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apxtrektovika @epata architecture in greece eTnoia em@ewpnon annual review “Hiajdercrpovixt, mrehcosoia TlapahAnies KaraoKevég (ouvéxera) TOU dpyurenroves TH, Keveroo End 10x06 3/1969 ray «Apxrrecrowetoy Seusreave(o. 14-125) Equocicirnes Bo8po 108 TX Zeudrou jt rév mopar Tho, Baird 16 reoxos équooiedovrat éprotva Yoagice orovxeTa not rpotxuyay ano Th Suverigouevn tmegepyacia The Hedeme! Ut i Grn nove 10. City planning and electronics Parallel structures (continued) by architect T. Ch, Zenetos ‘Architecture in Greece” 3/1969 published an article by T. Ch. Zenstos under the title "City Planning and Electronics". The following drawings are a result of further elaboration of the ideas contained in that artic, efetststetete 1 “H loorpomich jovaba-néhn, ue rrepiepiopéve (optimum) uéyedoc, Envi, Empaveia: gucik Tepipabhev civotes 2 4H poviBa pmxaviedv BiadixasGv, ye amepispiore peycboc Kal BuvayiKsrnTa, Aeon tribavee $ucied mepBadhov s3stepa (Gt derroupyieg ot mijn éhevbepla. 2 Ta nunnara ot kivnon (peverémra Kal raBohuémyra Ov wep). 5. “Anep bores tmoipnatxts Eovoromn Peverérara enhy eror8esian kal ori) conpaaia raw BUNOV WOMV. TO eKeTgOs @Aoreicirat 7} eviyyi Kal orév reno Ths eepyeies Aréypapua faovxig Siarézews-tpxic: foxtoeig Kal ErixaAdieis Aetroupyicy (Prine toppeyh ov pudpiors oxkb.0 ‘ig “Astvag—eraBarix® cabo, CApuerecrowixa Ogparar 3/1369) "H moan Siampetvar f Favayiverst wd Boric (kowuwied) torr 1 The isotropic urban uni (optimum) size, Dotted area: physical anvironment favourable. 2 The operational unit, of unlimited size. Blank area: physical environment ‘unimportant. a ‘The functions are allowed full freedom. 4 The sections in motion (iuidity and giobaly of the parts). Unlimited operational possbilitios. 6. Fluidity in the “situation” and importance (of tho Immaterial poles. The "centre" is raterialised at the moment and at the place of action %. Diagram of the basic organisation ‘scheme: interrelation and overlapping of functions (see application in the mastor plan for Athens, "Architecture in Greece” 5/1969), The city is maintained, or becomes: again an urban (social) unit. ‘Avnpmuevn néhn. T6 nepipaddov. ‘O roheobouikds loreg ouvunépxst pe ri ion, Mapadhayi 12 crouccia-povsses Boyne dcpoBadaou (erdbie oxjuariove). Denparixd Braypauya rs Brardfewss rod tixovigeras ord axtbre 8 xal nav Bacigerat enh graruc Adon 1s maoeerdocig ray Evahkae verpayun A. Afovas Bnew Ss ceo), BC) ‘Agovag xevipietiv BpaoTmpiovirov, CiB). “Agovas ueragopaiv, ©. Kevrpuav Bpeorypiort quotes xQp06. Ot Byron tna, m6 7H xkevrpe Spacrapiornrey, Ban pt Tov EREBs pO bu 8 Suspended city. The environment. The turban structure co-exists with nature, Variation with pneumatic modules (at {he stage of formation. Schematic diagram of the layout shown in drawing 8, based on the structural solution of prestressing alternate squares. &. Residential axis-strect (pedestrians), B(C). Axis of contral activities, C(B). Transportation axis, D. Unit of central activities, E. Open space. ‘One side of the dwellings faces the activities centre and the other the open

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