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Heading FOR 2070

I think that things will be worse than they are now.

The rich will be richer and the poor, poorer, The governments being the rich guys. Think
'Revolution, Mad Max, The Walking Dead' It will be like an apocalyptic aftermath but without
any zombies or bombs falling. Jobs will be few and far between due to machines and
computers been more efficient than humans. There will be some places to work as in
maintenance for the machines and also as Police officers ' Just to keep the minions in line'. I
don't think the future is going to be a good place, But hey this is only my opinion and seeing
as I would be 103 by then, Maybe I will never know.
AL until 2050, we had probably care is lead single machine, Internet access most
widespread version of the globe obscure places and care robots to intelligent peer to
compete with human beings.
Principal despite these technological developments, a mankind in a failed Very solve
many of the problems on Earth care I life threatening. The world no alternative to the
Inca Let commonly made use of fossil fuels has to give and antibiotics Not a care rid of
stereotypes Neither refers to people with mental illness. We have secured version of
CITIES case nor flood we found a solution to supply energy Inca disaster case version,
Business Insider wrote. Because of this problem, the year 2050 only a few decades away,
Major exist care problems lurking corner after us.

The world will be mostly spherical but will bulge out along the equator and be flattened at the poles
due to the centrifugal force of it's rotation.
You'll actually be living in some exciting and disturbing times. There are many resource challenges
from a growing population and finite food, water and oil production plus many of those resources are
likely to change in terms of availability but the most distressing issues will be medical and computer
technology and their impact on society.
We're on the verge of tissue engineering, of being able to replace organs with replacements made
from your own cells either by seeding the cell depleted scaffolding of probably pig organs or simply ink
jet printed with your cells, regardless of how it's done, there is the potential of practical immortality for
those who can afford it. With the nature of compound interest, there will be a wide divide between
those who can afford the treatments and those that can't. Likewise, the progress in computer
technology has not been slowing down, although we obviously don't understand intelligence enough to
create artificial intelligence, the shear compute power will allow us to just simulate human brains
without understanding how intelligence works. Already, IBM has simulated a cat brain and 4.5% of a
human brain. Even without medical breakthroughs, it is now possible to be immortal by simply
establishing an endowment and after death, having your brain sliced micrometer by micrometer and
digitized. The endowment would fund research and finance your eventual resurrection first into a
computer simulation, then the simulation controlling a robotic body and finally being printed into an
inkjet tissue printed body. Naturally, the transhumanic advantages of computer singularity will only be
available to those who can afford it and the possible enhanced abilities will further the spread between
the haves and the have nots.

The years that you will live through are ones where you do not want to be poor. It would be advisable
that you learn about personal finance as soon as possible and invest as much as you can, use your
IRA's or TFSA's to the max, don't buy cars on credit if you can avoid doing so, a small difference now
could mean the difference between an eternity of luxury or another normal mortal life. Just a few
Starbuck's coffee too many could have you on the wrong side of the axe.

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