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Cardiology MCQ

1-1st heart sound is accentuated in (Ans. MS)

D-none of them AI
2-Pan systolic murmur is heard in (Ans. MI)
3-corrigan sign is seen in (Ans. AR)
4-malar flush is seen in (Ans. MS)
5- Thromboembolism is a common complication of: (Answ: atrial
A-Ventricular tachycardia,
B-atrial fibrillation,
C-premature beats,
D-atrial flutter
6- Cannon A wave is seen in: (Answ: paroxysmal nodal tachycardia)
A-Partial HB,
B-atrial fibrillation,
C-paroxysmal nodal tachycardia,
D-sinus tachycardia Answer: paroxysmal nodal tachycardia
7- WPW syndrome presents with all of the following except:
(Answer: tachycardia)
A-Short PR interval,
B-delta wave,
C-manifested accessory pathway,

8- Most common cause of atrial flutter: (Answer: thyrotoxicosis)

9-Which of the following organisms don't commonly cause IE?
(Answer: D)
A) Streptococci
B) Staphylococci
C) Enterococci species
D) Candida species
10- Based on duke's criteria for diagnosis of IE what are the most
important parameters for diagnosis? (Answer: C)
A)Positive physical finding and positive blood culture
B) ECG changes and positive physical findings
C) Echo changes and positive blood culture
D)all of the above
11-Definite endocarditis is identified by: (Answer: D)
A) 2 major criteria
B) 1 major criteria and 3 minor criteria
C) 5 minor criteria
D) All of the above are possible
12-Skin lesion found in IE: (Answer: A)
A) Olser's nodes
B) Erythema marginatum
C) Spider navei
D) Subcutaneous nodules
13-The most common type of defect of the cardiac septa is
(Answer: A)
A. membranous ventricular septal defect
B. muscular ventricular septal defect
C. primum atrial septal defect
D. secundum atrial septal defect
14-In the foetal circulatory system mixing of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood occurs in all of the following, EXCEPT
(Answer: C)
A. ductus arteriosus
B. inferior vena cava
C. left atrium
D. liver

15-Which of the following is NOT part of the tertralogy of Fallot?

(Answer: E )
A. Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
B. interventricular septal defect
C. aorta arising from both ventricular cavities (dextroposition of the aorta)
D. hypertrophy of the right ventricular wall
E. interatrial septal defect

16-A 2 year old infant is noted to have mild cyanosis who

assumes a squatting position during long walking. He is noted to
have increasing fussiness followed by increasing cyanosis,
limpness and unresponsiveness. The most likely underlying lesion
is: (Answer is : D)
a. Hypoplastic left heart
b. Transposition of the Great Vessels
c. Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
d. Tetralogy of Fallot
e. Aspiration with obstruction to air passages
17-on auscultation in a case of myocarditis which of the following
murmur is frequently heard: (Answer is B)
18-which of the following viruses most often produces clinically
significant acute myocarditis: (Answer is A)
A coxsackievirus B
B coxsackievirus A
D Influenza
19-myocarditis may result from hypersensitivity to which of the
following drugs:
(Answer is D)
A Metyhldopa
B Thiazides
C Antibiotics
D All of the above
20- Concerning cardiac failure . . .
A) raised levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are thought to be
beneficial in heart failure
B) a third heart sound is a common finding on ausculation
C) the heart looks small on plain postero-anterior chest radiograph

D) all diuretics used in treatment of cardiac failure potentially cause


21- Which of the following is adaptive mechanism in heart failure?

(Answer: B)
A-dilatation of blood vessels
B- heart remodeling
C- decrease ventricular filing
D- decrease symp. Stimulation
22-what is the pure feature of left heart failure? (Answer: C)
B- hepatomegaly
C- pulmonary edema
D- congested neck veins
23- Drugs that have been found to be useful in one or more types
of heart failure include all of the following ,EXCEPT (answer :B)
A) Na+/K + ATPase inhibitors
B) Alpha adrenoceptor agonists
C) Beta adrenoceptor agonists
D) Beta adrenoceptor antagonists
E) ACE inhibitors
24- Which of the following causes isolated systolic hypertension?
(Answer: C)
a) Hyperparathyroidism
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Cushing's syndrome
25- What could be a sign of the Bernheim effect in a complicated
hypertension patient? (Answer: C)
a) Chest pain
b) Recurrent chest infections
c) Enlarged liver
d) Oliguria
26- Which antihypertensive drug should be avoided in a patient
with bronchial asthma? (Answer: C)
a) Metoprolol
b) Alpha Methyldopa
c) Propranolol
d) Prazosin
27- Which of the following is an indication of malignant
hypertension? (Answer: C)

a) Target organ damage

b) Grade III retinopathy
c) Papilledema
d) Inequality of readings on the upper limbs

28-Ischemia manifests when lumen of a vessel is obstructed by

(answer :C)
a. 60% b. 80% c. 70% d. 90%
29- what is a modified risk of IHD (answer :D)
A-previos history
30- Prime contributor of atherosclerosis is: (answer :D)
A-accumulation of monocytes
B-accumulation of mesophyll
C-accumulation of albumin
D-accumulation of cholesterol
31- Which arteries are NOT at risk for atherosclerosis? (answer :D)
A-carotid arteries
B- coronary arteries
C- femoral or iliac arteries
D- none of the above
32- When is a woman most at risk for having a heart attack?
(answer :B)
A-in her teens and 20s
B- after menopause
C- in her 30s and 40s
D- all of the above
33-Pain in dry pericarditis is characterized by: ( Answer : D)
A) heaviness
B) burning
C) squeezing
D) stitching
34- in acute pericarditis, ST segment elevation occur in: (Answer:
A) all leads
B) lead II, III
C) AVF, lead I
D) V1, V2, V3
35- signs of cardiac tamponade include all of the following except:
(Answer: C)
A) paradoxical pulse
B) hypotension

C) pericardial knock

D) tachycardia

36- the cause of silent MI is: (Answer: C)

A) obesity
B) infection
D) family history
37- most common sign of stable angina pain is: (Answer: D)
A) scapular
B) epigastric
C) inframammary
D) retrosternal
38- stress test must not be done in: (Answer: D)
A) severe hypertension
B) acute attack of angina
C) severe As
D) all of above
39- early complication of MI that lead to death: (Answer: A)
A) cardiogenic shock
B) myocardial aneurysm
C) post infarction angina
D) thromboembolism
40- All of the following are Jones major criteria for rheumatic
fever except ? (Answer: A)
A) Arthralgia
B) Carditis
C) Subcutaneous nodule
D) Chorea
41- Erythema marginatum is seen in which of the following ?
(Answer: C)
A) Rubella
B) Rubeola
C) Rheumatic fever
D) Measles
42- Causative agent of rheumatic fever: (Answer: A)
a) Group A beta hemolytic streptococci
b) Group A alpha hemolytic streptococci
c) Streptococcus viridans
d) None of the above

43 Arthritis of RFall are true except (Answer: D)

A-Non deforming
B- Associated with raised ASO titre
C-Lasts for 3-6 weeks in untreated cases
D-Small joint in involvement is usual

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