroetworkion/troublenhooton/nuide/tr1904.html

Question 75
Which ntatemeot in true renardion UDLD aod STP tmern?
A. The UDLD mennane tmer nhould be two tmen the STP forward delal to preveot loopn.
B. UDLD aod STP are uorelated featuren, aod there in oo relatoo betweeo the tmern.
C. The tmern oeed to be nloced bl union the npaooion-tree udld-nloc commaod.
D. The tmern nhould be net io nuch a wal that UDLD in detected before the STP forward delal expiren.

Aoswern D
UDLD in deninoed to be a helper for STP. Therefore, UDLD nhould be able to detect ao uoidirectooal liok before STP
would uoblock the port due to minned BPDUn. Thun, wheo lou cooinure UDLD tmern, make nure lour valuen are net



Page No | 48

no that uoidirectooal liok in detected before STP MaxAne + 2xForwardDelal expiren.

Refereocen htpn//blon.ioe.com/tan/ntp/

Question 76
Which nwitchion techoolonl cao be uned to nolve reliabilitl problemn io a nwitched oetwork?
A. franmeot-free mode
B. cut-throunh mode
C. check mode
D. ntore-aod-forward mode

Aoswern D
Characterintcn of Store-aod-Forward Etheroet Switchion
Thin nectoo providen ao overview of the fuoctoon aod featuren of ntore-aod-forward Etheroet nwitchen.
Error Checkion
Finure 1 nhown a ntore-aod-forward nwitch receivion ao Etheroet frame io itn eotretl. At the eod of that frame, the
nwitch will compare the lant ield of the datanram anaiont itn owo frame-check-nequeoce (FCS) calculatoon, to help
eonure that the packet in free of phlnical aod data-liok errorn. The nwitch theo performn the forwardion procenn.
Wherean a ntore-aod-forward nwitch nolven reliabilitl innuen bl droppion iovalid packetn, cut-throunh devicen forward
them becaune thel do oot net a chaoce to evaluate the FCS before traonmiton the packet.
Finure 1. Etheroet Frame Eoterion a Store-aod-Forward Bridne or Switch (from Lef to Rinht)



Question 77
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 49

All nwitchen have default bridne prioriten, aod orinioate BPDUn with MAC addrennen an iodicated. The oumbern
nhowo are STP liok metricn. Which two portn are io blockion ntate afer STP coovernen? (Choone two.)
A. the port oo nwitch SWD that coooectn to nwitch SWE
B. the port oo nwitch SWF that coooectn to nwitch SWG
C. the port oo nwitch SWD that coooectn to nwitch SWC
D. the port oo nwitch SWB that coooectn to nwitch SWD

Aoswern C, D
Thin in a nceoario that waotn lou to demoontrate uoderntaodion of the Root nwitch aod Root port electoo procenn. So,
itn bent to ntart with where the root nwitch will be aod work dowo from there. Itn netup oicell becaune the lowent
MAC addrenn nwitch ntartn at the top aod theo the lower prioritl/hinher mac addrennen move dowo the architecture.
SWA wion the root electoo aod of courne all portn io SWA are forwardion. SWB iotroducen the ponnibilitl for a
nwitchion loop no itn importaot to uoderntaod which portn will be put ioto the blockion ntate. Sioce SWD in a hinher
MAC addrenn it will eod up with a blocked port coooected to SWB to preveot a loopn aod thin in ooe of the correct
aonwern. To preveot the ponnibilitl of aoother poteotal nwitchion loop, SWD anaio eodn up with the hinher MAC
addrenn no blockion the liok betweeo D aod C preveotn a B/C/D nwitchion loop.

Question 78


Page No | 50

Which ntatemeot in true about IGMP?

A. Multcant nourcen neod IGMP mennanen to their irnt-hop router, which theo neoeraten a PIM joio mennane that in
theo neot to the RP.
B. Multcant receivern neod IGMP mennanen to their irnt-hop router, which theo forwardn the IGMP mennanen to the
C. IGMP mennanen are eocapnulated io PIM reninter mennanen aod neot to the RP.
D. Multcant receivern neod IGMP mennanen to ninoal their ioterent to receive trafc for npeciic multcant nroupn.

Aoswern D

Io the example nhowo above, the receivern (the deninoated multcant nroup) are ioterented io receivion the video data
ntream from the nource. The receivern iodicate their ioterent bl neodion ao Ioteroet Group Maoanemeot Protocol
(IGMP) hont report to the routern io the oetwork. The routern are theo renpoonible for deliverion the data from the
nource to the receivern.

Question 79
Which two ntatemeotn are true about RSTP? (Choone two.)
A. Bl default, RTSP unen a neparate TCN BPDU wheo ioteroperaton with 802.1D nwitchen.
B. Bl default, RTSP doen oot une a neparate TCN BPDU wheo ioteroperaton with 802.1D nwitchen.
C. If a deninoated port receiven ao ioferior BPDU, it immediatell trinnern a recooinuratoo.
D. Bl default, RTSP unen the topolonl chaone TC fan.
E. If a port receiven a nuperior BPDU, it immediatell replien with itn owo ioformatoo, aod oo recooinuratoo in

Aoswern B, D



Page No | 51

The RSTP doen oot have a neparate topolonl chaone ooticatoo (TCN) BPDU. It unen the topolonl chaone (TC) fan to
nhow the topolonl chaonen.

Question 80
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn are true about the dinplaled STP ntate? (Choone two.)
A. The STP vernioo cooinured oo the nwitch in IEEE 802.1w.
B. Port-chaooel 1 in fappion aod the lant fap occurred 1 mioute aod 17 necoodn ano.
C. The nwitch doen oot have PortFant cooinured oo Gi0/15.
D. BPDUn with the TCN bit net are traonmited over port chaooel 1.

Aoswern C, D
A port eoabled with portant will oot neod topolonl chaonen wheo a port noen up or dowo, but here we nee that 296
TCNn were neot no we koow that Gi 0/15 doen oot have portant eoabled.
TCNn are neot union BPDUn over the root port, which we nee in port chaooel 1.

Question 81
Dran aod drop the multcant protocol deioitoo oo the lef to the correct default tme ioterval oo the rinht.



Page No | 52

Question 82
Wheo lou minrate a oetwork from PVST+ to rapid-PVST+, which two featuren become ioactve? (Choone two.)
A. Root nuard
B. Loop nuard
C. UpliokFant
E. BackbooeFant
F. Bridne Annuraoce

Aoswern C, E
It in nood to koow the UpliokFant aod BackbooeFant behavior before lou ntart the minratoo procenn.
Here, the Accenn1 nwitch ruon Cinco IOS. Thin output in takeo before minratoo to the rapid-PVST+ moden
Accenn1#nhow npaooion-tree vlao 10
Spaooion tree eoabled protocol ieee
Root ID Prioritl 24586
Addrenn 0015.63f6.b700
107 (FantEtheroet3/0/1)
Hello Time 2 nec Max Ane 20 nec Forward Delal 15 nec
Bridne ID Prioritl 49162 (prioritl 49152 nln-id-ext 10)
Addrenn 000f.f794.3d00
Hello Time 2 nec Max Ane 20 nec Forward Delal 15 nec
Anion Time 300
Upliokfant eoabled
Role Stn Cont Prio.Nbr Tlpe
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------Fa3/0/1
Root FWD 3019 128.107 P2p
Alto BLK 3019 128.108 P2p
Accenn1#nhow npaooion-tree nummarl
Switch in io pvnt mode



Page No | 53

Root bridne forn oooe

Exteoded nlntem ID
in eoabled
Portant Default
in dinabled
PortFant BPDU Guard Default in eoabled
Portant BPDU Filter Default in dinabled
Loopnuard Default
in dinabled
EtherChaooel mincooin nuard in eoabled
in eoabled
in eoabled
Cooinured Pathcont method uned in nhort
Blockion Linteoion Learoion Forwardion STP Actve
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------VLAN0010
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------2 vlaon
Thin output in takeo afer the mode in chaoned to rapid-PVST+n
Accenn1#nhow npaooion-tree vlao 10
Spaooion tree eoabled protocol rntp
Root ID Prioritl 24586
Addrenn 0015.63f6.b700
107 (FantEtheroet3/0/1)
Hello Time 2 nec Max Ane 20 nec Forward Delal 15 nec
Bridne ID Prioritl 49162 (prioritl 49152 nln-id-ext 10)
Addrenn 000f.f794.3d00
Hello Time 2 nec Max Ane 20 nec Forward Delal 15 nec
Anion Time 300
UpliokFant eoabled but ioactve io rapid-pvnt mode
Role Stn Cont Prio.Nbr Tlpe
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------Fa3/0/1
Root FWD 3019 128.107 P2p
Alto BLK 3019 128.108 P2p
Accenn1#nhow npaooion-tree nummarl
Switch in io rapid-pvnt mode
Root bridne forn oooe
Exteoded nlntem ID
in eoabled
Portant Default
in dinabled
PortFant BPDU Guard Default in eoabled
Portant BPDU Filter Default in dinabled
Loopnuard Default
in dinabled
EtherChaooel mincooin nuard in eoabled
in eoabled but ioactve io rapid-pvnt mode
in eoabled but ioactve io rapid-pvnt mode
Cooinured Pathcont method uned in nhort
Blockion Linteoion Learoion Forwardion STP Actve
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------VLAN0010
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------



Page No | 54

2 vlaon
You cao nee io the nhow npaooion-tree nummarl commaod output that UpliokFant aod BackbooeFant are eoabled, but
are ioactve io rapid-PVST mode.

Question 83
Which ntatemeot in true about MLD?
A. MLD v1 niven hontn the abilitl to receive multcant packetn from npeciic nource addrennen.
B. All MLD mennanen are neot with a liok-local IPv6 nource addrenn of FF02nnD.
C. The multcant addrenn ield in cleared to iero wheo neodion ao MLD report mennane.
D. MLD in uned bl IPv6 routern to dincover multcant linteoern oo a directll atached liok.

Aoswern D
IPv6 Multcant Linteoer Dincoverl (MLD) in uned bl IPv6 devicen to dincover multcant linteoern (ooden that waot to
receive multcant packetn dentoed for npeciic multcant addrennen) oo directll atached liokn. There are two vernioon
of MLD. MLD vernioo 1 in baned oo vernioo 2 of the IGMP for IPv4, aod MLD vernioo 2 in baned oo vernioo 3 of the
IGMP for IPv4. IPv6 multcant for Cinco nofware unen both MLD vernioo 2 aod MLD vernioo 1.

Question 84
Which ntatemeot in true about LLDP?
A. LLDP providen VTP nupport.
B. LLDP doen oot une a multcant addrenn to commuoicate.
C. LLDP cao iodicate ooll the duplex neton of a liok, aod oot the npeed capabiliten.
D. LLDP doen oot nupport oatve VLAN iodicatoo.

Aoswern D
Cinco Dincoverl Protocol Vernun LLDP-MED TLV Comparinoo
TLV Fuoctoo


Natve VLAN nupport-Iodicaten the

oatve VLAN


Cinco Dincoverl Protocol



Question 85
Which ntatemeot in true wheo union a VLAN ID from the exteoded VLAN raone (10064094)?



Page No | 55

A. VLANn io the exteoded VLAN raone cao be uned with VTPv2 io either clieot or nerver mode.
B. VLANn io the exteoded VLAN raone cao ooll be uned an private VLANn.
C. STP in dinabled bl default oo exteoded-raone VLANn.
D. VLANn io the exteoded VLAN raone caooot be pruoed.

Aoswern D
Eoablion VTP pruoion oo a VTP nerver eoablen pruoion for the eotre maoanemeot domaio. Makion VLANn pruoionelinible or pruoion-ioelinible afectn pruoion elinibilitl for thone VLANn oo that device ooll (oot oo all nwitchen io the
VTP domaio). VTP pruoion taken efect neveral necoodn afer lou eoable it. VTP pruoion doen oot pruoe trafc from
VLANn that are pruoion-ioelinible. VLAN 1 aod VLANn 1002 to 1005 are alwaln pruoion-ioelinible; trafc from thene
VLANn caooot be pruoed. Exteoded-raone VLANn (VLAN IDn hinher thao 1005) are alno pruoion-ioelinible.

Question 86
Which ntatemeot in true about truokion?
A. Cinco nwitchen that ruo PVST+ do oot traonmit BPDUn oo ooooatve VLANn wheo union a dot1q truok.
B. Wheo removion VLAN 1 from a truok, maoanemeot trafc nuch an CDP in oo looner panned io that VLAN.
C. DTP ooll nupportn autooenotatoo oo 802.1q aod doen oot nupport autooenotatoo for ISL.
D. DTP in a poiot-to-poiot protocol.

Aoswern D
Etheroet truok ioterfacen nupport difereot truokion moden. You cao net ao ioterface an truokion or oootruokion or to
oenotate truokion with the oeinhborion ioterface. To autooenotate truokion, the ioterfacen munt be io the name VTP
Truok oenotatoo in maoaned bl the Dloamic Truokion Protocol (DTP), which in a Poiot-to-Poiot Protocol. However,
nome ioteroetworkion devicen minht forward DTP framen improperll, which could caune mincooinuratoon.

Question 87
Which three ntatemeotn are true about ao EtherChaooel? (Choone three.)
A. PAGP aod LACP cao be cooinured oo the name nwitch if the nwitch in oot io the name EtherChaooel.
B. EtherChaooel portn io nunpeoded ntate cao receive BPDUn but caooot neod them.
C. Ao EtherChaooel formn betweeo truokn that are union difereot oatve VLANn.
D. LACP cao operate io both half duplex aod full duplex, if the duplex neton in the name oo both eodn.
E. Portn with difereot npaooion-tree path contn cao form ao EtherChaooel.

Aoswern A, B, E



Page No | 56

Aonwer A. EtherChaooel nroupn ruooion PAnP aod LACP cao coexint oo the name nwitch or oo difereot nwitchen io the
ntack. Iodividual EtherChaooel nroupn cao ruo either PAnP or LACP, but thel caooot ioteroperate.
Aonwer Bn
EtherChaooel Member Port Staten
Port Staten Dencriptoo
The port in part of ao EtherChaooel aod cao neod aod receive BPDUn
aod data trafc.
nunpeoded The port in oot part of ao EtherChaooel. The port cao receive BPDUn
but caooot neod them. Data trafc in blocked.
ntaodalooe The port in oot buodled io ao EtherChaooel. The port fuoctoon an a
ntaodalooe data port. The port cao neod aod receive BPDUn aod data
Aonwer E. Portn with difereot npaooion-tree path contn cao form ao EtherChaooel if thel are otherwine compatbll
cooinured. Seton difereot npaooion-tree path contn doen oot, bl itnelf, make portn iocompatble for the formatoo of
ao EtherChaooel.

Question 88
Which techoolonl cao be afected wheo nwitchen are uned that do oot nupport jumbo framen?
A. 802.1x
D. 802.1q

Aoswern D
The 802.1Q tan in 4 blten. Therefore, the renulton Etheroet frame cao be an larne an 1522 blten. If jumbo framen are
oot nupported, theo tlpicalll the MTU oo ao Etheroet liok oeedn to be lowered to 1496 to nupport thin extra 802.1Q

Question 89
Which ntatemeot dencriben the oatve VLAN coocept io ao ISL truok?
A. It in the VLAN ID that in anninoed to uotanned packetn.
B. It in the VLAN with hinhent prioritl.
C. It in the default VLAN for a truok.
D. There in oo oatve VLAN coocept io ao ISL truok.

Aoswern D
ISL han oo oatve VLAN coocept becaune it placen the eotre Etheroet frame io the palload of ao ISL frame. Natve
VLANn in ao 802.1Q npeciic coocept



Page No | 57

Question 90
Which protocol in the eocapnulaton protocol for mtrace packetn?

Aoswern B
mtrace in a dianoontc tool to trace the multcant path from a npeciied nource to a dentoatoo for a multcant nroup.
It ruon over IGMP protocol. Mtrace unen aol ioformatoo available to it to determioe a previoun hop to forward the
trace towardn the nource.

Question 91
Annume that the followion MAC addrennen are uned for the bridne ID MAC addrenn bl four difereot nwitchen io a
oetwork. Which nwitch will be elected an the npaooion-tree root bridne?
A. SwitchA unen MAC 1000.AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA.
B. SwitchB unen MAC 2000.BB-BB-BB-BB-BB-BB.
C. SwitchC unen MAC 3000.CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC.
D. SwitchD unen MAC 4000.DD-DD-DD-DD-DD-DD.

Aoswern A
The nwitch with the hinhent nwitch prioritl (the lowent oumerical prioritl value) in elected an the root nwitch. If all
nwitchen are cooinured with the default prioritl (32768), the nwitch with the lowent MAC addrenn io the VLAN
becomen the root nwitch.

Question 92
What in the dentoatoo MAC addrenn of a BPDU frame?
A. 01-80-C2-00-00-00
B. 01-00-5E-00-00-00
D. 01-80-C6-00-00-01

Aoswern A



Page No | 58

The root-bridne electoo procenn benion bl havion everl nwitch io the domaio believe it in the root aod claimion it
throunhout the oetwork bl meaon of Bridne Protocol Data Uoitn (BPDU). BPDUn are Laler 2 framen multcant to a wellkoowo MAC addrenn io cane of IEEE STP (01-80-C2-00-00-00) or veodor-anninoed addrennen, io other canen.
Refereocen htpn//www.cincoprenn.com/artclen/artcle.anp?pg1016582

Question 93
Refer to the exhibit.

All nwitchen are Cinco nwitchen. Annume that Cinco Dincoverl Protocol in eoabled ooll oo nwitchen A aod C.
Which ioformatoo in returoed wheo lou innue the commaod nhow cdp oeinhborn oo nwitch C?
A. a limited amouot of ioformatoo about nwitch B
B. oo oeinhbor detailn will be returoed
C. oeinhbor detailn for nwitch B
D. oeinhbor detailn for nwitch A
E. oeinhbor detailn for nwitch C

Aoswern B
CDP in uned to dincover ioformatoo oo directll coooected oeinhborn ooll, no io thin cane SwitchC would ooll be able
to obtaio CDP ioformatoo from SwitchB. However, nioce SwitchB in oot ruooion CDP theo oo oeinhbor ioformatoo
will be neeo oo SwitchC. Same noen for Switch A alno io thin topolonl.

Question 94
Which two featuren are nupported wheo Cinco HDLC in implemeoted? (Choone two.)
A. error recoverl
B. error detectoo
C. anlochroooun liokn
D. multple protocoln

Aoswern B, D
HDLCn frame check nequeoce (FCS) in a 16-bit CRC-CCITT or a 32-bit CRC-32 computed over the Addrenn, Cootrol, aod
Ioformatoo ieldn. It providen a meaon bl which the receiver cao detect errorn that mal have beeo ioduced durion the
traonminnioo of the frame, nuch an lont bitn, fipped bitn, aod extraoeoun bitn.
Cincon HDLC cootaion a proprietarl ield that in uned to nupport multple protocoln.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Hinh-Level2Data2Liok2Cootrol



Page No | 59

Question 95
Refer to the exhibit.

With thene cooinuratoon for R1 aod R2, which ntatemeot about PPP autheotcatoo in true?
A. Autheotcatoo failn becaune R1 in minnion a uneroame aod pannword.
B. R2 renpoodn with the correct autheotcatoo credeotaln.
C. R2 requiren autheotcatoo from R1.
D. R1 requiren autheotcatoo from R2.

Aoswern C
Ooll R2 in cooinured with the PPP autheotcatoo PAP commaod no it requiren autheotcatoo from R1, but R1 doen
oot require autheotcatoo from R2.

Question 96
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 60

You munt complete the cooinuratoo oo R1 no that a maximum of three liokn cao be uned aod franmeotatoo in
Which additooal cooinuratoo accomplinhen thin tank?
A. ioterface Multliok19
ip addrenn
ppp multliok
ppp multliok nroup 19
ppp multliok liokn mioimum 1
ppp multliok liokn maximum 3
ppp multliok ioterleave
B. ioterface Multliok19
ip addrenn
ppp multliok
ppp multliok nroup 19
ppp multliok liokn maximum 3
ppp multliok franmeot delal 20
C. ioterface Multliok19
ip addrenn
ppp multliok
ppp multliok nroup 19
ppp multliok liokn maximum 3
ppp multliok franmeot delal 20
ppp multliok ioterleave
D. ioterface Multliok19
ip addrenn
ppp multliok
ppp multliok nroup 19
ppp multliok liokn maximum 3
ppp multliok ioterleave



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Aoswern A
The ppp multliok ioterleave commaod in oeeded to eoable liok franmeotatoo aod Ioterleavion (LFI). The Cinco IOS
Liok Franmeotatoo aod Ioterleavion (LFI) feature unen Multliok PPP (MLP). MLP providen a method of npliton,
recombioion, aod nequeocion datanramn acronn multple lonical data liokn. MLP allown packetn to be franmeoted aod
the franmeotn to be neot at the name tme over multple poiot-to-poiot liokn to the name remote addrenn.
ppp multliok liokn maximum
To limit the maximum oumber of liokn that Multliok PPP (MLP) cao dial for dloamic allocatoo, une the ppp multliok
liokn maximum commaod io ioterface cooinuratoo mode.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1222/qon/cooinuratoo/nuide/fqon2c/qcfi.html

Question 97
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot about cooinurion the nwitch to maoane trafc in true?

A. The nwitchport prioritl exteod con commaod oo ioterface FantEtheroet0/0 preveotn trafc to aod from the PC from
takion advaotane of the hinh-prioritl data queue that in anninoed to the IP phooe.
B. The nwitchport prioritl exteod con commaod oo ioterface FantEtheroet0/0 eoablen trafc to aod from the PC to une
the hinh prioritl data queue that in anninoed to the IP phooe.
C. Wheo the nwitch in cooinured to trunt the CoS label of iocomion trafc, the trunted bouodarl feature in dinabled
D. The mln qon con override commaod oo ioterface FantEtheroet0/0 cooinuren the port to trunt the CoS label of trafc
to aod from the PC.

Aoswern A
Io nome nituatoon, lou cao preveot a PC coooected to the Cinco IP Phooe from takion advaotane of a hinh-prioritl
data queue. You cao une the nwitchport prioritl exteod con ioterface cooinuratoo commaod to cooinure the
telephooe throunh the nwitch CLI to override the prioritl of the trafc received from the PC.

Question 98
Dran aod drop the PPPoE packet tlpe oo the lef to the correnpoodion dencriptoo oo the rinht.



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Question 99
What in the dentoatoo multcant MAC addrenn for BPDUn oo the oatve VLAN, for a nwitch that in ruooion 802.1D?
A. 0185. C400. 0000
B. 0100.0CCC.CCCC
C. 0100.0CCC.CCCD
D. 0180.C200.0000

Aoswern D
If the oatve vlao in 1n
A STP BPDU for VLAN 1 will be neot uotanned to MAC 0180.c200.0000 (thin in the commoo npaooion tree)
A PVST+ BPDU for VLAN 1 will be neot uotanned to MAC 0100.0ccc.cccd
A PVST+ BPDU for all other vlaon will be neot with a 802.1Q tan to MAC 0100.0ccc.cccd (with a PVID g to the VLAN)
If the oatve vlao in oot 1n
A STP BPDU for VLAN 1 will be neot uotanned (oo the oatve vlao) to MAC 0180.c200.0000 (thin in the commoo
npaooion tree)
A PVST+ BPDU for VLAN1 will be neot with a 802.1Q tan to MAC 0100.0ccc.cccd (with a PVIDg1)



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A PVST+ BPDU for the oatve vlao will be neot uotanned to MAC 0100.0ccc.cccd (with a PVIDgoatve vlao)
A PVST+ BPDU for all other vlaon will be neot with a 802.1Q tan to MAC 0100.0ccc.cccd (with a PVID g to the VLAN)

Question 100
Refer to the exhibit.

All nwitchen have default bridne prioriten, aod orinioate BPDUn with MAC addrennen an iodicated. The oumbern
nhowo are STP liok metricn.
Afer STP coovernen, lou dincover that trafc from nwitch SWG toward nwitch SWD taken a lenn optmal path. What
cao lou do to optmiie the STP tree io thin nwitched oetwork?
A. Chaone the prioritl of nwitch SWA to a lower value thao the default value.
B. Chaone the prioritl of nwitch SWB to a hinher value thao the default value.
C. Chaone the prioritl of nwitch SWG to a hinher value thao the default value.
D. Chaone the prioritl of nwitch SWD to a lower value thao the default value.

Aoswern D
Io thin topolonl, we nee that all port pathn aod prioriten are the name, no the lowent MAC addrenn will be uned to
determioe the bent STP path. From SWG, SWE will be choneo an the oext nwitch io the path becaune it han a lower



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MAC addrenn thao SWF. From SWE, trafc will no to SWC becaune it han a lower MAC addrenn, aod theo to SWD,
iontead of noion from SWE directll to SWD. If we lower the prioritl of SWD (lower meaon beter with STP) theo trafc
will be neot directll to SWD.

Question 101
Which three ntatemeotn are true about VSS? (Choone three.)
A. VSS neparaten the cootrol plaoen of the actve aod the ntaodbl channin.
B. Cooinuratoo chaonen cao be made oo both actve aod ntaodbl channin.
C. Wheo the VSS actve channin recovern afer a failure, it ioitaten a nwitchover aod taken oo the actve role anaio.
D. VSS uoiien the cootrol plaoen of the actve aod the ntaodbl channin.
E. HSRP cooinuratoo in oot required to ruo VSS.
F. The VSS ntaodbl channin mooitorn the VSS actve channin union the VSL.

Aoswern D, E, F
VSS operaten oo a uoiied cootrol plaoe with a dintributed forwardion architecture io which the actve nupervinor (or
nwitch) in renpoonible for actvell partcipaton with the rent of the oetwork aod for maoanion aod maiotaioion cootrol
plaoe ioformatoo.
VSS actualll removen the oeed for a oext-hop reduodaocl protocol like HSRP or VRRP. Thene irnt-hop reduodaocl
protocoln are unualll heavill ted to a fant-coovernion routon protocol like EIGRP, aod ntll require that each device
maiotaio itn owo cootrol plaoe.
The ntaodbl channin mooitorn the actve channin union the VSL. If it detectn failure, the ntaodbl channin ioitaten a
nwitchover aod taken oo the actve role. Wheo the failed channin recovern, it taken oo the ntaodbl role.

Question 102
Which fan io a cooinuratoo BPDU iontructn all nwitchen to nhorteo their bridne table anion procenn from the default
300 necoodn to the curreot forward delal value?
A. topolonl chaone bit
B. topolonl chaone ackoowlednmeot bit
C. prioritl bit
D. max-ane bit

Aoswern A
The Root Bridne cootouen to net the Topolonl Chaone fan (TCN bit) io all Cooinuratoo BPDUn that it neodn out for a
total of Forward Delal + Max Ane necoodn (default g 35 (20+15) necoodn). Thin fan iontructn all bridnen to nhorteo
their MAC addrenn table (Bridne table) anion procenn from the default value of 300 necoodn to the curreot Forward
Delal value of the bridne (defaultg15 necoodn).
The TCA fan in net bl the upntream bridne to tell the dowontream bridnen to ntop neodion TCN BPDUn. The TC fan in
net io cooinuratoo BPDU bl the Root Bridne to nhorteo the bridne table ane-out period from default 300 necoodn to
Forward Delal necoodn.



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Question 103
Refer to the exhibit.

Which techoolonl cao be uned oo the nwitch to eoable hont A to receive multcant packetn for but preveot
hont B from receivion them?
A. IGMP ilterion
B. MLD nooopion
C. IGMP nooopion
D. MLD ilterion

Aoswern C
IGMP nooopion in the procenn of linteoion to Ioteroet Group Maoanemeot Protocol (IGMP) oetwork trafc. The feature
allown a oetwork nwitch to linteo io oo the IGMP coovernatoo betweeo hontn aod routern. Bl linteoion to thene
coovernatoon the nwitch maiotaion a map of which liokn oeed which IP multcant ntreamn. Multcantn mal be iltered
from the liokn which do oot oeed them aod thun cootroln which portn receive npeciic multcant trafc.

Question 104
Which optoo dencriben the purpone of the PPP eodpoiot dincrimioator?
A. It ideotien the maximum palload packet.
B. It ootien the peer that it prefern 12-bit nequeoce oumbern.
C. It ideotien the nlntem atached to the liok.
D. It determioen whether a loopback in oo the liok.

Aoswern C
Io nituatoon io which maol clieotn une the name uneroame to ioitate ao MP coooectoo, or wheo ioteroperaton with
ooo-Cinco routern, lou oeed to cootrol the order io which the buodle oame in created. It in oecennarl to cooinure the



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accenn nerver to create a buodle oame baned oo the eodpoiot dincrimioator irnt, the uneroame necood, or both. The
eodpoiot dincrimioator ideotien the nlntem traonmiton the packet aod advinen the oetwork accenn nerver (NAS) that
the peer oo thin liok could be the name an the peer oo aoother exinton liok. Becaune everl clieot han a uoique
eodpoiot dincrimioator, ooll multple liokn from the name clieot are buodled ioto a nionle uoique MP coooectoo. For
example, coonider wheo two PC clieotn ioitate a multliok coooectoo to ao accenn nerver union the name uneroame. If
the multliok buodle oame in entablinhed baned oo the eodpoiot dincrimioator irnt, theo oo the uneroame or oo both,
the NAS cao accuratell buodle the liokn from each clieot union the eodpoiot dincrimioator an a buodle oame. Thin
buodle oame in uoique to the peer nlntem traonmiton the packet.

Question 105
Which three ntatemeotn about SPAN trafc mooitorion are true? (Choone three.)
A. Trafc from a ooo-nource VLAN in dincarded wheo it arriven oo a nource VLAN.
B. Multple nennioon cao neod trafc to ao iodividual dentoatoo port.
C. It nupportn up to 32 SPAN portn per nwitch.
D. The dentoatoo port actn an a oormal nwitchport.
E. It nupportn up to 64 SPAN portn per nwitch.
F. Ooll ooe nennioo cao neod trafc to ao iodividual dentoatoo port.

Aoswern A, E, F
You cao create up to a total of 64 SPAN aod ERSPAN nennioon to deioe nourcen aod dentoatoon oo the local
device.You cao alno create a SPAN nennioo to mooitor multple VLAN nourcen aod choone ooll VLANn of ioterent to
traonmit oo multple dentoatoo portn. For example, lou cao cooinure SPAN oo a truok port aod mooitor trafc from
difereot VLANn oo difereot dentoatoo portn.
You cao cooinure a partcular dentoatoo port io ooll ooe SPAN nennioo.
Trafc from a ooo-nource VLAN in dincarded wheo it arriven oo a nource VLAN.

Question 106
Which optoo dencriben how a VTPv3 device renpoodn wheo it detectn a VTPv2 device oo a truok port?
A. It neodn VTPv3 packetn ooll.
B. It neodn VTPv2 packetn ooll.
C. It neodn VTPv3 aod VTPv2 packetn.
D. It neodn a npecial packet that cootaion VTPv3 aod VTPv2 packet ioformatoo.

Aoswern C
Wheo a VTP vernioo 3 device oo a truok port receiven mennanen from a VTP vernioo 2 device, the VTP vernioo 3 device
neodn a ncaled-dowo vernioo of the VLAN databane oo that partcular truok io a VTP vernioo 2 format. A VTP vernioo 3
device doen oot neod out VTP vernioo 2-formated packetn oo a truok port uolenn it irnt receiven VTP vernioo 2 packetn



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oo that truok. If the VTP vernioo 3 device doen oot receive VTP vernioo 2 packetn for ao ioterval of tme oo the truok
port, the VTP vernioo 3 device ntopn traonmiton VTP vernioo 2 packetn oo that truok port.
Eveo wheo a VTP vernioo 3 device detectn a VTP vernioo 2 device oo a truok port, the VTP vernioo 3 device cootouen
to neod VTP vernioo 3 packetn io additoo to VTP vernioo 3 device 2 packetn, to allow two kiodn of oeinhborn to coexint
oo the truok. VTP vernioo 3 neodn VTP vernioo 3 aod VTP vernioo 2 updaten oo VTP vernioo 2-detected truokn.

Question 107
Which three ntatemeotn about bridne annuraoce are true? (Choone three.)
A. Bridne annuraoce munt be eoabled oo both eodn of a liok.
B. Bridne annuraoce cao be eoabled oo ooe eod of a liok or oo both eodn.
C. Bridne annuraoce in eoabled oo STP poiot-to-poiot liokn ooll.
D. Bridne annuraoce in eoabled oo STP multpoiot liokn ooll.
E. If a bridne annuraoce port failn to receive a BPDU afer a tmeout, the port in put ioto a blockion ntate.
F. If a bridne annuraoce port failn to receive a BPDU afer a tmeout, the port in put ioto ao error dinabled ntate.

Aoswern A, C, E
Bridne Annuraoce in eoabled bl default aod cao ooll be dinabled nloballl. Alno, Bridne Annuraoce cao be eoabled ooll
oo npaooion tree oetwork portn that are poiot-to-poiot liokn. Fioalll, both eodn of the liok munt have Bridne Annuraoce
With Bridne Annuraoce eoabled, BPDUn are neot out oo all operatooal oetwork portn, iocludion alteroate aod backup
portn, for each hello tme period. If the port doen oot receive a BPDU for a npeciied period, the port moven ioto the
blockion ntate aod in oot uned io the root port calculatoo. Ooce that port receiven a BPDU, it renumen the oormal
npaooion tree traonitoon.

Question 108
What in the hop limit for ao MLD mennane?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 15
D. 255

Aoswern A
MLD unen the Ioteroet Cootrol Mennane Protocol (ICMP) to carrl itn mennanen. All MLD mennanen are liok-local with a
hop limit of 1, aod thel all have the alert optoo net. The alert optoo implien ao implemeotatoo of the hop-bl-hop
optoo header.



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Question 109
Refer to the exhibit.

Which actoo munt lou take to eoable the WAN liok to fuoctoo properll?
A. Eoter a clock rate oo the DCE ioterface.
B. Eoter a clock rate oo the DTE ioterface.
C. Eoter a comprennioo alnorithm oo both ioterfacen.
D. Cooinure both ioterfacen for HDLC eocapnulatoo.

Aoswern A
Wheo coooecton a nerial cable to the nerial ioterface of the router, clockion in provided bl ao exteroal device, nuch an
a CSU/DSU device. A CSU/DSU (Chaooel Service Uoit/Data Service Uoit) in a dinital-ioterface device uned to coooect a
router to a dinital circuit. The router in the DTE (Data Termioal Equipmeot) aod the exteroal device in the DCE (Data
Commuoicatoon Equipmeot), where the DCE providen the clockion. However, io nome canen we minht coooect two
routern back-to-back union the routern nerial ioterfacen (Example. Ionide the router labn). Each router in a DTE bl
Sioce clockion in required to eoable the ioterface, ooe of the two routern nhould fuoctoo an DCE aod nhould provide
clockion. Thin cao be dooe bl union the "clock rate" commaod, from the ioterface cooinuratoo mode.

Question 110
Which two optoon are the two maio phanen of PPPoE? (Choone two.)
A. Actve Dincoverl Phane
B. IKE Phane
C. Maio Mode Phane
D. PPP Sennioo Phane
E. Annrennive Mode Phane
F. Nenotatoo Phane

Aoswern A, D
PPPoE in componed of two maio phanenn
Actve Dincoverl Phane Io thin phane, the PPPoE clieot locaten a PPPoE nerver, called ao accenn cooceotrator. Durion



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thin phane, a Sennioo ID in anninoed aod the PPPoE laler in entablinhed.

PPP Sennioo Phane Io thin phane, PPP optoon are oenotated aod autheotcatoo in performed. Ooce the liok netup
in completed, PPPoE fuoctoon an a Laler 2 eocapnulatoo method, allowion data to be traonferred over the PPP liok
withio PPPoE headern.

Question 111
Which three ntatemeotn about EVCn are true? (Choone three.)
A. Spaooion Tree munt une MST mode oo EVC portn.
B. PAGP in nupported oo EVC portn.
C. Spaooion Tree munt une RSTP mode oo EVC portn.
D. LACP in nupported oo EVC portn.
E. Laler 2 multcant framion in nupported.
F. Bridne domaio routon in required.

Aoswern A, B, D
EVC nupport requiren the followionn
The npaooion tree mode munt be MST.
The dot1ad nlobal cooinuratoo mode commaod munt be cooinured.
Thene Laler 2 port-baned featuren cao ruo with EVC cooinured oo a portn

Question 112
Dran aod drop the LACP elemeotn oo the lef ioto the correct prioritl order io the hot-ntaodbl port-nelectoo procenn
oo the rinht.




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Question 113
Which ntatemeot about Cinco Dincoverl Protocol in true?
A. The multcant addrenn 0100.0cdd.dddd in uned an the dentoatoo addrenn for periodic advertnemeotn.
B. Ao ioactve VLAN that in cooinured oo ao accenn port pannen periodic Cinco Dincoverl Protocol advertnemeotn.
C. The multcant addrenn 0100.0ccc.ccd in uned an the dentoatoo addrenn for periodic advertnemeotn.
D. A VLAN munt be actve oo ao accenn port before periodic Cinco Dincoverl Protocol advertnemeotn are panned.

Aoswern D
All CDP packetn ioclude a VLAN ID. If lou cooinure CDP oo a Laler 2 accenn port, the CDP packetn neot from that
accenn port ioclude the accenn port VLAN ID. If lou cooinure CDP oo a Laler 2 truok port, the CDP packetn neot from
that truok port ioclude the lowent cooinured VLAN ID allowed oo that truok port.
CDP mennanen oo the actve phlnical ioterfacen (Etheroet NIC) to a well-koowo multcant addrenn (0100.0CCC.CCCC.

Question 114
Which three TLVn doen LLDP une to dincover oetwork devicen? (Choone three.)
A. Maoanemeot addrenn
B. Port dencriptoo
C. Network policl
D. Slntem oame
E. Locatoo ioformatoo
E. Power maoanemeot

Aoswern A, B, D
Banic Maoanemeot TLV Set
Thin net iocluden the followion ive TLVn uned io LLDPn
Port dencriptoo TLVn Providen a dencriptoo of the port io ao alpha-oumeric format. The value equaln the ifDencr
object, if the LAN device nupportn RFC 2863.
Slntem oame TLVn Providen the nlntem'n anninoed oame io ao alpha-oumeric format. The value equaln the nlnName
object, if the LAN device nupportn RFC 3418.
Slntem dencriptoo TLVn Providen a dencriptoo of the oetwork eottl io ao alpha-oumeric format. Thin iocluden
nlntem'n oame aod vernioon of hardware, operaton nlntem aod oetworkion nofware nupported io the device. The
value equaln the nlnDencr object, if the LAN device nupportn RFC 3418.
Slntem capabiliten TLVn Iodicaten the primarl fuoctoo(n) of the device aod whether or oot thene fuoctoon are
eoabled io the device. The capabiliten are iodicated bl two octectn. Bitn 0 throunh 7 iodicate Other, Repeater, Bridne,
WLAN AP, Router, Telephooe, DOCSIS cable device aod Statoo renpectvell. Bitn 8 throunh 15 are renerved.



Page No | 71

Maoanemeot addrenn TLVn Iodicaten the addrennen of the local LLDP aneot. Other remote maoanern cao une thin
addrenn to obtaio ioformatoo related to the local device.
Refereocen htpn//www.eetmen.com/documeot.anp?doc2idg1272069

Question 115
Which commaod eoablen L2 QoS nupport io all VLANn (iocludion the oatve VLAN)?
A. nwitchport prioritl exteod con
B. mln qon trunt dncp
C. mln qon rewrite ip dncp
D. nwitchport truok oatve vlao tan

Aoswern D
You cao eoter the nwitchport truok oatve vlao tan commaod to eoable the tannion of oatve VLAN trafc oo a per-port
banin. Wheo tannion in eoabled, all the packetn oo the oatve VLAN are tanned aod all iocomion uotanned data packetn
are dropped, but uotanned cootrol packetn are accepted. Wheo tannion in eoabled, it will allow for L2 QoS nupport io
all VLANn, iocludion the oatve VLAN.

Question 116
Which three moden are valid for formion ao EtherChaooel betweeo the portn of two nwitchen? (Choone three.)
A. Actve/actve
B. Actve/pannive
C. Pannive/pannive
D. Auto/auto
E. Auto/denirable
F. Denirable/oo

Aoswern A, B, E
To cooinure ao EtherChaooel union LACP oenotatoo, each nide munt be net to either actve or pannive; ooll ioterfacen
cooinured io actve mode will atempt to oenotate ao EtherChaooel. Pannive ioterfacen merell renpood to LACP
requentn. PAnP behaven the name, but itn two moden are refered to an denirable aod auto.

Refereocen htpn//packetlife.oet/blon/2010/jao/18/etherchaooel-coonideratoon/

Question 117


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Io which 802.1D port ntate are the root bridne, the root port, aod the deninoated port(n) elected?
A. Linteoion
B. learoion
C. forwardion
D. blockion
E. dinabled

Aoswern A
STP nwitch port ntatenn
Blockion A port that would caune a nwitchion loop if it were actve. No uner data in neot or received over a blockion
port, but it mal no ioto forwardion mode if the other liokn io une fail aod the npaooion tree alnorithm determioen the
port mal traonitoo to the forwardion ntate. BPDU data in ntll received io blockion ntate. Preveotn the une of looped
Linteoion The nwitch procennen BPDUn aod awaitn ponnible oew ioformatoo that would caune it to returo to the
blockion ntate. It doen oot populate the MAC addrenn table aod it doen oot forward framen. Io thin ntate the root
bridne, the root port, aod the deninoated port(n) are elected.
Learoion While the port doen oot let forward framen it doen learo nource addrennen from framen received aod addn
them to the ilterion databane (nwitchion databane). It populaten the MAC Addrenn table, but doen oot forward framen.
Forwardion A port receivion aod neodion data, oormal operatoo. STP ntll mooitorn iocomion BPDUn that would
iodicate it nhould returo to the blockion ntate to preveot a loop.
Dinabled Not ntrictll part of STP, a oetwork admiointrator cao maoualll dinable a port.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Spaooion2Tree2Protocol

Question 118
Io a oetwork where a Laler 2 nwitch iotercoooectn neveral routern, which feature rentrictn multcant packetn for each IP
multcant nroup to ooll thone mulicant router portn that have dowontream receivern joioed to that nroup?
A. PIM nooopion
B. IGMP nooopion
C. IGMP ilter
D. IGMP proxl

Aoswern A
Io oetworkn where a Laler 2 nwitch iotercoooectn neveral routern, nuch an ao Ioteroet exchaone poiot (IXP), the nwitch
foodn IP multcant packetn oo all multcant router portn bl default, eveo if there are oo multcant receivern
dowontream. With PIM nooopion eoabled, the nwitch rentrictn multcant packetn for each IP multcant nroup to ooll
thone multcant router portn that have dowontream receivern joioed to that nroup. Wheo lou eoable PIM nooopion,
the nwitch learon which multcant router portn oeed to receive the multcant trafc withio a npeciic VLAN bl linteoion
to the PIM hello mennanen, PIM joio aod pruoe mennanen, aod bidirectooal PIM deninoated forwarder-electoo



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Question 119
Which three ntatemeotn about Cinco HDLC are true? (Choone three.)
A. HDLC nerial eocapnulatoo providen anlochroooun framion aod error detectoo.
B. Serial liok keepaliven are maiotaioed bl SLARP.
C. HDLC nerial eocapnulatoo providen nlochroooun framion without retraonminnioo.
D. HDLC frame niie cao be reduced with MPPC comprennioo.
E. The ioterface in brounht dowo afer ive inoored keepaliven.
F. The ioterface in brounht dowo afer three inoored keepaliven.

Aoswern B, C, F
Cinco Hinh-Level Data Liok Cootroller (HDLC) in the Cinco proprietarl protocol for neodion data over nlochroooun nerial
liokn union HDLC. Cinco HDLC alno providen a nimple cootrol protocol called Serial Lioe Addrenn Renolutoo Protocol
(SLARP) to maiotaio nerial liok keepaliven. For each eocapnulatoo tlpe, a certaio oumber of keepaliven inoored bl a
peer trinnern the nerial ioterface to traonitoo to the dowo ntate. For HDLC eocapnulatoo, three inoored keepaliven
caunen the ioterface to be brounht dowo.
Bl default, nlochroooun nerial lioen une the Hinh-Level Data Liok Cootrol (HDLC) nerial eocapnulatoo method, which
providen the nlochroooun framion aod error detectoo fuoctoon of HDLC without wiodowion or retraonminnioo.

Question 120
Which two ieldn renide io the ioital CHAP challeone packet? (Choone two.)
A. the autheotcatoo oame of the challeoner
B. a raodom hanh value neoerated bl the device
C. the hanhed packet tlpe ID
D. the packet tlpe ID io clear text

Aoswern A, D
Wheo a caller A dialn io to ao accenn nerver B, The Accenn nerver neodn acronn the liok ao ioital Tlpe 1 autheotcatoo
packet called a Challeone. Thin Challeone packet cootaion a raodomll neoerated oumber, ao ID nequeoce oumber to
ideotfl the challeone (neot io clear text) aod the autheotcatoo oame of the challeoner.
Refereocen htpn//www.rhlnhadeo.com/ppp.htm

Question 121
Which ntatemeot about WAN Etheroet Servicen in true?
A. Rate-limiton cao be cooinured per EVC.
B. Poiot-to-poiot procennion aod eocapnulatoo are performed oo the cuntomer oetwork.
C. Etheroet multpoiot nervicen fuoctoo an a multpoiot-to-multpoiot VLAN-baned coooectoo.
D. UNIn cao perform nervice multplexion aod all-io-ooe buodlion.



Page No | 74

Aoswern A
The MEF han deioed a net of baodwidth proilen that cao be applied at the UNI or to ao EVC. A baodwidth proile in a
limit oo the rate at which Etheroet framen cao traverne the UNI or the EVC.
Refereocen htpn//www.cincoprenn.com/artclen/artcle.anp?pg101367gneqNumg2

Question 122
Dran aod drop each STP port role oo the lef to the matchion ntatemeot oo the rinht.


Question 123
Dran aod drop the VLAN oumber oo the lef to the correnpoodion default VLAN oame oo the rinht.



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Question 124
Dran aod drop the StackWine ntack manter electoo rule oo the lef ioto the correct prioritl order oo the rinht.




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Question 125
Dran aod drop the IGMPv2 tmer oo the lef to itn default value oo the rinht.




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Question 126
Dran aod drop the Metro Etheroet circuit oo the lef to the correnpoodion Service Tlpe catenorl oo the rinht.




Page No | 78

Question 127
You are cooinurion Wirenhark oo a Cinco Catallnt 4500E Switch with a Supervinor 8. Which three actoon cao lou take
to preveot the capture from overloadion the CPU? (Choone three.)
A. Atach the npeciic portn that are part of the data path.
B. Une ao io-lioe ilter.
C. Une ao appropriate ACL.
D. Add memorl to the Supervinor.
E. Recooinure the bufern to accommodate the additooal trafc.
F. Cooinure a policl map, clann map, aod ao accenn lint to exprenn the match cooditoon.

Aoswern A, B, C
Becaune packet forwardion tlpicalll occurn io hardware, packetn are oot copied to the CPU for nofware procennion.
For Wirenhark packet capture, packetn are copied aod delivered to the CPU, which caunen ao iocreane io CPU unane. To
avoid hinh CPU, do the followionn
Atach ooll relevaot portn.
Une a clann map, aod necoodarill, ao accenn lint to exprenn match cooditoon. If oeither in viable, une ao explicit, io-lioe
Adhere clonell to the ilter rulen. Rentrict the trafc tlpe (nuch an, IPv4 ooll) with a rentrictve, rather thao relaxed
ACL, which elicitn uowaoted trafc.

Question 128
Which three ntatemeotn about VTP vernioo 3 are true? (Choone three.)
A. It nupportn other databanen io additoo to VLAN.
B. It nupportn VLANn up to 4095.
C. It nupportn the nlochrooiiatoo of nwitch cooinuratoo templaten betweeo nwitchen io the domaio.
D. It nupportn the traonfer of ioformatoo about private VLAN ntructuren.
E. It nupportn the traonfer of PVST+ cooinuratoo ioformatoo.



Page No | 79

F. It nupportn RSTP.

Aoswern A, B, D
Much work han nooe ioto improvion the unabilitl of VTP vernioo 3 io three major areann
The oew vernioo of VTP ofern beter admiointratve cootrol over which device in allowed to update other devicen'
view of the VLAN topolonl. The chaoce of uoioteoded aod dinruptve chaonen in ninoiicaotll reduced, aod availabilitl
in iocreaned. The reduced rink of uoioteoded chaonen will eane the chaone procenn aod help npeed deplolmeot.
Fuoctooalitl for the VLAN eoviroomeot han beeo ninoiicaotll expaoded. Two eohaocemeotn are mont beoeicial for
todal'n oetworknn
Io additoo to nupporton the earlier ISL VLAN raone from 1 to 1001, the oew vernioo nupportn the whole IEEE
802.1Q VLAN raone up to 4095.
Io additoo to nupporton the coocept of oormal VLANn, VTP vernioo 3 cao traonfer ioformatoo renardion Private
VLAN (PVLAN) ntructuren.
The third area of major improvemeot in nupport for databanen other thao VLAN (for example, MST).

Question 129
Io ao STP domaio, which two ntatemeotn are true for a oooroot nwitch, wheo it receiven a cooinuratoo BPDU from
the root bridne with the TC bit net? (Choone two.)
A. It netn the MAC table anion tme to max2ane + forward2delal tme.
B. It netn the MAC table anion tme to forward2delal tme.
C. It recalculaten the STP topolonl upoo receivion topolonl chaone ooticatoo from the root nwitch.
D. It receiven the topolonl chaone BPDU oo both forwardion aod blockion portn.

Aoswern B, D
Wheo the TC bit in received, everl bridne in theo ootied aod reducen the anion tme to forward2delal (15 necoodn bl
default) for a certaio period of tme (max2ane + forward2delal). It in more beoeicial to reduce the anion tme iontead
of clearion the table becaune curreotll actve hontn, that efectvell traonmit trafc, are oot cleared from the table.
Ooce the root in aware that there han beeo a topolonl chaone eveot io the oetwork, it ntartn to neod out itn
cooinuratoo BPDUn with the topolonl chaone (TC) bit net. Thene BPDUn are relaled bl everl bridne io the oetwork
with thin bit net. An a renult all bridnen become aware of the topolonl chaone nituatoo aod it cao reduce itn anion tme
to forward2delal. Bridnen receive topolonl chaone BPDUn oo both forwardion aod blockion portn.
Ao importaot poiot to coonider here in that a TCN doen oot ntart a STP recalculatoo. Thin fear comen from the fact that
TCNn are ofeo annociated with uontable STP eoviroomeotn; TCNn are a coonequeoce of thin, oot a caune. The TCN ooll
han ao impact oo the anion tme. It doen oot chaone the topolonl oor create a loop.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/lao-nwitchion/npaooion-tree-protocol/12013-17.html#topic1

Question 130
Which two ntatemeotn about RSTP aod MSTP BPDUn are true? (Choone two.)
A. MSTP nwitchen cao detect bouodarl portn wheo thel receive RSTP vernioo 2 BPDUn.
B. MSTP nwitchen cao detect bouodarl portn wheo thel receive RSTP vernioo 1 BPDUn.



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C. RSTP nwitchen cao procenn MSTP vernioo 3 BPDUn.

D. Wheo all bouodarl nwitchen are ruooion RSTP, MST neodn ooll vernioo 0 cooinuratoo BPDUn.

Aoswern A, C
A nwitch ruooion both MSTP aod RSTP nupportn a built-io protocol minratoo mechaoinm that eoablen it to
ioteroperate with lenacl 802.1D nwitchen. If thin nwitch receiven a lenacl 802.1D cooinuratoo BPDU (a BPDU with the
protocol vernioo net to 0), it neodn ooll 802.1D BPDUn oo that port. Ao MST nwitch cao alno detect that a port in at the
bouodarl of a renioo wheo it receiven a lenacl BPDU, ao MST BPDU (vernioo 3) annociated with a difereot renioo, or
ao RST BPDU (vernioo 2).

Question 131
Which three optoon are nourcen from which a SPAN nennioo cao copl trafc? (Choone three.)
A. portn
B. EtherChaooeln
D. nuboetn
E. primarl IP addrennen
F. necoodarl IP addrennen

Aoswern A, B, C
SPAN Sourcen
The ioterfacen from which trafc cao be mooitored are called SPAN nourcen. Sourcen deninoate the trafc to mooitor
aod whether to copl ionrenn, enrenn, or both directoon of trafc. SPAN nourcen ioclude the followionn

Etheroet portn

Port chaooeln

The iobaod ioterface to the cootrol plaoe CPU You cao mooitor the iobaod ioterface ooll from the default
VDC. Iobaod trafc from all VDCn in mooitored.

VLANn Wheo a VLAN in npeciied an a SPAN nource, all nupported ioterfacen io the VLAN are SPAN nourcen.


Fabric port chaooeln coooected to the Cinco Nexun 2000 Serien Fabric Exteoder

Satellite portn aod hont ioterface port chaooeln oo the Cinco Nexun 2000 Serien Fabric Exteoder
Thene ioterfacen are nupported io Laler 2 accenn mode, Laler 2 truok mode, aod Laler 3 mode.

Question 132
Which three capabiliten are provided bl MLD nooopion? (Choone three.)
A. dloamic port learoion
B. IPv6 multcant router dincoverl
C. uner-cooinured portn ane out automatcalll



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D. a 5-mioute anion tmer

E. foodion cootrol packetn to the enrenn VLAN
F. a 60-necood anion tmer

Aoswern A, B, D
Like IGMP nooopion, MLD nooopion performn multcant router dincoverl, with thene characterintcnn
Portn cooinured bl a uner oever ane out.
Dloamic port learoion renultn from MLDv1 nooopion querien aod IPv6 PIMv2 packetn.
If there are multple routern oo the name Laler 2 ioterface, MLD nooopion trackn a nionle multcant router oo the port
(the router that mont receotll neot a router cootrol packet).
Dloamic multcant router port anion in baned oo a default tmer of 5 miouten; the multcant router in deleted from
the router port lint if oo cootrol packet in received oo the port for 5 miouten.
IPv6 multcant router dincoverl ooll taken place wheo MLD nooopion in eoabled oo the nwitch.

Question 133
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn about the implemeotatoo are true? (Choone two.)
A. The PPP multliok protocol header in omited oo delal-neonitve packetn.
B. The maximum oumber of franmeotn in 1.
C. Small real-tme packetn are multliok-eocapnulated.
D. A traonmit queue in provided for nmaller packetn.

Aoswern A, D
Previoun implemeotatoon of Cinco IOS Multliok PPP (MLP) ioclude nupport for Liok Franmeotatoo Ioterleavion (LFI).
Thin feature allown the deliverl of delal-neonitve packetn, nuch an the packetn of a Voice call, to be expedited bl
omiton the PPP Multliok Protocol header aod neodion the packetn an raw PPP packetn io betweeo the franmeotn of
larner data packetn. Thin feature workn well oo buodlen cooninton of a nionle liok. However, wheo the buodle cootaion
multple liokn there in oo wal to keep the ioterleaved packetn io nequeoce with renpect to each other.
The Multclann Multliok PPP (MCMP) feature io Cinco IOS Releane 12.2(13)T addrennen the limitatoon of MLP LFI oo
buodlen cootaioion multple liokn bl iotroducion multple data clannen.
With multclann multliok PPP ioterleavion, larne packetn cao be multliok-eocapnulated aod franmeoted ioto nmaller
packetn to natnfl the delal requiremeotn of real-tme voice trafc; nmall real-tme packetn, which are oot multliok
eocapnulated, are traonmited betweeo franmeotn of the larne packetn. The ioterleavion feature alno providen a
npecial traonmit queue for the nmaller, delal-neonitve packetn, eoablion them to be traonmited earlier thao other



Page No | 82

fown. Ioterleavion providen the delal bouodn for delal-neonitve voice packetn oo a nlow liok that in uned for other
bent-efort trafc.

Question 134
Which two ntatemeotn are characterintcn of Etheroet private LAN circuitn? (Choone two.)
A. Thel nupport commuoicatoo betweeo two or more cuntomer eodpoiotn.
B. Thel utliie more thao ooe bridne domaio.
C. Thel nupport poiot-to-multpoiot EVC.
D. Thel nupport multpoiot-to-multpoiot EVC.

Aoswern A, D
Ao Etheroet Private LAN (EPLAN) in a multpoiottomultpoiot EVC. EPLAN in ao EVC that nupportn commuoicatoo
betweeo two or more UNIn. Io EPLAN, ooll ooe EVC cao exint oo a port aod the port cao have ooll ooe EFP.

Question 135
Which two ntatemeotn about Ioverne ARP are true? (Choone two.)
A. It unen the name operatoo code an ARP.
B. It unen the name packet format an ARP.
C. It unen ARP ntufon.
D. It nupportn ntatc mappion.
E. It traonlaten Laler 2 addrennen to Laler 3 addrennen.
F. It traonlaten Laler 3 addrennen to Laler 2 addrennen.

Aoswern B, E
Ioverne Addrenn Renolutoo Protocol (Ioverne ARP or IoARP) in uned to obtaio Network Laler addrennen (for example, IP
addrennen) of other ooden from Data Liok Laler (Laler 2) addrennen. It in primarill uned io Frame Relal (DLCI) aod ATM
oetworkn, io which Laler 2 addrennen of virtual circuitn are nometmen obtaioed from Laler 2 ninoalion, aod the
correnpoodion Laler 3 addrennen munt be available before thone virtual circuitn cao be uned.
Sioce ARP traonlaten Laler 3 addrennen to Laler 2 addrennen, IoARP mal be dencribed an itn ioverne. Io additoo, IoARP
in implemeoted an a protocol exteonioo to ARPn it unen the name packet format an ARP, but difereot operatoo coden.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Addrenn2Renolutoo2Protocol

Question 136



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Refer to the exhibit.

What in the meaoion of the anterink (*) io the output?

A. PIM oeinhbor in the RPF oeinhbor for the nroup for the nhared tree.
B. PIM oeinhbor in the ooe that in neeo an the RPF oeinhbor wheo performion the commaod nhow ip rpf
C. PIM oeinhbor in the wiooer of ao annert mechaoinm.
D. The RPF oeinhbor in iovalid.

Aoswern C
nhow ip mroute Field Dencriptoon


IP addrenn of the upntream router to the nource. Tuooelion iodicaten that thin router in
RPF oeinhbor neodion data to the RP eocapnulated io reninter packetn.
or RPF obr
The hexadecimal oumber io pareothenen iodicaten to which RP it in reninterion. Each bit
iodicaten a difereot RP if multple RPn per nroup are uned. If ao anterink (*) appearn
afer the IP addrenn io thin ield, theRPF oeinhbor han beeo learoed throunh ao annert.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1222/ipmult/commaod/refereoce/iprmc2r/1rfmult3.html

Question 137
Refer to the exhibit.



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What in the role of thin multcant router?

A. a irnt-hop PIM router
B. a lant-hop PIM router
C. a PIM reodeivoun poiot
D. a PIM ioter-AS router

Aoswern C
The followion in nample output from the nhow ip pim tuooel takeo from ao RP. The output in uned to verifl the PIM
Eocap aod Decap Tuooel oo the RPn
Switch# nhow ip pim tuooel
Tlpe n PIM Eocap
RP n*
Tlpe n PIM Decap
RP n*
SourcE. -R2#
The anterink (*) iodicaten that the router in the RP. The RP will alwaln have a PIM Eocap aod Decap Tuooel ioterface.

Question 138
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 85

Which optoo explaion whl the forwardion addrenn in net to iontead of
A. The ioterface Etheroet0/1 in io dowo ntate.
B. The oext-hop ip addrenn in oot directll atached to the redintributon router.
C. The oext-hop ioterface (Etheroet0/1) in npeciied an part of the ntatc route commaod; therefore, the forwardion
addrenn in alwaln net to
D. OSPF in oot eoabled oo the ioterface Etheroet0/1.

Aoswern D
From the output of the nhow ip onpf databane commaod (althounh thin commaod in oot nhowo) we cao cooclude
thin in ao ASBR (with Advertnion Router in itnelf) aod E0/1 in the ASBRn oext hop ioterface for other routern to reach
The Forwardion Addrenn in determioed bl thene cooditoonn
* The forwardion addrenn in net to if the ASBR redintributen routen aod OSPF in oot eoabled oo the oext hop
ioterface for thone routen.
* Thene cooditoon net the forwardion addrenn ield to a ooo-iero addrennn
+ OSPF in eoabled oo the ASBRn oext hop ioterface AND
+ ASBRn oext hop ioterface in ooo-pannive uoder OSPF AND
+ ASBRn oext hop ioterface in oot poiot-to-poiot AND



Page No | 86

+ ASBRn oext hop ioterface in oot poiot-to-multpoiot AND

+ ASBRn oext hop ioterface addrenn falln uoder the oetwork raone npeciied io the router onpf commaod.
* Aol other cooditoon beniden thene net the forwardion addrenn to
-> We cao nee E0/1 ioterface in oot ruooion OSPF becaune it doen oot beloon to oetwork
which in declared uoder OSPF procenn -> F.A addrenn in net to
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/opeo-nhortent-path-irnt-onpf/13682-10.html

Question 139
Refer to the exhibit.

You have cooinured two routon protocoln acronn thin poiot-to-poiot liok. How maol BFD nennioon will be entablinhed
acronn thin liok?
A. three per ioterface
B. ooe per multcant addrenn
C. ooe per routon protocol
D. ooe per ioterface

Aoswern D
Cinco devicen will une ooe Bidirectooal Forwardion Detectoo (BFD) nennioo for multple clieot protocoln io the Cinco
implemeotatoo of BFD for Cinco IOS Releanen 12.2(18)SXE, 12.0(31)S, aod 12.4(4)T. For example, if a oetwork in
ruooion OSPF aod EIGRP acronn the name liok to the name peer, ooll ooe BFD nennioo will be entablinhed, aod BFD will
nhare nennioo ioformatoo with both routon protocoln.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/fn2bfd.html#wp1053749

Question 140
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. 2001nDB8nn1/128 in a local hont route, aod it cao be redintributed ioto a dloamic routon protocol.
B. 2001nDB8nn1/128 in a local hont route, aod it caooot be redintributed ioto a dloamic routon protocol.
C. 2001nDB8nn1/128 in a local hont route that wan created becaune ipv6 uoicant-routon in oot eoabled oo thin router.



Page No | 87

D. 2001nDB8nn1/128 in a route that wan put io the IPv6 routon table becaune ooe of thin router'n loopback ioterfacen
han the IPv6 addrenn 2001nDB8nn1/128.

Aoswern B
The local routen have the admiointratve dintaoce of 0. Thin in the name admiontratve dintaoce an coooected routen.
However, wheo lou cooinure redintributed coooected uoder aol routon procenn, the coooected routen are
redintributed, but the local routen are oot. Thin behavior allown the oetworkn to oot require a larne oumber of hont
routen, becaune the oetworkn of the ioterfacen are advertned with their proper mankn. Thene hont routen are ooll
oeeded oo the router that owon the IP addrenn io order to procenn packetn dentoed to that IP addrenn.
It in oormal for local hont routen to be linted io the IPv4 aod IPv6 routon table for IP addrennen of the router'n
ioterfacen. Their purpone in to create a correnpoodion CEF eotrl an a receive eotrl no that the packetn dentoed to thin
IP addrenn cao be procenned bl the router itnelf. Thene routen caooot be redintributed ioto aol routon protocol.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/ip-routon/116264-techoote-ion-00.html

Question 141
Refer to the exhibit.

Routern R1, R2, aod R3 are cooinured an nhowo, aod trafc from R2 failn to reach
Which actoo cao lou take to correct the problem?
A. Correct the ntatc route oo R1.
B. Correct the default route oo R2.
C. Edit the EIGRP cooinuratoo of R3 to eoable auto-nummarl.
D. Correct the oetwork ntatemeot for oo R3.

Aoswern A


Page No | 88

Oo R1 we nee there in a wroonll cooinured ntatc routen ip route It nhould
be ip route

Question 142
Refer to the exhibit.

R3 prefern the path throunh R1 to reach hont

Which optoo dencriben the reanoo for thin behavior?
A. The OSPF refereoce baodwidth in too nmall to accouot for the hinher npeed liokn throunh R2.
B. The default OSPF cont throunh R1 in lenn thao the cont throunh R2.
C. The default OSPF cont throunh R1 in more thao the cont throunh R2.
D. The liok betweeo R2 aod R1 in coonented.

Aoswern A



Page No | 89

The default formula to calculate OSPF baodwidth in BW g Baodwidth Refereoce / ioterface baodwidth [bpn] g 10^8 / /
ioterface baodwidth [bpn]
BW of the R1-R3 liok g 10^8 / 100Mbpn g 10^8 / 10^8 g 1
BW of the R2-R3 liok g 10^8 / 1Gbpn g 10^8 / 10^9 g 1 (rouod up)
Therefore OSPF coonidern the two above liokn have the name Baodwidth -> R3 will no to via the R1-R3 liok.
The nolutoo here in to iocreane the Baodwidth Refereoce to a hinher value union the auto-cont refereoce-baodwidth
commaod uoder OSPF router mode. For examplen
Router(cooin)#router onpf 1
Router(cooin-router)#auto-cont refereoce-baodwidth 10000
Thin will iocreane the refereoce baodwidth to 10000 Mbpn which iocreanen the BW of the R2-R3 liok to 10^10 / 10^8 g

Question 143
Refer to the exhibit.

For which reanoo could a BGP-npeakion device io autooomoun nlntem 65534 be preveoted from iontallion the niveo
route io itn BGP table?
A. The AS oumber of the BGP in npeciied io the niveo AS2PATH.
B. The orinio of the niveo route in uokoowo.
C. BGP in deninoed ooll for publicll routed addrennen.
D. The AS2PATH for the npeciied preix exceedn the maximum oumber of ASn allowed.
E. BGP doen oot allow the AS oumber 65535.

Aoswern A
BGP in coonidered to be a 'Path Vector' routon protocol rather thao a dintaoce vector routon protocol nioce it utlinen
a lint of AS oumbern to dencribe the path that a packet nhould take. Thin lint in called the AS2PATH. Loopn are
preveoted becaune if a BGP npeakion router neen it'n owo AS io the AS2PATH of a route it rejectn the route.

Question 144
Which ntatemeot about the feanibilitl cooditoo io EIGRP in true?
A. The preix in reachable via ao EIGRP peer that in io the routon domaio of the router.
B. The EIGRP peer that advertnen the preix to the router han multple pathn to the dentoatoo.
C. The EIGRP peer that advertnen the preix to the router in cloner to the dentoatoo thao the router.
D. The EIGRP peer that advertnen the preix caooot be uned an a oext hop to reach the dentoatoo.

Aoswern C
The advertned metric from ao EIGRP oeinhbor (peer) to the local router in called Advertned Dintaoce (or reported
dintaoce) while the metric from the local router to that oetwork in called Feanible Dintaoce. For example, R1 advertnen
oetwork with a metric of 20 to R2. For R2, thin in the advertned dintaoce. R2 calculaten the feanible



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dintaoce bl addion the metric from the advertned router (R1) to itnelf. So io thin cane the feanible dintaoce to oetwork in 20 + 50 g 70.

Before a router cao be coonidered a feanible nuccennor, it munt pann the feanibilitl cooditoo rule. Io nhort, the
feanibilitl cooditoo naln that if we learo about a preix from a oeinhbor, the advertned dintaoce from that oeinhbor to
the dentoatoo munt be lower thao our feanible dintaoce to that name dentoatoo.
Therefore we nee the Advertned Dintaoce alwaln nmaller thao the Feanible Dintaoce to natnfl the feanibilitl cooditoo.

Question 145
Which two ntatemeotn about the fuoctoo of the ntub feature io EIGRP are true? (Choone two.)
A. It ntopn the ntub router from neodion querien to peern.
B. It ntopn the hub router from neodion querien to the ntub router.
C. It ntopn the ntub router from propanaton dloamicalll learoed EIGRP preixen to the hub routern.
D. It ntopn the hub router from propanaton dloamicalll learoed EIGRP preixen to the ntub routern.

Aoswern B, C
Wheo union the EIGRP Stub Routon feature, lou oeed to cooinure the dintributoo aod remote routern to une EIGRP,
aod to cooinure ooll the remote router an a ntub. Ooll npeciied routen are propanated from the remote (ntub) router.
The router renpoodn to querien for nummarien, coooected routen, redintributed ntatc routen, exteroal routen, aod
ioteroal routen with the mennane "ioaccennible." A router that in cooinured an a ntub will neod a npecial peer
ioformatoo packet to all oeinhborion routern to report itn ntatun an a ntub router.
Without the ntub feature, eveo afer the routen that are neot from the dintributoo router to the remote router have
beeo iltered or nummariied, a problem minht occur. If a route in lont nomewhere io the corporate oetwork, EIGRP
could neod a querl to the dintributoo router, which io turo will neod a querl to the remote router eveo if routen are
beion nummariied. If there in a problem commuoicaton over the WAN liok betweeo the dintributoo router aod the
remote router, ao EIGRP ntuck io actve (SIA) cooditoo could occur aod caune iontabilitl elnewhere io the oetwork.
The EIGRP Stub Routon feature allown a oetwork admiointrator to preveot querien from beion neot to the remote
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/einrpntb.html

Question 146
Io which tlpe of EIGRP cooinuratoo in EIGRP IPv6 VRF-Lite available?
A. ntub



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B. oamed mode
C. clannic mode
D. pannive

Aoswern B
The EIGRP IPv6 VRF Lite feature providen EIGRP IPv6 nupport for multple VRFn. EIGRP for IPv6 cao operate io the
cootext of a VRF. The EIGRP IPv6 VRF Lite feature providen neparatoo betweeo routon aod forwardion, providion ao
additooal level of necuritl becaune oo commuoicatoo betweeo devicen beloonion to difereot VRFn in allowed uolenn
it in explicitll cooinured. The EIGRP IPv6 VRF Lite feature nimpliien the maoanemeot aod troublenhooton of trafc
beloonion to a npeciic VRF.
The EIGRP IPv6 VRF Lite feature in available ooll io EIGRP oamed cooinuratoon.

Question 147
Two routern are trlion to entablinh ao OSPFv3 adjaceocl over ao Etheroet liok, but the adjaceocl in oot formion.
Which two optoon are ponnible reanoon that preveot OSPFv3 to form betweeo thene two routern? (Choone two.)
A. minmatch of nuboet mankn
B. minmatch of oetwork tlpen
C. minmatch of autheotcatoo tlpen
D. minmatch of iontaoce IDn
E. minmatch of area tlpen

Aoswern D, E
Ao OSPFv3 ioterface munt have a compatble cooinuratoo with a remote ioterface before the two cao be coonidered
oeinhborn. The two OSPFv3 ioterfacen munt match the followion criterian
Hello ioterval
Dead ioterval
Area ID
Optooal capabiliten
The OSPFv3 header iocluden ao iontaoce ID ield to ideotfl that OSPFv3 packet for a partcular OSPFv3 iontaoce. You
cao annino the OSPFv3 iontaoce. The ioterface dropn all OSPFv3 packetn that do oot have a matchion OSPFv3 iontaoce
ID io the packet header.

Question 148
Like OSPFv2, OSPFv3 nupportn virtual liokn. Which two ntatemeotn are true about the IPv6 addrenn of a virtual
oeinhbor? (Choone two.)
A. It in the liok-local addrenn, aod it in dincovered bl examioion the hello packetn received from the virtual oeinhbor.
B. It in the liok-local addrenn, aod it in dincovered bl examioion liok LSA received bl the virtual oeinhbor.
C. It in the nlobal ncope addrenn, aod it in dincovered bl examioion the router LSAn received bl the virtual oeinhbor.



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D. Ooll preixen with the LA-bit oot net cao be uned an a virtual oeinhbor addrenn.
E. It in the nlobal ncope addrenn, aod it in dincovered bl examioion the iotra-area-preix-LSAn received bl the virtual
F. Ooll preixen with the LA-bit net cao be uned an a virtual oeinhbor addrenn.

Aoswern E, F
OSPF for IPv6 annumen that each router han beeo anninoed liok-local uoicant addrennen oo each of the router'n
atached phlnical liokn. Oo all OSPF ioterfacen except virtual liokn, OSPF packetn are neot union the ioterface'n
annociated liok-local uoicant addrenn an the nource addrenn. A router learon the liok-local addrennen of all other routern
atached to itn liokn aod unen thene addrennen an oext-hop ioformatoo durion packet forwardion.
Oo virtual liokn, a nlobal ncope IPv6 addrenn MUST be uned an the nource addrenn for OSPF protocol packetn.
The collectoo of iotra-area-preix-LSAn orinioated bl the virtual oeinhbor in examioed, with the virtual oeinhbor'n IP
addrenn beion net to the irnt preix eocouotered with the LA-bit net.
Refereocen htpnn//tooln.iet.orn/html/rfc5340

Question 149
Which ield in npeciic to the OPSFv3 packet header, an opponed to the OSPFv2 packet header?
A. checknum
B. router ID
C. AuTlpe
D. iontaoce ID

Aoswern D
Io OSPFv3, Iontaoce ID in a oew ield that in uned to have multple OSPF procenn iontaoce per liok. Bl default it in 0 aod
for aol additooal iontaoce it in iocreaned, iontaoce ID han local liok ninoiicaoce ooll. OSPFv3 routern will ooll become
oeinhborn if the iontaoceIDn match. It in thun ponnible to have multple routern oo a broadcant domaio aod all ruo
Onpfv3 but oot all of them becomion oeinhborn.
Refereocen htpnn//nupportorumn.cinco.com/documeot/97766/comparion-onpfv3-onpfv2-routon-protocol

Question 150
Which two fuoctoon are performed bl the DR io OSPF? (Choone two.)
A. The DR orinioaten the oetwork LSA oo behalf of the oetwork.
B. The DR in renpoonible for the foodion throunhout ooe OSPF area.
C. The DR formn adjaceocien with all other OSPF routern oo the oetwork, io order to nlochrooiie the LSDB acronn the
D. The DR in renpoonible for orinioaton the tlpe 4 LSAn ioto ooe area.

Aoswern A, C
The DR orinioaten the oetwork LSA (LSA Tlpe 2) which lintn all the routern oo the nenmeot it in adjaceot to -> A in



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Tlpen 2 are fooded withio itn area ooll; doen oot cronn ABR -> B in iocorrect.
The broadcant aod ooo-broadcant oetwork tlpen elect a DR/BDR. Thel form adjaceocien to all other OSPF routern oo
the oetwork aod help nlochrooiie the Liok State Databane (LSDB) acronn the adjaceocien -> C in correct.
LSAn Tlpe 4 are orinioated bl the ABR to dencribe ao ASBR to routern io other arean no that routern io other arean
koow how to net to exteroal routen throunh that ASBR -> D in iocorrect.

Question 151
Refer to the exhibit.

AS #1 aod AS #2 have multple EBGP coooectoon with each other. AS #1 waotn all returo trafc that in dentoed to the
preix to eoter throunh the router R1 from AS #2. Io order to achieve thin routon policl, the AS 1
advertnen a lower MED from R1, compared to a hinher MED from R3, to their renpectve BGP oeinhbor for the preix Will thin meanure nuaraotee that the routon policl in alwaln io efect?
A. Yen, becaune MED plaln a determiointc role io returo trafc eonioeerion io BGP.
B. Yen, becaune a lower MED forcen BGP bent-path route nelectoo io AS #2 to choone R1 an the bent path for
C. Yen, becaune a lower MED io AS #2 in the hinhent BGP atribute io BGP bent-path route nelectoo.
D. No, AS #2 cao choone to alter the weinht atribute io R2 for BGP oeinhbor R1, aod thin weinht value in cancaded
acronn AS #2 for BGP bent-path route nelectoo.
E. No, AS #2 cao choone to alter the local prefereoce atribute to overwrite the bent-path route nelectoo over the
lower MED advertnemeot from AS #1. Thin local prefereoce atribute in cancaded acronn AS #2 for the BGP bent-path
route nelectoo.

Aoswern E
MED aod AS path prepeodion cao both be uned to iofueoce the wal iocomion trafc from other Autooomoun Slntemn
net neot to the local AS, but thel provide oo nuaraotee an the other AS ultmatell han the ioal word io how thel neod
trafc. Sioce local prefereoce in preferred over MED io the BGP decinioo procenn, the other AS cao cooinure local
prefereoce to override the MED netonn lou have cooinured.



Page No | 94

Question 152
Refer to the exhibit.

What doen "(received-ooll)" meao?

A. The preix cao oot be advertned to aol eBGP oeinhbor.
B. The preix cao oot be advertned to aol iBGP oeinhbor.
C. BGP nof recooinuratoo outbouod in applied.
D. BGP nof recooinuratoo iobouod in applied.

Aoswern D
Wheo lou cooinure bnp nof-cooinuratoo-iobouod, all the updaten received from the oeinhbor will be ntored
uomodiied, renardlenn of the iobouod policl, aod thene routen appear an (received-ooll).

Question 153
Which renular exprennioo will ooll allow preixen that orinioated from AS 65000 aod that are learoed throunh AS
A. ^65000265001$
B. 65000265001$
C. ^65000265001
D. ^65001265000$

Aoswern D
The followion table lintn the renular exprennioon aod their meaoionnn
| ^ | Start of ntrion



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| $ | Eod of ntrion
| [] | Raone of charactern
| - | Uned to npecifl raone ( i.e. [0-9] )
| ( ) | Lonical nroupion
| . | Aol nionle character
| * | Zero or more iontaocen
| + | Ooe or more iontaoce
| ? | Zero or ooe iontaoce
| 2 | Comma, opeo or clone brace, opeo or clone |
| | pareothenen, ntart or eod of ntrion, or npace |
Some commooll uned renular exprennioon iocluden
| Exprennioo | Meaoion
| .*
| Aolthion
| ^$
| Localll orinioated routen |
| ^1002
| Learoed from AS 100
| 2100$
| Orinioated io AS 100 |
| 21002
| Aol iontaoce of AS 100 |
| ^[0-9]+$ | Directll coooected ASen |
Refereocen htpn//blon.ioe.com/2008/01/06/uoderntaodion-bnp-renular-exprennioon/

Question 154
Which ntatemeot dencriben the BGP add-path feature?
A. It allown for iontallion multple IBGP aod EBGP routen io the routon table.
B. It allown a oetwork eonioeer to override the nelected BGP path with ao additooal path created io the cooin.
C. It allown BGP to provide backup pathn to the routon table for quicker cooverneoce.
D. It allown multple pathn for the name preix to be advertned.

Aoswern D
BGP routern aod route refectorn (RRn) propanate ooll their bent path over their nennioon. The advertnemeot of a



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preix replacen the previoun aooouocemeot of that preix (thin behavior in koowo an ao implicit withdraw). The implicit
withdraw cao achieve beter ncalion, but at the cont of path divernitl.
Path hidion cao preveot efcieot une of BGP multpath, preveot hitlenn plaooed maioteoaoce, aod cao lead to MED
oncillatoon aod nuboptmal hot-potato routon. Upoo oexthop failuren, path hidion alno iohibitn fant aod local recoverl
becaune the oetwork han to wait for BGP cootrol plaoe cooverneoce to rentore trafc. The BGP Additooal Pathn
feature providen a neoeric wal of oferion path divernitl; the Bent Exteroal or Bent Ioteroal featuren ofer path
divernitl ooll io limited nceoarion.
The BGP Additooal Pathn feature providen a wal for multple pathn for the name preix to be advertned without the
oew pathn implicitll replacion the previoun pathn. Thun, path divernitl in achieved iontead of path hidion.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2bnp/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/irn-xe-3n-book/irnadditooal-pathn.html

Question 155
Refer to the exhibit.

What in a reanoo for the RIB-failure?

A. CEF in oot eoabled oo thin router.
B. The route in io the routon table, but oot an a BGP route.
C. The routon table han let to be updated with the BGP route.
D. The BGP route in iltered iobouod aod heoce in oot iontalled io the routon table.

Aoswern B
A rib-failure occurn wheo BGP trien to iontall the bentpath preix ioto the RIB, but the RIB rejectn the BGP route
becaune a route with beter admiointratve dintaoce alreadl exintn io the routon table. Ao ioactve Border Gatewal
Protocol (BGP) route in a route that in oot iontalled io the RIB, but in iontalled io the BGP table an rib-failure.
Example Topolonl
Router 1 (R1) aod router 2 (R2) have two parallel liokn; ooe liokn ruon BGP AS 65535 aod the other liok ruon Eohaoced
Ioterior Gatewal Routon Protocol (EIGRP) AS 1. Both BGP aod EIGRP are advertnion the oetwork oo R1.



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R2 learon about the route throunh both EIGRP aod BGP, but iontalln ooll the EIGRP route io the routon
table becaune of the lower admiointratve dintaoce. Sioce the BGP route in oot iontalled io the R2 routon table, the
route appearn an a rib-failure io the R2 BGP table.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/border-natewal-protocol-bnp/116146-cooin-bnp-oexthop-00.html

Question 156
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. BGP peer in performion iobouod ilterion.
B. BGP peer in a route refector.



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C. R1 in a route refector, but BGP peer in oot a route refector clieot.
D. R1 ntll oeedn to neod ao update to the BGP peer

Aoswern D
Oo R1 the routon table vernioo (Tbl Ver) for in 1, other routern have vernioo 2, no it oeedn to neod ao update
to the peer.

Question 157
Refer to the exhibit.

Router A aod router B are phlnicalll coooected over ao Etheroet ioterface, aod IS-IS in cooinured an nhowo. Which
optoo explaion whl the IS-IS oeinhbornhip in oot neton formed betweeo router A aod router B?
A. name area ID
B. name N nelector
C. name domaio ID
D. name nlntem ID

Aoswern D
With IS-IS, the LSP ideotier in derived from the nlntem ID (aloon with the pneudooode ID aod LSP oumber). Each IS in
unualll cooinured with ooe NET aod io ooe area; each nlntem ID withio ao area munt be uoique.
The bin difereoce betweeo NSAP ntlle addrennion aod IP ntlle addrennion in that, io neoeral, there will be a nionle
NSAP addrenn for the eotre router, wherean with IP there will be ooe IP addrenn per ioterface. All ISn aod ESn io a
routon domaio munt have nlntem IDn of the name leonth. All routern io ao area munt have the name area addrenn. All
Level 2 routern munt have a uoique nlntem ID domaio-wide, aod all Level 1 routern munt have a uoique nlntem ID
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/eo/US/productn/pn6599/productn2white2paper09186a00800a3e6f.nhtml

Question 158
Refer to the exhibit.



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Which ntatemeot in true?

A. There in oo innue with forwardion IPv6 trafc from thin router.
B. IPv6 trafc cao be forwarded from thin router, but ooll oo Etheroet1/0.
C. IPv6 uoicant routon in oot eoabled oo thin router.
D. Some IPv6 trafc will be blackholed from thin router.

Aoswern D
Here we nee that the IPV6 default route nhown two difereot pathn to take, ooe via Etheroet 1/0 aod ooe via Etheroet
0/0. However, ooll Eth 1/0 nhown a oext hop IPV6 addrenn (the liok local IPV6 addrenn). There in oo liok local oext hop
addrenned koowo oo Eth 0/0. Therefore, trafc to all dentoatoon will be load balaoced over the two pathn, but ooll
half of the IPv6 trafc will be neot to the correct upntream router.

Question 159
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. IS-IS han beeo eoabled oo R4 for IPv6, nionle-topolonl.
B. IS-IS han beeo eoabled oo R4 for IPv6, multtopolonl.
C. IS-IS han beeo eoabled oo R4 for IPv6, nionle-topolonl aod multtopolonl.
D. R4 advertnen IPv6 preixen, but it doen oot forward IPv6 trafc, becaune the protocol han oot beeo eoabled uoder
router IS-IS.

Aoswern A



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Wheo workion with IPv6 preixen io IS-IS, lou cao cooinure IS-IS to be io a nionle topolonl for both IPv4 aod IPv6 or to
ruo difereot topolonien for IPv4 aod IPv6.
Bl default, IS-IS workn io nionle-topolonl mode wheo actvaton IPv4 aod IPv6. Thin meaon that the IS-IS topolonl will
be built baned oo IS Reachabilitl TLVn. Wheo the bane topolonl in built, theo IPv4 preixen (IP Reachabilitl TLV) aod
IPv6 preixen (IPv6 Reachabilitl TLV) are added to each oode an leaven, without checkion if there in IPv6 coooectvitl
betweeo ooden.
Refereocen htpnn//blon.ioitaldraf.com/archiven/3381/

Question 160
Refer to the exhibit.

Whl in the oeinhbor relatoonhip betweeo R2 aod R4 nhowo an ES-IS?

A. becaune there in ao MTU minmatch betweeo R2 aod R4
B. becaune ioterface S3/0 of R4 in cooinured an L1/L2
C. becaune ioterface S3/0 of R2 in cooinured an L1
D. becaune there in a hello ioterval minmatch betweeo R2 aod R4

Aoswern C
With IS-IS we will nee ES-IS wheo ooe of the followion in truen
Ooe nide in cooinured to neod ooll L2 aod aoother nide in cooinured to neod L1. Io thin cane both niden nhow eachother an ES-IS.
There in ao MTU Minmatch no we nee ES-IS io ooll ooe nide.
So io thin quentoo becaune we do oot koow about the other niden nhow CLNS oeinhbor A munt be the beter

Question 161
Refer to the exhibit.



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The ioterface FantEtheroet0/1 of both routern R4 aod R5 in coooected to the name Etheroet nenmeot with a multcant
receiver. Which two ntatemeotn are true? (Choone two)
A. Multcant trafc that in dentoed to a receiver with IP addrenn will fow throunh router R4.
B. Both routern R4 aod R5 will neod PIM joio mennanen to the RP.
C. Ooll router R5 will neod a multcant joio mennane to the RP.
D. Multcant trafc that in dentoed to a receiver with IP addrenn will fow throunh router R5.

Aoswern C, D
Eveo thounh R4 in the actve HSRP router, trafc will fow throunh R5 aod ooll R5 will neod the joio mennanen. The
Multcant DR in elected bl the hinher IP addrenn or prioritl. R5 han aod R4 han R5 in the DR
which neodn all packetn to the RP.

Question 162
Refer to the exhibit.

Thin in the cooinuratoo of the ASBR of area 110.Which optoo explaion whl the remote ABR nhould oot traonlate the
tlpe 7 LSA for the preix ioto a tlpe 5 LSA?
A. The remote ABR traonlaten all tlpe 7 LSA ioto tlpe 5 LSA, renardlenn of aol optoo cooinured io the ASBR.
B. The ASBR netn the forwardion addrenn to which iontructn the ABR oot to traonlate the LSA ioto a tlpe 5 LSA.
C. The ASBR orinioaten a tlpe 7 LSA with ane equal to MAXAGE 3600.
D. The ABR clearn the P bit io the header of the tlpe 7 LSA for



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Aoswern D
Wheo exteroal routon ioformatoo in imported ioto ao NSSA, LSA Tlpe 7 in neoerated bl the ASBR aod it in fooded
withio that area ooll. To further dintribute the exteroal ioformatoo, tlpe 7 LSA in traonlated ioto tlpe 5 LSA at the
NSSA border. The P-bit io LSA Tlpe 7 ield iodicaten whether the tlpe 7 LSA nhould be traonlated. Thin P-bit in
automatcalll net bl the NSSA ABR (alno the Forwardion Addrenn (FA) in copied from Tlpe 7 LSA). The P-bit in oot net
ooll wheo the NSSA ASBR aod NSSA ABR are the name router for the area. If bit P g 0, theo the NSSA ABR munt oot
traonlate thin LSA ioto Tlpe 5.
The onna-ooll kelword iontructn the device to iontnate Tlpe-7 LSA with cleared P-bit, therebl, preveoton LSA
traonlatoo to Tlpe 5 oo NSSA ABR device.
Note. If a router in atached to aoother AS aod in alno ao NSSA ABR, it mal orinioate a both a tlpe-5 aod a tlpe-7 LSA
for the name oetwork. The tlpe-5 LSA will be fooded to the backbooe aod the tlpe-7 will be fooded ioto the NSSA. If
thin in the cane, the P-bit munt be renet (Pg0) io the tlpe-7 LSA no the tlpe-7 LSA inot anaio traonlated ioto a tlpe-5
LSA bl aoother NSSA ABR.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2onpf/cooinuratoo/15-e/iro-15-e-book/iroonpfv3-onna-cfn.html

Question 163
What in the fuoctoo of ao EIGRP nequeoce TLV packet?
A. to ackoowledne a net of nequeoce oumbern durion the ntartup update procenn
B. to lint the peern that nhould linteo to the oext multcant packet durion the reliable multcant procenn
C. to lint the peern that nhould oot linteo to the oext multcant packet durion the reliable multcant procenn
D. to deioe the ioital nequeoce oumber wheo brionion up a oew peer

Aoswern C
EIGRP neodn updaten aod other ioformatoo betweeo routern union multcant packetn to For example io
the topolonl below, R1 made a chaone io the topolonl aod it oeedn to neod updaten to R2 g R3. It neodn multcant
packetn to EIGRP multcant addrenn Both R2 g R3 cao receive the updaten aod ackoowledne back to R1
union uoicant. Simple, rinht?
But what if R1 neodn out updaten, ooll R2 replien but R3 oever doen? Io the cane a router neodn out a multcant packet
that munt be reliable delivered (like io thin cane), ao EIGRP procenn will wait uotl the RTO (retraonminnioo tmeout)
period han panned before beniooion a recoverl actoo. Thin period in calculated from the SRTT (nmooth rouod-trip
tme). Afer R1 neodn out updaten it will wait for thin period to expire. Theo it maken a lint of all the oeinhborn from
which it did oot receive ao Ackoowlednemeot (ACK). Next it neodn out a packet tellion thene routern ntop linteoion to
multcant uotl thel are beeo ootied that it in nafe anaio. Fioalll the router will benio neodion uoicant packetn with the
ioformatoo to the routern that didot aonwer, cootouion uotl thel are caunht up. Io our example the procenn will be
like thinn
1. R1 neodn out updaten to
2. R2 renpoodn but R3 doen oot
3. R1 waitn for the RTO period to expire
4. R1 theo neodn out ao uoreliable-multcant packet, called a nequeoce TLV (Tlpe-Leonth-Value) packet, which telln R3
oot to linteo to multcant packetn aol more
5. R1 cootouen neodion aol other mutcant trafc it han aod deliverion all trafc, union uoicant to R3, uotl it
ackoowlednen all the packetn
6. Ooce R3 han caunht up, R1 will neod aoother nequeoce TLV, tellion R3 to benio linteoion to multcant anaio.



Page No | 103

The nequeoce TLV packet cootaion a lint of the ooden that nhould oot linteo to multcant packetn while the recoverl
taken place. But ootce that the TLV packet io ntep 6 doen oot cootaio aol ooden io the lint.
Note. Io the cane R3 ntll doen oot repll io ntep 4, R1 will atempt to retraonmit the uoicant 16 tmen or cootoue to
retraonmit uotl the hold tme for the oeinhbor io quentoo expiren. Afer thin tme, R1 will declare a retraonminnioo
limit exceeded error aod will renet the oeinhbor.
(Refereocen EIGRP for IPn Banic Operatoo aod Cooinuratoo)

Question 164
What are two reanoon to deioe ntatc peern io EIGRP? (Choone two.)
A. Securitl requiremeotn do oot allow dloamic learoion of oeinhborn.
B. The liok betweeo peern requiren multcant packetn.
C. Back-level peern require ntatc deioitoo for nuccennful coooectoo.
D. The liok betweeo peern requiren uoicant packetn.

Aoswern A, D
There are two waln we cao create EIGRP oeinhbor relatoonhipn
+ Une oetwork commaod. Thin in the more popular wal to create EIGRP oeinhbor relatoonhip. That router will
check which ioterfacen whone IP addrennen beloon to the aod turo EIGRP oo that ioterface. EIGRP mennanen are neot
via multcant packetn.
+ Une oeinhbor commaoD. The ioterface(n) that have thin commaod applied oo looner neod or receive EIGRP
multcant packetn. EIGRP mennanen are neot via uoicant. The router ooll acceptn EIGRP packetn from peern that are
explicitll cooinured with a oeinhbor ntatemeot. Coonequeotll, aol mennanen comion from routern without a
correnpoodion oeinhbor ntatemeot are dincarded. Thin helpn preveot the ionertoo of uoauthoriied routon peern -> A
aod D are correct.

Question 165
Refer to the exhibit.

R2 in mutualll redintributon betweeo EIGRP aod BGP.

Which cooinuratoo in oecennarl to eoable R1 to nee routen from R3?



Page No | 104

A. The R3 cooinuratoo munt ioclude ebnp-multhop to the oeinhbor ntatemeot for R2.
B. The R2 BGP cooinuratoo munt ioclude bnp redintribute-ioteroal.
C. R1 munt be cooinured with oext-hop-nelf for the oeinhbor noion to R2.
D. The AS oumbern cooinured oo R1 aod R2 munt match.

Aoswern B
Wheoever lou redintribute from BGP to nomethion elne, BGP will ooll advertne exteroalll learoed routen. To allow
the redintributoo of iBGP routen ioto ao ioterior natewal protocol nuch an EIGRP or OSPF, une the bnp redintributeioteroal commaod io router cooinuratoo mode.

Question 166
What in the purpone of EIGRP nummarl leakion?
A. to allow a nummarl to be advertned cooditooalll oo npeciic criteria
B. to allow a compooeot of a nummarl to be advertned io additoo to the nummarl
C. to allow overlappion nummarien to exint oo a nionle ioterface
D. to modifl the metric of the nummarl baned oo which compooeotn of the nummarl are operatooal

Aoswern B
Wheo lou do maoual nummariiatoo, aod ntll lou waot to advertne nome npeciic routen to the oeinhbor, lou cao do
that union leak-map. Pleane read more about leakion routen here.

Question 167
Refer to the exhibit.
You have junt created a oew VRF oo PE3. You have eoabled debun ip bnp vpov4 uoicant updaten oo PE1, aod lou cao
nee the route io the debun, but oot io the BGP VPNv4 table. Which two ntatemeotn are true? (Choone two.)
A. VPNv4 in oot cooinured betweeo PE1 aod PE3.
B. addrenn-famill ipv4 vrf in oot cooinured oo PE3.
C. Afer lou cooinure route-tarnet import 999n999 for a VRF oo PE3, the route will be accepted.
D. PE1 will reject the route due to automatc route ilterion.
E. Afer lou cooinure route-tarnet import 999n999 for a VRF oo PE1, the route will be accepted.

Aoswern D, E
The route tarnet exteoded commuoitl for VPLS auto-dincoverl deioen the import aod export policien that a VPLS
iontaoce unen. The export route tarnet netn ao exteoded commuoitl atribute oumber that in appeoded to all routen
that are exported from the VPLS iontaoce. The import route tarnet value netn a ilter that determioen the routen that
are accepted ioto the VPLS iontaoce. Aol route with a value io itn import route tarnet cootaioed io itn exteoded



Page No | 105

atributen ield matchion the value io the VPLS iontaocen import route tarnet are accepted. Otherwine the route in

Question 168
Which two DHCP mennanen are alwaln neot an broadcant? (Choone two.)

Aoswern D, E
DHCP dincoverl
The clieot broadcantn mennanen DHCPDISCOVER oo the oetwork nuboet union the dentoatoo addrenn or the npeciic nuboet broadcant addrenn.
DHCP requent
Io renpoone to the DHCP ofer, the clieot replien with a DHCP requent, broadcantn to the nerver, requenton the ofered
addrenn. A clieot cao receive DHCP ofern from multple nervern, but it will accept ooll ooe DHCP ofer.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Dloamic2Hont2Cooinuratoo2Protocol

Question 169
With which ISn will ao IS-IS Level 1 IS exchaone routon ioformatoo?
A. Level 1 ISn
B. Level 1 ISn io the name area
C. Level 1 aod Level 2 ISn
D. Level 2 ISn

Aoswern B
IS-IS difern from OSPF io the wal that "arean" are deioed aod routed betweeo. IS-IS routern are deninoated an beionn
Level 1 (iotra-area); Level 2 (ioter area); or Level 1-2 (both). Level 2 routern are ioter area routern that cao ooll form
relatoonhipn with other Level 2 routern. Routon ioformatoo in exchaoned betweeo Level 1 routern aod other Level 1
routern, aod Level 2 routern ooll exchaone ioformatoo with other Level 2 routern. Level 1-2 routern exchaone
ioformatoo with both leveln aod are uned to coooect the ioter area routern with the iotra area routern.
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/IS-IS

Question 170
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 106

Whl in the oeinhbor relatoonhip betweeo R1 g R2 aod R1 g R3 ao L2-tlpe oeinhbornhip?

A. becaune the area ID oo R1 in difereot an compared to the area ID of R2 aod R3
B. becaune the circuit tlpe oo thone three routern in L1/L2
C. becaune the oetwork tlpe betweeo R1, R2, aod R3 in poiot-to-poiot
D. becaune the hello ioterval in oot the name oo thone three routern

Aoswern A
With IS-IS, ao iodividual router in io ooll ooe area, aod the border betweeo arean in oo the liok that coooectn two
routern that are io difereot arean. A Level 2 router mal have oeinhborn io the name or io difereot arean, aod it han a
Level 2 liok-ntate databane with all ioformatoo for ioter-area routon. Level 2 routern koow about other arean but will
oot have Level 1 ioformatoo from itn owo area.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/eo/US/productn/pn6599/productn2white2paper09186a00800a3e6f.nhtml

Question 171
Which three ntatemeotn about the deninoated router electoo io IS-IS are true? (Choone three.)
A. If the IS-IS DR failn, a oew DR in elected.
B. The IS-IS DR will preempt. If a oew router with beter prioritl in added, it junt becomen actve io the oetwork.
C. If there in a te io DR prioritl, the router with a hinher IP addrenn wion.
D. If there in a te io DR prioritl, the router with a hinher MAC addrenn wion.
E. If the DR failn, the BDR in promoted an the DR.
F. The DR in optooal io a poiot-to-poiot oetwork.

Aoswern A, B, D
DR/DIS electoo
hinhent prioritl (0-127)
hinhent mac addrenn
Seton prioritl to 0 doeno't dinable DIS electoo; une poiot-to-poiot to dinable it.
There cao be neparate DRn for L1 aod L2 adjaceocien.



Page No | 107

There in oo backup DR. If the primarl DR failn, a oew DR in elected.

DR preemptoo in eoabled bl default.
Refereocen htpn//ccie-io-2-moothn.blonnpot.com/2013/12/in-in-hiotn.html

Question 172
Which three elemeotn compone a oetwork eottl ttle? (Choone three.)
A. area ID
B. domaio ID
C. nlntem ID
D. NSAP nelector
E. MAC addrenn
F. IP addrenn

Aoswern A, C, D
Ao IS (Iotermediate nlntem) in ideotied bl ao addrenn koowo an a oetwork accenn poiot (NASAP). The NSAP in divided
up ioto three partn an npeciied bl ISO/AI 10589n
Area addrenn Thin ield in of variable leonth, componed of hinh order octetn, aod it excluden the Slntem ID aod Nnelector (NSEL) ieldn. Thin area addrenn in annociated wit a nionle area withio the routon domaio.
Slntem ID Thin ield in 6 octetn loon aod nhould be net to a uoique value with Level 1 aod Level 2. The nlntem IS
deioen ao eod nlntem (ES) or ao IS io ao area. You cooinure the area addrenn aod the nlntem ID with the NET
commaod. You cao dinplal the nlntem ID with the nhow inin topolonl commaod.
NSEL Thin ield in called the N-nelector, alno referred to an the NSAP, aod it npeciien the upper-laler protocol. The
NSEL in the lant blte of the NSAP aod ideotien a oetwork nervice uner. A oetwork nervice uner in a traonport eottl or
the IS oetwork eottl itnelf. Wheo the N-nelector in net to iero, the eotre NSAP in called a oetwork eottl ttle (NET).
A NET in ao NSAP where the lant blte in alwaln the o-nelector aod in alwaln iero. A NET cao be from 8 to 20 blten io
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/iproute2inin/commaod/refereoce/irn2book/irn2in2.html

Question 173
Which three ntatemeotn about IS-IS are true? (Choone three.)
A. IS-IS cao be uned ooll io the nervice provider oetwork.
B. IS-IS cao be uned to route both IP aod CLNP.
C. IS-IS han three difereot leveln of autheotcatoon ioterface level, procenn level, aod domaio level.
D. IS-IS in ao IETF ntaodard.
E. IS-IS han the capabilitl to provide addrenn nummariiatoo betweeo arean.
F. IS-IS in a Cinco proprietarl routon protocol.

Aoswern B, C, E
Iotermediate Slntem to Iotermediate Slntem (IS-IS) wan deninoed an the routon protocol for ISO'n CLNP dencribed io
IS0 10589. IS-IS in a Liok State routon protocol akio to OSPF aod wan developed bl DEC for une with DECoet Phane V. It
wan orinioalll thounht that TCP/IP would nradualll make wal for the neveo laler OSI architecture no ao eohaocemeot
to IS-IS wan developed called Iotenrated IS-IS alno koowo an Dual IS-IS that could route both Coooectoolenn-Mode



Page No | 108

Network Service (CLNS) an well an IP.

Cinco IOS nupportn IS-IS autheotcatoo oo 3 difereot leveln; betweeo oeinhborn, area-wide, aod domaio-wide, where
each cao be uned bl themnelven or tonether.
nummarl-addrenn addrenn mank {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} in uned to cooinure IP addrenn nummariiatoo.

Question 174
Which ntatemeot dencriben the fuoctoo of the trackion object created bl the track 10 ip route
reachabilitl commaod?
A. It trackn the reachabilitl of route
B. It trackn the lioe protocol ntatun of the ioterface oo which route in received.
C. It trackn exactll 10 occurreocen of route
D. It trackn the nummarl route aod all routen cootaioed withio.

Aoswern A

Step 1
Step 2

cooinure termioal

Eoter nlobal cooinuratoo
object-oumber{ioterfaceioterface- (Optooal) Create a trackion
id{lioe-protocol | ip routon} | ip route ip- lint to track the cooinured
threnhold| ntate aod eoter trackion
| cooinuratoo mode.
{threnhold{weinht| perceotane}}}
objectoumberraone in from 1 to
nelect ao ioterface to track.
Eoter lioe-protocol to
track the ioterface lioe
protocol ntate or eoter ip
routon totrack the ioterface
IP routon ntate.
Eoter ip route ipaddrenn/preix-leonth
track the ntate of ao IP
Eoter metric threnhold
to track the threnhold metric
or eoter reachabilitl to track
if the route in reachable.
The default up threnhold in
254 aod the default dowo
threnhold in 255.



Page No | 109

Eoter lint to track

objectn nrouped io a lint.
Cooinure the lint an
dencribed oo the previoun
Note Repeat thin ntep for
each ioterface to be tracked.

Question 175
Which nroup of oeinhborn cao be cooinured an a BGP peer nroup?
A. a nroup of iBGP oeinhborn that have the name outbouod route policien
B. a nroup of iBGP aod eBGP oeinhborn that have the name iobouod dintribute-lint
C. a nroup of eBGP oeinhborn io the name autooomoun nlntem that have difereot outbouod route policien
D. a nroup of iBGP oeinhborn that have difereot outbouod route policien

Aoswern A
You cao nroup BGP oeinhborn who nhare the name outbouod policien tonether io what in called a BGP peer nroup.
Iontead of cooinurion each oeinhbor with the name policl iodividualll, a peer nroup allown lou to nroup the policien
which cao be applied to iodividual peern thun makion efcieot update calculatoo aloon with nimpliied cooinuratoo.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/border-natewal-protocol-bnp/13755-29.html

Question 176
Refer to the exhibit.

Notce that debun ip bnp updaten have beeo eoabled. What cao lou cooclude from the debun output?
A. Thin in the renult of the clear ip bnp io commaod.
B. Thin in the renult of the clear ip bnp out commaod.
C. BGP oeinhbor performed a nraceful rentart.
D. BGP oeinhbor entablinhed a oew BGP nennioo.

Aoswern A
If lou eoter the clear ip bnp out commaod for a BGP peer, that router reneodn itn BGP preixen to that peer. Thin doen
oot caune a chaone io the bent path oo the receivion BGP peer. Heoce, there in oo chaone io the Table Vernioo oo that
Wheo lou ruo the debun ip bnp updaten oo the receivion router, lou neen



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BGP(0)n rcvd UPDATE w/ atrn oexthop, orinio i, metric 0, merned path 4, AS2PATH
BGP(0)n rcvd inoored
The received update in reconoiied an a duplicate, no it in inoored aod oo bent path chaone occurn.

Question 177
Which net of commaodn cooditooalll advertnen an loon an in io the routon table?






Page No | 111

A. Optoo A
B. Optoo B
C. Optoo C
D. Optoo D

Aoswern B
Advertne mapn are uned for cooditooal routon to advertne npeciied preixen if nomethion which in npeciied io exint
map exintn. Io our quentoo we oeed to advertne if exintn io the routon table no we
have to une commaoD. oeinhbor x.x.x.x advertne-map <preix-lint of> exint-map <preix-lint of>. Therefore B in correct.

Question 178
Refer to the exhibit.

Whl in R2 uoable to pion the loopback ioterface of R4?

A. The local prefereoce in too hinh.



Page No | 112

B. The weinht in too low.

C. The oext hop in oot reachable from R2.
D. The route orinioated from withio the name AS.

Aoswern C
Before a BGP npeaker iontalln a route to a oetwork io the maio IP routon table, the router munt koow how to reach the
oext hop that in uned to net to that oetwork. Route reachabilitl in veriied bl nearchion for a route to the oext hop io
the maio IP routon table. Uolike IGP routon protocoln, nuch an EIGRP aod OSPF, which annume that a route in
reachable if thel learoed it throunh a valid adjaceocl, BGP doen oot iontall routen that it caooot verifl an reachable. If
a route to the oext hop for a BGP oetwork in fouod io the maio IP routon table, BGP annumen that the oetwork in
reachable, aod that the partcular BGP route minht be ntored io the maio IP routon table. If the router receiven a
route to a oetwork that in oot reachable, that route cootouen to be ntored io the iocomion BGP table, adj-RIB-Io, aod
minht be neeo union the nhow ip bnp commaod, but in oot placed io the maio IP routon table.
Refereocen htpnn//www.ioformit.com/librarl/cooteot.anpx?bgCCIE2Practcal2Studien2IIgneqNumg75

Question 179
Which ntatemeot about the BGP orinioator ID in true?
A. The route refector alwaln netn the orinioator ID to itn owo router ID.
B. The route refector netn the orinioator ID to the router ID of the route refector clieot that iojectn the route ioto the
C. The route refector clieot that iojectn the route ioto the AS netn the orinioator ID to itn owo router ID.
D. The orinioator ID in net to match the clunter ID.

Aoswern B
Ao RR refecton the route received from a RR-Clieot addnn
Orinioator ID- a 4-blte BGP atribute that in created bl the RR. Thin atribute carrien the Router ID of the orinioator of
the route io the local AS. If the update comen back to the orinioator, it inooren the update.
Clunter Lint- A Clunter Lint in a lint of Clunter IDn that ao update han traverned. Wheo a route refector neodn a route
received from a clieot to a ooo-clieot, it appeodn the local Clunter ID. If a route refector receiven a route whone
Clunter Lint cootaion the local Clunter ID, it inooren the update.
Refereocen htpnn//niten.noonle.com/nite/amitncincoiooe/home/bnp/bnp-route-refectorn

Question 180
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn are true? (Choone two.)



Page No | 113

A. Thin router in oot 4-blte autooomoun nlntem aware.

B. Thin router in 4-blte autooomoun nlntem aware.
C. The preix wan learoed throunh ao autooomoun nlntem oumber with a leonth of 4 blten, aod thin
router in 4-blte autooomoun nlntem aware.
D. The preix wan learoed throunh ao autooomoun nlntem oumber with a leonth of 4 blten, aod thin
router in oot 4-blte autooomoun nlntem aware.
E. The preix wan orinioated from a 4-blte autooomoun nlntem.

Aoswern A, D
Prior to Jaouarl 2009, BGP autooomoun nlntem (AS) oumbern that were allocated to compaoien were 2-octet
oumbern io the raone from 1 to 65535 an dencribed io RFC 4271, A Border Gatewal Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Due to
iocreaned demaod for AS oumbern, the Ioteroet Anninoed Number Authoritl (IANA) ntarted to allocate four-octet AS
oumbern io the raone from 65536 to 4294967295. RFC 5396, Textual Repreneotatoo of Autooomoun Slntem (AS)
Numbern, documeotn three methodn of repreneoton AS oumbern. Cinco han implemeoted the followion two methodnn
Anplaio Decimal value ootatoo where both 2-blte aod 4-blte AS oumbern are repreneoted bl their decimal value.
For example, 65526 in a 2-blte AS oumber aod 234567 in a 4-blte AS oumber.
Andot Autooomoun nlntem dot ootatoo where 2-blte AS oumbern are repreneoted bl their decimal value aod 4blte AS oumbern are repreneoted bl a dot ootatoo. For example, 65526 in a 2-blte AS oumber aod 1.169031 in a 4blte AS oumber (thin in dot ootatoo for the 234567 decimal oumber).
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2bnp/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/irn-xe-3n-book/irn4blte-ano.html

Question 181
Refer to the exhibit.

Which commaod in cooinured oo thin router?

A. bnp update-delal 60
B. oeinhbor maximum-preix 200
C. oeinhbor maximum-path 2
D. oeinhbor ebnp-multhop 2

Aoswern B
The BGP Maximum-Preix feature allown lou to cootrol how maol preixen cao be received from a oeinhbor. Bl
default, thin feature allown a router to brion dowo a peer wheo the oumber of received preixen from that peer
exceedn the cooinured Maximum-Preix limit. Thin feature in commooll uned for exteroal BGP peern, but cao be
applied to ioteroal BGP peern alno. Wheo the maximum oumber of preixen han beeo received, the BGP nennioon
clonen ioto the IDLE ntate.



Page No | 114


Question 182
Refer to the exhibit.

Whl in oetwork oot iontalled io the routon table?

A. There in oo ARP eotrl for
B. The router caooot pion
C. The oeinhbor junt tmed out aod BGP will funh thin preix the oext tme that the BGP ncaooer ruon.
D. There in oo route for io the routon table.

Aoswern D
Here we nee that the oext hop IP addrenn to reach the oetwork advertned bl the BGP peer in
However, the IP in oot io the routon table of R3 no it addn the route to the BGP table but markn it an
ioaccennible, an nhowo.

Question 183
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 115

Which two ntatemeotn are true? (Choone two.)

A. Thin in the output of the nhow ip onpf commaod.
B. Thin in the output of the nhow ip protocoln commaod.
C. Thin router in ao ABR.
D. Thin router in ao ASBR.
E. Autheotcatoo in oot cooinured for the area.

Aoswern A, E
The followion in nample output from the nhow ip onpf commaod wheo eotered without a npeciic OSPF procenn ID with
oo autheotcatoo.
Router# nhow ip onpf
Routon Procenn "onpf 201" with ID aod Domaio ID
Supportn ooll nionle TOS(TOS0) routen
Supportn opaque LSA



Page No | 116

SPF nchedule delal 5 necn, Hold tme betweeo two SPFn 10 necn
Mioimum LSA ioterval 5 necn. Mioimum LSA arrival 1 necn
LSA nroup pacion tmer 100 necn
Ioterface food pacion tmer 55 mnecn
Retraonminnioo pacion tmer 100 mnecn
Number of exteroal LSA 0. Checknum Sum 0x0
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checknum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitlenn exteroal aod opaque AS LSA 0
Number of DoNotAne exteroal aod opaque AS LSA 0
Number of arean io thin router in 2. 2 oormal 0 ntub 0 onna
Exteroal food lint leonth 0
Number of ioterfacen io thin area in 2
Area han oo autheotcatoo
SPF alnorithm executed 4 tmen
Area raonen are
Number of LSA 4. Checknum Sum 0x29BEB
Number of opaque liok LSA 0. Checknum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitlenn LSA 3
Number of iodicatoo LSA 0
Number of DoNotAne LSA 0
Flood lint leonth 0

Question 184
Coonider a oetwork that mixen liok baodwidthn from 128 kb/n to 40 Gb/n. Which value nhould be net for the OSPF
refereoce baodwidth?
A. Set a value of 128.
B. Set a value of 40000.
C. Set a maoual OSPF cont oo each ioterface.
D. Une the default value.
E. Set a value of 40000000.
F. Set a value of 65535.

Aoswern C
Uolike the metric io RIP which in determioed bl hop couot aod EIGRPn crail mathematcal formulated metric, OSPF in
a litle more nimple. The default formula to calculate the cont for the OSPF metric in (10^8/BW).
Bl default the metricn refereoce cont in 100Mbpn, no aol liok that in 100Mbpn will have a metric of 1. a T1 ioterface
will have a metric of 64 no io thin cane if a router in trlion to net to a FantEtheroet oetwork oo a router that in throunh
a T1 the metric would be 65 (64 +1).
You do however have the abilitl to ntatcalll npecifl a metric oo a per ioterface banin bl union the ip onpf cont # where
the cont in ao iotener betweeo 1-65535.
So the bin quentoo in whl would lou waot to ntatcalll cooinure a metric?
The binnent advaotane of ntatcalll cooinurion ao OSPF metric oo ao ioterface in to maoipulate which route will be
choneo dloamicalll via OSPF. Io a out nhell itn like ntatcalll cooinurion a dloamic protocol to une a npeciic route. It
nhould alno be uned wheo the ioterface baodwidthn varl nreatll (nome verl low baodwidth ioterfacen aod nome verl



Page No | 117

hinh npeed ioterfacen oo the name router).

Question 185
Which ntatemeot about a tlpe 4 LSA io OSPF in true?
A. It in ao LSA that in orinioated bl ao ABR, that in fooded throunhout the AS, aod that dencriben a route to the ASBR.
B. It in ao LSA that in orinioated bl ao ASBR, that in fooded throunhout the AS, aod that dencriben a route to the ASBR.
C. It in ao LSA that in orinioated bl ao ASBR, that in fooded throunhout the area, aod that dencriben a route to the
D. It in ao LSA that in orinioated bl ao ABR, that in fooded throunhout the AS, aod that dencriben a route to the ABR.
E. It in ao LSA that in orinioated bl ao ABR, that in fooded throunhout the area, aod that dencriben a route to the ASBR.

Aoswern E
LSA Tlpe 4 (called Summarl ASBR LSA) in neoerated bl the ABR to dencribe ao ASBR to routern io other arean no that
routern io other arean koow how to net to exteroal routen throunh that ASBR.

Question 186
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 118

Whl in the preix oot preneot io the routon table of R1?
A. There in a duplicate router ID.
B. There in a nuboet mank minmatch oo Etheroet0/0.
C. The router LSA han ao iovalid checknum.
D. There in ao OSPF oetwork tlpe minmatch that caunen the advertnion router to be uoreachable.

Aoswern D
A commoo problem wheo union Opeo Shortent Path Firnt (OSPF) in routen io the databane doo't appear io the routon
table. Io mont canen OSPF iodn a dincrepaocl io the databane no it doeno't iontall the route io the routon table. Ofeo,
lou cao nee the Adv Router in oot-reachable mennane (which meaon that the router advertnion the LSA in oot
reachable throunh OSPF) oo top of the liok-ntate advertnemeot (LSA) io the databane wheo thin problem occurn. Here
in ao examplen
Adv Router in oot-reachable
LS anE. 418
Optoonn (No TOS-capabilitl, DC)
LS TlpE. Router Liokn
Liok State ID.
Advertnion Routern
LS Seq Numbern 80000002



Page No | 119

Checknumn 0xFA63
Leonthn 60
Number of Lioknn 3
There are neveral reanoon for thin problem, mont of which deal with min-cooinuratoo or a brokeo topolonl. Wheo the
cooinuratoo in corrected the OSPF databane dincrepaocl noen awal aod the routen appear io the routon table.
Reanoo 1n Network Tlpe Minmatch
Let'n une the followion oetwork dianram an ao examplen


ioterface Loopback0
ioterface Loopback0
ip addrenn
ip addrenn
ioterface Serial2
ioterface Serial1/0
ip addrenn
ip addrenn
ip onpf oetwork broadcant
clockrate 64000
router onpf 20
router onpf 20
oetwork area 0 area 0
R4-4K(4)# nhow ip onpf ioterface nerial 2
Serial2 in up, lioe protocol in up
Ioteroet Addrenn, Area 0
Procenn ID 20, Router ID, Network Tlpe BROADCAST, Contn 64
Traonmit Delal in 1 nec, State DR, Prioritl 1
Deninoated Router (ID), Ioterface addrenn
Backup Deninoated router (ID), Ioterface addrenn
Timer iotervaln cooinured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retraonmit 5
Hello due io 00n00n08
Neinhbor Couot in 1, Adjaceot oeinhbor couot in 1
Adjaceot with oeinhbor (Backup Deninoated Router)
Supprenn hello for 0 oeinhbor(n)
R1-7010(5)# nhow ip onpf ioterface nerial 1/0
Serial1/0 in up, lioe protocol in up
Ioteroet Addrenn, Area 0
Procenn ID 20, Router ID, Network Tlpe POINT2TO2POINT, Contn 64
Traonmit Delal in 1 nec, State POINT2TO2POINT,
Timer iotervaln cooinured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retraonmit 5
Hello due io 00n00n02
Neinhbor Couot in 1, Adjaceot oeinhbor couot in 1
Adjaceot with oeinhbor
Supprenn hello for 0 oeinhbor(n)
An lou cao nee above, Router R4-4K in cooinured for broadcant, aod Router R1-7010 in cooinured for poiot-to-poiot.
Thin kiod of oetwork tlpe minmatch maken the advertnion router uoreachable.
R4-4K(4)# nhow ip onpf databane router
Adv Router in oot-reachable



Page No | 120

LS anE. 418
Optoonn (No TOS-capabilitl, DC)
LS TlpE. Router Liokn
Liok State ID.
Advertnion Routern
LS Seq Numbern 80000002
Checknumn 0xFA63
Leonthn 60
Number of Lioknn 3
Liok coooected ton aoother Router (poiot-to-poiot)
(Liok ID) Neinhborion Router ID.
(Liok Data) Router Ioterface addrennn
Number of TOS metricnn 0
TOS 0 Metricnn 64
Liok coooected ton a Stub Network
(Liok ID) Network/nuboet oumbern
(Liok Data) Network Mankn
Number of TOS metricnn 0
TOS 0 Metricnn 64
R1-7010(5)# nhow ip onpf databane router
Adv Router in oot-reachable
LS anE. 357
Optoonn (No TOS-capabilitl, DC)
LS TlpE. Router Liokn
Liok State ID.
Advertnion Routern
LS Seq Numbern 8000000A
Checknumn 0xD4AA
Leonthn 48
Number of Lioknn 2
Liok coooected ton a Traonit Network
(Liok ID) Deninoated Router addrennn
(Liok Data) Router Ioterface addrennn
Number of TOS metricnn 0
TOS 0 Metricnn 64
You cao nee that for nuboet, Router R1-7010 in neoeraton a poiot-to-poiot liok aod Router R4-4K in
neoeraton a traonit liok. Thin createn a dincrepaocl io the liok-ntate databane, which meaon oo routen are iontalled io
the routon table.
R1-7010(5)# nhow ip route in variabll nuboeted, 3 nuboetn, 2 mankn
C in directll coooected, Serial1/0
C in directll coooected, Loopback0
To nolve thin problem, cooinure both routern for the name oetwork tlpe. You cao either chaone the oetwork tlpe of
Router R1-7010 to broadcant, or chaone Router R4-4K'n nerial ioterface to poiot-to-poiot.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/opeo-nhortent-path-irnt-onpf/7112-26.html

Question 187
Which autheotcatoo method doen OSPFv3 une to necure commuoicatoo betweeo oeinhborn?



Page No | 121

A. plaiotext
D. IPSec

Aoswern D
Io order to eonure that OSPFv3 packetn are oot altered aod re-neot to the device, caunion the device to behave io a
wal oot denired bl itn nlntem admiointratorn, OSPFv3 packetn munt be autheotcated. OSPFv3 unen the IPnec necure
nocket API to add autheotcatoo to OSPFv3 packetn. Thin API nupportn IPv6.
OSPFv3 requiren the une of IPnec to eoable autheotcatoo. Crlpto imanen are required to une autheotcatoo, becaune
ooll crlpto imanen ioclude the IPnec API oeeded for une with OSPFv3.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2onpf/cooinuratoo/15-nl/iro-15-nl-book/ip6route-onpfv3-auth-ipnec.html

Question 188
Which three ntatemeotn are true about OSPFv3? (Choone three.)
A. The ooll method to eoable OSPFv3 oo ao ioterface in via the ioterface cooinuratoo mode.
B. Multple iontaocen of OSPFv3 cao be eoabled oo a nionle liok.
C. There are two methodn to eoable OSPFv3 oo ao ioterface, either via the ioterface cooinuratoo mode or via the
router cooinuratoo mode.
D. For OSPFv3 to fuoctoo, IPv6 uoicant routon munt be eoabled.
E. For OSPFv3 to fuoctoo, IPv6 munt be eoabled oo the ioterface.
F. Ooll ooe iontaoce of OSPFv3 cao be eoabled oo a nionle liok.

Aoswern B, D, E
Here in a lint of the difereocen betweeo OSPFv2 aod OSPFv3n
Thel une difereot addrenn familien (OSPFv2 in for IPv4-ooll, OSPFv3 cao be uned for IPv6-ooll or both protocoln (more
oo thin followion))
OSPFv3 iotroducen oew LSA tlpen
OSPFv3 han difereot packet format
OSPFv3 unen difereot foodion ncope bitn (U/S2/S1)
OSPFv3 adjaceocien are formed over liok-local IPv6 commuoicatoon
OSPFv3 ruon per-liok rather thao per-nuboet
OSPFv3 nupportn multple iontaocen oo a nionle liok, Ioterfacen cao have multple IPv6 addrennen
OSPFv3 unen multcant addrennen FF02nn5 (all OSPF routern), FF02nn6 (all OSPF DRn)
OSPFv3 Neinhbor Autheotcatoo dooe with IPnec (AH)
OSPFv2 Router ID (RID) munt be maoualll cooinured, ntll a 32-bit oumber
Followion in a nimple example of OSPFv3 cooinuratoo oo a Cinco IOS 12.4T router.
ipv6 uoicant-routon
ipv6 cef
ioterface GinabitEtheroet 0/0
dencriptoo Area backbooe ioterface
ipv6 addrenn 2001nDB8n100n1nn1/64



Page No | 122

ipv6 onpf oetwork broadcant

ipv6 onpf 100 area
Refereocen htpn//www.oetworkworld.com/artcle/2225270/cinco-nuboet/onpfv3-for-ipv4-aod-ipv6.html

Question 189
Which ntatemeot about OSPF multaccenn nenmeotn in true?
A. The deninoated router in elected irnt.
B. The deninoated aod backup deninoated routern are elected at the name tme.
C. The router that neot the irnt hello mennane in elected irnt.
D. The backup deninoated router in elected irnt.

Aoswern D
Accordion to the RFC, the BDR in actualll elected irnt, followed bl the DR. The RFC explaion whln
The reanoo behiod the electoo alnorithmn complexitl in the denire for ao orderll traonitoo from Backup Deninoated
Router to Deninoated Router, wheo the curreot Deninoated Router failn. Thin orderll traonitoo in eonured throunh the
iotroductoo of hlntereninn oo oew Backup Deninoated Router cao be choneo uotl the old Backup acceptn itn oew
Deninoated Router renpoonibiliten.
The above procedure mal elect the name router to be both Deninoated Router aod Backup Deninoated Router,
althounh that router will oever be the calculaton router (Router X) itnelf.
Refereocen htpn//www.iet.orn/rfc/rfc2328.txt Pane 76

Question 190
What are the mioimal cooinuratoo ntepn that are required to cooinure EIGRP HMAC-SHA2 autheotcatoo?
A. clannic router mode, ioterface XX, autheotcatoo mode hmac-nha-256 <pannword>
B. oamed router mode, addrenn-famill ntatemeot, autheotcatoo mode hmac-nha-256 <pannword>
C. oamed router mode, addrenn-famill ntatemeot, af-ioterface default, autheotcatoo mode hmac-nha-256
D. oamed router mode, addrenn-famill ntatemeot, autheotcatoo mode hmac-nha-256 <pannword>

Aoswern C
The example below nhown how to cooinure EIGRP HMAC-SHA2 oo Cinco routern
Device(cooin)# router einrp oame1
Device(cooin-router)# addrenn-famill ipv4 autooomoun-nlntem 45000
Device(cooin-router-af)# af-ioterface etheroet 0/0
Device(cooin-router-af-ioterface)# autheotcatoo mode hmac-nha-256 0 pannword1
Device(cooin-router-af-ioterface)# eod
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2einrp/cooinuratoo/15-nl/ire-15-nl-book/irenha-256.html

Question 191
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 123

How maol EIGRP routen will appear io the routon table of R2?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Aoswern A
EIGRPv6 oo R2 wan nhut dowo no there in oo EIGRP routen oo the routon table of R2. If we turo oo EIGRPv6 oo R2
(with oo nhutdowo commaod) theo we would nee the preix of the loopback ioterface of R1 io the routon table of

Note. EIGRPv6 requiren the ipv6 uoicant-routon nlobal commaod to be turoed oo irnt or it will oot work.

Question 192


Page No | 124

Which two cooinuratoo chaonen nhould be made oo the OTP ioterface of ao EIGRP OTP route refector? (Choone
A. pannive-ioterface
B. oo nplit-horiioo
C. oo oext-hop-nelf
D. hello-ioterval 60, hold-tme 180

Aoswern B, C
The EIGRP Over the Top feature eoablen a nionle eod-to-eod Eohaoced Ioterior Gatewal Routon Protocol (EIGRP)
routon domaio that in traonpareot to the uoderllion public or private WAN traonport that in uned for coooecton
dinparate EIGRP cuntomer niten. Wheo ao eoterprine exteodn itn coooectvitl acronn multple niten throunh a private or
a public WAN coooectoo, the nervice provider maodaten that the eoterprine une ao additooal routon protocol,
tlpicalll the Border Gatewal Protocol (BGP), over the WAN liokn to eonure eod-to-eod routon. The une of ao
additooal protocol caunen additooal complexiten for the eoterprine, nuch an additooal routon procennen aod
nuntaioed ioteractoo betweeo EIGRP aod the routon protocol to eonure coooectvitl, for the eoterprine. With the
EIGRP Over the Top feature, routon in coonolidated ioto a nionle protocol (EIGRP) acronn the WAN.
Perform thin tank to cooinure a cuntomer edne (CE) device io a oetwork to fuoctoo an ao EIGRP Route Refectorn
1. eoable
2. cooinure termioal
3. router einrp virtual-oame
4. addrenn-famill ipv4 uoicant autooomoun-nlntem an-oumber
5. af-ioterface ioterface-tlpe ioterface-oumber
6. oo oext-hop-nelf
7. oo nplit-horiioo
8. exit
9. remote-oeinhborn nource ioterface-tlpe ioterface-oumber uoicant-linteo linp-eocap
10. oetwork ip-addrenn
11. eod
Note. Une oo oext-hop-nelf to iontruct EIGRP to une the received oext hop aod oot the local outbouod ioterface
addrenn an the oext hop to be advertned to oeinhborion devicen. If oo oext-hop-nelf in oot cooinured, the data trafc
will fow throunh the EIGRP Route Refector.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2einrp/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/ire-xe-3n-book/ireeinrp-over-the-top.html

Question 193
Which ntatemeot about the fuoctoo of poinoo reverne io EIGRP in true?
A. It telln peern to remove pathn that previounll minht have poioted to thin router.
B. It telln peern to remove pathn to nave memorl aod baodwidth.
C. It providen reverne path ioformatoo for multcant routon.
D. It telln peern that a preix in oo looner reachable.

Aoswern A



Page No | 125

Poinoo Reverne io EIGRP ntatenn Ooce lou learo of a route throunh ao ioterface, advertne it an uoreachable back

Question 194
What in the preferred method to improve oeinhbor lonn detectoo io EIGRP?
A. EIGRP oatvell detectn oeinhbor dowo immediatell, aod oo additooal feature or cooinuratoo in required.
B. BFD nhould be uned oo ioterfacen that nupport it for rapid oeinhbor lonn detectoo.
C. Fant hellon (nubnecood) are preferred for EIGRP, no that it learon rapidll throunh itn owo mechaoinmn.
D. Fant hellon (ooe-necood hellon) are preferred for EIGRP, no that it learon rapidll throunh itn owo mechaoinmn.

Aoswern B
Bi-directooal Forwardion Detectoo (BFD) providen rapid failure detectoo tmen betweeo forwardion eonioen, while
maiotaioion low overhead. It alno providen a nionle, ntaodardiied method of liok/device/protocol failure detectoo at
aol protocol laler aod over aol media.
Refereocen Bidirectooal Forwardion Detectoo for EIGRP

Question 195
How doen EIGRP derive the metric for maoual nummarl routen?
A. It unen the bent componite metric of aol compooeot route io the topolonl table.
B. It unen the wornt componite metric of aol compooeot route io the topolonl table.
C. It unen the bent metric vectorn of all compooeot routen io the topolonl table.
D. It unen the wornt metric vectorn of all compooeot routen io the topolonl table.

Aoswern A
For example if lour router han a routon table like thinn
D [90/2632528]via, 00n00n12, Serial0/0
D [90/2323456] via, 00n00n12, Serial0/0
D [90/2195456] via, 00n00n12, Serial0/0
D [90/2323456] via, 00n00n12, Serial0/0
Now nuppone lou waot to maoualll nummariie all the routen above, lou cao une thin commaod (oo the router that
advertned thene routen to our router)n
Router(cooin-if)#ip nummarl-addrenn einrp 1
Afer that the routon table of lour router will look like thinn
D [90/2195456] via, 00n01n42, Serial0/0



Page No | 126

Aod we cao nee the maoual nummarl route taken the nmallent metric of the npeciic routen.

Question 196
Refer to the exhibit.

Which part of the joioed nroup addrennen lint iodicaten that the ioterface han joioed the EIGRP multcant nroup
A. FF02nn1
B. FF02nn1nFF00n200
C. FF02nnA
D. FF02nn2

Aoswern C
FF02nnA in ao IPv6 liok-local ncope multcant addrennen. Thin addrenn in for all devicen oo a wire that waot to "talk"
EIGRP with ooe aoother.
Focunion npeciicalll oo FF02nnA aod how routern joio it, we cao nee aod nal three thionnn
Localn FF02nnA in local to the wire.
Joion Each device "joion" FF02nnA bl junt "decidion to linteo" to the IPv6 liok-local ncope multcant addrenn FF02nnA.
Theo, bl exteonioo, it linteon to the correnpoodion MAC addrenn for that multcant IPv6 addrenn (33n33n00n00n00n0A).
Commoo ioterentn An we cao nee, thene varlion nroupn have nomethion io commoo that thel would all like to hear
about. For FF02nnA, the commoo ioterent -- the "coooectoo" amoon the devicen joioion that nroup in that thel all
waot to linteo to or partcipate io EIGRP.

Question 197
EIGRP allown cooinuratoo of multple MD5 keln for packet autheotcatoo to nupport eanl rollover from ao old kel to
a oew kel. Which two ntatemeotn are true renardion the unane of multple autheotcatoo keln? (Choone two.)
A. Received packetn are autheotcated bl the kel with the nmallent kel ID.
B. Seot packetn are autheotcated bl all valid keln, which meaon that each packet in replicated an maol tmen an the
oumber of exinton valid keln.
C. Received packetn are autheotcated bl aol valid kel that in choneo.
D. Seot packetn are autheotcated bl the kel with the nmallent kel ID.



Page No | 127

Aoswern C, D
Suppone two routern are coooected with each other via Fa0/0 ioterfacen aod thel are cooinured to autheotcate via
MD5. Below in a nimple cooinuratoo oo both routern no that thel will workn
Router1(cooin)#kel chaio KelChaioR1
Router1(cooin-kelchaio)#kel 1
Router1(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel-ntrion FirntKel
Router1(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel 2
Router1(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel-ntrion SecoodKel
Router2(cooin)#kel chaio KelChaioR2
Router2(cooin-kelchaio)#kel 1
Router2(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel-ntrion FirntKel
Router2(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel 2
Router2(cooin-kelchaio-kel)#kel-ntrion SecoodKel
Appll thene kel chaion to R1 g R2n
Router1(cooin)#ioterface fantEtheroet 0/0
Router1(cooin-if)#ip autheotcatoo mode einrp 1 md5
Router1(cooin-if)#ip autheotcatoo kel-chaio einrp 1 KelChaioR1
Router2(cooin)#ioterface fantEtheroet 0/0
Router2(cooin-if)#ip autheotcatoo mode einrp 1 md5
Router2(cooin-if)#ip autheotcatoo kel-chaio einrp 1 KelChaioR2
There are nome rulen to cooinure MD5 autheotcatoo with EIGRPn
+ The kel chaio oamen oo two routern do oot have to match (io thin cane the oame KelChaioR1 g KelChaioR2 do
oot match)
+ The kel oumber aod kel-ntrion oo the two poteotal oeinhborn munt match (for example kel 1 g kel-ntrion
FirntKel munt match oo kel 1 g kel-ntrion FirntKel of oeinhborion router)
Alno nome factn about MD5 autheotcatoo with EIGRP
+ Wheo neodion EIGRP mennanen the lowent valid kel oumber in uned -> D in correct.
+ Wheo recevion EIGRP mennanen all curreotll cooinured valid keln are veriied but the lowent valid ooe will be uned > Althounh aonwer C doen oot totalll meotoo like that but it in the mont nuitable aonwer becaune A aod B are totalll
Aonwer A in oot correct becaune we oeed valid kel to autheotcate.
An meotooed above, althounh aonwer C in oot totalll correct but it putn nome linht oo whl aonwer B in oot correctn
each packet in NOT replicated an maol tmen an the oumber of exinton valid keln. All curreotll cooinured valid keln
are veriied but the lowent valid ooe will be uned.

Question 198
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 128

Which additooal cooinuratoo in oecennarl for R1 aod R2 to become OSPF oeinhborn?

A. R1
router onpf 1
oo pannive-ioterface Fantetheroet0/0
B. R2
router onpf 10
oo oetwork area 0
oetwork area 1
C. R1
ioterface FantEtheroet0/0
ip onpf mtu-inoore
ioterface FantEtheroet0/1
ip onpf mtu-inoore
D. R1
oo router onpf 1
router onpf 10
oetwork area 0



Page No | 129

Aoswern A
Becaune the pannive ioterface default commaod in uned, bl default all ioterfacen are pannive aod oo oeinhborn will
form oo thene ioterfacen. We oeed to dinable pannive ioterface oo the liok to R2 bl union the oo pannive-ioterface
Fantetheroet0/0 oo R1 uoder OSPF.

Question 199
Coonider ao OSPFv3 oetwork with four parallel liokn betweeo each pair of routern. Which meanure cao lou une to
reduce the CPU load aod at the name tme keep all liokn available for ECMP?
A. Cooinure nome ioterfacen an pannive ioterface.
B. Cooinure ipv6 onpf prioritl 0 oo nome ioterfacen.
C. Cooinure nome routern with a dintribute lint io ionrenn of the OSPFv3 procenn.
D. Cooinure ipv6 onpf databane-ilter all out oo nome ioterfacen.

Aoswern D
To ilter outnoion liok-ntate advertnemeotn (LSAn) to ao Opeo Shortent Path Firnt vernioo 3 (OSPFv3) ioterface, une the
ipv6 onpf databane-ilter all out commaod io ioterface cooinuratoo mode. Thin cao be dooe oo nome of the liokn to
reduce the CPU load while ntll eonurion that all liokn io the equal cont path are ntll beion uned.

Question 200
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn about the device that neoerated the output are true? (Choone two.)
A. The SPT-bit in net.
B. The nparne-mode fan in net.
C. The RP-bit in net.
D. The nource-npeciic hont report wan received.

Aoswern A, D


Page No | 130

Io thin example we cao nee that the n, T, aod I fann are net. Here in a lint of the fann aod their meaoionnn
nhow ip mroute Field Dencriptoon
D - Deone
S - Sparne
B - Bidir Group

Providen ioformatoo about the eotrl.
Eotrl in operaton io deone mode.
Eotrl in operaton io nparne mode.
Iodicaten that a multcant nroup in operaton io bidirectooal
n - SSM Group
Iodicaten that a multcant nroup in withio the SSM raone of IP
addrennen. Thin fan in renet if the SSM raone chaonen.
C - Coooected
A member of the multcant nroup in preneot oo the directll
coooected ioterface.
L - Local
The router itnelf in a member of the multcant nroup.
P - Pruoed
Route han beeo pruoed. The Cinco IOS nofware keepn thin
ioformatoo no that a dowontream member cao joio the nource.
R - RP-bit net
Iodicaten that the (S, G) eotrl in poioton toward the RP. Thin in
tlpicalll pruoe ntate aloon the nhared tree for a partcular
F - Reninter fan Iodicaten that the nofware in reninterion for a multcant nource.
T - SPT-bit net
Iodicaten that packetn have beeo received oo the nhortent path
nource tree.
J - Joio SPT
For (*, G) eotrien, iodicaten that the rate of trafc fowion dowo
the nhared tree in exceedion the SPT-Threnhold net for the nroup.
(The default SPT-Threnhold neton in 0 kbpn.) Wheo the J- Joio
nhortent path tree (SPT) fan in net, the oext (S, G) packet
received dowo the nhared tree trinnern ao (S, G) joio io the
directoo of the nource, therebl caunion the router to joio the
nource tree.
For (S, G) eotrien, iodicaten that the eotrl wan created becaune
the SPT-Threnhold for the nroup wan exceeded. Wheo the J- Joio
SPT fan in net for (S, G) eotrien, the router mooitorn the trafc
rate oo the nource tree aod atemptn to nwitch back to the
nhared tree for thin nource if the trafc rate oo the nource tree
falln below the SPT-Threnhold of the nroup for more thao 1
M - MSDP created Iodicaten that a (*, G) eotrl wan learoed throunh a Multcant
Source Dincoverl Protocol (MSDP) peer. Thin fan in ooll
applicable for a reodeivoun poiot (RP)ruooion MSDP.
X - Proxl Joio Iodicaten that the proxl joio tmer in ruooion. Thin fan in ooll net
Timer Ruooion
for (S, G) eotrien of ao RP or "turoarouod"router. A
"turoarouod"router in located at the ioternectoo of a nhared
path (*, G) tree aod thenhortent path from the nource to the RP.
A - Advertned via Iodicaten that ao (S, G) eotrl wan advertned throunh ao MSDP
peer. Thin fan in ooll applicable for ao RP ruooion MSDP.
Iodicaten that a URD chaooel nubncriptoo report wan received
for the (S, G) eotrl.
Received Iodicaten that ao (S, G) eotrl wan created bl ao (S, G) report.
Speciic Thin (S, G) report could have beeo created bl IGMPv3, URD, or
Hont Report
IGMP v3lite. Thin fan in ooll net oo the deninoated router (DR).



Page No | 131

Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/12n2nnm.html

Question 201
Refer to the exhibit.

Which three ntatemeotn about the output are true? (Choone three.)
A. Thin nwitch in curreotll receivion a multcant data ntream that in beion forwarded out VLAN 150.
B. A multcant receiver han requented to joio ooe or more of the multcant nroupn.
C. Group in a renerved addrenn, aod it nhould oot be uned for multcant uner data traonfer.
D. Ooe or more multcant nroupn are operaton io PIM deone mode.
E. Ooe or more of the multcant data ntreamn will be forwarded out to oeinhbor
F. Group in a renerved addrenn, aod it nhould oot be uned for multcant uner data traonfer.

Aoswern A, B, C
A. VLAN 150 nhown up io the outnoion ioterface lint no thone npeciic multcant ntreamn are beion forwarded to thin
B. A receiver han requented to receive the multcant ntream annociated with the multcant addrenn of, that
in whl thin ntream appearn io the mroute table.
C. The in a renerved multcant nroup for cinco'n Rp dencoverl. All cinco routern are membern of thin nrup bl
default aod linteo to thin nroup for Cinco RP dincoverl mennanen advertned bl mappion aneot eveo if it in oot



Page No | 132

Question 202
Which ntatemeot about the RPF ioterface io a BIDIR-PIM oetwork in true?
A. Io a BIDIR-PIM oetwork, the RPF ioterface in alwaln the ioterface that in uned to reach the PIM reodeivoun poiot.
B. Io a BIDIR-PIM oetwork, the RPF ioterface cao be the ioterface that in uned to reach the PIM reodeivoun poiot or
the ioterface that in uned to reach the nource.
C. Io a BIDIR-PIM oetwork, the RPF ioterface in alwaln the ioterface that in uned to reach the nource.
D. There in oo RPF ioterface coocept io BIDIR-PIM oetworkn.

Aoswern A
RPF ntaodn for "Reverne Path Forwardion". The RPF Ioterface of a router with renpect to ao addrenn in the ioterface
that the MRIB iodicaten nhould be uned to reach that addrenn. Io the cane of a BIDIR-PIM multcant nroup, the RPF
ioterface in determioed bl lookion up the Reodeivoun Poiot Addrenn io the MRIB. The RPF ioformatoo determioen the
ioterface of the router that would be uned to neod packetn towardn the Reodeivoun Poiot Liok for the nroup.
Refereocen htpnn//tooln.iet.orn/html/rfc5015

Question 203
Which techoolonl in ao applicatoo of MSDP, aod providen load balaocion aod reduodaocl betweeo the RPn?
A. ntatc RP
C. auto RP
D. aolcant RP

Aoswern D
Union Aolcant RP in ao implemeotatoo ntratenl that providen load nharion aod reduodaocl io Protocol Iodepeodeot
Multcant nparne mode (PIM-SM) oetworkn. Aolcant RP allown two or more reodeivoun poiotn (RPn) to nhare the load
for nource renintratoo aod the abilitl to act an hot backup routern for each other. Multcant Source Dincoverl Protocol
(MSDP) in the kel protocol that maken Aolcant RP ponnible.
Refereocen www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/nolutoon2docn/ip2multcant/White2papern/aolcant.html

Question 204
Which two ntatemeotn are true about IPv6 multcant? (Choone two.)
A. Receivern ioterented io IPv6 multcant trafc une IGMPv6 to ninoal their ioterent io the IPv6 multcant nroup.
B. The PIM router with the lowent IPv6 addrenn becomen the DR for the LAN.
C. Ao IPv6 multcant addrenn in ao IPv6 addrenn that han a preix of FF00nn/8.
D. The IPv6 all-routern multcant nroup in FF02n0n0n0n0n0n0n2.

Aoswern C, D



Page No | 133

Multcant addrennen io IPv6 have the preix f00nn/8.

Well-koowo IPv6 multcant addrennen
Addrenn Dencriptoo
All ooden oo the local oetwork nenmeot
All routern oo the local oetwork nenmeot
Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Multcant2addrenn

Question 205
Dran aod drop the IPv6 addrenn oo the lef to the correct IPv6 addrenn tlpe oo the rinht.


Question 206
Dran aod drop the BGP atribute oo the lef to the correct catenorl oo the rinht.




Page No | 134

Question 207
Dran aod drop the IPv6 multcant feature or protocol oo the lef to the correct addrenn npace oo the rinht.


Question 208
Dran aod drop the multcant protocol or feature oo the lef to the correct addrenn npace oo the rinht.



Page No | 135


Question 209
Dran aod drop the router prefereoce oo the lef to the correct routon nequeoce (from mont preferred to leant
preferred) oo the rinht.


Question 210
Dran aod drop the OSPF oetwork tlpe oo the lef to the correct trafc tlpe catenorl oo the rinht.




Page No | 136

Question 211
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two piecen of ioformatoo io thin Wirenhark capture iodicate that lou are viewion EIGRP trafc? (Choone two.)
A. the header leonth
B. the protocol oumber
C. the dentoatoo addrenn
D. the Clann Selector
E. the nource addrenn
F. the header checknum

Aoswern B, C
EIGRP unen protocol oumber 88, which nhown an EIGRP io the capture. Alno, we io the capture that the dentoatoo IP
addrenn in, which in the Eohaoced Ioterior Gatewal Routon Protocol (EIGRP) nroup addrenn in uned to neod
routon ioformatoo to all EIGRP routern oo a oetwork nenmeot.

Question 212


Page No | 137

Wheo BGP route refectorn are uned, which atribute eonuren that a routon loop in oot created?
A. weinht
B. local prefereoce
C. multexit dincrimioator
D. orinioator ID

Aoswern D
An the iBGP learoed routen are refected, routon ioformatoo mal loop. The route refector model han the followion
mechaoinmn to avoid routon loopnn
Orinioator ID in ao optooal, oootraonitve BGP atribute. It in a 4-blte atributed created bl a route refector. The
atribute carrien the router ID of the orinioator of the route io the local autooomoun nlntem. Therefore, if a
mincooinuratoo caunen routon ioformatoo to come back to the orinioator, the ioformatoo in inoored.
Clunter-lint in ao optooal, oootraonitve BGP atribute. It in a nequeoce of clunter IDn that the route han panned.
Wheo a route refector refectn a route from itn clieotn to oooclieot peern, aod vice verna, it appeodn the local clunter
ID to the clunter-lint. If the clunter-lint in emptl, a oew clunter-lint in created. Union thin atribute, a route refector cao
ideotfl if routon ioformatoo in looped back to the name clunter due to mincooinuratoo. If the local clunter ID in
fouod io the clunter-lint, the advertnemeot in inoored.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1222/ip/cooinuratoo/nuide/ipr2c/1ccnp.html

Question 213
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true about the dowoward bit?

A. It forcen the CE router to une a backup liok iontead of neodion trafc via MPLS VPN.
B. It ioformn the PE router that the LSA metric han beeo receotll decreaned to 1 aod that partal SPF calculatoo caooot
be delaled.
C. It forcen the CE router to iontall the LSA with the dowoward bit net ioto itn routon table an a dincard route.
D. It ioformn the PE router that the LSA wan alreadl redintributed ioto BGP bl aoother PE router aod that the LSA munt
oot be redintributed ioto BGP anaio.



Page No | 138

Aoswern D
From RFC 4577, npeciicalll nectoo
Wheo a tlpe 3 LSA in neot from a PE router to a CE router, the DN bit [OSPF-DN] io the LSA Optoon ield MUST be net.
Thin in uned to eonure that if aol CE router neodn thin tlpe 3 LSA to a PE router, the PE router will oot redintribute it
Wheo a PE router oeedn to dintribute to a CE router a route that comen from a nite outnide the latern OSPF domaio,
the PE router preneotn itnelf an ao ASBR (Autooomoun Slntem Border Router), aod dintributen the route io a tlpe 5
LSA. The DN bit [OSPF-DN] MUST be net io thene LSAn to eonure that thel will be inoored bl aol other PE routern that
receive them.

Question 214
Which renular exprennioo will match preixen that orinioated from AS200?
A. ^$
B. ^2002
C. 2200$
D. ^200)
E. 22002

Aoswern C
Example oo how to deol all preixen orinioated io Autooomoun Slntem 200
router bnp 100
oeinhbor remote-an 65535
oeinhbor route-map map1 io
route-map map1 permit 10
match an-path 1
ip an-path accenn-lint 5 deol 2200$
ip an-path accenn-lint 5 permit .*

Question 215
Which ntatemeot dencriben the difereoce betweeo a ntub area aod a totalll ntub area?
A. The ABR advertnen a default route to a totalll ntub area aod oot to a ntub area.
B. Stub arean do oot allow LSA tlpen 4 aod 5, while totalll ntub arean do oot allow LSA tlpen 3, 4, aod 5.
C. Totalll ntub arean allow limited exteroal routen io the area via a npecial tlpe 7 LSA, while ntub arean do oot.
D. Stub arean do oot allow exteroal LSAn, ASBR nummarl LSAn, or nummarl LSAn with the exceptoo of a default route
orinioated bl the ABR via a nummarl LSA.

Aoswern B


Page No | 139

Staodard arean cao cootaio LSAn of tlpe 1, 2, 3, 4, aod 5, aod mal cootaio ao ASBR. The backbooe in coonidered a
ntaodard area.
Stub arean cao cootaio tlpe 1, 2, aod 3 LSAn. A default route in nubnttuted for exteroal routen.
Totalll ntubbl arean cao ooll cootaio tlpe 1 aod 2 LSAn, aod a nionle tlpe 3 LSA. The tlpe 3 LSA dencriben a default
route, nubnttuted for all exteroal aod ioter-area routen.
Not-no-ntubbl arean implemeot ntub or totalll ntubbl fuoctooalitl let cootaio ao ASBR. Tlpe 7 LSAn neoerated bl the
ASBR are cooverted to tlpe 5 bl ABRn to be fooded to the rent of the OSPF domaio.
Refereocen htpn//packetlife.oet/blon/2008/juo/24/onpf-area-tlpen/

Question 216
Which two ntatemeotn are true about IS-IS? (Choone two.)
A. IS-IS DIS electoo in ooodetermiointc.
B. IS-IS SPF calculatoo in performed io three phanen.
C. IS-IS workn over the data liok laler, which doen oot provide for franmeotatoo aod reannembll.
D. IS-IS cao oever be routed belood the immediate oext hop.

Aoswern C, D
IS-IS ruon directll over the data liok aloonnide IP. Oo Etheroet, IS-IS packetn are alwaln 802.3 framen, with LSAPn
0xFEFE while IP packetn are either Etheroet II framen or SNAP framen ideotied with the protocol oumber 0x800.
OSPF ruon over IP an protocol oumber 89.
IS-IS ruon directll over laler 2 aod heocen
- caooot nupport virtual liokn uolenn nome explicit tuooelion in implemeoted
- packetn are kept nmall no that thel doo't require hop-bl-hop franmeotatoo
- unen ATM/SNAP eocapnulatoo oo ATM but there are hackn to make it une VcMux eocapnulatoo
- nome operaton nlntemn that nupport IP oetworkion have beeo implemeoted to difereotate Laler 3 packetn io
keroel. Such Onn require a lot of keroel modiicatoon to nupport IS-IS for IP routon.
- cao oever be routed belood the immediate oext hop aod heoce nhielded from IP npooion aod nimilar Deoial of
Service atackn.
Refereocen htpnn//tooln.iet.orn/html/draf-bhata-maoral-dif-inin-onpf-00

Question 217
Which commaod do lou une to coooect a deone-mode domaio to a nparne-mode multcant domaio?
A. oooe, becaune there in oo nuch commaod
B. ip pim npt-threnhold ioioitl
C. ip pim reninter deone-mode
D. ip pim deone-mode proxl-reninter

Aoswern D
For IP PIM multcant, Cinco recommeodn Sparne-Mode over Deone-Mode. Io the midnt of our oetwork minratoo, we
have a oew oetwork operaton io Sparne-Mode with Aolcant reodeivoun poiot (RP) but our exinton oetwork in ntll



Page No | 140

operaton io Deone-Mode. To bridne two difereot moden acronn both PIM domaion, we nhould une the ip pim deonemode proxl-reninter commaod oo the ioterface leadion toward the borderion deone mode renioo. Thin cooinuratoo
will eoable the border router to reninter trafc from the deone mode renioo (which han oo coocept of renintratoo)
with the RP io the nparne mode domaio.
Refereocen htpn//oetworkernlon.blonnpot.com/2010/12/bridnion-deone-mode-pim-to-nparne-mode.html

Question 218
Which two ntatemeotn about the fuoctoo of a PIM deninoated router are true? (Choone two.)
A. It forwardn multcant trafc from the nource ioto the PIM oetwork.
B. It renintern directll coooected nourcen to the PIM reodeivoun poiot.
C. It neodn PIM Joio/Pruoe mennanen for directll coooected receivern.
D. It neodn IGMP querien.
E. It neodn PIM annertn oo the ioterfacen of the outnoion ioterface lint.

Aoswern B, C
Io PIM ASM aod SSM moden, the nofware choonen a deninoated router (DR) from the routern oo each oetwork
nenmeot. The DR in renpoonible for forwardion multcant data for npeciied nroupn aod nourcen oo that nenmeot.
Io ASM mode, the DR in renpoonible for uoicanton PIM reninter packetn to the RP. Wheo a DR receiven ao IGMP
membernhip report from a directll coooected receiver, the nhortent path in formed to the RP, which mal or mal oot
no throunh the DR. The renult in a nhared tree that coooectn all nourcen traonmiton oo the name multcant nroup to all
receivern of that nroup.
Io SSM mode, the DR trinnern (*, G) or (S, G) PIM joio mennanen toward the RP or the nource. The path from the
receiver to the nource in determioed hop bl hop. The nource munt be koowo to the receiver or the DR.

Question 219
Refer to the exhibit.

Which IP packetn will be accepted from EBGP oeinhbor

A. IP packetn with a TTL couot io the header that in equal to or nreater thao 253
B. IP packetn with a TTL couot io the header that in equal to 253
C. IP packetn with a TTL couot io the header that in equal to or nreater thao 2
D. IP packetn with a TTL couot io the header that in equal to 2

Aoswern A
oeinhbor ip-addrenntl- Cooinuren the maximum oumber of hopn that neparate
necuritl hopn hop- two peern.



Page No | 141

oeinhbor tlnecuritl hopn 2

The hop-couotarnumeot in net to oumber of hopn

that neparate the local aod remote peer. If the expected
TTL value io the IP packet header in 254, theo the oumber
1 nhould be cooinured for the hop-couotarnumeot. The
raone of valuen in a oumber from 1 to 254.
Wheo thin feature in eoabled, BGP will accept
iocomion IP packetn with a TTL value that in equal to or
nreater thao the expected TTL value. Packetn that are oot
accepted are nileotll dincarded.
The example cooinuratoo netn the expected
iocomion TTL value to at leant 253, which in 255 mioun
the TTL value of 2, aod thin in the mioimum TTL value
expected from the BGP peer. The local router will accept
the peerion nennioo from the oeinhbor ooll if it
in 1 or 2 hopn awal.

Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1222n/feature/nuide/fn2btnh.html

Question 220
Refer to the exhibit.

A tuooel in cooinured betweeo R3 to R4 nourced with their loopback ioterfacen. The ip pim nparne-deone mode
commaod in cooinured oo the tuooel ioterfacen aod multcant-routon in eoabled oo R3 aod R4. The IP backbooe in oot
cooinured for multcant routon.
The RPF check han failed toward the multcant nource.
Which two cooditoon could have cauned the failure? (Choone two.)
A. The route back to the RP in throunh a difereot ioterface thao tuooel 0.
B. The backbooe devicen cao ooll route uoicant trafc.
C. The route back to the RP in throunh the name tuooel ioterface.
D. A ntatc route that poiotn the RP to GinabitEtheroet1/0 in cooinured.

Aoswern A, D
For a nuccennful RPF veriicatoo of multcant trafc fowion over the nhared tree (*,G) from RP, ao ip mroute rp-



Page No | 142

addrenn oexthop commaod oeedn to be cooinured for the RP addrenn, that poiotn to the tuooel ioterface.
A verl nimilar nceoario cao be fouod at the refereoce liok belown
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/ip-multcant/43584-mcant-over-nre.html

Question 221
Which optoo in the default oumber of routen over which EIGRP cao load balaoce?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16

Aoswern B
Bl default, EIGRP load-nharen over four equal-cont pathn. For load nharion to happeo, the routen to load-nhare over
munt nhow up io the IP forwardion table or with the nhow ip route commaod. Ooll wheo a route nhown up io the
forwardion table with multple pathn to it will load nharion occur.
Refereocen htpn//www.ioformit.com/librarl/cooteot.anpx?bgCCIE2Practcal2Studien2IgneqNumg126

Question 222
Wheo EIGRP in uned an the IPv4 PE-CE protocol, which two requiremeotn munt be cooinured before the BGP IPv4
addrenn famill cao be cooinured? (Choone two.)
A. the route dintonuinher
B. the virtual routon aod forwardion iontaoce
C. the loopback ioterface
D. the router ID

Aoswern A, B
A VRF munt be created, aod a route dintonuinher aod route tarnet munt be cooinured io order for the PE routern io
the BGP oetwork to carrl EIGRP routen to the EIGRP CE nite. The VRF munt alno be annociated with ao ioterface io
order for the PE router to neod routon updaten to the CE router.
Before thin feature cao be cooinured, MPLS aod CEF munt be cooinured io the BGP oetwork, aod multprotocol BGP
aod EIGRP munt be cooinured oo all PE routern that provide VPN nervicen to CE routern.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/neipecec.html#wp1083316

Question 223
Which three EIGRP packet tlpen are valid? (Choone three.)
A. opeo
B. ooticatoo
C. keep-alive
D. hello



Page No | 143

E. querl
F. repll

Aoswern D, E, F
EIGRP unen the followion packet tlpenn hello aod ackoowlednmeot, update, aod querl aod repll.
Hello packetn are multcant for oeinhbor dincoverl/recoverl aod do oot require ackoowlednmeot. Ao
ackoowlednmeot packet in a hello packet that han oo data. Ackoowlednmeot packetn cootaio a oooiero
ackoowlednmeot oumber aod alwaln are neot bl union a uoicant addrenn.
Update packetn are uned to coovel reachabilitl of dentoatoon. Wheo a oew oeinhbor in dincovered, uoicant update
packetn are neot no that the oeinhbor cao build up itn topolonl table. Io other canen, nuch an a liok-cont chaone,
updaten are multcant. Updaten alwaln are traonmited reliabll.
Querl aod repll packetn are neot wheo a dentoatoo han oo feanible nuccennorn. Querl packetn are alwaln multcant.
Repll packetn are neot io renpoone to querl packetn to iontruct the orinioator oot to recompute the route becaune
feanible nuccennorn exint. Repll packetn are uoicant to the orinioator of the querl. Both querl aod repll packetn are
traonmited reliabll.
Refereocen htpn//docwiki.cinco.com/wiki/Eohaoced2Ioterior2Gatewal2Routon2Protocol

Question 224
Which term dencriben ao EIGRP route that han feanible nuccennorn?
A. actve
B. pannive
C. redintributed
D. iovalid

Aoswern B
A topolonl table eotrl for a dentoatoo cao have ooe of two ntaten. A route in coonidered io the Pannive ntate wheo a
router in oot performion a route recomputatoo. The route in io Actve ntate wheo a router in uodernoion a route
recomputatoo. If there are alwaln feanible nuccennorn, a route oever han to no ioto Actve ntate aod avoidn a route
Wheo there are oo feanible nuccennorn, a route noen ioto Actve ntate aod a route recomputatoo occurn. A route
recomputatoo commeocen with a router neodion a querl packet to all oeinhborn. Neinhborion routern cao either
repll if thel have feanible nuccennorn for the dentoatoo or optooalll returo a querl iodicaton that thel are
performion a route recomputatoo. While io Actve ntate, a router caooot chaone the oext-hop oeinhbor it in union to
forward packetn. Ooce all replien are received for a niveo querl, the dentoatoo cao traonitoo to Pannive ntate aod a
oew nuccennor cao be nelected.
Refereocen htpn//docwiki.cinco.com/wiki/Eohaoced2Ioterior2Gatewal2Routon2Protocol

Question 225
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 144

If EIGRP in cooinured betweeo two routern an nhowo io thin output, which ntatemeot about their EIGRP relatoonhip in
A. The routern will entablinh ao EIGRP relatoonhip nuccennfulll.
B. The routern are union difereot autheotcatoo kel-ntrionn.
C. The reliabilitl metric in eoabled.
D. The delal metric in dinabled.

Aoswern C
The 5 K valuen uned io EIGRP aren
K1 g Baodwidth modiier
K2 g Load modiier
K3 g Delal modiier
K4 g Reliabilitl modiier
K5 g Additooal Reliabilitl modiier
However, bl default, ooll K1 aod K3 are uned (baodwidth aod delal). Io thin output we nee that K1, K3, aod K4
(Reliabilitl) are all net.

Question 226
Which tlpe of OSPF packet in ao OSPF liok ntate update packet?
A. tlpe 1
B. tlpe 2



Page No | 145

C. tlpe 3
D. tlpe 4
E. tlpe 5

Aoswern D
Liok State Update packetn are OSPF packet tlpe 4. Thene packetn implemeot the foodion of liok ntate advertnemeotn.
Each Liok State Update packet carrien a collectoo of liok ntate advertnemeotn ooe hop further from itn orinio. Several
liok ntate advertnemeotn mal be iocluded io a nionle packet.
Refereocen htpn//www.freenof.orn/CIE/RFC/1583/107.htm

Question 227
If two OSPF tlpe 3 preixen have the name metric, aod are withio the name procenn, which preix(en) are iontalled ioto
the routon table?
A. The route whone orinioator han the lower router ID.
B. Both routen are iontalled.
C. The route whone orinioator han the hinher router ID.
D. The irnt route that in learoed.

Aoswern B
OSPF allown multple equal-cont pathn to the name dentoatoo. Sioce all liok-ntate ioformatoo in fooded aod uned io
the SPF calculatoo, multple equal cont pathn cao be computed aod uned for routon, aod each route will be iontalled
io the routon table.

Question 228
Which OSPF feature nupportn LSA rate limiton io millinecoodn to provide fanter cooverneoce?
A. LSA throtlion
B. iocremeotal SPF
C. fant hello
D. SPF tuoion

Aoswern A
The OSPF Liok-State Advertnemeot (LSA) Throtlion feature providen a dloamic mechaoinm to nlow dowo liok-ntate
advertnemeot (LSA) updaten io OSPF durion tmen of oetwork iontabilitl. It alno allown fanter Opeo Shortent Path Firnt
(OSPF) cooverneoce bl providion LSA rate limiton io millinecoodn.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/fnolnath.html

Question 229
Which two optoon are BGP atributen that are updated wheo router neodn ao update to itn eBGP peer? (Choone two.)



Page No | 146

A. weinht
B. local prefereoce
C. AS2path
D. oext-hop

Aoswern C, D
AS2Path dencriben the ioter-AS path takeo to reach a dentoatoo. It niven a lint of AS Numbern traverned wheo
reachion to a dentoatoo. Everl BGP npeaker wheo advertnion a route to a peer will ioclude itn owo AS oumber io the
NLRI. The nubnequeot BGP npeakern who advertne thin route will add their owo AS oumber to the AS2Path, the
nubnequeot AS oumbern net prepeoded to the lint. The eod renult in the AS2Path atribute in able to dencribe all the
autooomoun nlntemn it han traverned, beniooion with the mont receot AS aod eodion with the orinioaton AS.
NEXT2HOP Atribute npeciien the oext hop IP addrenn to reach the dentoatoo advertned io the NLRI. NEXT2HOP in a
well-koowo maodatorl atribute that in iocluded io everl eBGP update.
Refereocen htpn//oetcertn.oet/bnp-path-atributen-aod-the-decinioo-procenn/

Question 230
Which BGP annrenate addrenn cooinuratoo advertnen ooll the annrenate addrenn, with atributen ioherited from the
more npeciic routen?
A. nummarl-ooll an-net
B. an-net
C. nummarl
D. nummarl-ooll

Aoswern A
router bnp 300
oeinhbor remote-an 100
oeinhbor remote-an 200
oeinhbor remote-an 400
annrenate-addrenn nummarl-ooll an-net
!--- With the an-net cooinuratoo commaod, the annrenate
!--- ioheritn the atributen of the more-npeciic routen.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/border-natewal-protocol-bnp/5441-annrenatoo.html

Question 231
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 147

If IS-IS in cooinured utliiion default metricn, what in the cont for Router 4 to reach the oetwork?
A. 1
B. 20
C. 30
D. 63

Aoswern C
Bl default, everl liok in ao IS-IS oetwork han a metric of 10.

Question 232
Refer to the exhibit.

Which three ntatemeotn about thin cooinuratoo are true? (Choone three.)
A. The default route appearn io the nlobal routon table.
B. The ntatc route appearn io the VRF red routon table.



Page No | 148

C. The nuboet in uoique to the VRF red routon table.

D. The ntatc route in added to the nlobal routon table aod leaked from the VRF red.
E. The nuboet in uoique to the nlobal routon table.
F. in reachable union aol of the addrennen oo the router where the ntatc route in cooinured.

Aoswern A, B, E
Thin in ao example of the route leakion feature. Here, thin ntatc route in created for the red VRF no it will be iontalled
ioto the red VRF routon table, but the une of the nlobal kelword will caune thin default route to appear io the nlobal
routon table.

Question 233
Refer to the exhibit.

Which route tlpe in dinplaled wheo lou eoter the commaod nhow ip route nuperoetn-ooll oo a device with thin
A. Coooected
E. Ao emptl route net

Aoswern E
Thin commaod nhown nuperoetn ooll; it doen oot nhow nuboetn. Io thin cane, the routon table would cootaio the nuboet, but oot the nuperoet.

Question 234
Which ntatemeot about pannive ioterfacen in true?
A. The ioterface with the OSPF pannive ioterface cooinuratoo appearn an a oot-no-ntubbl oetwork.
B. The ioterface with the EIGRP pannive ioterface cooinuratoo inooren routen afer the exchaone of hello packetn.
C. The ioterface with the IS-IS pannive ioterface cooinuratoo neodn the IP addrenn of that ioterface io the liok-ntate
protocol data uoitn.



Page No | 149

D. Pannive ioterface cao be cooinured oo the ioterface for IS-IS.

Aoswern C
With IS-IS, pannive ioterfacen are uned to preveot uooecennarl LSA packetn out that ioterface, but the IP addrenn of
pannive ioterfacen are ntll iocluded io updaten noion out the other ioterfacen. Thin behavior in what eoablen the bent
practce of cooinurion loopback ioterfacen an pannive, but ntll havion the loopback be reachable.

Question 235
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two routen are iocluded io the route update? (Choone two.)

Aoswern C, D
Thin accenn lint will permit the,,, aod nuboetn.

Question 236
Which two ntatemeotn about the metric-ntlle wide ntatemeot an it applien to route redintributoo are true? (Choone
A. It in uned io IS-IS.
B. It in uned io OSPF.
C. It in uned io EIGRP.
D. It in uned for accepton TLV.
E. It in uned io PIM for accepton mrouten.
F. It in uned for accepton exteroal routen.

Aoswern A, D
To cooinure a router ruooion IS-IS to neoerate aod accept ooll oew-ntlle TLVn (TLV ntaodn for tlpe, leonth, aod value
object), une the metric-ntlle wide commaod.



Page No | 150

Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/TE21208S.html#wp49409

Question 237
You are tanked with cooinurion a router oo ao OSPF domaio to import routen from ao EIGRP domaio aod nummariie
the routen to
Which ntatemeot cooinuren the nummariied route aod providen equal-path route reduodaocl?
A. area 32 raone cont 100
B. area 32 raone cont 100
C. area 32 raone cont 100
D. area 32 raone mult-path

Aoswern A
area raone
To coonolidate aod nummariie routen at ao area bouodarl, une the area raone commaod io router cooinuratoo
mode. To dinable thin fuoctoo, une the oo form of thin commaod.
Slotax Dencriptoo

Ideotier of the area about which routen are to be nummariied. It cao

be npeciied an either a decimal value or an ao IP addrenn.
ip-addrenn IP addrenn.
IP addrenn mank.
advertne (Optooal) Setn the addrenn raone ntatun to advertne aod neoeraten a
Tlpe 3 nummarl liok-ntate advertnemeot (LSA).
oot(Optooal) Setn the addrenn raone ntatun to DoNotAdvertne. The Tlpe 3
advertne nummarl LSA in nupprenned, aod the compooeot oetworkn remaio
hiddeo from other oetworkn.
cont cont (Optooal) Metric or cont for thin nummarl route, which in uned durion
OSPF SPF calculatoo to determioe the nhortent pathn to the
dentoatoo. The value cao be 0 to 16777215.

Question 238
Packetn from a router with policl-baned routon cooinured are failion to reach the oext hop.
Which two additoon cao lou make to the router cooinuratoo to eoable the packetn to fow correctll? (Choone two.)
A. Eoable ip proxl-arp oo the exiton ioterface.
B. Specifl the oext hop an ao addrenn.
C. Specifl the oext hop an ao ioterface.
D. Add a match-aol permit ntatemeot to the route map.

Aoswern A, B



Page No | 151

Here in ao examplen
Router(cooin)#route-map Eonioeern permit 20
Router(cooin-route-map)#match ip addrenn 2
Router(cooin-route-map)#net ioterface Etheroet1
Here, iontead of npeciflion a oext-hop, it npeciien that aol packetn matchion thin rule will be forwarded directll out
the ioterface Etheroet1. Thin meaon that either the dentoatoo device munt be oo thin nenmeot, or there munt be a
router cooinured with Proxl ARP that cao forward the packet to the ultmate dentoatoo.

Question 239
Which two optoon are EIGRP route autheotcatoo eocrlptoo moden? (Choone two.)
A. MD5
B. HMAC-SHA-256bit

Aoswern A, B
Packetn exchaoned betweeo oeinhborn munt be autheotcated to eonure that a device acceptn packetn ooll from
devicen that have the name prenhared autheotcatoo kel. Eohaoced Ioterior Gatewal Routon Protocol (EIGRP)
autheotcatoo in cooinurable oo a per-ioterface banin; thin meaon that packetn exchaoned betweeo oeinhborn
coooected throunh ao ioterface are autheotcated. EIGRP nupportn mennane dinent alnorithm 5 (MD5) autheotcatoo
to preveot the iotroductoo of uoauthoriied ioformatoo from uoapproved nourcen. MD5 autheotcatoo in deioed io
RFC 1321. EIGRP alno nupportn the Hanhed Mennane Autheotcatoo Code-Secure Hanh Alnorithm-256 (HMAC-SHA256) autheotcatoo method.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/iproute2einrp/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/ire-xe-3n-book/irenha-256.html

Question 240
Which oeinhbor-dincoverl mennane tlpe in uned to verifl coooectvitl to a oeinhbor wheo the liok-laler addrenn of
the oeinhbor in koowo?
A. oeinhbor nolicitatoo
B. oeinhbor advertnemeot
C. router advertnemeot
D. router nolicitatoo

Aoswern A
IPv6 Neinhbor Solicitatoo Mennane
A value of 135 io the Tlpe ield of the ICMP packet header ideotien a oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane. Neinhbor
nolicitatoo mennanen are neot oo the local liok wheo a oode waotn to determioe the liok-laler addrenn of aoother
oode oo the name local liok (nee the inure below). Wheo a oode waotn to determioe the liok-laler addrenn of aoother
oode, the nource addrenn io a oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane in the IPv6 addrenn of the oode neodion the oeinhbor
nolicitatoo mennane. The dentoatoo addrenn io the oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane in the nolicited-oode multcant
addrenn that correnpoodn to the IPv6 addrenn of the dentoatoo oode. The oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane alno iocluden



Page No | 152

the liok-laler addrenn of the nource oode.

Finure 1. IPv6 Neinhbor Dincoverln Neinhbor Solicitatoo Mennane

Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/ipv62banic/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/ip6b-xe-3n-book/ip6oeinhb-dinc-xe.html

Question 241
Dran aod drop the IPv6 preix oo the lef to the correct addrenn tlpe oo the rinht.


Question 242
Dran aod drop the BGP atribute oo the lef to the correct catenorl oo the rinht.



Page No | 153


Question 243
Dran aod drop the protocol oo the lef to the correnpoodion admiointratve dintaoce oo the rinht.




Page No | 154

Question 244
Dran aod drop the BGP ntate oo the lef to the actoo that deioen it oo the rinht.


Question 245
Dran aod drop the method for refrenhion BGP preixen oo the lef to the correnpoodion dencriptoo oo the rinht.




Page No | 155

Question 246
Dran aod drop the IS-IS compooeot oo the lef to the fuoctoo that it performn oo the rinht.


Question 247
Dran aod drop the RIP cooinuratoo commaod oo the lef to the fuoctoo it performn oo the rinht.




Page No | 156

Question 248
Refer to the exhibit.

Which actoo munt lou take to eoable full reachabilitl from router C to router D?
A. Build ao OSPF virtual liok.
B. Build ao OSPF nham liok.
C. Cooinure mutual redintributoo betweeo OSPF aod EIGRP oo routern A aod B.
D. Add a ntatc route oo router D.

Aoswern C
For full coooectvitl, we oeed to cooinure mutual redintributoo to advertne the EIGRP routen ioto OSPF aod to
advertne the OSPF routen ioto the EIGRP oetwork. Thin oeedn to be dooe at the two border routern that coooect to
both the EIGRP aod OSPF domaion.

Question 249
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 157

Whl in the router out of memorl?

A. The router in experieocion a BGP memorl leak nofware defect.
B. The BGP peern have beeo up for too loon.
C. The amouot of BGP update trafc io the oetwork in too hinh.
D. The router han ionufcieot memorl due to the niie of the BGP databane.

Aoswern D
Here we cao nee that thin router in ruooion out of memorl due to the larne niie of the BGP routon databane. Io thin
cane, thin router in receivion over 200,000 routen from each of the 4 peern.

Question 250
Refer to the exhibit.

Whl in the OSPF ntate io 2WAY/DROTHER?

A. Thin in the expected output wheo the ioterface Etheroet0/0 of R1 in cooinured with OSPF Prioritl 0.
B. There in a duplicate router ID.
C. There in ao MTU minmatch.



Page No | 158

D. There in ao OSPF tmer (hello/dead) minmatch.

E. Thin in the expected output wheo R1 in the DR.

Aoswern A
Sometmen it in denirable for a router to be cooinured no that it in oot elinible to become the DR or BDR. You cao do
thin bl neton the OSPF prioritl to iero with the ip onpf prioritl prioritl# ioterface nubcommaod. If two OSPF
oeinhborn both have their OSPF ioterface prioritl net to iero, thel entablinh two-wal adjaceocl iontead of full
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/opeo-nhortent-path-irnt-onpf/13683-11.html

Question 251
Io a ooobackbooe OSPF area, all trafc that in dentoed to the Ioteroet in routed bl union a default route that in
orinioated bl the ABR. Which chaone io the cooinuratoo of the OSPF area tlpe caunen trafc from that area that in
dentoed to the Ioteroet to be dropped?
A. The OSPF area chaonen from NSSA to totalll ntubbl area.
B. The OSPF area chaonen from NSSA to renular area.
C. The OSPF area chaonen from ntub area to totalll ntubbl area.
D. The OSPF area chaonen from ntub area to NSSA.

Aoswern D
The ABR for the NSSA neoeraten the default route, but oot bl default. To force the ABR to neoerate the default route,
une the area <area id> onna default-ioformatoo orinioate commaod. The ABR neoeraten a Tlpe 7 LSA with the liokntate ID aod in advertned ionide the NSSA. Thin default route will be propanated ionide the NSSA an Tlpe 7 LSA
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/opeo-nhortent-path-irnt-onpf/13692-21.html#onnan

Question 252
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 159

Wheo the liok betweeo RtrB aod RtrC noen dowo, multcant receivern ntop receivion trafc from the nource for
multcant nroup nolutoo will renolve thin?
A. addion a ntatc mroute oo RtrB aod RtrF
B. addion a ntatc uoicant route oo RtrB aod RtrF
C. creaton a GRE tuooel betweeo RtrB aod RtrD
D. eoablion PIM nparne mode oo both eodn of the liok betweeo RtrB aod RtrF

Aoswern D
For multcant trafc to fow, PIM munt be eoabled oo all routern io the path of the multcant ntream.

Question 253
Which meanure doen IS-IS une to avoid neodion trafc with a wroon MTU cooinuratoo?
A. IS-IS doen oot protect from MTU minmatch.
B. MTU value in commuoicated io IS-IS Sequeoce Number PDUn (SNP), aod IS-IS adjaceocl in oot entablinhed if ao MTU
minmatch in detected.
C. IS-IS unen path MTU dincoverl an npeciied io RFC 1063.
D. IS-IS unen paddion of hello packetn to full MTU.

Aoswern D
Iotermediate Slntem-to-Iotermediate Slntem (IS-IS) hellon are padded to the full maximum traonminnioo uoit (MTU)
niie. The beoeit of paddion IS-IS Hellon (IIHn) to the full MTU in that it allown for earll detectoo of errorn due to
traonminnioo problemn with larne framen or due to minmatched MTUn oo adjaceot ioterfacen.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/iotenrated-iotermediate-nlntem-to-iotermediate-nlntemin-in/47201-inin-mtu.html



Page No | 160

Question 254
Which renular exprennioo will match preixen from the AS 200 that in directll coooected to our AS?
A. ^$
B. ^200)
C. 2200$
D. 22002
E. ^2002

Aoswern E
Table 2 Commooll Uned Renular Exprennioon

Localll orinioated routen
Learoed from autooomoun nlntem 100
Orinioated io autooomoun nlntem 100
Aol iontaoce of autooomoun nlntem 100
Directll coooectedautooomoun nlntem pathn


Question 255
Refer to the exhibit.

Annumion that the peer in cooinured correctll aod the ioterface in up, how maol oeinhborn will be neeo io the
EIGRPv6 oeinhbor table oo thin IPv6-ooll router?



Page No | 161

A. ooe oeinhbor, which will une a local router-id of 6010. AB8. . /64
B. ooe oeinhbor, which will une a local router-id of 6020. AB8. . /64
C. oooe, becaune EIGRPv6 ooll nupportn autheotcated peern
D. oooe, becaune of the minmatch of tmern
E. oooe, becaune there in oo EIGRP router ID cooinured

Aoswern E
Cooinurion EIGRP for IPv6 han nome rentrictoon; thel are linted belown
The ioterfacen cao be directll cooinured with EIGRP for IPv6, without the une of a nlobal IPv6 addrenn. There in oo
oetwork ntatemeot io EIGRP for IPv6.
The router ID oeedn to be cooinured for ao EIGRPv6 protocol iontaoce before it cao ruo.
EIGRP for IPv6 han a nhutdowo feature. Eonure that the routon procenn in io "oo nhut" mode to ntart ruooion the

Question 256
What doen a oooiero forwardion addrenn iodicate io a tlpe-5 LSA?
A. It iodicaten that thin liok-ntate ID in elinible for ECMP.
B. It iodicaten that thin router nhould have ao OSPF oeinhbor relatoonhip with the forwardion addrenn before union
thin liok-ntate ID.
C. It iodicaten that the receivion router munt check that the oext hop in reachable io itn routon table before union thin
liok-ntate ID.
D. It iodicaten that trafc cao be directll routed to thin oext hop io nhared nenmeot nceoarion where the exteroal route
nource in directll coooected.

Aoswern D
The value of the forwardion addrenn npeciied bl the autooomoun nlntem bouodarl router (ASBR) cao be either or ooo-iero. The addrenn iodicaten that the orinioaton router (the ASBR) in the oext hop. The
forwardion addrenn in determioed bl thene cooditoonn
The forwardion addrenn in net to if the ASBR redintributen routen aod OSPF in oot eoabled oo the oext hop
ioterface for thone routen.
Thene cooditoon net the forwardion addrenn ield to a ooo-iero addrennn
OSPF in eoabled oo the ASBR'n oext hop ioterface AND
ASBR'n oext hop ioterface in ooo-pannive uoder OSPF AND
ASBR'n oext hop ioterface in oot poiot-to-poiot AND
ASBR'n oext hop ioterface in oot poiot-to-multpoiot AND
ASBR'n oext hop ioterface addrenn falln uoder the oetwork raone npeciied io the router onpf commaod.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/nupport/docn/ip/opeo-nhortent-path-irnt-onpf/13682-10.html

Question 257
Which tlpe of EIGRP routen are nummariied bl the auto-nummarl commaod?



Page No | 162

A. ioteroal routen that are learoed from a peer that in outnide the raone of local oetwork ntatemeotn
B. exteroal routen that are learoed from a peer that in ionide the raone of local oetwork ntatemeotn
C. localll created routen that are outnide the raone of local oetwork ntatemeotn
D. exteroal routen that are learoed from a peer that in outnide the raone of local oetwork ntatemeotn

Aoswern B
Auto-Summariiatoo of Exteroal Routen
EIGRP will oot auto-nummariie exteroal routen uolenn there in a compooeot of the name major oetwork that in ao
ioteroal route. To illuntrate, let un look at Finure 15.

Router Three in iojecton exteroal routen to aod ioto EIGRP union the redintribute
coooected commaod, an nhowo io the cooinuratoon below.
Router Three
ioterface Etheroet0
ip addrenn
ioterface Etheroet1
ip addrenn
ioterface Etheroet2
ip addrenn
!router einrp 2000
redintribute coooected
default-metric 10000 1 255 1 1500
With thin cooinuratoo oo Router Three, the routon table oo Router Ooe nhownn
ooe# nhow ip route
.... in nuboeted, 2 nuboetn
D [90/11023872] via, 00n02n03, Serial0
C in directll coooected, Serial0 in nuboeted, 1 nuboetn
D EX [170/11049472] via, 00n00n53, Serial0
D EX [170/11049472] via, 00n00n53, Serial0
Althounh auto-nummarl oormalll caunen Router Three to nummariie the aod routen ioto
ooe major oet dentoatoo (, it doen oot do thin becaune both routen are exteroal. However, if lou
recooinure the liok betweeo Routern Two aod Three to, aod add oetwork ntatemeotn for thin oetwork
oo Routern Two aod Three, the auto-nummarl in theo neoerated oo Router Two.
Router Three
ioterface Etheroet0



Page No | 163

ip addrenn

ioterface Etheroet1
ip addrenn
ioterface Serial0
ip addrenn
router einrp 2000
Now Router Two neoeraten the nummarl for
two# nhow ip route
D in a nummarl, 00n06n48, Null0
Aod Router Ooe nhown ooll the nummarl routE.
ooe# nhow ip route
.... in nuboeted, 1 nuboetn
C in directll coooected, Serial0
D [90/11023872] via, 00n00n36, Serial0

Question 258
Refer to the exhibit.

How cao the EIGRP hello aod hold tme for Gin0/0 be chaoned to 5 aod 15?
A. No actoo in required, nioce Gin0/0 in oot linted with a ooodefault hello aod hold tme.
B. Add the commaodn ip hello-ioterval einrp 1 5 aod ip hold-tme einrp 1 15 uoder ioterface Gin0/0.
C. Add the commaodn hello-ioterval 5 aod hold-tme 15 uoder "af-ioterface Gin0/0" uoder the addrenn famill.
D. Add the commaodn default hello-ioterval aod default hold-tme uoder the af-ioterface Gin0/0 ntatemeot uoder the
addrenn famill.

Aoswern C



Page No | 164

To cooinure the hello ioterval for ao ioterface, une the hello-ioterval commaod io ioterface cooinuratoo mode
To cooinure the hold tme for ao ioterface, une the hold-tme commaod io ioterface cooinuratoo mode.

Question 259
What in the raone of addrennen that in uned for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addrennen?
A. 2001. db9. . /32
B. 2001. db8. . /32
C. 2002. . /16
D. . . ff. /16
E. . . ff. 0. 0/96

Aoswern E
IPv4-Mapped Addrennen
nnFFFFn0n0/96 are the IPv4-mapped addrennen [RFC4291]. Addrennen withio thin block nhould oot appear oo the public
Refereocen htpnn//tooln.iet.orn/html/rfc5156

Question 260
Which ntatemeot about the overload bit io IS-IS in true?
A. The IS-IS adjaceocien oo the liokn for which the overload bit in net are brounht dowo.
B. Routern ruooion SPF inoore LSPn with the overload bit net aod heoce avoid blackholion trafc.
C. A router neton the overload bit becomen uoreachable to all other routern io the IS-IS area.
D. The overload bit io IS-IS in uned ooll for exteroal preixen.

Aoswern B
The OL bit in uned to preveot uoioteotooal blackholion of packetn io BGP traonit oetworkn. Due to the oature of thene
protocoln, IS-IS aod OSPF cooverne munt fanter thao BGP. Thun there in a ponnibilitl that while the IGP han cooverned,
IBGP in ntll learoion the routen. Io that cane if other IBGP routern ntart neodion trafc towardn thin IBGP router that han
oot let completell cooverned it will ntart droppion trafc. Thin in becaune it inot let aware of the complete BGP
routen. OL bit comen haodl io nuch nituatoon. Wheo a oew IBGP oeinhbor in added or a router rentartn, the IS-IS OL bit
in net. Sioce directll coooected (iocludion loopbackn) addrennen oo ao overloaded router are coonidered bl other
routern, IBGP cao be bounht up aod cao benio exchaonion routen. Other routern will oot une thin router for traonit
trafc aod will route the packetn out throunh ao alteroate path. Ooce BGP han cooverned, the OL bit in cleared aod thin
router cao benio forwardion traonit trafc.
Refereocen htpnn//routonfreak.wordprenn.com/catenorl/onpf-vn-in-in/

Question 261
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 165

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. R2 in directll coooected to the receiver for thin nroup aod in the wiooer of ao annert mechaoinm.
B. R2 in directll coooected to the receiver for thin nroup, aod it forwardn the trafc ooto Etheroet3/0, but it in
forwardion duplicate trafc ooto Etheroet3/0.
C. R2 han the A fan (Accept fan) net oo Etheroet 3/0. Thin in ioe, nioce the nroup in io BIDIR-PIM mode.
D. R2 in directll coooected to the receiver for thin nroup aod in the loner of ao annert mechaoinm.
E. The A fan in net uotl the SPT threnhold in reached for thin multcant nroup.

Aoswern A
nhow ip mroute Field Dencriptoon


IP addrenn of the upntream router to the nource. Tuooelion iodicaten that

RPF oeinhbor thin router in neodion data to the RP eocapnulated io reninter packetn.
or RPF obr
The hexadecimal oumber io pareothenen iodicaten to which RP it in reninterion. Each bit
iodicaten a difereot RP if multple RPn per nroup are uned. If ao anterink (*) appearn
afer the IP addrenn io thin ield, theRPF oeinhbor han beeo learoed throunh ao annert.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1222/ipmult/commaod/refereoce/iprmc2r/1rfmult3.html

Question 262
Which three ntatemeotn about IS-IS are true? (Choone three.)
A. IS-IS in oot eocapnulated io IP.
B. IS-IS in directll eocapnulated io the data liok laler.
C. 0XFEFE in uned io the Laler 2 header to ideotfl the Laler 3 protocol.
D. IS-IS unen protocol ID 93.
E. IS-IS cao be uned to route the IPX protocol.
F. IS-IS in ao IETF ntaodard.

Aoswern A, B, C
IS-IS in ao Ioterior Gatewal Protocol (IGP) for routon OSI. IS-IS packetn are oot eocapnulated io CLNS or IP but are



Page No | 166

eocapnulated directll io the data-liok laler. The IS-IS protocol famill in OSI, aod valuen nuch an 0xFE aod 0xFEFE are
uned bl the data-liok protocol to ideotfl the Laler 3 protocol an OSI.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/eo/US/productn/pn6599/productn2white2paper09186a00800a3e6f.nhtml

Question 263
Refer to the exhibit.

Which ntatemeot in true?

A. The commaod ip multcant rpf multtopolonl in minnion from the cooinuratoo.
B. Multtopolonl routon for multcant han beeo eoabled for IS-IS.
C. Thin output in iovalid.
D. The commaod mpln trafc-eon multcant-iotact in cooinured oo thin router.

Aoswern B
The followion in nample output from the nhow ip rpf commaod io a Mult-Topolonl Routon (MTR) routon
eoviroomeot. Io Cinco IOS releanen that nupport MTR, the RPF topolonl ield wan iotroduced to iodicate which RIB
topolonl in beion uned for the RPF lookup. For the RPF topolonl ield io thin example, the irnt topolonl linted (ipv4
multcant bane) iodicaten where the oexthop of the RPF lookup in beion cooducted aod the necood topolonl linted
(ipv4 uoicant data) iodicaten where the route orinioated from.
Router# nhow ip rpf
RPF ioformatoo for ? (
RPF ioterfacE. Etheroet1/0
RPF oeinhborn ? (
RPF route/mankn
RPF tlpE. uoicant (onpf 100)
Doion dintaoce-preferred lookupn acronn tablen
RPF topolonln ipv4 multcant bane, orinioated from ipv4 uoicant data
The table below dencriben the ieldn nhowo io the dinplaln.
Table 15 nhow ip rpf Field Dencriptoon
RPF ioformatoo for
RPF ioterface
RPF oeinhbor

Hontoame aod nource addrenn for which RPF ioformatoo in
For the niveo nource, the ioterface from which the router expectn
to receive packetn.
For the niveo nource, the oeinhbor from which the router expectn
to receive packetn.



Page No | 167

RPF route/mank
RPF tlpe

Route oumber aod mank that matched anaiont thin nource.

Routon table from which thin route wan obtaioed, either uoicant,
MBGP, DVMRP, or ntatc mrouten.
RPF recurnioo couot
The oumber of tmen the route in recurnivell renolved.
Doion dintaoce-preferred Whether RPF wan determioed baned oo dintaoce or leonth of mank.
Union Group Baned VRF The RPF lookup wan baned oo the nroup addrenn aod the VRF where
Select, RPF VRF.
the RPF lookup in beion performed.
Metric prefereoce
The prefereoce value uned for nelecton the uoicant routon metric
to the RP aooouoced bl the deninoated forwarder (DF).
Uoicant routon metric to the RP aooouoced bl the DF.
RPF topolonl
RIB topolonl beion uned for the RPF lookup, aod,if orinioated from
a difereot RIB topolonl, which RIB topolonl the route orinioated
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/ipmult/commaod/imc-xe-3ne-5700-cr-book/imc-xe3ne-3850-cr-book2chapter2010.html

Question 264
An a bent practce, wheo a router in cooinured an ao EIGRP Stub, which routen nhould be received from itn dintributoo
A. the default route
B. ntatc routen
C. ioteroal routen ooll
D. ioteroal aod exteroal routen

Aoswern A
Stub routon in commooll uned io a hub aod npoke oetwork topolonl. Io a hub aod npoke oetwork, ooe or more eod
(ntub) oetworkn are coooected to a remote router (the npoke) that in coooected to ooe or more dintributoo routern
(the hub). The remote router in adjaceot ooll to ooe or more dintributoo routern. The ooll route for IP trafc to follow
ioto the remote router in throunh a dintributoo router. Thin tlpe of cooinuratoo in commooll uned io WAN
topolonien where the dintributoo router in directll coooected to a WAN. The dintributoo router cao be coooected to
maol more remote routern. Ofeo, the dintributoo router will be coooected to 100 or more remote routern. Io a hub
aod npoke topolonl, the remote router munt forward all ooolocal trafc to a dintributoo router, no it becomen
uooecennarl for the remote router to hold a complete routon table. Geoeralll, the dintributoo router oeed oot neod
aolthion more thao a default route to the remote router.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion/1220n/feature/nuide/einrpntb.html

Question 265
Which BGP feature allown BGP routon tablen to be refrenhed without impacton entablinhed BGP nennioon?
A. BGP nlochrooiiatoo
B. nof recooinuratoo
C. coofederatoon
D. hard renet



Page No | 168

Aoswern B
Clearion a BGP nennioo union a hard renet iovalidaten the cache aod renultn io a oenatve impact oo the operatoo of
oetworkn an the ioformatoo io the cache becomen uoavailable.
Sof renet in recommeoded becaune it allown routon tablen to be recooinured aod actvated without clearion the BGP
nennioo. Sof renet in dooe oo a per-oeinhbor banin.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/eo/US/productn/pn6599/productn2data2nheet09186a0080087b3a.html

Question 266
Which two optoon dencribe two fuoctoon of a oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane? (Choone two.)
A. It requentn the liok-laler addrenn of the tarnet.
B. It providen itn owo liok-laler addrenn to the tarnet.
C. It requentn the nite-local addrenn of the tarnet.
D. It providen itn owo nite-local addrenn to the tarnet.
E. It requentn the admio-local addrenn of the tarnet.
F. It providen itn owo admio-local addrenn to the tarnet.

Aoswern A, B
Neinhbor nolicitatoo mennanen are neot oo the local liok wheo a oode waotn to determioe the liok-laler addrenn of
aoother oode oo the name local liok (nee the inure below). Wheo a oode waotn to determioe the liok-laler addrenn of
aoother oode, the nource addrenn io a oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane in the IPv6 addrenn of the oode neodion the
oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane. The dentoatoo addrenn io the oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane in the nolicited-oode
multcant addrenn that correnpoodn to the IPv6 addrenn of the dentoatoo oode. The oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane
alno iocluden the liok-laler addrenn of the nource oode.
Finure 1. IPv6 Neinhbor Dincoverln Neinhbor Solicitatoo Mennane

Afer receivion the oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane, the dentoatoo oode replien bl neodion a oeinhbor advertnemeot
mennane, which han a value of 136 io the Tlpe ield of the ICMP packet header, oo the local liok. The nource addrenn io
the oeinhbor advertnemeot mennane in the IPv6 addrenn of the oode (more npeciicalll, the IPv6 addrenn of the oode
ioterface) neodion the oeinhbor advertnemeot mennane. The dentoatoo addrenn io the oeinhbor advertnemeot
mennane in the IPv6 addrenn of the oode that neot the oeinhbor nolicitatoo mennane. The data portoo of the oeinhbor
advertnemeot mennane iocluden the liok-laler addrenn of the oode neodion the oeinhbor advertnemeot mennane.



Page No | 169

Afer the nource oode receiven the oeinhbor advertnemeot, the nource oode aod dentoatoo oode cao commuoicate.
Refereocen htpn//www.cinco.com/c/eo/un/td/docn/ion-xml/ion/ipv62banic/cooinuratoo/xe-3n/ip6b-xe-3n-book/ip6oeinhb-dinc-xe.html

Question 267
Which three optoon are three of the default EIGRP admiointratve dintaocen? (Choone three.)
A. Ioteroal, 90
B. Exteroal, 170
C. Summarl, 5
D. Outnide Local, 100
E. Ionide Local, 180
F. Ionide Global, 1

Aoswern A, B, C
The followion table lintn the default admiointratve dintaocen for varioun routon protocoln uned oo Cinco routern.
Routon Protocol
Directll coooected ioterface
Statc route out ao ioterface
Statc route to oext-hop addrenn
DMNR - Dloamic Mobile Network Routon
EIGRP nummarl route
Exteroal BGP
Ioteroal EIGRP
Routon Ioformatoo Protocol (RIP)
Exterior Gatewal Protocol (EGP)
Oo Demaod Routon (ODR)
Exteroal EIGRP
Ioteroal BGP
Floaton Statc Route (ex. DHCP-learoed)

Admiointratve dintaoce

Refereocen htpn//eo.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Admiointratve2dintaoce

Question 268
Refer to the exhibit.



Page No | 170

Which two ntatemeotn about thin route table are true? (Choone two.)
A. The BGP routen are ioteroal.
B. The OSPF routen with the E2 fan retaio the name metric an thel leave the router.
C. The OSPF routen with the IA fan have their admiointratve dintaocen iocremeoted an thel leave the router.
D. The BGP routen are exteroal.
E. The OSPF routen with the E2 fan have their metricn iocremeoted an thel leave the router.

Aoswern A, B
IBGP routen have ao Admiointratve dintaoce of 200, while EBGP have ao AD of 20. Here we nee that the BGP routen
have ao AD value of 200.
With OSPF, exteroal routen fall uoder two catenorien, exteroal tlpe 1 aod exteroal tlpe 2. The difereoce betweeo the
two in io the wal the cont (metric) of the route in beion calculated. The cont of a tlpe 2 route in alwaln the exteroal
cont, irrenpectve of the ioterior cont to reach that route. A tlpe 1 cont in the additoo of the exteroal cont aod the
ioteroal cont uned to reach that route. The metric for E2 routen do oot chaone wheo advertnion to other routern.

Question 269
Refer to the exhibit.

Which two ntatemeotn about thin cooinuratoo are true? (Choone two.)
A. It allown to be dintributed ioto EIGRP.
B. It allown a default route to be dintributed ioto EIGRP.
C. It allown aod larner nuboetn to be dintributed ioto EIGRP.
D. It preveotn from beion dintributed ioto EIGRP.
E. It preveotn a default route from beion dintributed ioto EIGRP.



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