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Coming to the misty island of doom with no fear is respectable but also foolish, either way nobody lived

to tell a tale some said it was the ghosts of those who suffered on this ground but they were wrong it
was who made them suffer hes immortal but hes not alive either ,the myth says he has no heart nor
brain he had a lantern tied around his waist ,a key around his neck his face is hollow seen from his torn
open mouth and once you looked in his glowing green eyes you lose thy will to survive .Self-preservation
the most primal instinct of the human psyche vanished within the second. the moon light ascends upon
him with a shiver to the watchers neck .

The story began in Demacia

land of the noble and brave also known to be the highland of justice, and there was many enemies that

despised those delusional morals ,only care about Dominion and subduction , a witch lost her sister in
birth ,their mother sacrificed half of her soul to bring her sister back from the abyss .

A mirror she looks at ,something is missing ,something is not whole ,the image in the mirror walked
through the glass to be always beside her perhaps she can feel whole again

Her sister Morgana went through the city and nobody felt her presence , the king was expecting his
queen to arrive from a nearby city state ,not knowing Morgana killed her and wore her soul ,a beauty
now she is the lover of a king ,in the night she crawled into his dreams bewitched him with illusions of
war and Vengence "a war with your brother the noxian must be done as he killed your father in a
disgraceful way ,where's your honor , you're not a king but a coward on a chair"

the king took his army and moved the morning after to Noxus to take what they owed him , his Honor.

Demacia is defenseless ,Morgana is there to Dominate everything with no one to hold her back... what
a fool the king is she snickered

she stood upon a tower making a fountain of boi

Her arms swayed simultaneously back and forth, lumbering then stumbling upon the last stair and her
head was pressed to the ground by the executioners boot

The witch was tied to the cross fainted, blurry crowd ahead cursing , the executioner boots sound
muddy on the wooden stage and his third leg the scythe sound heavier than his boots ,words come out
Morgana failed to hear anything the poison was too sharp and she lost a lot of blood to the nails in her
hands her black dress was torn off the mob who found her weak on the ground .Shes noxian , a cursed
dishonored Noxian one that deserve to die in the middle of our glorious Demacia ,a back stabber a

cursed witch who fiddled with our beloved King Jarvan the third and killed him not in a battle ground
but unaware ,I DID NOT KILL HIM I LOVED HIM morgana cried at the executioner ,DO NOT DARE I LOVED
executioner felt only one purpose to execute her immediately even if it would cost him his life ,his blood
rushed into his boots he hurdled with a step over the middle the scythe rod ,light shined like the moons
spotlight in the eye of the storm hes floating unaware as he only sees her neck with all his heart and
might his arms veiny ,his hands are tight while he floats in the eye of the storm swooping his scythe
behind his back and once hes charging into her end
She pushed him back with a blue spell out of her hand ,the swoop was too late to be taken back ,the air
was cut through and her neck was bleeding black ,the sky went green a smoke filled the stage the
executioner is hanging in the air to look into the eyes under her hair ,she breathed a foul breath and his
face turned sour ,he coughed and his eyes went smokey green , a lantern shined of his soul and hanged
around his gear ,wooden legs he have ,his meat turned hay and a scarecrow is here with a key around
his neck to her home that he must not fear
But they must..
Morgana couldnt speak anymore her neck is bleeding she whispered to him in her head
i I had to lie he wouldnt love me back.. a noxian..ive always watched him through the orb..ive always
watched over him but nobody heard her as she was muttering ,weak of the poison
The witch couldnt complete the curse the wound was too deep ,she looked at him and CRIED with her
foul breath AVENGE ME! and her scream faded away as the crows ate her in shadows of the wind.

him.He stood like a scarecrow making cross with his body ,the vengeful aura sculpt a black gleam out of
his chest harvesting every drop of vengeance in his soul he shakes rapidly as if hes about to explode
He turns his back to the witch with vengeful aura toward those who are running
He turned his back , with his torn out mouth of a stitched bag ,groans and madness in his green smoky
eyes ,people are frozen in fear with his vengeful aura scaring everything dear ,nobody is safe , nobody is
sound , silence is all there is and death has come around , dark energy filled his chest felt of revenge and
anger ,his spirit has turned into a vengeful aura as hes standing like an angel ,legs tied together , hands
apart like a cross closed his eyes with the scythe in his hand groans went louder he cannot contain the
anger ,the wooden stage is breaking , the ground is shaking the crows are screaming and waves his
scythe in circles along with the crows in motion as they made a tornado around him that you can
scarcely see the greenness of his eyes ,and in a blind of an eye


A flash and hes among the stationary audience
People felt his presence from their soul , every wooden step he takes feels like a giant is about to devour
them his empty torn out mouth coming close ,the air was dense you can no longer breath , a run for
your life with only one breath , a scythe swoops as the sharp wooden edges of his feet ticks closer to
have your soul eaten and tortured endlessly by his soul in the lamp ,crows eat whats left and wind
slurps whats forward .
But the unfair fight didnt last much long.


The might of Demacia Leader of the dauntless Vanguard leading his men out of the barracks soon to
figure out and see the demented situation ,as he turns his back to his men to raise their morale

discovering that theyve all fled from his back on the sound of the howling of the horror in the city but
five .
His back shields Gregore,Crajoy,Lagertha,Mirthis and Grominus ,their armor were similar to his but they
were quite smaller than him,he had a Great tall corpse for a body with massive armour shoulders with
his enormous mighty sword that was as tall as one of his men .. His shadow looked like a giant monster
from the fairy tales but with a more handsome face.
He said not a word only heatedly drew his breath with Wrath on his face oh he was livid raising his
sword slowly toward the heavens crying for battle with voice like thunder, his eyes he was both
infuriated and disgusted by his soldiers action and his blood was fuming by the destruction of the city
his temper was getting red for each step he took until he laid eyes on the responsible for this
horrendous crime ,he didnt recognize him the executioner his best drinking buddy ,his eyes could only
see red and all that was going on his head was to ram justice on fiddle's tread or to lie dishonorably
Tucking his shoulders ,leaning forward and positioning the tip of his sword to the front ,running forward
in hulking steps heading to mash the culprits with his wrath and fury shaped in his Demacian steel with
rainbow pattering.
He couldnt wait his increased and his steps got thunderous that you could feel his hostility from far
away CLASHING into his enemy. He couldnt afford to lose, he was Demacias last hope.
Meanwhile another fight had already started
The guardian of the towers, she ran and jumped from tower to tower ringing the bells of danger a
breach has happened within the walls of Demacia ,but it wasnt as easy as said ,she was being stumbled
by the crows but she never fell ,she stepped on crows midair to regain her balance while shooting at
incoming crows with her crossbow ,Quinns blue hawk helped her see within her blind spots saving her
from deadly blows .screeched at the crows fighting them making it rain motionless crows with his
tremendous strength and mobility until his surrounding blackened by vicious amount of crows that got
Quinn worried.
She jumped onto the highest summit of Demacia the crucible tower and fired a thousand arrow
THWISHS! Cutting through the wind aiming the crows around Valor firing in a rapid speed that you could
hear her strings twang by the skin of your teeth. Squadron of arrows darkened the sun ,their only
objective to save Valor .Quinn never misses she would never hurt Valor and she knew that that he trusts
her with his whole life .Valor felt the arrows cutting through the air he even counted the arrows from
the sound of the crossbow as they get nearer he gets ready .
Swings and sways in the narrow space in between the arrows of Quinn, dancing in harmony with the
thwacks of her arrows
he did not attack not once he didnt need to, his surrounding got brighter ,spotlighting him within these

A relief of worrying about never seeing the sun again or worse his Quinn.

However the real fight had not yet begun.

-------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 3
but the battle of the feathered had ended featuring the absolute undisguised resistance of the
undaunted vanguards.
they were on his trail protecting his shadow even when there were no shadows at all ,hustling into the
dark blizzard of black feathers reaching the eye of the storm ,feathers in their eyes ,whirling around
them their vision went from narrower to narrower as the whirlwind got denser and denser .However
Garen was unshaken focusing on his target he knew where was he going although his eyesight was of no
use at all.He never changed his stance shoulds still tucked saving strength to his next blow .
The Clash.
more radiant than the sun itself Garen sprints shouting DEMACIAAA!, hurdles and rams his sword
upon fiddle .The blow pushed the air like an explosion just occurred on the impact .fiddle.. on the
contrary was not influenced by the strength of the blow he blocked by simply raising his scythe yet
garen didnt rely on the first sweat he kept on clobbering with his sword clumping with his thick sabaton
up to the point he made fiddle reel ,faltering back a step or two ,poising himself on his scythe .Standing
steadily on his weapon taunting Garen with mockery except Garen was already filled with wrath yet so
Sweep his sword to the back .Fiddle was dumbfounded up until garen started spinning while gripping his
sword with both arm before the executioner knew it the bottom half was trimmed of his scythe he fell
on his back . that did irritate deeply as he clutched whats left of his scythe jumped with a spin charging
with a murder by pointing at garen with his scythes chine .
Garen had no scratch on his armour for a reason HE CRIED MY LAND SHALL NOT BE TAKEN FROM ME
ACCELERATING HIS SPINNINGS .Black feathers scattered in the wind making a small whirlwind around

.meantime fiddle was gazing at the warriors deepest fear looking through his Demacian soul Garen
seized the opportunity of fiddles distraction spinning it loud spinning it hard shredding his cloth cutting
off both of his legs

only to find fiddle lost the thrill in this battle he had other plans he cracks laughing a piercing creepy
scythe in circles, a flock of crows was seen from far away. Quinn shivered and undoubtedly sending her
hawk to the war of Noxus but to warn the Demacians about the tide change.
Garen deep-rooted his sword into the ground kneeling on one leg to fiddle in the same way he did to his
king ,fiddles laughter went even more piercing with the black feathered cloud coming nearer making a
feather fog around garen as he was still kneeling to fiddle .
A massive sword breached the vault of heaven penetrating the sky cutting through the air with no sound
descending upon fiddle,the sword had a soul that fiddle could see that its indeed a powerful one and a
very dangerous one fiddles surrounding got denser with crows and Garens steady as a rock a statue of
armor that will not move no matter ,however fiddle never stopped his creepy laughter, his plan made
him thrilled .
the sword is falling and falling going faster and faster Smiting fiddle within his storm of crows .
the dust became fog ,the shock was too loud to hear anything afterward but fiddle was no more for
certain ,as Garen fell on his chest drawing his breathes heavily ,there was no sign of The executioner
neither his crows however he did not flee only retreated to prepare for his plan to fight another day and
bring Demacia to its kneels making Garen tremble and bow to his deepest fear .

To be continued

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