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Yoga for Terrorist Attack

10 class Curriculum
Param Jap Singh - February 10, 2015

This is a course that would be offered to the victims of terrorist attack. By victims i mean
everyone who has been affected directly or indirectly by a terrorist attack. Some of the classes
are challenging, so is overcoming a terrorist attack.


Theses classes are organized in 3 steps.

First - accept the event: mourning and ground to feel more secure
Second - heal the body, the emotions: anger, fear, stress and depression
Third - rebuild the self: balance brain, nervous and glandular systems, tattvas and chakras
First Step - Accept
Class #1:
Pittra Kriya, I am a Woman p77 ( 33 min)
Meditation for stress or sudden shock, teacher training manual (11 min)
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se Sohung, Reaching Me in Me p59 (11min)
The pittra kriya was selected because there is an indian tradition of doing the first exercise when people
were filled with grief over the death of a loved one.
The meditation was selected because it is what is needed after a sudden shock.
The second meditation is The basic healing meditation, i thought useful to teach it the first class so
students can do it again.
During this first class i would explain briefly the cycle of life and death and we will chant akal to help
the souls
Class #2:
Kriya for the Balance of Prana and Apana, physical wisdom p28 (43 min)
Hast Kriya,: earth to heaven, reaching Me in Me (6-22 min)
The kriya works on the root chakra, which need to be develop for the sense of security.
the meditation is very effective for grounding.
This class is based on the first chakra, the earth element and the apana. Develop security, feel grounded
and eliminate.


Second step - Heal

Class #3:
Immune system booster : the inner sun, KRI Teacher training manual p65 (3min)
Kriya to relieve inner anger, owner manual p24 (29 min)
Conquer Inner anger and burn it out, Reaching Me in Me p46 (11 min)
The first meditation/pranayama deals with blocks due to anger.
The kriya was selected because anger comes from the heart, the whole life depends on it.
I choose this painful meditation, so the anger is redirect to overcome the challenge.
On this class we work on anger, which is a very strong feeling after a sudden chock.
Class #4:
Kriya to relax and release fear, i am a woman p59 (70 min)
Removing haunting thoughts,i am a woman p81 (3 min)
This kriya helps deal with fear, it includes a meditation. so the next meditation might not be done if i
run out of time.
Both kriya and meditation works on fear due to past events, that have created blocks..
Class #5:
Kriya for state of mind and paranoia, kundalini yoga for youth and joy, p39 (47 min)
Remove fear of the future, self knowledge p26 (11 min)
I choose the kriya because it works on paranoia which is a fear that something bad that happened
happens again.
The meditation helps reconnect with your intuition and heart.
On this class we work on anxiety created by fear.
Class #6:
To take away stress, owners manual p32 (40 min)
33 minutes to eliminate stress, reaching Me in Me p65 (33min)
I choose this kriya because stress is paralyzing and lead to depression.
This meditation also is good for stress.
Class #7:
Freeing your energy to defeat depression, reaching Me in Me p22,
Meditation to totally recharge yourself, I am a woman (3-11 min)
I choose this kriya because depression is often a consequence of stress.
The meditation will recharge the self which is a good way to fight depression.


Third step - Rebuild the self

Class #8:
Sat kriya workout, teacher training manual p53 (50 min)
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, teacher training manual p124 (31min)
I choose sat kriya because it will balance the chakras. It includes a rest time of 15 minutes.
This meditation will rebuilt personal identity, giving the individual a new perspective on the Self.

Class #9:
Magnetic field and heart center, teacher training manual p43 (43 min)
Kirtan Kriya, teacher training manual p99 (31 min)
The kriya repairs the nervous system and help to be happy again.
kirtan kriya is for mental balance.
Class #10:
Kriya to make your skin radiant, i am a woman (55 min)
Gan Putte Kriya eliminate negativity from the past the present the future , self knowledge
Working on the skin removes the effect of anger and stress
I choose this meditation because it will help to restart positive.

This series is for 90 minutes classes, i may shorten some meditations or jump directly to the kriya
without warm up.


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