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Viviana Rodriguez
Early Am History
6 October 2016
Life In Colonial Times
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a unfair community? When the people who
sailed found the colonies it was very unfair and unorganized. Native americans were free no one told
them what to do, Then you had the slaves who were ruled by white people. Lastly the women were
basically told to do by their husbands.
Life for the native americans was not too complex, They lived in simple structures. They
hunted animals to eat and had small basic gardens for food. They also used animals for their clothes and
other things. Instead of work Native Americans did not go to work, instead you would hunt if male and
garden and weave if woman. There was not any currency so the items grown or made were traded for
items they needed. Government was not complicated, a chief led the village usually continued by
bloodline. Children were free to do what they wanted to, but parents would teach their children how to
hunt if a male and how to weave and garden if female. They also had toys to play with like corn husk
dolls and a small bow and arrows. Life for a native american was a lot different from the english way of
life, which was a lot more organized. Not all tribes had the same traditions either, life for a west coast
native was a lot different from an east coast native.


Twenty percent of the population in the first thirteen colonies were African, the of enslavement
of blacks occurred in all of the colonies. During the time of the Revolutionary War, over half of all
African Americans lived in Virginia and Maryland. Most blacks lived in the Chesapeake region, they
made up more than fifth to sixty percent of the overall population there. The majority of these African
Americans were slaves. The first official United States Census taken in 1790 showed that eight percent
of the black populace was free. For the free slaves lives were a lot better. If you werent free being a
slave was very cruel. You got beaten, bossed around, and if not done what told punishments were
very harsh. Overall life for African American slaves werent good at all.
In 1790s life was very different women now and days, back then women were basically the
property of men. They did whatever their husband asked or said, if not obeyed men were allowed to hit
them. As a mother of women of the house they were asked to clean the house, and take care of their
children. They didnt have much education at all, they were taught how to clean by their mothers if a girl.
Married women basically depended on their husbands for everything. If not married life was very
different, they were free to support themselves in any occupation that did not require a license or a
college degree restricted to males. Now women have a lot of freedom, no longer able to hit women
and get away with it.
Now everything is different, there are very few natives. The Natives helped us settlers get
through many obstacles in the colonies, they taught us about the land and all. In America there are no
more slaves, everyone is free. We all clean after ourselves now, and treat everyone the
same. Women are now in control of themselves and have an education, they no longer need to depend
on men . I know for sure I would not like to live back then, who would?


cksters.com/history/colonial_america/womens_roles.php Website Title: Daily Life of Plains Native Americans Article Title: Daily
Life of Plains Native Americans Website Title: Native American Living Conditions on Reservations - Native A[ Article Title:
Native American Living Conditions on Reservations - Native A[]Website Title: Home page of History.org : The Colonial
Williamsburg Foundat [] Article Title: History.org: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's Offi[]Website Title: : The
Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship []Article Title: Introduction to Colonial African American Life Author:
By mid summer, tobacco was growing in the fields, but the []

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