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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

November 16, 2016
Members Present:

Marie Black
Imogene Mixson

Also Present: Sandra Holmes, Library Director

Donna Snell, Bookkeeper
Marie Black, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order. A quorum of members was not
Remarks by Chairman. The next regular meeting of the Library Board will be held in January.
At that time we will elect officers for the coming year. Dr. Nathan Hodges has been appointed
by the City to fill the seat vacated by Earl Hyers.
Minutes. No action could be taken on the minutes of the previous meeting at this time.
Circulation/Financial Reports. Discussion of the financial and circulation figures was held.
Circulation of materials is down at this time, but this is a trend in libraries today. Financially we
are ok at this time. The City advanced the library $11,000 and we received the State Aid check
this month. This will allow us to meet payroll for November and December.
Regarding the annual Christmas bonus for employees, motion was made by Marie Black,
seconded by Imogene Mixson, to give all employees a $100 Christmas bonus this year. The
other members of the Board are to be contacted by phone regarding this motion, and it is pending
their approval.
Consulting Firm. After discussion, Sandra is to contact Library Maxx as soon as possible
regarding the status of the progress of Phase III of the Consultants plan for a new library.
General Discussion. The Dialogs of War Program will be held again on Thursday. This is the
last discussion on World War I. The programs have been well attended with good participation.
The Childrens Librarian is working on an outline of programs for the coming year. She will
report to the Board on the plan for the childrens programs for 2017.
The Alabama Public Library Systems Town Hall meeting held here in our library was very
good. It was well attended by Librarians from surrounding areas and local patrons and others
including Winston Jackson of the City Council. The discussion of the future of libraries was
very good, and Dr. Mixson stated that she was pleased that there was nothing brought up that our
library is not currently providing.
Marie Black noted that we should set up a separate fund to be used exclusively for a new or
renovated library space. It should be started in January and the public notified that we are now
accepting donations for this purpose. These funds will not be used for regular maintenance of
the existing building. This will be addressed at the next meeting.

The library will observe the same holiday schedule as usual for Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Years. The Christmas covered dish luncheon will be held on December 12th at 11 a.m.
The next Board meeting will be held on January 18, 2017. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by __________________________

Approved by Secretary ____________________________

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