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Al Azhar Islamic Studies Scholars Expose Dr.

Tahir Qadri as Imposter, Fake Sheikh and

Demand: Prove Your Claims
On the contrary, these days there are those more interested in financial and political gain, so they attend
Islamic universities, read a few books, give themselves an honorary title and associate with notable and
respected figures in the Muslim world in hopes of gaining popularity and credibility in the eyes of the
layperson. Their agendas are maintaining their fame and fortune. To realize this agenda, many tactics are
put into motion overtly and covertly, such as funding and support from governments or groups whose
mission and aim has nothing to do with Islam, or self-decorationas mentioned earlierwith various
titles and stations that are held dear to the hearts and minds of the Muslims at large.
Of the titles bestowed upon an educated man in the Muslim world, Sheikh al Islam is the most
respected. This title is neither given frequently nor without merit. In his book, Al-Jawhir ad-Durar f
Tarjima Sheikh al-Islm Ibn Hajar, Sheikh Shams al-din al-Sakhawi commences with a section defining
the terms Sheikh al-Islam, Al-Hafiz, and Al-Muhaddith for the intelligent reader, stating that Sheikh al
Islam, as inferred from its use as a term among the authorities, is a title attributed to that follower of the
book of Allah Most High and the example of His Messenger, who possesses the knowledge of the
principles of the Science (of Religion), has plunged deep into the different views of the scholars, has
become able to extract the legal evidences from the texts, and has understood the rational and the
transmitted proofs at a satisfactory level.
Sheikh Al-Sakhawi also reports (in his Al-Jawahir ad-Durar) that Imam Al-Dhahabi reported in al-Kashif
on the authority of Ibn al-Mubarak: The only one to carry the title Sheikh al-Islam is Abu Bakr al-Siddiq,
radyallahu anhu, who preserved the zakat and fought against the apostates. Know him very well! Imam
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who is one of the four great mujtahid imams and a collector of hadith and Imam
Burhan al-Din Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Farghani, who wrote Al-Hidayah, both earned the title Sheikh al Islam.
They were the epitome of such an esteemed title.
Al-Sakhawi added that, At times, this title is given to those who have attained the level of friendship with
Allah (Al-Wilya), and from whom people derive blessings both when they are alive and when they are
dead. Similarly, whoever has tread the true path of the People of Islam and has come out unscathed from

the folly and ignorance of youth; and whoever has become a living apparatus for others in solving
difficulties or winning a struggle, and a refuge in every difficulty: these are the meanings of the word as
used by the general public.
In the past, very few honorable men were given the distinguished title of Sheikh al Islam. With such
stringent criterion, how is it possible that any man who sells his iman for worldly gain be allowed to travel
the world claiming to be Sheikh al Islam?
We, the Ulema (Islamic scholars) at Al Azhar University, have conducted research on this matter due to
the rise of false Imams and Sheikhs. They manipulate and prey on the weak and uneducated Muslims and
therefore, we must warn you to keep away from them.
One such individual is Muhammad Tahir, a self-proclaimed Sheikh-ul-Islam and a self-proclaimed
member of the Qdiri sufi order, operating under the name Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, and now under the selfnominated title of Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir-ul-Qadri. He is notorious for giving himself titles, and is well
known in his country of Pakistan as a fraud. The Pakistani High Court of Lahore has declared him a liar,
dishonest, hungry and greedy, and a person responsible for making dramas. A High Court verdict
still stands against him for which he failed to plea in any court.
Added to his list of offenses, is the dishonor he has brought to the Qadiri Sufi order. He claims to be a
member of this distinguished tariqa that enjoins right, forbids wrong and abstains from base and worldly
desires. Yet, he violates Islamic Law by misguiding people, and selling his iman for fame and fortune.
During Milad-un-Nabi (Peace and blessings of Allah upon him) celebrations in Pakistan, his picture was
hanging in every corner of the capital, Islamabad. It has been noticed that he is currently planning a daylong Milad-un-Nabi event on June 3rd, at the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, New York. If indeed, he is
truly Sheikh al Islam and a Qadiri Sufi, then he should know using portraits of animate objects and living
people as decoration is haram in Al-Islam. Any and every Sheikh (as well as student) of the Qadiri order
knows very well that fame and prominence are a poison, the latter being a sign of an impure heart,
as mentioned by the Chief of all Sheikhs, Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Al-Gilani (abundant blessings of Allah
Taala upon him).
In the article, A Charismatic Leader Transcending Borders of Nations and Religions: Dr. Muhammad
Tahir ul-Qadri by Mr. M. R. Malik and Mr. Raj Srinivasan, Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri was given the

title of Sheikh-ul-Islam by several major Islamic institutions and Islamic authorities of this time, because
of his great contributions to Islam and the Muslim world. With all the praise that has been written about
him on his websites and in his literature, why have very important facts remained a mystery? Who made
him Sheikh al Islam? What qualifications does he possess that warranted these unnamed institutions and
authorities to confer upon him the title? Such praiseworthy credentials are worthy of being highlighted
and elaborated for the general public to know, just as the case of a board certified surgeon who details his
work- and academic-related background & credentials in order to substantiate his validity.
In his web-based biographical resources, we have seen that he has successfully penned nearly 1,000
literary works; however, his name has been assigned to books written by scholars that have spent their
entire lifetimes to complete, with a so-called Sharh (explanation, commentary) given by him. Some of the
scholars of Hadith, for example, include that of Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, who compiled the
Fath Al-Bari fi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari, an extensive commentary of the Sahih Al-Bukhari Sharif that took
25 years to complete; that of Imam Abu Zakariya An-Nawawi, who compiled Al-Minhaj bi-Sharh Sahih
Muslim, a likewise commentary of the Sahih Muslim; or that of Imam Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn
Hanbal, also referred to as Sheikh-ul-Islam Ahmed ibn Hanbal, who compiled and greatly expounded
upon his Musnad Ahmed ibn Hanbal. Each one of these blessed men spent a great portion of their life
compiling, researching, contemplating, and perfecting these sanctified works, so know that we find it
immensely offensive that one would simply assign his name to their hard work and effort, attributing a
baseless commentary to it. What works has he written exclusively, without plagiarism?
If speaking out against terrorism, suicide bombers and calling for world peace makes one worthy of being
called Sheikh al Islam, then millions of Muslims all over the world should hold such a rank. Furthermore,
summer camps for Muslim youth and interfaith dialogues have been occurring for decades in other
Muslim organizations. Millions of books have been penned by countless scholars, yet, these noble people
do not hold the title of Sheikh al Islam, although they are indeed more deserving.
One must ponder a few things. With the heavy presence of anti-Islamic propaganda in the media, why has
he remained unscathed and unmentioned? While the vast majority of imams, Sheikhs and charitable
organizations are being targeted and labeled terrorists by the media, Tahir ul-Qadri is heralded as the
advocate for world peace. Media agencies such as BBC News, CNN and CBC News have praised him for
his fatwa against terrorism, while ignoring or discrediting the sameif not more detailed onesfrom

other, more qualified Sheikhs. It is a known fact that these news agencies are run by the Zionists, leading
us to our next question: From whom does Tahir ul-Qadri get his funding?
As with all politicians, corrupt leaders and other such exploiters of the human race, one finds multiple
flows of financing as a result of self-started organizations, political ties, and memberships. Tahir ul-Qadri
is the founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran, a global movementextending both hemisphereswith a large
membership base and following. Centers can be found as far east as the Indo-Pakistan region and as far
West as America and UK.
Muhammad Tahir is credited with being the founder and chairman of the Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT),
founded in 1989. In 1991, PAT and the Tehreek-e-Nifas Fiqh-e-Jafria, a Shiite political group, now known
as Tehrik-e-Jafria signed a Communique of Unity in order to promote social and religious harmony.
While this appears to be in the right direction for parties to work together, the political agenda became
more and more apparent over time. In the course of his political career, his established ties with Shia
political groups in Pakistan became more for the sake of political fame and advancement.
To appear politically liberal, he made deals with the Shia masses and started giving lectures in their
mosques, Islamic centers, and schools; giving speeches on the Ahlul-Bayt (radiyallahu anhum), declaring
that Shia and Sunni are the same, with flowery speeches, etc. Yet in this period, he never gave a single
speech in Shia gatheringspredominately Rawafidrefuting or addressing their objections and
blasphemies against the Sahaba Ikram and the Ummahat-ul-Mumineen (radiyallahu anhum). During
that era, he earned good financial support from the Shia community in Pakistan and enjoyed heavy
funding from Iran, who directly supports the Shia political groups in Pakistan.
We wish to know what agreement, whether open or private, Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani born in Jhang, has
made with Iran, who is an enemy of Pakistan that has focused a lot of energy and funds in the spread of
Shia doctrine to the Southeast Asian region? With the current sectarian violence that is exchanging in
Pakistan, this will increase only to ultimately result in a disastrous civil war. As political fiascos are
unfolding in relation to the country of Iran, we find it alarming that he is reaping benefit from world
Muslims are to take heed of this warning given concerning this individual, and should also demand
substantiation for his claims to titles and positions amongst the Shuyukh of the Qadiri ordera very high-

level spiritual order known not only for its staunch adherence to Islamic principles, but also as defenders
and preservers of Al-Islam. From his organizations websites, we find his alignment made with that of the
current Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Al-Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad Al-Tayyab, yet neither Jamia Al-Azhar, nor
the Shuyukh within here, have conferred upon him the prestigious title of Sheikh al-Islam. In addition, he
has neither earned by way of scholastic accomplishment, nor been otherwise authorized to don the Azhari
Emama (white turban upon the red tarbush) that signifies successful completion of the academic rigors of
our illustrious university.
Since being exposed by the Pakistani High Courts for the fraud he is, Tahir ul-Qadri is attempting to
transfer his operations across the Atlantic to North America where he hopes to prey upon unsuspecting
Muslims who know very little or nothing at all about him. Since America is not an Islamic state, it has
been riddled in the past with deviants who have launched efforts at the exploitation of Muslim masses,
which could not have been successful in those countries where Muslims are the majority and some form of
Islamic laws were in place. Furthermore, such deviant individuals have abused the freedoms granted by
The United States of America to establish a platform for their perversions and other such self-centered
agendas, knowing that no Islamic recourse for their corruption and criminal behavior can take place on
American soil.
American-born Azhari scholars, Amir Mujahid and Hassan Ali Qadri, have stated, We are determined to
banish him from our beloved country and we also warn Muslimsand all other God-fearing Americans
not to be fooled by his rhetoric, highly-funded egotism, fraudulent credentials, and non-existent
associations. The descendants of Ghaus al-Azam and shuyukh of the Qadiri order have disowned Tahir
ul-Qadri and said, American Muslims must stay away from him.
We have found that he has aligned himself with that of the illustrious Shuyukh of the Qadiri Silsilah,
implying being capable of accepting Bayah - an eternal allegiance; yet, the head of the Qadiri order and
the Gilani family, Al-Sheikh Sayyid Mubarik Ali Al-Gilani, has rejected him as incapable of being a
competent guide, and thus branded him as a fake Sheikh, whom Al-Sheikh Sultan Bahu (Allah bless
him) deems, a death to a Talib (student). It is also demanded to know why Tahir-ul-Qadri is spending so
much money and effort to project himself, especially via pictures of himself and other forms of imagebuilding, all of which are heavily frowned upon by the Qadiri order, and all of the competent Shuyukh and
students that connect themselves with Al-Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Al-Gilani (rahmatullahi alaih).

If his claim is valid, then we, the Ulema at Al Azhar, demand that his proof be produced to us and we will
present it to our Sheikh at Jamiah Al Azhar Sharif. Furthermore, we state directly to Mr. Tahir-ul-Qadri:
If your sincere intention is to educate the Muslims, extend charity to those in need, and uplift the
condition of the humanity, you should more appropriately return to your homeland of Pakistan, for Islam
has died there, and there are millions of people in need. We will neither allow you to come to North
America and create a bad name for Al-Islam and Muslims, undermining their past efforts and sacrifices,
nor bring your political strife that you have caused in Pakistan to our shores.

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