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Reading Comprehension Techniques

Three Step Method:

a. PREVIEW: A preview can help build your interest and focus in the text,of contents
to see how the concepts are organized.
b. READING: engaging in the text by taking notes, asking questions, and searching for
answers. Do not reread when you are confused about a word or sentence; read on. The
next sentence will often clarify the meaning.
c. REVIEW: A review refresh your memory on what you just read, process key concepts,
and start to test yourself.
Skimming: is used for

identify main ideas of a text. It works good to find dates,

names, and places.

Underlining: underline

main subjects unfamiliar vocabulary or definitions ,also

make comments in the margins or on paper and in your own words, transcribe the
4Phrasing: verbs together help to understand a mutual meaning in the text or what
the author wants to express in a sentence, which is important to identify


better compression of text.

Getting the main idea: think what the author wants to provid.
Reading the question first: make sure you understand the question and what kind of
information will you need. Then read the pharagrah quickly. Look for the answer,and
when you find it take a note of it but read to the end.
Predicting Questions: a prediction made of what

is going to happen next in a

story. Ask questions, re-read portions of the story to better understand it .

Questioning the author: critique to the authors by disqualifying questions and
reject the position of the author, especially his work,helping to complete their
knowledge and challenge their understanding.
SQ3R Method: order to identify

formulate thoughts and questions about the content

of the chapter or the reading, to have and understand a general idea of the book.

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